Volume-13 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Privacy Management of Multi User Environment in Online Social Networks (OSNs) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Amrutha, R. Sathiyaraj |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1320107 ![]() |
Abstract: Online Social Networks (OSNs) are inherently designed to enable people to share personal and public information and make social connections with others. These OSNs provides digital social interactions and social as well as personal information sharing, but in sharing a number of security and privacy problems raised. While OSNs allow users to restrict access to shared data, they currently do not provide any mechanism to totally enforce privacy issue solver associated with multiple users. To this end, we propose an approach to enable the protection of shared data associated with multiple users in OSNs. We formulate an access control model to capture the essence of multiparty authorization requirements, along with a multiparty policy specification scheme and a policy enforcement mechanism. Besides we also implement a proof-of-concept prototype which is called as MController (multi controller) having contributor, stakeholder and disseminator controllers along with owner controller.
Index Terms: social network, multi party access control, MController, decision voting.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Usage and Research Challenges in the Area of Frequent Pattern in Data Mining |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Alagesh Kannan, Dr. E. Ramaraj |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1320813 ![]() |
Abstract: Frequent pattern mining is an important chore in the data mining, which reduces the complexity of the data mining task. The usages of frequent patterns in various verticals of the data mining functionalities are discussed in this paper. The gap analysis between the requirements and the existing technology is also analyzed. State of art in the area of frequent pattern mining was thrashed out here. Working mechanisms and the usage of frequent patterns in various practices were conversed in the paper. The core area to be concentrated is the minimal representation, contextual analysis and the dynamic identification of the frequent patterns.
Keywords: Frequent pattern, Association, Clustering, Classification
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Abstract: Adequate user authentication is a persistent problem, particularly with hand- held devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), which tend to be highly personal and at the fringes of an organization's influence. Yet, these devices are being used increasingly in corporate settings where they pose a security risk, not only by containing sensitive information, but also by providing the means to access such information over wireless network interfaces. User authentication is the first line of defense for a lost or stolen PDA. How- ever, motivating users to enable simple PIN or password mechanisms and periodically update their authentication information is a constant struggle. This paper describes a general-purpose mechanism for authenticating a user to a PDA using a visual login technique called Picture Password. The underlying rationale is that image recall is an easy and natural way for users to authenticate, removing a serious barrier to compliance with organizational policy. Features of Picture Password include style dependent image selection, password reuse, and embedded salting, which overcome a number of problems with knowledge-based authentication for handheld devices. Though designed specifically for handheld devices, Picture Password is also suitable for note-books, workstations, and other computational devices. Scrambling technique is applied to make image recognition more complex during the login process and thus protecting from the common attacks in the graphical password system.
Keywords: Graphical Passwords, Security, Image Scrambling,KBRP.
[1] The Quest to Replace Passwords: A Framework for Comparative Evaluation of Web Authentication Schemes,Joseph Bonneau University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK jcb82@cl.cam.ac.uk Cormac Herley Microsoft Research Redmond, WA, USA cormac@microsoft.com Paul C. van Oorschot Carleton University Ottawa, ON, Canada paulv@scs.carleton.ca Frank Stajanoy University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of algorithm for detection of hidden objects from Tera hertz images |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Vijayalakshmi, M. Sumathi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1322532 ![]() |
Abstract: An algorithm for detection of hidden objects from tera hertz images is presented. Presently, terahertz imaging employs object's radiometric temperatures in human to acquire images of concealed objects. But, it presents problem in temperature sensitive areas like oil and coal mines, factories etc. The aim of the paper is to detect and extract hidden objects underneath person's clothing. Here, a three stage approach is presented: In the first stage, edge based segmentation is applied after smoothing the image using bilateral filter. In the next stage, transform invariant shape descriptors, Gabor and gray level co-occurrence (GLCM) texture features of interested object regions are computed. Finally, a Euclidean distance criterion is used for classification. To appraise the technique, detection error and detection rate are calculated. Test results are compared with ground truth data obtained from the original image. Experiment results are found to be promising with 1.04% detection error and 91.9% as detection rate. Potential applications in security include detection of weapons and explosive in public places like airports, stations etc.
Key words: Edge detection, GLCM features, Gobor features, Shape descriptors, THZ images.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Discovering Thematic Object in a Video |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shalini N., Sharada K. A. |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1323337 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we are identifying the frequently appearing object in a video. This frequently appearing object is called thematic object. If an object appears many times in a video such objects are called thematic object. Identifying this frequently appearing object in a video is helpful for object search and tagging of that object. To identify thematic pattern in the video we must give an object as an input and then we try to find corner points of that object by Harris corner detection algorithm. Later we can find the similarity between the reference image and test frame by extracting the descriptors around the corner point. We are mining the video to identify the common patterns that appears in that video. The proposed approach will help to identify the object even when there is partial occlusion and variation in the viewpoint.
