Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Growth and Productivity of Indian Sugar Companies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Chellaswamy, S.V.Revathi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0950110 ![]() |
Abstract: Sugar production in India has been cyclic in nature. An estimated 75 per cent of the population depends on the sector either directly or indirectly. Sugar industry is also expected to develop further, thereby offering more employment opportunities to a number of semi-skilled and skilled workers in the rural areas of the country thereby contributing towards their development. The sugar industry also supports diversified ancillary activities and skills that support the local economy. The dependent population creates substantial demand for local goods and services. There are broad areas of public intervention that regulate the sugar market in India. First, both the Central and the State Governments set a price support for sugar cane. Next is by restrictions on sugar quantities to be sold in the market also impose on the sugar factories a so-called sugar levy, by which they are required to sell at below market price to the public distribution centers. There are 34 companies were included for this study among 119 universal companies. The data were appropriately tabulated and classified to analyze the tools like Annual compound growth rate, trend analysis by method of least squares. The productivity ratios and the production function were computed by Solow model. Multiple Regression analysis was used to ascertain its impact on variables and they were tested by 5% level of significance. The analysis reveals that the relationship between Raw Materials and other independent variables i.e. the Capital, Labour and Sales has contributed 99 percent on dependent variable of the companies which started after green revolution period. The growth of the northern region has positive growth in terms of output, capital employed and also there is better rainfall and irrigation in this region than that of the southern region. The trend line moves towards maximum in BHL companies. The average growth of sugar industry was slower in the southern region than that of northern region due to poor irrigation and rainfall. There is a need for improving the productivity and it can be done by improving the quality of labour compensation such as providing reward to their workers
Key Words: Sugar production, sugar industry, Sugar growth, Green revolution, Production Function.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Developments in Indian Energy Sector: Problems and Prospects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vineet Tiwari, M.Kapshe, A.Deshpande3 V.K. Khare |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0951117 ![]() |
Abstract: India is developing at nearly 8% economic growth. Several development initiatives have been taken by the Government of India (GOI) to sustain this economic growth. Continued development requires strong energy infrastructure to support this economic transformation in order to remain competitive. To meet the increasing energy demand, many projects have been planned and offered but could not be successfully implemented either on account of deficient legislative and regulatory structure or lack of coordination among execution agencies. It is observed that legislative and institutional frameworks are required to be in sync to facilitate the development process. This paper reviews the major problems faced by Indian energy sector, presents an analytical view of the future prospects and suggests possible measures that can help in improving the situation.
Keywords – Energy, development, legislations, institutions,
[2]. Planning Commission, 2006, "Integrated energy policy: report of the Expert Committee." Available from:;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Current Status of SEZ, India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Chandrachud, Dr. N. Gajalakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0951827 ![]() |
Abstract: SEZ, the acronym of Special Economic Zone. SEZ is a geographical region that has economic laws different from a country‟s generally applicable economic laws, for the purpose of economic development and growth with the help of foreign investment. Literally SEZ means, a geographically demarcated region that has economic laws that are more liberal than the country‟s typical economic laws and where all the units therein have specific privileges. SEZs are specifically delineated duty-free enclaves and are deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations, duties and tariffs.1
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Abstract: Every customer has certain wants and a strong desire to satisfy them. The customer purchases certain goods under the impression that the goods would satisfy his wants. If the product fails to satisfy his wants, he will discard the product and switch over to some other product, which can effectively satisfy his needs. This being the case, every producer should satisfy the needs of the consumer effectively for the very existence of his enterprise. Particularly in a free enterprise economy, the customer is regarded as the King. That is why the study of customer satisfaction towards selective Sony products is necessary to identify whether selective Sony products are satisfying the needs of the customer effectively.
Key Words: Awareness, Customer Satisfaction, Factors, Problems
[1]. Philip Kotler "Marketing Research Management" Prentice hall Inc. Eagle wood Cliffs, USA, April 1992
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[10]. Journal of Consumer Research, Dec 1991
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Need for Financial Inclusion and challenges ahead - an Indian Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sachindra G R |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0953336 ![]() |
Abstract: SFinancial inclusion is delivery of banking services at an affordable cost to the vast sections of disadvantaged and low income group. Unrestrained access to public goods and services is the sine qua non of an open and efficient society. As banking services are in the nature of public good, it is essential that availability of banking and payment services to the entire population without discrimination is the prime objective of the public policy. But in the Existing Banking System segment of the population, especially the underprivileged sections of the society still out of banks' fold. Percentage of adult population having bank account is only 59 %, means 41% of population is unbanked unfortunately this percentage is higher in rural areas. Extent of exclusion from credit markets much more. Number of Loan accounts only 14 % of Adult population and its coverage is only 9.5 % in rural areas. 51.4% Farm Households have no access to formal or informal sources of credit, 73 % had no access to the formal sources of credit. Considerably, marginal farmers, landless laborers, oral lessees, self employed and unorganized sector enterprises, urban slum dwellers, migrants or ethnic minorities and socially excluded groups, senior citizens and women are out of the purview of financial inclusion. Hence an attempt has been made to analyze the extent of financial inclusion, prevailing lacunas and challenges therein in Indian perspective.
