Volume-10 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: Kidnapping has become one of the most dangerous and traumatic threats to any person living in the comfort and safety of a secure region. Each kidnapping incident clearly tears at the hearts of families, companies and individuals, and has a significant impact on society in general. The impact of such trauma and the capacity of individuals and companies to adapt, manage and cope with such devastating events are crucial if the risks of long-term effects are to be mitigated. Of significant note also is the emotional and financial effect of such on the individual and families if the incident is unresolved in the long term. This greatly disrupts the family routine, social interaction and the employment capabilities of some families. This study presents the psychological and psychiatric considerations in a kidnapped–for-ransom victim in one of the towns in Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Psychological assessment shows that the victim suffers both physical and psychological harm as a result of the negative experiences. The evaluation of psychological harm suffered by victims is important for planning treatment and giving recommendations to prevent revictimisation and avoiding the making of new victims.
Keywords: Kidnap, Psychological Harm, Nigeria, Ransom, Victim
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Abstract: Thorough knowledge of root canal morphology is essential for the success of endodontic treatment. There are rare aberrant, variations in canal number and configuration in maxillary and mandibular molars, which could affect treatment outcome. This paper presents the endodontic management of a maxillary first molar with two palatal canals and three buccal canals and mandibular first molar with two mesial and three distal canals. In this paper this morphology was confirmed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and surgical operating microscope . CBCT can provide dentists with high quality 3-dimensionals images of dental structure due to it's high spatial resolution. This paper is intended to reinforce clinician's awareness of the rare morphology of root canals
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography scanning, five root canals , maxillary and mandibular first molar.
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Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate retrospectively(607) patient diagnosed with hydatid cyst disease and treated surgically at the hospital of gastrointestinal and liver disease between 2000- 2012 in Baghdad city . cysticEchinococcosis affected more females 359 ( 59.14%) than males 248(40.85%). A remarkable gender differences showed towards females was observed and the male / female ratio among cystic Echinococcosis cases ≤ 21 and ≥ 70 years old was ( 29.48% ) and (1.64%) respectively . the age of patient ranged (0-<70 )years old and the age group(21-30), (31-40), years were the most affected. Housewives had the highest rate of infection (51. 40%) followed by workers in different occupations which showed a significant differences (p<0.001). similarly rural dwellers was also over – respected among the cases (51. 40%) , (48.59% urban ).
Keywords: parasitic diseases ,Echinococcosis , Zoonotic disease , Echinococcusgranulosis , Hydatidcyct.
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Abstract: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection in infants and children. During infancy, boys are more commonly affected than girls and thereafter, female preponderance is found. Presentation varies among different age groups. Clinical features in neonates and young infants are non-specific, manifest as septicemia where a high index of suspicion is needed. Older children typically present as simple or complicated UTI. Rapid diagnosis, institution of early treatment and further evaluation by imaging modalities are of utmost importance. This was a prospective study in febrile children from 1month to 5years at Meenakshi medical college hospital and research institute from Jan 2011 – Dec 2012.
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Abstract: Aim: to analyze the frictional forces generated by three types of self ligating brackets ; two passive (Damon 3MX and Smartclip) and one interactive (Empower) when compared to conventional orthodontic brackets using two arch wire dimensions 0.016 NiTi wire and 0.019X0.025 inch stainless steel wire. Materials: The study consisted of a total of 60 brackets, 15 each of Damon 3MX, Smartclip, Empower and conventional orthodontic brackets with a slot size of .022X.028. Result: Self ligating brackets had less friction when compared with conventional brackets with both round and rectangular wires.Among the passive self ligating brackets, Damon 3MX shows the least friction when tested both with round and rectangular wires when compared to Smartclip. The frictional resistance does not remain the same when tested both with round and rectangular wires, for the interactive self ligating bracket (Empower). All brackets showed higher frictional forces as the wire size increased.
Keywords: conventional stainless steel brackets, fixed appliance therapy, frictional resistance, passive self ligating brackets, self ligating brackets.
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Abstract: Effects of beniseed diet were assessed on forty(48)weanling male albino rats divided into four equal groups as follows:G1(control group given rat chow only),G2(rat chow and sucrose),G3(rat chow and beniseed) and G4(rat chow, sucrose and beniseed). Initial blood glucose and body weight were taking at first week while the final parameters were taking at eighth week. Blood glucose and oral tolerance test was carried out using glucometer while body weight was measured using the weighing scale. Present results indicated that beniseed diet moderates blood glucose in rat fed high sucrose diet but did not affect body weight.
