Volume-12 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: With the increasing demands for new data and real-time services, wireless networks should support calls with different traffic characteristics and different Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Instead of developing a new uniform standard for all wireless communications systems, 4G communication networks strive to seamlessly integrate various existing wireless communication technologies. IP has been recognized to be the de facto protocol for next-generation integrated wireless. In this paper we discuss different types of protocol for handoff management in 4G. Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 and their comparative study and analysis.
Keywords: 4G networks, Handoff management, Handoff latency, HMIPV6, MIPV6
[1] Ibrahim Al-Surmi, Mohamed Othman, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali, "Mobility management for IP-based next generation mobile networks: Review, challenge and perspective", ELSEVIER Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Skeletal Bone Age Analysis Using Emroi Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shubhangi D. C, Sweta |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1230613 ![]() |
Abstract: Bones are calcified connective tissue forming the major portion of the skeleton of most vertebrates. There are about 206 bones in our body and contains more calcium. Bones begin to develop before birth. From the moment of birth until the time one has grown up, bones go through a set a characteristic changes. Therefore the skeletal maturity, or bone age, can be estimated from radiographs of specific bones in the human body. Children who grow exceptionally slow or fast are often examined by making a radiograph of their left hand and wrist. The aim of this work is to develop a system for skeletal bone age estimation using region of extraction. By analyzing left hand x-ray image, the feature extracted are CROI(Carpal ROI), EMROI (Ephiphysial/Metaphysial ROI),using discrete wavelet transformation, ISEF edge detector, energy based segmentation, Jacobi method, cell full and vertex full method. Extracted features are classified using k-mean classifier. Results obtained on a sample of 24 X-rays are discussed. The systems were studied and their performances were compared by various other methods.
Keywords - Bone age assessment, CROI, EMROI, Jacobi method, TW2 method.
[1] D. Giordano, R. Leonardi, F. Maiorana, G. Scarciofalo, and C. Spampinato: "Epiphysis and Metaphysis Extraction and Classification by Adaptive Thresholding and DoG Filtering for Automated Skeletal Bone Age Analysis" Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Cité Internationale, Lyon, France August 23-26, 2007.
[2] P. Thangam, K. Thanushkodi ,T. V. Mahendiran: "Comparative Study of Skeletal Bone Age Assessment Approaches using Partitioning Technique"International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 45– No.18, May 2012.
[3] N. Olarte L, A. Rubiano F, A. Mejía F: "Comparison of Valuation Techniques for Bone Age Assessment" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68 2012.
[4] P.Thangam, T.V.Mahendiran and K. Thanushkodi: "Skeletal Bone Age Assessment – Research Directions" Review Article Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 5 (1) (2012) 90 – 96.
[5] P. Thangam,K. Thanushkodi,&T. V. Mahendiran: "Computerized Convex Hull Method of Skeletal Bone Age Assessment from Carpal Bones" European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.70 No.3 (2012), pp. 334-344.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Game Theory Approach for Identity Crime Detection |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | J. R. Jayapriya, A. Karthikeyan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1231419 ![]() |
Abstract: To present game theory approach to detect identity crimes. Improve the adaptability of identity crime detection systems to real time application. Time constraints on the reactive time of the detection and fraud events need to be minimized. Identity crime has major thrust in credit application. Existing work presented multilayered detection system based on two layers named as Communal detection and Spike detection. Dynamic Time Warping algorithm is applied to minimize the time constraints on detecting fraudulent identity usage and reaction time. Performance analysis is carried out on CD and SD with real credit applications. Experiment is conducted on real time credit card application using UCI repository data sets with synthetic and real data sets.
Keywords - Data mining-based fraud detection, security, and data stream mining, and anomaly detection.
[1] Clifton Phua, Member, IEEE, Kate Smith Miles, Senior Member IEEE, Vincent Cheng- Siong Lee, and Ross Gayler"ResilientIdentity Crime Detection", Ieee Transaction On Knowledge And Data ENGINEERING(references)A. Bifet and R. Kirkby "Massive Online Analysis, Technical Manual, Univ. of Waikato, 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing a Dynamic user Authentication scheme over Brute Force and Dictionary attacks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. Sai Kumar, P. Subhadra |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1232024 ![]() |
Abstract: The most universal computer authentication method is to use alpha numerical user names and passwords. This technique has been shown to have significant drawbacks. For example, users tend to pick passwords that can be simply guessed. Conversely, if a password is stiff to guess, then it is often tough to memorize. To tackle this setback, some researchers have urbanized authentication methods that use pictures as passwords. In this paper, we accomplish complete assessment of the obtainable graphical password techniques. We classify these techniques into two categories: recognition-based and recall based approaches. We discuss the strengths and boundaries of every scheme and mention the future study directions in this area. In this paper, we are conducting widespread assessment of existing graphical image password authentication technique. Also we are here proposing a new technique for graphical authentication moving towards rather advance we have been added some features like sending text to registered number and as well as registered email ids. so, in this way security is going to be increase more and more. For generating sms we are going to use some embedded devices like gsm modem. In this way we are going to increase the authentication of our application.