Index Terms: Common Patterns, Corner points, Key object, Video data mining.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exponential software reliability using SPRT: MLE |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Murali Mohan, Dr. R. Satya Prasad, G. Krishna Mohan |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1323843 ![]() |
Abstract: In Classical Hypothesis testing volumes of data is to be collected and then the conclusions are drawn, which may need more time. But, Sequential Analysis of Statistical science could be adopted in order to decide upon the reliability or unreliability of the developed software very quickly. The procedure adopted for this is, Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT). It is designed for continuous monitoring. The likelihood based SPRT proposed by Wald is very general and it can be used for many different probability distributions. In the present paper we propose the performance of SPRT on 4 data sets of Time domain data using exponential model and analyzed the results. The parameters are estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation method.
Keywords: SPRT, SRGM,HPP,NHPP, MLE, Goel-Okumoto model.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Survey of Real Time Scheduling Algorithms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Swati Pandit, Rajashree Shedge |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1324451 ![]() |
Abstract: Real-Time systems are becoming pervasive. In a Real-Time System the correctness of the system behavior depends not only on the logical results of the computations, but also on the physical instant at which these results are produced. A missed deadline in hard real-time systems is catastrophic and in soft real-time systems it can lead to a significant loss .This work talks about static and dynamic scheduling algorithms for real time task. The problem of real-time scheduling spans a broad spectrum of algorithms from simple uniprocessor to highly sophisticated multiprocessor scheduling algorithms which are priority driven and divided into three classes fixed priority, dynamic priority and hybrid priority. Finally conclusion shows that Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better result in uniprocessor scheduling algorithms and Modified Instantaneous utilization factor scheduling Algorithm gives better context switching, response time and CPU utilization as compared to previous scheduling algorithms.
Keywords- Deadline, Laxity, Utilization, Precedence, context switching.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Image Compression Methods |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anju |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1325256 ![]() |
Abstract: Image compression is now essential for applications such as transmission and storage in data bases. In this paper we review and discuss about the image compression, need of compression, its principles, and types of compression and various algorithm of image compression. This paper attempts to give a recipe for selecting one of the popular image compression algorithms based on Wavelet, DCT, and VQ. We review and discuss the implementation of these algorithms. Initially, the colored image of any resolution is selected by the user which gets converted into grayscale image to be taken as an input image for both the techniques. Finally the Performance analysis of the image compression using self organized feature maps and JPEG 2000 Algorithm.
Keywords: - Image Compression, Types, SOM, JPEG2000, Algorithms.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jamming Anticipation and Convolution through Immaculate Hiding Process of Packets |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Sandeep, Ms. P. Subhadra |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1325759 ![]() |
Abstract: Cached data not only replies local access, but also replies data request issued from other nodes. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as an important technology in building next generation fixed wireless broadband networks that provide low cost Internet access for fixed and mobile users. Reduce the number of hops that request/data need to travel in the network. In these attacks, the adversary selectively targets specific packets of "high" importance by exploiting his knowledge on the implementation details of network protocols at various layers of the protocol stack. We illustrate the impact of selective jamming on the network performance by illustrating various selective attacks against the TCP protocol. We show that such attacks can be launched by performing real-time packet classification at the physical layer. We study the idealized case of perfect knowledge by both the jammer and the network about the strategy of one another, and the case where the jammer or the networks lack this knowledge. The latter is captured by formulating and solving optimization problems, the solutions of which constitute best responses of the attacker or the network to the worst-case strategy of each other.
Keywords: Denial-of-service, jamming, Wireless network, packet classification
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simple Load Rebalancing For Distributed Hash Tables In Cloud |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch. Mounika, L. Rama Devi, P. Nikhila |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1326065 ![]() |
Abstract: Distributed file systems are key building blocks for cloud computing applications based on the Map Reduce programming paradigm. In such file systems, nodes simultaneously serve computing and storage functions; a file is partitioned into a number of chunks allocated in distinct nodes so that Map Reduce tasks can be performed in parallel over the nodes. However, in a cloud computing environment, failure is the norm, and nodes may be upgraded, replaced, and added in the system. This dependence is clearly inadequate in a large-scale, failure-prone environment because the central load balancer is put under considerable workload that is linearly scaled with the system size, and may thus become the performance bottleneck and the single point of failure. In this paper, a fully distributed load rebalancing algorithm is presented to cope with the load imbalance problem. Our algorithm is compared against a centralized approach in a production system and a competing distributed solution presented in the literature. The simulation results indicate that our proposal is comparable with the existing centralized approach and considerably outperforms the prior distributed algorithm in terms of load imbalance factor, movement cost, and algorithmic overhead.