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Abstract: Behavioral finance assumes that characteristics of market participants and information structure systematically have an influence on individuals' investment decisions. This research paper aims at identifying the factors that influences the Pakistan's individual investor behavior. Thirty four items under the five categories of variables were taken as independent that influences the individual investment decision making behavior that belongs to self-image/firm image, neutral information, accounting information, personal financial needs and advocate recommendations. Data collection is made with the help of structured questionnaires. Sample size of 125 was considered for the study out of which 40were finance students of University of Gujrat, 30 were finance teachers from different colleges and 55were bank employees of Sialkot, Gujranwala, Lahore and Gujrat. The statistical tools that were used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution table of variables that have significant influence on decision making and frequency distribution table of variables that have least influence on decision making
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factor Branding in Selection of Higher Educational Institutions in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.S.Franklin John, Ms.S.Senith |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0954550 ![]() |
Abstract: The study was designed to investigate the influence of Branding in higher Educational Institutions. The questionnaires were given to 26 engineering institutions with existence of at least ten years anonymity for all respondents and institutions was guaranteed. Reports of the study were promised to each participating institution, but respondents and institutional names were kept confidential. Respondents to the questionnaire were only students. Out of 1000 students contacted, 780 questionnaires were received with required coverage and details. The participants completed the two sets of self-reported questionnaires, including Background characteristics and variables chosen for this study in order to measure the influence of branding in Engineering Institutions and the Service,Innovation,Quality,Price ,Image and External Exposure. The collected data were computed and analysed using multiple regressions and Partial least Squares. The findings of the study were generalized as follows: Statistically significant differences were found in Brand rating by the different brand dimensions like Service, Innovation, Quality, Price,Image and External Exposure. In the end of the study implications and conclusion were provided.
Keywords - brand, Education ,External Exposure, Influence, Service
[1]. Aaker, D.A. And Joachimsthaler, E. (2000),Brand Leadership, The Free Press, New York, Ny.
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[5]. Aaker, Jennifer L. (1997), "Dimensions Of Brand Personality", Journal Of Marketing Research, 34 (August), 347-356.
[6]. Alok Chakrabarti, Higher Education And Research In India: An Overview, Sitra Reports, 2007.
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Abstract: Financial institutions or banks are faced with several types of risks that are uniquely related to the nature of the industry. Therefore it is a must for banks to have risk mitigation methods in order to maintain its competitiveness and sustainability. For the purpose of this paper, four unique risks related to the banking industry will be discussed, as well as to provide empirical study on the relationship between these risks. These risks are liquidity risk, operational risk, credit risk and market risk. The focus of this study is on ten listed banks in United Kingdom with complete secondary data from the year 2002 to 2011. Liquidity risk is measured by the ratio of total loans to total deposits, operational risk is calculated based on two ratios, i.e. the ratio of operating expenses to total assets and the ratio of non-performing loans to total loans. Credit risk is based on the probability of default based on Altman's z score equation and market risk is calculated based on the standard deviation of quarterly stock returns. The findings show the evidence that there is a relationship between tested risk and it is expected that the findings will be the interest of the bankers to see which risk is the source of other risks.
Key words: Operational risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and UK
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Abstract: Many people regard the term "Internal Control" as a measure taken by the business unit to prevent from the employees' fraud. However, such measures constitute a very small part of internal controls. The main purpose of internal controls is improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of the business units operations. Internal controls include the plans required for development, evaluation and distribution of reports by different levels of supervision, the analysis of which enables the managers to keep their controls over types of activities done in large business units.
Key Words: internal controls, efficiency and effectiveness, weak points
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of KSE-100 Index on Oil Prices and Gold Prices in Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Abdul Basit |
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: | 10.9790/487X-0956669 ![]() |
Abstract: Investments in stocks, gold and oil contracts are always thought to be the best source of investment in developing markets. Investors keep on swapping their investment in different investments options to gain the maximum return. In Pakistan stock market, gold and oil investments are ranked among the most desirable area of investments. In this paper the researcher tired to study that how KSE-100 Index affects the oil and gold prices in Pakistani market. This paper will help the investor to investigate the relationship in the said investment options in Pakistan. For this purpose the researcher on the basis of available secondary data collected the KSE-100 Index, oil prices and gold prices for the time period 2005 to 2011. The researcher took oil price and gold prices as dependent variables where as KSE-100 Index is taken as independent variable. The researcher applied the simple regression models separately for both dependent variables and concluded that there is no obvious relationship in these variables.
Keywords: Gold Prices, oil Prices, KSE-100 Index
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Abstract: In this era of declining values and ethics among the leaders, there is a need to look into history to find out the leaders who relentlessly stood for values and became successful. Leadership is no more than influence. The effectiveness of this influence can be measured with the number of followers he has and the legacy he leaves behind. Without followers there is no leader. If this be true, Jesus Christ can be considered the most effective leader leaving a rich legacy behind even after 2000 years having two thirds of the world population as his followers. There have been millions and millions of people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this all time great leader. This paper deals with the comprehensive leadership qualities of this great leader. His leadership strategies are universally applicable for all kinds of organizations. The cultivation of Christ like qualities is a demanding and relentless task of all leaders. This paper is purely qualitative and is based on literature survey.
Key words - Jesus, Leadership, Servant, Transforming, Team
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