Volume-6 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: Aims- Periodontal disease, a chronic bacterial infection of the oral cavity is a novel risk factor for various systemic diseases. Among the systemic diseases, end stage renal disease has been shown to affect not only the general health of the patient but also oral and periodontal health. This study was conducted to gain an insight on the influence of renal dialysis on periodontal health. Materials and method- 234 patients undergoing renal dialysis (60 % male, 40 % female) were included in the study. The study group was divided into 4 age groups confounding systemic evaluation was conducted. Periodontal disease status was measured by CPITN. The collected data was analysed using SPSS.Inc Chicago ,USA (11.5) software. Results- Prevalence of moderate to severe gingivitis and moderate periodontitis were seen in renal dialysis of patients. Conclusion- The deteriorating general health causes negligence of oral health. The population needs comprehensive oral and periodontal care in consultation with nephrologist and oral health professionals.
Keywords – chronic renal disease, haemodialysis, periodontitis, CPITN index
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Abstract: Introduction: Recognizing dental and skeletal developmental stages from cephalometric and panoramic radiographs is very useful to assess physiologic maturity without resorting to any special radiograph. Objectives: 1. Dental age determination from panoramic radiograph using Demirjian method. 2. Skeletal age determination from lateral cephalometric radiograph using Hassel and Farman method. 3. To evaluate the nature of interrelationship between Chronological, Dental and Skeletal age. Methods: The sample for study consisted of 160 radiographs (80 panoramic radiographs and 80 cephalometric radiographs) of 40 boys and 40 girls randomly selected from various schools of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India in the age group of 6 to 13 years known chronological age. Data was collected and analyzed. Results: A strong correlation exists between Chronological and assessed Dental age in both genders of 7-12age. (r = 0.8) A moderate correlation exists between Chronological and assessed Skeletal age in both genders of 9-13age (r =0.4) A moderate correlation exists between assessed Skeletal and Dental age in both genders of 9-13age (r =0.6) Conclusions: Significant strong correlation was found among Chronological and assessed Dental age. Girls showed an early maturation over boys of the same age group.
Keywords – Chronological age, Dental age, Maturity indicators, Radiographic evaluation, Skeletal age.
[1]. Brent Hassel, A.G Farman: Skeletal maturation evaluation using cervical vertebrae. Am J orthod Dentofacial Orthop 107, 1995, 58-66.
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Abstract: Background: Patient satisfaction is one of the important studied aspects of health care. Measuring satisfaction reliably, however, is an ongoing challenge, thus objective of the study was to assess patient satisfaction in CGHS Dispensaries. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted over one year period in CGHS Dispensaries at Kolkata. A multistage sampling method was followed. Total number of respondents was 412. A self administered predesigned, pretested , semi structured questionnaire was used. Likert scale was used as scoring system in the questionnaire for patient satisfaction evaluation. Results: The overall level of satisfaction( moderate & very satisfied)in this study was 36.9%. Majority of the total respondents (84%) agreed/strongly agreed regarding the inadequacy of facilities like toilet , drinking water, sitting arrangement in the dispensaries. About (72.5%) of the overall respondents agreed/strongly agreed to the fact that doctors treating them were attentive, overwhelming majority of the total respondents (88.4%) was of the opinion that overcrowding was a problem in the dispensaries. Statistically significant association was found between patient satisfaction and per capita income in this study .Conclusion: The overall recommendation is that CGHS should strive to maintain the standard it has in order to keep patients satisfied with the services they receive.
Keywords - CGHS Dispensaries , likert scale, patient satisfaction..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Management of Gingival Hyperpigmentation" - 2 case reports |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Dr. Verdine Virginia Antony, Dr. Rahamathulla Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0642022 ![]() |
Abstract: Gingival hyperpigmentation is mostly caused by the physiologic deposition of melanin by melanocytes. Melanin pigmentation of the gingiva is completely benign and does not present a medical problem. In "Gummy Smile" Patients, melanin gingival hyperpigmentation causes an esthetic problem and physiologic disturbances. Many methods are now available for depigmentation of the gingival. This paper reports two cases of gingival hyperpigmentation managed by surgical method.