Keywords: DHT, CentraliseSystem, LoadImBalancing, Distributed System
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Abstract: Many web applications available today make use of some way of session to be able to communicate between the server and client. Unfortunately, it is possible for an attacker to exploit session in order to impersonate another user at a web application. The session hijacking is the most common type of attack in the infrastructure type of network. The confidentially is not providing under this attack to user information. Session hijacking attack is launched by making fake access point. If we detect the fake access point then we can stop session hijacking, and various techniques had been proposed. In this paper, we are giving a new mechanism to detect the fake access point with the use of sensor nodes in the network. In this mechanism we are also giving the protection against IP Spoofing by the use of public private key cryptography key exchange algorithm. We also discuss the results through simulations in Network Simulator 2.
Keywords: Session Hijacking, Fake Access Point, IP spoofing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ensuring Privacy in opportunistic Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Er. Maggi Goyal, Er. Manoj Chaudhary |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1327482 ![]() |
Abstract: The emergence of extremely powerful mobile communication devices in recent times has triggered off the development of many exploitative technologies that attempt at leveraging the ever increasing processing, storage and communicating capacities of these devices. One of the most developing area of network is opportunistic network. It provides communication even in disconnected mode. Nodes are mobile and can change their location and message is forward through many intermediate nodes so identity of usersis shown to all.Any intermediate can drop the data packetsif he is not wishes to forward the data to a particular destination id. A few privacy preventing algorithms are proposed to maintain it. In this research we propose an algorithm to maintain the privacy of user if user wants it . We are ensuring the privacy of the data with the use of concept of cluster estimation. In this we use the public private cryptography technique for data encryption and decryption. Algorithm is implemented on NS2 (Network Simulator 2.35).
Keywords: Attacks, Virtual ID, Privacy, NS2
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[4]. J.P. Tower and T.D.C. Little "A Proposed Scheme for Epidemic Routing with Active Curing for Opportunistic Networks" In Proc. 1st IEEE Intl. Workshop on Opportunistic Networking, Okinawa, Japan, March 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Overview of TRIZ Problem-Solving Methodology and its Applications |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Hajar Mat Jani |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1328392 ![]() |
Abstract: TRIZ, which is a Russian word that stands for "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving", is a problem-solving methodology that was invented based on the belief that there are universal principles of invention that are the foundation for creative innovations that help in advancing technology. One of the most widely used approaches to problem-solving in most technology-related fields is the structured problem-solving methodology. Actually, TRIZ enhances the structured problem-solving methodology by applying its principles to the first few phases of the conventional structured methodology with more creative and advanced steps that makes the problem-solving process more efficient and effective. A brief description of the structured problem-solving methodology is presented since it has a big influence on the original TRIZ methodology. TRIZ's ways of solving problems are explained in detail, and several main applications of TRIZ in the technology-related and other new fields (non-technology) are discussed. Several suggestions are put forward in order to overcome some of the main issues faced by TRIZ in order to improve its effectiveness in solving problems, especially in non-technical and non-scientific domains.
Keywords – Inventive Problem Solving, Problem-Solving Methodology, Structured Problem-Solving, TRIZ
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cloud Information Accountability Frameworks for Data Sharing in Cloud |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C. Madhuri, A. Krishna chaitanya |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1329396 ![]() |
Abstract: The ability to hold individuals or organizations accountable for transactions is important in most of the commercial and legal or e-transactions. Cloud computing is a new term that is introduced in business environment where users can interact directly with the virtualized resources and safe the cost for the consumers. Where user have everything to be deal on internet on e-transaction to save work and time but we fear for our confidential and individual data is in safe or not, is it been hacked and misused is a fear that stops to use of modern technology. Moreover, users may not know the machines which actually process and host own data. While enjoying the convenience brought by this new technology, end users also start worrying about security of their own personal and important data. Accountability traces every important aspect of any data sharing on data usage in cloud where it accounts every action in the system can be traced back to some entity with assuring the safety and security including the handling of personally identifiable information. In this paper we review the cloud information accountability framework for the data sharing in which procedural and technical solutions are co-designed to demonstrate accountability by the various researchers to resolving privacy and security risks within the cloud and presents a review on new way to supplement the current consumption and delivery model for IT services based on the Internet, by providing for dynamically scalable framework.
Keywords: e-transactions, Accountability, TPA, Tracing Authority.
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[7] Shraddha B. Toney, Sandeep U.Kadam "Cloud Information Accountability Frameworks for Data Sharing in Cloud." 13th May 2012.
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Abstract: Computers have become indispensable in all domains, and the medical segment does not represent an exception. The need for accuracy and speed has led to a tight collaboration between machines and human beings.Maybe the future will allow the existence of a world where the human intervention won't be necessary, but for now,the best approach in the medical field is to create semiautomatic applications, in order to help the doctors with the diagnoses, with following the patients' evolution and managing them and with other medical activities. Our application is designed for automatic measurements of orthopedic parameters, and allows the possibility of human intervention in case the parameters have not been detected properly. The segment of the application is Hip Arthroplasty. Keywords: Hip Arthroplasty, Canny Edge Detection, DICOM, Hough Transform, Radiographic Image Processing.
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