Volume-11 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: This paper is based on analysis of the performance of load balancing and route optimization in computerized networks. The complete system model shows the scenario of Packet distribution between nodes, and if congestion occurs due to traffic then Packet to be failed. The model used the AntNet system for simulate the network. The simulation runs on the ant's behavior for the load balancing of the network. The ants travel across the network between alternative chosen pairs of nodes; as they travel they deposit pheromones from their source node, collect the information of the route and the traffic congestion encountered on their journey. They select their path at each next node according the distribution of pheromones at each node. Packets between nodes are routed of the pheromone distributions at each next node. The performance of the network is proportional to packets which are failed. This model also shows the adaptivity of the system; the nodes are removed from the network, system finds the alternative chosen paths without system degradation and controls the performance of routing.
Keywords- AntNet Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Routing, Load Balancing, Dynamic, Adaptive, Simulation, Communication Networks.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deniable Encryption Key |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Lokesh Kumar Reddy, B.Rama Bhupal Reddy, S.Rama Krishna |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1140812 ![]() |
Abstract: Deniable encryption is an important that allows a user (a sender and/or a receiver) to escape a coercion attempted by a coercive adversary. Such an adversary approaches the coerced user after transmission forcing him to reveal all his random inputs used during encryption or decryption. Since traditional encryption schemes commit the user to his random inputs, the user is forced to reveal the true values of all his random inputs (including the encrypted/decrypted messages and the encryption/decryption keys) which are verifiable by this coercer using the intercepted cipher text. In this scenario, a coercer may force the user to perform actions against his wish. An appealing property in the mediated RSA, PKI was introduced that, the user has no information, neither about his full private (decryption) key, nor the factorization of the RSA public modulus, which represents an excellent step toward achieving in forcibility in public key encryption, since, a coercer cannot ask the user to reveal such unknown information. In this pa- per we present a scheme for receiver-deniable public-key encryption, by which, the receiver is able to lie about the decrypted message to a coercer and hence, escape a coercion. On one hand, the receiver is able to decrypt for the correct message, on the other hand, all the information held by the receiver, when opened to a coercer, do not allow this coercer to verify the encrypted message and consequently, approaching this user becomes useless from the very beginning.
Keywords: Deniable encryption, mediated PKI, oblivious transfer, public-key encryption, RSA
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Abstract: In today's civilized society, the people are betrayed with proper healthcare facilities. In order to minimize the cost and complexity involved in processing traditional billing system, Electronic health records (EHR) and electronic billing systems have been proposed as mechanisms to help curb the rising costs of healthcare and also helps to detect the fraudulent practices in healthcare system. The introduction of Cloud computing concept in electronic healthcare systems is the solution for better utilization of healthcare facilities. It uses open-source cloud computing technologies as the mechanism to build an affordable, secure, and scalable platform that supports billing as well as EHR operations. We call this platform as "MedBook" which is a cloud solution that provides patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare payers a platform for exchange of information about EHR, billing activities, and benefits inquiries. MedBook serves as an integration point between the various participants in the healthcare delivery system. This paper presents the architecture and implementation status of this system. The developed system has been evaluated using the Jelastic cloud service. MedBook is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application built on top of open source cloud technologies and running on an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform. The client applications are mobile apps run from Google's Android enabled devices.
Keywords - Cloud Computing, EHR, Mobile apps, Open source Cloud, REST-based API, SaaS
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Implement of Wireless Virtual Classroom |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Auday Jamal Fawzi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1142026 ![]() |
Abstract: In this research a synchronous virtual classroom are designed. The proposed application is in the field of distance education and wireless technology. A wireless platform is developed to design two programs using Ad-Hoc technique that performs the task of virtual classroom for teachers and students to establish a classroom dynamically irrespective of location. By taking lessons in a multimedia learning environment, it is expected that students will improve their learning performance with perhaps less attendance in a physical classroom and they gain the flexibility of being able to learn at their own convenience
Keywords: Client/Server Computing, Distance Learning, Virtual Classroom, Wireless Network.
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Abstract: When a signal travels from transmitter to receiver over multiple reflective paths then the phenomenon is called as multipath propagation. In a wireless mobile communication system, the multipath propagation can cause the degradation in the received signal strength and this process is called as fading. When a strong stationary path such as a line of sight path is introduced into the Rayleigh fading environment, the fading becomes Rice-distributed fading. Ricean fading is utilized for characterizing satellite communications and in some urban environments. In this paper, the performance analysis of Ricean Fading Channels using Non-linear modulation methods with memory Schemes is implemented and the Bit Error Rate is analyzed using Simulink tool.
