Volume-12 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: It is rightly said 'cleanliness is next to God'. Achieving the effective sterilization is paramount for the best healthcare service. Autoclave is the gold standard of sterilization. Still a need for new method of sterilization is being felt which would be less time consuming and provide a rapid turnover of instruments, while at the same time having less intricate machinery, be compact and user-friendly for a dental clinic. Microwave a little explored method of sterilization has the potential to answer all the requirements while at the same time being at par with autoclave in terms of efficacy. This provided an impetus to compare the sterilization efficacy of autoclave and domestic microwave using biological indicator Geobacillus stearothermophilus spore strips at various time intervals.
Keywords: Sterilization, Geobacillus stearothermophilus, Autoclave, Microwave.
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Abstract: Pycnodysostosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that manifests as generalized osteosclerosis of the skeleton as a result of decreased bone turnover. Patients tend to suffer from numerous fractures owing to dense, abnormally brittle bones. This syndrome has a number of characteristic clinical and radiographic signs that differentiate it from other osteosclerotic conditions. Hypoplastic Mandible being the most characteristic diagnostic feature. This is a case report of a family of 3 young males with history of multiple fractures.
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Abstract: Aim: To study the correlation between central corneal thickness (CCT) measured by ultrasound pachymetry and Frequency Doubling Technology Perimetry (FDT) in patients aged more than or equal to 40 years with high IOP and normal discs. Materials and Methods: This research work has two arms, the rural arm is an eye care centre in Hooghly District of West Bengal (Village: Kuliapara, P.O. Dhobapara, P.S. Balagarh)and the urban arm is a tertiary eye hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal. People aged 40 years and above or those turning 40 in the calendar year with high IOP and normal discs and not on any topical or systemic medications underwent complete ophthalmological examination including CCT assessment by ultrasound pachymetry (Ocuscan RxP) and FDT (Humphrey, Carl Zeiss) . Patients with history of intraocular surgery, ocular trauma, corneal opacities preventing accurate applanation tonometry and media haze dense enough to preclude adequate fundal view were not enumerated
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Profile of angle closure glaucoma in the Gangetic Delta |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Himadri Datta, Prof. Gautam Bhaduri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1231316 ![]() |
Abstract:Purpose: To study the clinical profile of the types of primary angle closure patients in a rural and urban population in Eastern India.
Materials and Methods: International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology (ISGEO) classification scheme was used to categorize patients. Clinic records of patients diagnosed as primary angle closure were reviewed. Clinical data including prior management was collected and analyzed. Main Outcome measures were age, sex, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), gonioscopy, optic disc assessment and Frequency Doubling Perimetry(FDT). Logistic regression model and receiver operating curve (ROC) were calculated for predictors of type of glaucoma.
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Abstract: Morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporosis continues to be high in India primarily due to late diagnosis. This study aims to find association of age, body mass index (BMI) and menopausal status with bone mineral density (BMD); and confirm if these variables are predictors of low BMD in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. This cross sectional study was conducted on 350 women aged 30–65 years. BMD was measured at calcaneum heel by Quantitative Ultrasound. Chi-square test and logistic regression have been used for statistical confirmations. Low BMD was found in 51.1% premenopausal and 77.1% postmenopausal women. Age, BMI and menopausal status were found to be associated with BMD. Advancing age, normal BMI and postmenopausal status were predictors of low BMD. Low BMD was more likely to develop in premenopausal women aged 40-59 years (adjusted odds ratio [OR]=2.0;95% confidence interval [95%CI]:1.0-4.2) and in postmenopausal women aged 60 years and above (OR=2.8;95%CI:0.93-8.3); less likely to develop in premenopausal obese women (OR=0.17;95% CI:0.06-0.49) and in postmenopausal obese women (OR=0.04;95%CI:0.005-0.31). Low BMD was more likely to develop in postmenopausal women (OR=2.0;95%CI:1.14-3.55) as compared to premenopausal women. Our study shows that high BMI has protective effect against bone loss. Older women with normal BMI need to be identified at an early stage for taking timely preventive measures to reduce morbidity, mortality and socioeconomic burden associated with osteoporosis.