Index terms : Online password secure attacks , brute force and dictionary attacks, password collections, ATTs.
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Abstract: Link prediction in social networks aims at estimating the likelihood of the appearance of a new link between two nodes, based on the existing links and the attributes of the nodes. Many methods for link prediction problem in social networks have been proposed in literature. We especially analyze the shortcomings of common neighbor leading method. Accordingly we generate a new modified common neighbor approach for link prediction in social networks. Our approach efficiently works under the integrated analysis of features along with topological structure of a social network. As a co-authorship network is a true social network, we have considered the co-authorship networks for verifying the effectiveness of the existing leading methods as well as our proposed link prediction method. We have implemented the leading methods as well as our proposed method on two different data domains of co-authorship networks obtained from author lists of papers at five sections of Physics e-Print arXiv, www.arXiv.org. In the first data domain, the papers in the periods (1994 – 1996) and (1997 – 1999) are taken as the training set and testing set respectively. Similarly the papers in the periods (2007 – 2009) and (2010 – 2012) are taken as the training set and testing set for the second data domain. Experimental results show that all the methods are found to perform much better over the random predictor. Again we find that our modified common neighbor approach outperforms over all the existing leading methods considered.
Keywords: co-authorship networks, common neighbor, modified common neighbor approach, link prediction, random predictor
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Priority Based Weighted Queue QoS Model In MANETs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajwinder Kaur, Ramnik Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1233538 ![]() |
Abstract:Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) is an appealing technology that has attracted lots of research efforts over past years. Although the principle of wireless, structure-less, dynamic networks is attractive, there are still some major flaws that prevent commercial expansion. QoS is one the main issue in todays multimedia technology. In this paper we purposed a model i.e, Priority Based Weighted Queue QoS model in MANETs. Model is implemented in NS-2.34 and results are compared with other models. Keywords: QoS,MANET, End to End delay,bandwidth,NS -2.34
[1] Neeraj Nehra, R.B. Patel, V.K. Bhat, "Routing with Load Balancing in Ad Hoc Network: A Mobile Agent Approch", 6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2007), 2007 IEEE
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Abstract: Smartphone's users has been increasing since last few years which provides numerous operations like accessing information through online mode, payment options, using utility applications, playing games. Smartphone's have become so powerful these days that tends to play the role of PC's. The basic operation of any mobile phone calling, storing personal details like contact information in contact book, business data, text messages etc. Since we are in new generation, where so many different varieties of devices connect together with each other giving way for security concerns. With the huge and tremendous uprising Smartphone sales in market, the chances of malicious attacks became a trouble. As malware developers tries to steal information from such devices. This paper provides a study of analyzing malware through static and dynamic means. In static analysis we are performing reverse engineering to detect malicious code and in dynamic analysis we are using tools to identify the packet structure. Further we perform white listing for safe destination address. In this paper we are highlighting the aspects of mobile malware when compared with third party applications like Lookout etc.
Keywords -Android malware, reverse engineering, security and protection, Anti-virus, white listing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enabling Use of Dynamic Anonymization for Enhanced Security in Cloud |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Swati Ganar, Apeksha Sakhare |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1234451 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud computing is a model that enables Convenient and On-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources where millions of users share an infrastructure. Privacy and Security are significant obstacle that is preventing the extensive adoption of the public cloud in the Industry. Researchers have developed privacy models such as k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness. However, even though these privacy models are applied, an attacker may still be able to access some confidential data if same sensitive labels are used by a group of nodes. Publishing data about individuals without revealing sensitive information about them is an important problem. Data Anonymization is a method that makes data worthless to anyone except the owner of the data. It is one of the methods for transforming the data that it prevents identification of key information from an unauthorized person. We survey the existing methods of anonymization to protect sensitive information stored in cloud. Data can also be anonymized by using techniques such as, Hashing, Hiding, Permutation, Shifting, Truncation, Prefix-preserving, Enumeration, etc. We have implemented these methods also to see an anonymization effect and implemented a new method for anonymization.
Keywords: Anonymization, Deanonymization, Data Hiding, Hash calculation, Data Shifting, Data Truncation, Data Enumeration, Data Permutation, IP prefix Preserving.