Keywords: beniseed diet, fasting blood glucose, body weight, oral Glucose tolerance test.
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Abstract: Extrapulmonary causes of respiratory failure include conditions that exclusively or primarily cause respiratory failure by their effects on structures other than the lungs i.e. the extra pulmonary compartment. They are mainly responsible for the hypercapnic respiratory failure. An analysis of 50 such patients was done at our I.C.U. We tried studying their clinical presentation, their causes and the outcome. The most common age group was 21-40 yrs with a male preponderance. Autonomic dysfunction, ophthalmoplegia, motor and bulbar weakness were the common presentations. Many of them had single breath count (SBC) <20 on presentation. Most common causes were neurotoxic snake bites and Organophosphorus poisoning. The outcome was relatively good if patients were brought early. Keywords: hypercapnea, hypoxemia and type II respiratory failure
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Treatment Options for Oral Submucous Fibrosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Keerththana Balabaskaran, Dr. Arathy Srinivasan L. |
: | 10.9790/0853-1053335 ![]() |
Abstract: Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic disease of oral cavity which is common in Indian subcontinent and caused by chewing areca nut and other irritants in various forms. It is a potentially malignant condition and is of major concern to oral physicians. A wide range of treatment has been attempted till date, but none of them are proved to be a complete cure for this disease. The aim of this review is to present an overview of various treatment modalities of oral submucous fibrosis and their rationale.
Keywords: Areca nut, Betal quid, Habits, oral sub mucous fibrosis, steroid therapy.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a multisystem disease which can affect virtually any part of the body and is associated with high mortality and morbidity if not adequately treated. With the emergence of HIV and multidrug resistant strains, TB is no longer a health problem of developing countries alone but a global health concern. TB demonstrates a variety of clinical and radiologic findings that can mimic numerous other disease entities. Hence it is important for radiologists to be familiar with the various imaging manifestations of TB so as to make an accurate diagnosis and aid in initiating timely treatment. This review article illustrates the imaging spectrum of tuberculosis with reference to various body systems.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, spectrum, human body, multisystem disease
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Awareness and Attitude among Dental Professional towards CBCT |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Keerththana Balabaskaran, Dr. Arathy Srinivasan L. |
: | 10.9790/0853-1055559 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: The present study was carried out to assess the awareness and knowledge of CBCT among practicing general dentists. Materials and methods: A 13 multiple choice questionnaire was given to practicing general dentists to answer. A total of 50 dentists participated in the survey (21 females and 29 males). Results: Among 50 dentists, about 82% (n=41) are aware of cone beam computed tomography used for dentomaxillofacial region and 18% (n=9) are not aware of cone beam computed tomography used for dentomaxillofacial region. out of 41 dentists about 48% got to know about CBCT through lectures and class , 12% through internet, 9.7% through journal, 17% through seminars, 7.3% during PG, 2.4% during trauma case referral and 2.4% through advertisement. Among 41 dentists about 39% attended workshops regarding CBCT and 61% did not attend any workshops. About 80.48% felt that lower radiation is the most advantage of CBCT over CT. About 87.8% answered that CBCT offers enhanced diagnosis at lower dose than CT and 7.32% contradicted this and 4.88% have no idea. About 14.63% felt that less radiation is the primary difference between CT and CBCT, 14.63% felt shape of the beam, 2.44% cost, and 2.44% quality and precision and 65.85% have no idea.
Key words: questionnaire, CBCT, radiation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Knowledge of Oral Hygiene Aids among Dentists |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Keerththana Balabaskaran, Dr. Jai Ganesh Ramamurthy |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1056064 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: The present study was carried out to assess the knowledge of oral hygiene aids among practicing general dentists. Materials and methods: A 14 multiple choice questionnaire was given to practicing general dentists to answer. A total of 50 dentists participated in the survey (26 females and 24 males). Results:74% advises to brush twice, 70% in the morning and night. 82% demonstrate their patients to use dental floss, 62% use disclosing agent to motivate the patient. 58% size of the pea tooth paste.46% recommend the use of brush and paste for cleaning the teeth. 90% recommend the use of inter dental brushes during orthodontic treatment. About 46 % recommend their patients to replace their tooth, when bristles begin to fray. 64% answered horizontal scrub causes cervical abrasion and gingival recession. 44 % answered modified stillman is used in gingival recession and root exposure. 42% answered charters in cleaning the areas of healing wounds after periodontal surgery.50% answered that Unitufted brushes are used in type 3 embrasure .60% answered that chlorhexidine is a Bisquanides. About 66% answered that strontium salt is the desensitizing agent used in tooth paste. Conclusion: The present study shows better knowledge and awareness of oral hygiene aids among dental practitioners. For optimum plaque control, the clinician needs to be working closely with the patient to communicate clear and simple messages and tailor the oral hygiene aids to their needs.