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Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that the behaviour of parents affects their children's health.The objective of this study was to determine the role of paternal education on oral health status in their children. A total of 465 children aged between 8-14 years studying in Government schools of Udaipur city were considered for this study. Clinical data was obtained through DMF-T based on WHO criteria and interview was conducted to know the paternal education level. Data was subjected for statistical analysis and it was observed that child with illiterate father had a higher chance of caries than that of literate father.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multidisciplinary Approach in Full Mouth Rehabilitation – From Ruins to Riches in Oral Health |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prafulla Thumati, Dr. K. Raghavendra Reddy, Dr. S. Padmaja |
Abstract: Management of patients with a badly mutilated dentition is a complex situation for treating and a challenge to dentist's skills. The mutilated dentition due to caries, tilted, drifted and rotated teeth results in a compromised appearance, alteration in phonetics and difficulty in mastication. This article presents a multidisciplinary approach in rehabilitating mutilated dentition with ceramo polymer crowns (Ceramage), flexible partial denture and fiber splinting of natural pontic along with porcelain fused to metal work; to provide an ordered pattern of occlusal contact and articulation to optimize oral function.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Detection of Leishmania Parasite in Sero-Positive Individuals in Tabark Allah Village, Esatern Sudan |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Mohammed A. E., Abdelsafi A. G. |
Abstract: A study was conducted to detect Leishmania donovani in sero-positive individuals and to describe the patients by age and sex in Tabark Allah village, eastern Sudan. Sixty four individuals with positive direct agglutination test were examined by lymph node aspiration test using Giemsa's stain. Amastigotes of Leisshmania parasite were detected in 49(76.6%) of the study group. Majority of true positives were children less than fifteen years old. Males were more frequent than females. Direct Agglutination Test is considered as an assumptive test and it is suitable to be used in epidemiological surveys.
Keywords: Agglutination, Aspiration, donovani, Lymph, Leishmania, Node.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Retroperitoneal Schwannoma: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Dhruv Gupta, Dr. Deepika Sharma, Dr. K. S. Mehta, Dr. Gurpreet, Dr. Amit Suri |
Abstract: Retroperitonealschwannomais a veryrare primaryneurogenic tumour of the retroperitoneum with limited reporting of cases in the literature.It usually affects adults aged 20 to 50 yearsand has a male predominance.Symptomatology of schwannomas is highly nonspecific and dependson the location and size of the lesion.The majority of retroperitoneal schwannomas are benign in nature although malignant ones have also been reported. Its diagnosis and management poses a challenge for the radiologist and the surgeon.Authors are describing a case of"RETROPERITONEAL SCHWANNOMA" which wasreported in their centre.
Keywords: Retroperitoneal,Schwannoma, Neurogenic, Nonspecific, Challenge.[1]. Goh BKP, Tan Y, Chung YA, Chow PKH, Ooi LPJ, Wong WK. Retroperitoneal schwannoma. The American Journal of Surgery 2006;192:14-18
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[4]. Kishi Y, Kajiwara S, Seta S, Kawauchi N, Suzuki T, Sasaki K.Retroperitonealschwannoma misdiagnosed as a psoas abscess: report of case. Surg Today. 2002;32:849-52.
[5]. Gubbay AD, Moschilla G, Gray BN, Thompson I. Retroperitoneal schwannoma: a case series and review. Aust N J Surg. 1995;65:197-200.
[6]. Shoji F, Maruyama R, Okamoto T, Wataya H, Nishiyama K, Ichinose Y. Malignant schwannoma of the upper mediastinum originating from the vagus nerve. World J SurgOncol 2005;3:65.
[7]. Kurtkaya-Yapicier O, Scheithauer B, Woodruff JM.The pathological spectrum of Schwannomas.HistolHistopath., 2003; 18(3): 925-934.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experience working with Nurse Anesthetists' as Non-Physician Anesthesia Providers in a temporary Semi-Urban Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri and review of the literature |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Fente B. G., Miss Ouserigha O. E. |
Abstract:Background: In Nigeria, the nurse anesthesia profession is relatively young. Nurse Anesthetists have professional responsibilities including nursing, treatment and medical-technical equipment usage. Task shifting is one approach to overcoming the lack of specialists in resource-limited settings, including surgeons and anesthesiologists.
Objective: This retrospective descriptive study was undertaken to describe our own experiences in the surgical management of patients in our local environment using Nurse Anesthetists as Non-Physician Anesthesia Providers when Physician Anesthetist were not readily available.