Key Words: Gingiva, Melanin, Esthetic, Depigmentation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Unusual extension of sacral hiatus - A case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jugesh Khanna, Renu Chauhan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0642325 ![]() |
Abstract: The laminae of fifth and sometimes fourth sacral vertebrae fail to fuse posteriorly in the sagittal plane leading to formation of a deficiency in the posterior wall of the sacral canal commonly known as sacral hiatus. During osteology demonstration class of MBBS students of the Department of Anatomy, U.C.M.S and G.T.B Hospital, Delhi, we noticed a sacrum in which sacral hiatus was extending to a level just inferior to the spinous process of second sacral vertebra. Review of literature suggested that the extent of sacral hiatus could be variable. To our knowledge, extension of sacral hiatus just inferior to spinous process of second sacral vertebra has not been described in the past. Familiarity with such kind of variation may help in administration of caudal epidural anaesthesia.
Key words: Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Caudal epidural block, Sacral canal, Sacral hiatus
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integration of PRF and Biodentine in Palatogingival Groove case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mele Puthukkudy Liji , Maroli Rameshkumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0642630 ![]() |
Abstract: Endo-perio combined treatment modality incorporating careful steps at both stages of treatment determines the ultimate prognosis and success in case of endo-perio lesions. This case report describes the successful collaborative management of a maxillary lateral incisor with a coronoradicular groove showing an advanced periodontal destruction with necrotic pulp using a combination of nonsurgical endodontic therapy, use of biodentine to seal the groove and Platelet Rich Fibrin(PRF) as a periodontal regenerative material. The rationale for this treatment modality is also discussed.
Key-words: Palatogingival Groove, platelet rich fibrin (PRF), Biodentine
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Management Of Ankyloglossia" - Case Reports |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Dr. Verdine Virginia Antony , Dr. Rahamathulla Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0643133 ![]() |
Abstract: Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is a developmental anomaly of the tongue characterized by an abnormally short, thick lingual frenum resulting in limitation of tongue movement. It can be categorized into 2 types- Total ankyloglossia and Partial ankyloglossia. Ankyloglossia can affect feeding, speech, and oral hygiene as well as have mechanical/social effects. This article reports two cases of ankyloglossia which was surgically treated with uneventful healing and good patient satisfaction.
Key words:, Ankyloglossia, frenum, speech, surgical, tongue tie.
[1]. Lawrence A. Kotlow Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): A diagnostic and treatment quandary. Quintessence International 1999; 30:259-262
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[4]. Suter VGA and Bornstein MM. Ankyloglossia: Facts and Myths in Diagnosis and Treatment. J Periodontol 2009;80:1204-1219.
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[6]. Suter VG, Bornstein MM Ankyloglossia: facts and myths in diagnosis and treatment J Periodontol. 2009 Aug;80(8):1204-19
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Abstract: Fallopian tube malignancy is the rarest among genital malignancies ranging to 0.3%*1. There are no specific symptoms related to fallopian tube malignancy, therefore the diagnosis mainly depends on imaging & histopathology. We are reporting a case of fallopian tube cancer in a 40 year multiparous lady who presented with vague lower abdominal pain and no other symptoms suggestive of genital malignancies. Therefore women presenting with symptoms like abdominal pain , white discharge per vaginum should be subjected to thorough clinical examination & relevant investigations to arrive at a proper diagnosis at the earliest time possible, to give better prognosis to the patient.
Keywords: Fallopian tube malignancy, atypical, reproductive age
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Abstract: The Role of Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of asthma and immunotherapy is being a new concept and paradigm. Immunotherapy on asthma requires long periods of time, so administration of an adjuvant had been considered to improve its efficacy. The aims of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy combined with probiotics and Nigella sativa in the number of Th17 cells and the improvement of clinical symptoms of asthma. A total of 31 children with mild asthma were evaluated and then randomized to receive immunotherapy or immunotherapy plus Nigella sativa or immunotherapy plus probiotic or immunotherapy plus Nigella sativa plus probiotic openly for 14 weeks. Statistical analysis found no significant difference in the mean number of Th17 cells pre and post test in all four treatment groups, however we found a significant differences asthma control test (ACT) score before and after the immunotherapy + Nigella sativa treatment (p = 0.001), before and after immunotherapy + probiotic treatment (p = 0.004), as well as before and after immunotherapy plus Nigella sativa plus probiotic treatment (p = 0.000). Correlation test found a significant association between the number of Th17 cells and ACT score in all groups. The combination immunotherapy with Nigella sativa and probiotics did not reduce the number of peripheral blood Th17 cells mild asthmatic children, but can improve the clinical symptom. Keywords – Immunotherapy, House dust mite, Probiotics, Nigella sativa, Th17 cell, Asthma Control test
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[7] Ippoliti, F., De Santis. W., Volterrani, A. 2003. Immunomodulation during Sublingual Therapy in Allergic Children. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 14 (1): 216-221.