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Abstract: The volatile intensification of internet has posed a exigent problem in extracting significant data. Conventional web crawlers focus merely on the surface web while the hidden web remains intensifying following the prospect. Hidden web pages are created dynamically as a result of queries masquerade to precise web databases. The structure of the hidden web pages crafts it unfeasible for conventional web crawlers to access hidden web contents. We proposed innovative Vision-based Page Segmentation (IVBPS) algorithm for hidden web retrieval and develop intelligent crawler and interpretation of hidden web query interfaces. Hidden intelligent crawler and interpretation of hidden web query interfaces split the method into two stages. The primary stage comprises query analysis and query translation and the subsequent wrap vision-based extraction of data from the dynamically created hidden web pages. There are numerous conventional approaches for the extraction of hidden web pages but our proposed technique intends at overcoming the inherent limitations of the former.
Keywords: vision-based page segmentation, Hidden Web, Blocks, crawlers, Wrapper.
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Abstract: In Iris recognition authentication process, iris and sclera are used as the previous inputs using to recognize the eye with different mechanisms like segmentation combining with different versions. In this paper, entirely biometric-based personal verification and identification methods have gained much interest with an increasing accent on safety. The iris texture pattern has no links with the genetic structure of an individual and since it is generated by chaotic processes externally visible patterns imaged from a distance. Iris patterns possess a high degree of randomness and uniqueness. Here we propose two algorithms they are K-Means algorithm and canny Edge Detection. Totally eight process acting to identify the pupil and also for iris recognition. Comparing images k- means algorithm is to give accurate contest. As a final point it leads to open authentication person details from database.
Key words - Median filter, Iris Radius Detection, Iris Unrolling, Iris Recognition, Pupil Detection, Canny edge detection algorithm, K-means algorithm.
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Abstract: Within the power system network, consistent domestic communications are essential to ensure safety, security and control of the power system equipments. Such communications customarily have been provided by methods such as power line carrier and microwave radio systems but are more recently being supplemented or replaced by Fiber optics. This paper focuses on the practical steps to review and evaluation on the effectiveness of using Fiber optic cable technology in the domestic communication of power system network. With the advent of information and communication technology, it has become obvious that Fiber optic is replacing this crude method of data communication. It offers a unique solution to ever increasing demand for bandwidth because of its remarkably high capacity for carrying data, and guaranteed consistency of signal transmission over the entire transmission network. A pair of Fiber has the ability to carry over eight thousand simultaneously voice channels and has high immunity to electromagnetic interference. All these advantages made it extra-ordinarily useful in data communication like Internet, multimedia and scada applications. Over short or long distances, video, audio and data signals arrive at their destination in the same perfect quality as they originated and also assures security of data being transmitted.
Keywords: Optical Fibre, Security, attenuation, Fiber degradation, bandwidth, splicing, Scada. algorithm.
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Abstract: In today's technological era, electrical energy is one of the most vital forms of energy and is needed directly or indirectly in almost every field. As load gradually increases on a particular power system network, a higher operating current state leading to increased fault current level is attained. It is not possible to change the rating of the equipment and devices in the system or circuits to accommodate the increasing fault currents. Integration of High Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (HTSFCL) in power system network will provide instantaneous (sub cycle) current limitation abilities, which mitigates the effects and the buildup of fault currents in the power system network .The devices in electronic and electrical circuits are sensitive to disturbance and any disturbance or fault may damage the device permanently so that it must be replaced. The cost of equipment like circuit breakers and transformers in power grid are very expensive. Moreover, replacing damaged equipment is a time and labour consuming process, which also affects the reliability of power systems. It is not possible to completely eliminate the faults but it is possible to limit the current during fault in order to save the equipment and devices in the circuits or systems. One of the solutions to this age longed problem is the application of a current limiting device in the system. This paper is centered on the concepts and viability of High Temperature fault current limiters for power systems protection. The demonstration of this High Temperature Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (HTSFCL) in power systems has been explained and simulated using MATLAB tool. The results of the simulation with and without the fault are shown Keywords: Super conducting fault limiter, MATLAB simulation, system reliability algorithm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multicast Dual Arti-Q System in Vehicular Adhoc Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Sujatha, P. Sukanya |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1239095 ![]() |
Abstract: The rising requirements of the wireless communication increase the researches in the wireless communication area. Wireless communication is used in Ad hoc network. MANET is one of the self organizing, self healing network in the Ad hoc network. VANET is a subset of the MANET which offers console and protection to the users of VANET. VANET is a collected works of vehicular mobile nodes which figures the vehicular Ad hoc networks. In VANET there are many confronting wanted to solve, in order to provide efficient and stable services. Existing paper represents the Artigence techniques which will solve the challenges in the VANET and improve the efficiency. Artigence uses Arti-Q algorithm, which is one type of efficient queuing technique. The Arti-Q and VANET are using in the call taxi management systems in order to provide efficient call taxi management service to the customers.
