Volume-4 ~ Issue-4
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Keywords: Flexi Laryngeal Mask Airway, intubation, pressor, ophthalmic, Intraocular
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does Maternal Education Really Improve Child Health? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Vaitheeswaran Natarajan, Dr. Devaki .P.R. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0440709 ![]() |
Abstract: Maternal education plays an important role in determination of child's health. It may affect the nutritional status of the child. The nutritional status depends on many factors including the incidence of morbidity and personal hygiene. Aim &objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of maternal education on child's health, incidence of morbidity and personal hygiene. Materials and Methodology: 449 mothers with their children who were in the age group of 0-6 years were included in the study. Proforma was given to obtain information about the about the socioeconomic status, educational qualification. Anthropometric measurements were taken in children .Grading of PEM was done based on the weight for age using IAP classification. Results: Maternal education influences the health of the child by improving the nutritional status .However, personal hygiene and incidence of morbidity was not influenced by the educational status of the mother.
Key words– Maternal education, nutritional status
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Abstract: Carotid stenosis is a major sequela of head and neck irradiation that has not received the attention it deserves. Its impact on the quality of life of patients can be substantial. This review discusses the incidence of radiation induced carotid stenosis and its role in prediction of stroke .Atherosclerotic changes of the common carotid artery(CCA) may appear like irregularities of the intima-media thickness (IMT) in B-mode ultrasound. Early detection can help to decrease or slow down the rate of prognosis of atherosclerosis and this can improve the quality, and increase the length of patient's life. The incidence of significant increase in carotid IMT following head and neck irradiation is seen. Patients with carotid stenosis are at increased risk for stroke. In this study, subjects with any other major risk factor for atherosclerosis and previous history of cerebrovascular accidents were excluded.
Key words: Ultrasound, Carotid stenosis, Neck irradiation, Atherosclerosis, Intima-media, cerebrovascular accidents
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Abstract: Calvarial tuberculosis is a rare manifestation of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. Primary calvarial tuberculosis, with no evidence tuberculosis elsewhere in the body is a rarer entity. We discuss the clinical presentation and management of two such patients subjected to investigations for any evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere in the body. Radiological images including CT scan and MRI of the brain were utilized. Histopathological examination of the granulation tissue and lytic bone established this diagnosis. A prompt surgery and anti tubercular therapy planned for patients and improved after a year. Early diagnosis and appropriate management plan of calvarial tuberculosis require high index of suspicion and knowledge. Radiological investigations help in diagnosis and preoperative planning in such cases. Definitive diagnosis is established with demostration of acid fast bacilli (AFB), culture and sensitivity, and histopathological examination. Prompt surgery and antitubercular therapy are the treatment of choice .
Keywords: Calvarium , tuberculosis, anti tubercular therapy
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Keywords: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Malondialdehyde (MDA), male infertility.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simultaneous Bilateral Neck Dissection |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Veeresh M, Dr. Rashi Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0442428 ![]() |
Abstract: Contralateral metastasis in head and neck cancer is concern with its dreaded disease. Questions arise frequently of performing contralateral neck dissection simultaneously or allow time to elapse before second neck dissection, in apprehension of safety. The procedure Simultaneous bilateral neck dissection (SNBD) is indicated for patients with bilateral cervical lymph node metastases so situated that a two stage radical neck dissection could not be done without cuffing through cancer tissue.
KEY WORDS: Carcinoma, midline, contralateral, simoultanous, neck dissection
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Keywords: valsalva ratio,HRV,autonomic functions,frequency analysis
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Abstract: Birth weight is the single most important criteria for determining the neonatal and infant survival. Low Birth Weight is the result of complex interplay of various social and reproductive health factors. A cross-sectional community based retrospective study was carried out in rural West Bengal among 540 birth episodes. Proportion of low birth weight infants were found significantly more among mothers elderly & teenaged, less educated, addicted to tobacco, Multipara and primipara, received less antenatal care, female infants, delivered at home, short stature, anaemic and had obstetric complications. Focused attention to reduce low birth weight babies, community specific strategies such as improving awareness of the community and utilization of existing maternal health services is essential.
Keywords: Biological factors, Low Birth Weight, Rural Community, Social factors.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Glucose & Lipid Profiles in Oxidative Stress Contain Diabetic Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Rajan, M. Naresh kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0444044 ![]() |
Keywords: Fbs, PPbs, lipid profiles (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, TGL).
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Abstract: Cornual ectopic pregnancy remains a rarity among ectopic pregnancies with higher mortality rates due to rupture & late diagnosis. We are reporting a case of rupture cornual ectopic pregnancy, with no risk factors identified & a delayed presentation. Patient presented with complaints of pain abdomen and vomiting & syncopal attacks of 4 days duration. Case was diagnosed using bedside USG. Emergency laparotomy was done & left ruptured cornual ectopic pregnancy was seen with hemoperitoneum. Left salpingectomy was done. Case was revived with 4 units of intra & post op transfusions. This is to emphasize that all women in reproductive age group with symptoms least suggestive of ectopic pregnancies should be evaluated until proved otherwise & the suspicion for ectopic pregnancy be continued.
Key words: Cornual ectopic pregnancy, low risk group, institutional care, mortality.
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Abstract: Tuberous sclerosis is a neurocutaneous autosomal-dominant disorder, presents with highly variable clinical manifestation and affects multiple organ system. Its manifestation in neonate is poorly described. We report a case of intractable neonatal seizure with multiple hypopigmented patch. Neuroimaging of brain shows classical cortical tubers and subependymal nodule suggestive of tuberous sclerosis in newborn. Hence tuberous sclerosis should be considered as an etiology of neonatal seizure and neuroimaging should be performed when other common causes of neonatal seizure have been excluded.
Keywords: Neonatal seizure, Neuroimaging,Tuberous sclerosis
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[3] Mustafa Sahin,Tuberous Sclerosis,Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics,19th edition (India:Elsevier, 2012)2049-2051
[4] Isaacs H, Perintal (fetal and neonatal) tuberous sclerosis: a review, Am J Pernatol.26(10), 2009 Nov,755-60