Setting: Study was carried out at Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri, Bayelsa State, Nigeria covering the period of January 2007 to December, 2010.
Keywords: Nurse Anesthetists, Anesthesia, Local experience.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Is Periodontitis Associated with Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate, with Oxidative Stress as an Important Link |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Meenakshi Sreeram, Suryakar A. N., Dani N. H., Kulkarni M. B. |
Abstract: Context: The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease is increasing world- wide. Besides traditional risk factors, many non-traditional risk factors may be responsible for development of the disease. Aims: To see if chronic generalized periodontitis is associated with decreased glomerular filtration rate; with oxidative stress as an important link. Design: A cross-sectional study involving 300 individuals, 150 cases and 150 controls. Setting: Candidates enrolled were patients visiting the OPD of MGV's Dental College & Hospital, Nasik, India between Jan 2011 and Dec 2012. Materials and Methods: Serum/plasma and urine samples of patients with/without periodontitis were analyzed for marker of inflammation (CRP), kidney function tests (serum creatinine, eGFR, serum Urea and ACR) and markers of oxidative stress (MDA, GGT, Uric Acid and TAC).
Keywords: Periodontitis, Chronic Kidney Disease, C-reactive protein, Oxidative Stress, Glomerular Filtration Rate.
[1]. Papapanou PN, Trevisan M. Periodontitis and atherosclerotic vascular disease,What we know and why it is important. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 143(8), 2012, 826-28.
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[6]. Pradeep AR, Kathariya R, Arjun Raju P, Sushma Rani R, Sharma A, Raghavendra NM. Risk factors for CKD may include periodontal diseases, as established by the correlations of plasma pentraxin-3 levels: a case control study, Int Uro Nephro, 44(3), 2012, 829-39.
[7]. Kshirsagar AV, Craig RG, Moss KL, Beck JD, Offenbacher S, Kotanko P, et al. Periodontal disease adversely affects the survival of patients with ESRD. Periodontal disease status affects ESRD mortality, Kidney International, 75, 2009, 746-51.
[8]. Ioannidou I, Swede H. Disparities in Periodontitis Prevalence among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, J Dent. Res., 90(6), 2011, 730-34.
[9]. Fisher MA, Taylor GW, Shelton BJ, Jamerson KA, Rahman A, Ojo AO, Sehgal AR. Periodontal disease and other non-traditional risk factors for CKD, Am J Kidney Dis., 51(1), 2007, 45-52.
[10]. Borges I Jr, Moriera EA, Filho DW, de Oliveira TB, da Silva MB, Frode TS. Proinflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers in patients with Periodontal Disease, Mediators Infalmm. 2007, 2007: 45794.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Evaluation of Neonates Delivered by Elective Caesarean Section under General Anaesthesia and Spinal Anaesthesia with Intrathecal Opioid (Fentanyl) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gaurav Chopra, Sarvesh Kumar |
Abstract: Background: To compare general and spinal anaesthesia with respect to neonatal outcome and observation of post operative adverse effects born by elective caesarean section. Methods: 60 female parturients women were posted for elective caesarean section (CS) at appropriate gestational age under spinal anaesthesia (SA) and general anaesthesia (GA). There were equal no. of patients (n=30) for both the groups, GA and SA.
Keywords: Anaesthesia-General-Spinal-Neonate-Apgar-Caesarean-Neurobehavioural.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Copd and Periodontitis ... Past Facts and the Present Status!!! |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sri Varshini Poojitha Senapathi, Dr. Reema Lakshmanan |
Abstract: Periodontitis is a chronic bacterial infection characterized by persistent inflammation, connective tissue breakdown and alveolar bone destruction. Accumulating evidence suggests periodontitis and its possible link in the development of respiratory infections like bacterial pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is characterized by blockage in the airflow and difficulty in breathing .The etiological factors of COPD are smoking and tobacoo , however, periodontopathic bacteria and genetic factors also play an important role in the pathogenesis. Routes of infection occur by aspiration of oral pathogens in to the lungs, colonization of dental plaque by respiratory pathogens followed by aspiration. The periodontopathic bacteria is also known to facilitate the subsequent colonization of respiratory tract by pulmonary pathogens. This review throws light on the pathogenesis and available evidences on the relationship between periodontitis and COPD.
Keywords: COPD, Periodontitis, Respiratory pathogens, Periodontal Pathogens, Inflammatory mediators.
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