[8] Nuhoglu, Y., Ozumut, SS., Ozdemir, C., Ozdemir, M., Erguven, M. 2007. Sublingual Immunotherapy to House Dust Mite in Pediatric Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma: A Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Course over a 3-Year Follow-up Period. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 17(6): 375-378.
[9] Bot, CM., Moed, H., Berger, M., Roder, E., Groot, H., Jongste, JC et al. 2008. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled Trial of Sublingual Immunoteraphy in Children with House Dust Mite Allergy in Primary Care; study design and recruitment. BMC Family Practice. 59 (9): 1-9.
[10] Eifan, A.O., Akkoc, T., Yildiz, A., Keles, S., Ozdemir, C., Bahceciller, N. et al. 2010. Clinical efficacy and immunological mechanisms of sublingual and subcutaneous immunotherapy in asthmatic/rhinitis children sensitized to house dust mite: an open randomized controlled trial. Clinical et Experimental Allergy. 40: 922-932.
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Abstract: Background: Low vision affects around three fourths of the people globally and about half the population nationally. In order to set policies and priorities and to evaluate global eye health, it is essential to have up to date information on prevalence and causes of visual impairment. Objective: To study the prevalence and determinants of low vision among Adult Population in a Coastal Area of Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu. Materials and Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted between February 2013 to March 2013 among the 1034 adult individuals (>18 years old), selected by multistage cluster sampling method, who were residents of Marakkanam block, Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu. The Data was collected using a predesigned structured and validated questionnaire by interview/examination method through house to house visit by trained Post Graduates, Interns, MBBS (final year part 1 students) under the supervision of faculties from the department of Community Medicine, PIMS. Informed Consent was obtained from all the study participants. Results: Prevalence of low vision was 12.8% (CI: 10.72 -14.88) and 1% of the study population were economically blind. Low vision was more prevalent (37.3%) among > 59 yrs age group in the study population (p value=0.001).16.8% of the study population who worked in dim light were found to have low vision (p=0.032). Study respondent with diabetes mellitus and hypertension had significant low vision (p value 0.024) compared to others. Similarly dim light work, frequent travelling without helmet, watching TV/Computer in dark background found to be significant determinants of low vision among study population. Conclusion: Our study found that the Low vision is a public health problem to be noted and there is an urgent need to strengthen the existing strategies and formulate innovative strategies to halt and reduce the burden of low vision.
Key words:- Low vision, rural area, determinants,
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Abstract: Plasmodium infection is usually complicated by cerebral malaria, hemolysis, acute kidney injury and respiratory distress. Myocardial involvement is a rare complication of plasmodium infection. We have reported a case of plasmodium infection (p. falciparum and p. vivax) complicated by myocarditis.
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Abstract: Aims & Objectives: This is to determine the cause of death of victims abducted as to aid justice to the relatives/nation and assist the law enforcement agent to conclude their investigation. Material and Methods: Eight People were abducted, five of which were men and three were females (two middle aged women and a young girl of about 20 years a grand daughter) that was abducted alongside with the aged grand mother. Results: Five of the cases were in advanced stages of decomposition but we were able to find the cause of death to be multiple soft tissue and skeletal injuries consequent to gunshots. The rest three though fresh bodies were seen with impressions of strangulation on the neck,ankle and the wrist with single shots either at heart,chest or liver regions. Conclusion: This has assisted for a truce in mitigating of justice and end to the missing individuals. Correspondence: Dr Martin Nnoli. Consultant Anatomic & Forensic Pathologist
Keywords: Abduction, Exhumation, Autopsy.
[1]. FarharHussainMirza,syedaEzz-e-RukhshanAdil, AkhtaraminMemon. Exhumation-Nuisance to the dead,Justified? Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.19 (2012) 337-340.