Keywords– Wireless Communication, Artigence techniques, Call taxi. algorithm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Information Security Management System: Emerging Issues and Prospect |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Amarachi A. A., Okolie S. O., Ajaegbu C. |
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: | 10.9790/0661-12396102 ![]() |
Abstract: Information Security Management System (ISMS) can be defined as a collection of policies concerned with Information Technology (IT) related risks or Information Security Management (ISM). Majority of ISMS frameworks that have been implemented and adopted by organizations, centre on the use of technology as a medium for securing information systems. However, information security needs to become an organisation-wide and strategic issue, taking it out of the IT domain and aligning it with the corporate governance approach. The aim of this paper is to highlight the available ISMS frameworks, the basic concept of ISMS, the impact of ISMS on computer networks and internet, the chronological developement of ISMS frameworks and IT Security Management/IT Security Organization. These were accomplished through the review of existing literatures on ISMS frameworks. In essence, it was observed that there is need for every organisation to have an information security management system that can adequately provide reasonable assurance and support for IT applications and business processes.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Rate Based Congestion Control Algorithms in Wireless Technologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saneh Lata, Yogesh Chaba |
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: | 10.9790/0661-123103109 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the congestion control algorithms in wireless technolologies are analysed. It has been found that TCP VEGAS is better than other TCP variants for sending data and information due to better delivery fraction and average end to end delay. But it has a consistent window size for packet transmission. Congestion Avoidance can resolve Congestion effectively and has higher average throughput than slow start due to the ability to deal with random loss. Cross layer Congestion Control require significant power and memory corresponding to network bandwidth. So to overcome all these problems, here we analyse the performance of AIMD, TFRC and TCP congestion control protocol. After observing simulation results, it is found that GAIMD is better than TFRC in terms of throughput and TFRC is better than GAIMD in terms of smoothness.
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[3] Xuyang Wang and Dmitri Perkins "Cross-layer Hop-by-hop Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks" proceeding of IEEE society in WCNC 2008.
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[10] S. H. Shah, K. Chen, and K. Nahrstedt, "Dynamic bandwidth management forsingle-hop ad-hoc wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2003), Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas,USA, Mar. 2003.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Premium Customer Authentication by Using Third Generation Packet Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch. Divya, Dr. P. Govardhan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-123110113 ![]() |
Abstract: In third generation the technology has been developed into new world like as multimedia data transfer rate has been increased from GPRS, 2G to 3G along with these the misuse of data rate is also been increased. To avoid all these kind of scenarios we are going to propose the new ways to reduce the all kinds of vulnerabilities. 3G is the third generation of wireless technologies; It comes with enhancements over previous wireless technologies like high-speed transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming. 3G is mostly used with mobile phones and handsets as a means to connect the phone to the internet or other IP networks in order to make voice and video calls, to download and upload data and to surf the net. For real time H.264/AVC video in 3G Wireless environments with benefits shown especially in the presence of link outages. In the 3GPP packet – Switched Streaming Service Rel. 6, H.264/AVC and its RTP Payload format are specified. The RTP payload format allows interleaved transmission of NAL units of H.264/AVC. Keywords – 3G, HSDPA, Optimal Pricing, Video Streaming, Redistribution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Open Source Software Survivability Analysis Using Communication Pattern Validation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. Angel Mary, S. K. Prasanth |
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: | 10.9790/0661-123114118 ![]() |
Abstract: The Growth Of Open Source Software has created a major change In Software Development. Open Source Binds The Power Of Distributed Peer Review And Transparency To Create High Quality, Secure And Easily Integrated Software At An Accelerated Pace And Lower Cost. Since OSS Has Reached A Mature Stage, Adoption In Business Has No Barrier. Effective Communication Between The OSS Developer Communities Is One Of The Signposts That Contribute The Open Source Success. In This Paper A Communication Validation Tool Is Proposed, That Brings Out Contribution Index, Community Between-Ness Certainty, Community Density Of The Communication Network. It Also Presents The Nativity Of Developer Community, Progress Of Activity And Distribution Overtime.
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Abstract: In organizations sensitive data transaction is having less security because there may be a misusability of data from one to other from past years. In previous methods they calculated how much data is leaked but didn't find who is leaked. In this paper, we find leakage and leaker. A data distributor has given sensitive data to a set of supposedly trusted agents (third parties). Some of the data has leaked and found in an unauthorized place (e.g., on the web or somebody's laptop). The distributor should assess the likelihood of the leaked data came from one or more agents, as opposed to having independently gathered by others. We propose data allocation strategies (across the agents) that improve the probability of identifying leakages. These methods don't rely on alterations of the released data (e.g., watermarks). In some cases we can also inject "realistic but fake" data records to further improve our chances of detecting leakage and identifying the guilty party.
Key Words: Data Leakage, fraud detection, agent guilt model, Explicit Random, Sample Random. algorithm.
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