Key words: brushing techniques, chlorhexidine, dental flossing, oral hygiene aids, tooth brush.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Profile of Anemia in Children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Venkatesh G., Soubhagya Talawar, Bela H. Shah |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1056569 ![]() |
Abstract: Anemia is considered as a worldwide problem, affecting all age groups. Anemia in children is one of the social health problems because the children have reduced exercise capacity, slower growth and impaired cognitive development. The present study was conducted to quantify the magnitude of anemia and its association with malnutrition.
Keywords: Anemia, magnitude of anemia, malnutrition.
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Abstract: The aim of root canal obturation is to create a "impermeable seal" to prevent theingress of bacteria and their toxins. To achieve this goal, disinfection of the canalsystem is accomplished by thorough chemomechanical debridement of the pulpaltissue, dentin debris, microorganisms, and the use of one or more disinfectants. Obturation of the canal system has historically been achieved with gutta-percha and an appropriate sealer to obtain a tight seal. There has been an ampleamount of research determining the dimensional changes and expansion of rootcanal sealer materials, but none have directly addressed the effect of dimensionalchanges on the gutta-percha cones The aim of the study was comparative evaluation of gutta-percha in contact with two different ratios of zinc Oxide eugnol sealer.The purpose of the study was to evaluate Expansion of gutta-percha in contact with Zinc Oxide Eugenol sealer Powder/Liquid Ratio of 1:1 and 1:5 after 1 day, 7 days and 30 days. Result : 30 days after the obturation, both ratios showed equal amount of expansion which was statistically insignificant (p<0.05)
Keywords : Gutta-percha, Zinc Oxide Eugenol sealer, Spiral computed tomography.
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder precipitating micro-vascular, macro-vascular complications and peripheral vascular disease. Less has been known about the after effect of diabetes on lungs. So this work was carried out to know the effect of diabetes mellitus on pulmonary functions. Objective: To find out the effect of diabetes mellitus on pulmonary functions in type 2 DM Material and method: A case-control study was conducted on 30 type 2 DM patients and age sex matched 30 controls after screening both the groups for smoking and acute/chronic pulmonary disease. All subjects underwent screening with detailed history, anthropometry and spirometry at Department of Physiology, SMS medical college, Jaipur. Significance of difference of pulmonary parameters in both the groups was inferred with unpaired't' Test. Result: Diabetic patients showed highly significant (P<0.001) reduction in almost all the pulmonary parameters. The reduction in pulmonary parameters was not associated with severity and duration of disease. Conclusion: Diabetic patients showed impaired lung function independent of smoking. Although it was not associated with severity but duration of DM affect FVC and FEV1.
Keywords: FEV1, FVC, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Pulmonary function test, Spirometry
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Abstract: Conservation of anchorage in totality has been perennial problem to traditional orthodontist. Traditionally, orthodontists have used teeth, intraoral appliances, and extraoral appliances, to control anchorage minimizing the movement of certain teeth, while completing the desired movement of other teeth. However, according to Newton's third law of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, there are limitations in our ability to completely control all aspects of tooth movement. For example, we often have inadequate mechanical systems to control anchorage, which leads to anchorage loss of reactive units and often incomplete correction of intra- and interarch alignment problems. For long time, orthodontist have struggled to achieve efficient control of anchorage and always dreamt of a device, which could provide absolute anchorage .This dream came true with the advent of implant. Implant has burst onto the clinical orthodontic scene in order to assist the orthodontist in controlling tooth movement. Orthodontic implants or temporary anchorage device (TAD) are temporarily fixed to bone for the purpose of enhancing orthodontic anchorage either by supporting the teeth of the reactive unit or by obviating the need for the reactive unit altogether, and which is subsequently removed after use. This article has systemized the information about types of implants and their advantages in respect of traditional treatments for all the readers.
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