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Abstract: Aims & Objectives: Is to determine the necessity of histological examinations of post-tonsillectomy specimens. Materials and Methods:A study of post-tonsillectomy histologically diagnosed were analyzed from January 2005 to December,2012. Almost all samples seen within this period showed reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. A total of 392 samples were collected,of which 228 were males and 164 females. The analyses was done using SPSS version 16. This was represented according to age range and gender distribution per each year of study. They were also further displayed in both bar and pie chat. Results: The percentage of female affected within the study was 164(41.84%) and that of males was 228(58.16%). The study also showed the most affected age range are children under 10 years and this is closely followed by age range of 10-20years. These goes to show that the pediatric age is the most vulnerable age that was mostly affected. Conclusions: These shows that lower age ranges are more affected and the males are the most vulnerable in our study. We could not deduce what actually may be the factor contributing to the increase in lesion of this gender.
Keywords: Post-tonsillectomy Samples, Histology, Examination
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Abstract: Aim & Objectives: This is to determine the age range thatare vulnerable to this lesion with view of evaluating possible cause of infertility. Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study of post-surgical uterine samples, histologically reported leiomyoma totaling 557 from 2005-2012 were collected from the departmental result records. The whole samples were seen to be females and analysis done per each year using SPSS(statistical package for the social sciences) version 16. Results: The most prevalent age range of occurrence throughout the study was-age range of 30-40 years and this is closely followed by 40-50 years. These ranges fall into the fertility years of most African women hence the search for effective treatment and cause of infertility. Conclusion: We were able to actualize that at early ages and late-post menopausal the number of lesion appears to be minimal.
Keywords: leiomyoma,Histology,infertility
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pancreatoblastoma – A Rare Pediatric Pancreatic Tumor. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Vikas Fotedar, Dr Rajeev K Seam, Dr Manoj K Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0648284 ![]() |
Abstract: A 12-year-old male child, who was previously well, complained of pain and lump in abdomen. Physical and radiological investigations revealed a mass in pancreas. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen showed pancreatoblastoma. Pancreatoblastoma is an unusual malignant tumour seen in infants and children although rare cases have also been reported in adults. They are clinicopathologically distinct from adult pancreatic ductal carcinoma. The histogenesis, clinical features and treatment options are discussed along with presentation of the case.
Keywords: alpha-foetoprotein,pancreatic tumour, pancreatoblastoma ,PLADO
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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasound(U/S) versus spiral Computed Tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of urinary system calculi. This study was conducted in the Department of Radiology in ALamal Hospital in Khartoum State, in the period ranged (August 2011- December 2011), included 50 subjects (35 males (70%) and 15 females (30%)), their ages range from 15 to 72 years old with symptoms of renal stones They were selected from patients who had been referred for CT KUB and U/S in ALamal hospital.Spiral CT and U/S were done for all cases .this study showed that The most affected age group ranged from 21-40 years old 56 %, most patients were affected in the both sides, with no history of renal stones in their families most of the stones lodged in the kedneys (36%) and at the ureters (8%). It can be said that the two image modalities were performed together and used as essential techniques of renal stones, which help to obtain accurate diagnosis and demonstrate any changes that can affect urinary systems by stones.
Key words: Computed Tomography, Renal Stones, Ultrasound, spiral CT
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Successful Outcome of a Large Leiomyoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sajana Gogineni, Dr. B. Anil Kumar , Dr. B.N. Chander, |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0648992 ![]() |
Abstract: Leiomyomata of uterus are the most common benign tumors of the female genital tract. They present with symptoms such as excessive menstrual bleeding, dysmennorhoea, pelvic pain and discomfort. myomectomy is virtually always an option, even if a large number of fibroids are present or the tumors are very large or both. The uterus functions well in pregnancy after a myomectomy. Here we present a case of large leiomyoma in a 26yr old unmarried woman, who presented as mass per abdomen and discomfort without menstrual disturbances
Keywords: Leiomyoma , myomectomy, large fibroid
[3] Van Voorhis BJ, Romitti PA, Jones MP. Family history as a risk factor for development of uterine leiomyomas: result of a pilot study. J Reprod Fibroid uterus. Med. 2002;47:663–669.
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[5] Hughes JL, Reidy JF. Imaging and treatment of uterine fibroids including the role of uterine artery embolisation. Imaging. 2003;15:79–88.
[6] MC GRAW HILL WILLIAMS GYNAECOLOGY 2008 CH 9: pelvic mass p206