Keywords - Fading, Ricean, Non-linear, Memory, Simulink
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Abstract: The task of finding records refering to the same entity across heterogeneous data sources is known as record linkage .the necessity to consolidate the information located in different data sources has been widely documented in recent years. For the purpose of completing this goal, several types of problems ,must be solved by an organization .when same real world substance is used by different identifiers in different sources entity heterogeneity problem will arise. For solving the entity heterogeneity problem statistical record linkage technique could be used. However, the use of such techniques for online record linkage could pose a tremendous communication bottleneck in a distributed environment (where entity heterogeneity problem often encountered). In order to resolve this issue, we develop a matching tree, similar to a decision tree, and use it to propose techniques that reduce the communication overhead significantly, while providing matching decisions that are guaranteed to be the same as those obtained using the conventional linkage technique. These techniques have been implemented, and experiments with real-world and synthetic databases show significant reduction in communication overhead.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Crypt Sequence DNA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs.S.Sujatha MCA, MPhil.,(Ph.D.),Bhadra Prabhakaran |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1144447 ![]() |
Abstract: The DNA sequence plays a major role in identifying each individual and making them unique. So we try incorporating DNA to encrypt the data in exclusively identifying individual encryption format. This method would highlight very basic and easy algorithms to form exclusive cipher text for each data or file. Each of the DNA component would be allocated a fixed algorithm such that the encryption would be based on the components sequence without altering the algorithms fixed.
Keywords -Cipher text, Component sequence DNA, DNA Component and Encrypt
1)Bio encryption can store almost a million gigabytes of data inside bacteria-IO9 Journal Vol 2 by Alasdair Wilkins on Nov 26 2010 2)Binary DNA Nanostructures for Data Encryption- PLOS ONE Published: September 11, 2012 by Ken Halvorsen, Wesley P. Wong 3)DNA-Based Data Encryption and Hiding Using Play fair and Insertion Techniques- Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering Vol2, 3 (2012) by A Atito
4)DNA-based Cryptography -DNA Based Computers- June 1999 by Ashish Gehani, Thomas H. LaBean and John H. Reif
7) An encryption scheme using DNA technology Guangzhao Cui Coll. of Electr. Inf. Eng., Zhengzhou Univ. of Light Ind., Oct. 1 2008,
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Abstract: Utility mining discovers the most profitable item in transaction database which is of great importance in the upgrade of revenue. There are various algorithms for mining the high utility itemset such as CTU-PRO, Two phase and also UMMI algorithm. These algorithms mine the high utility itemset in an efficient way, but they do not reflect the fuzzy degree of purchased quantity which is essential for making decision in various applications like sales analysis and stock control. Itemsets with profit slightly less than the threshold is also discarded. To overcome these problems, fuzzy set theory is applied to the utility mining problem and a novel algorithm namely fuzzy high utility item-mine (FHUI-Mine) is introduced to mine the fuzzy high utility itemset. The quantity information from transaction database is fuzzified in order to reflect the fuzzy degree of purchased quantity. FHUI-Mine also provides a fuzzy threshold range that may include the itemsets whose support is slightly less than the designated threshold. More over this algorithm also provides the utility information due to fuzzification of threshold. To prove the feasibility of FHUI-Mine, it was compared with the well known UMMI algorithm through experimental evaluation. The results show that FHUI-Mine delivers higher mining capability as it can not only mine all high utility itemset but also discover additional itemsets that are potentially high utility ones.
Keywords: Data Mining, Fuzzy Mining, Fuzzy set, Fuzzification, Utility Mining,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluating Air Pollution Parameters Using Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Darshana N. Tambe, Nekita A. Chavhan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1146569 ![]() |
Abstract: Air pollution receives one of the prime concerns in India, primarily due to rapid economic growth, industrialization and urbanization with associated increase in energy demands. Lacks of implementation of environmental regulations are contributing to the bad air quality of most of the Indian cities. Air pollutants produced in any air shed are not completely confined, but at time passing all the geographical boundaries, hence donot remain only a problem of urban centers, but spread and affect remote rural areas supporting large productive agricultural land. In environmental parameters the air pollution is measure by taking one or few samples in a day that means there is no information present about the real time air pollution data. This is the main disadvantages of such system. Most of the countries in the world work on the real time bases to monitor the air quality. In this paper we describe use of ZigBee, sensor nodes, GPS to construct distributed system for urban air pollution monitoring and control. ZigBee module and pollution server is interfaced with GPS system to display real-time pollutants levels and there location on a 24h/7 days basis. In this system there are four transmitter (Node1, Node2, Node3, Node4) are present which transmit the different levels of pollutant substance such as CO2, SO2, and NO2 to the receiver node in real time. The system was successfully tested in the G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
Keywords: ZigBee Sensor Node, Air Pollution, GPS, Environmental Pollution, Real Tim, CO2, SO2, NO2.
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