Volume-6 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: Obesity, a result of unhealthy consumption, coupled lack of physical activity, is itself a serious health risk. The key to the control of epidemics of obesity is primary prevention. The basis of prevention is therefore identification of the major risk factors and their prevention and control. A Descriptive epidemiological study using cross sectional design was carried out among seven thirty subjects of 15-64 yr age group in a village with primary objective of finding out the prevalence of various risk factors and to see the association in between. Interview was taken using a schedule modified in line with IDSP questionnaire [11] taking into account the local needs and resources. Data was collected on socio demographic variables, risk factors of obesity by house to house visit after obtaining informed verbal consent. Study population consisted of 57% male, 70% Hindu, 20% illiterate and 35 % unemployed respondents. 22.9% gave smoked and smokeless tobacco use history, 75.2% current tobacco users, 21% current drinkers, 38.5% had sedentary lifestyle, nearly 50% added extra salt most of the times, 80% use unsaturated oil. Sixty subjects had BMI of more than 30.0. Significant association was found with age group, per capita income, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, physical activity, salt intake with food and intake of oils/fat.(P<.01). Finally motivation for improvement in life style is the million dollar suggestion.
Key Words: Obesity, IDSP questionnaire, verbal consent, BMI
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding Autoimmune Diseases- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Deepak Viswanath |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0660815 ![]() |
Abstract: Autoimmune disorder is an umbrella term for a variety of painful conditions involving a malfunction in the body's complex immune system. In a normal immune response to an infection or invasion, the immune system causes a temporary inflammation while it kills off the invader cells. In autoimmune disorders, this inflammation becomes chronic, causing pain and permanent changes or damages the involved tissues. There is no specific cause for autoimmune disorders; they show patterns of remission and recurrence and they are difficult to diagnose because the specific disorders have different possible symptoms and individual symptoms varies. This article introduces a number of autoimmune diseases and inflammatory myopathies. It includes a definition of autoimmune diseases as well as a short explanation of immunity.
Key words: autoimmune disease, autoimmunity, immune disease, immune tolerance, reactive arthritis
[1]. Ercolini A, Miller S.D. The role of infections in autoimmune disease. J Trans Immunol 2009 (available on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2665673. Accessed 25 August 2011)
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[3]. Konotoyiannis D, Kollias G. Accelerated autoimmunity and lupus nephritis in NZB mice with an engineered heterozygous deficiency in tumor necrosis factor. Eur JImmunol 2000; 30: 2038-47
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[5]. Botto M. C1q knock-out mice for the study of complement deficiency in autoimmune disease. Exp Clin Immunogenet 1998; 15: 231-4
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Abstract: Sexual assault on women is an evil trend in the society. Human beings of all age and sex may have the misfortune of experiencing this crime in their lifetime. The present study was conducted on 53 victims of alleged sexual assault with the objectives to reveal their socio demographic profile & medico legal consequences. The current study shows in most cases the perpetrators of the crime are known to the victim. The victims may or may not have detectable physical injuries. In some cases even in consensual relationship complain of sexual assault comes into play when breach of trust results. Another heinous sort of crime is committed on children who are too young to resist or even understand the consequences of the act. This type of study may help to enhance public awareness, which can increase reporting of incidents and to frame appropriate measures to diminish such events in society.
Keywords – Genital injury, Sexual assault, Victim
[1] Rape Abuse and Incest National Network [Online] Available from http://www.rainn.org/statistics dated 18/4/2013 [2] Aggrawal Anil Forensic and Medico –legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices, Chapter 10: Rape, CRC Press Taylor & Francis group, 2009, page 212
[3] Donalee Brown , Sonia Reyes , Brienne Brown & Meredith Gonzenbach (2013): The Effectiveness of Group Treatment for Female Adult Incest Survivors, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 22:2 Available from: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10538712.2013.737442 dated 18/4/2013 [4] Aggrawal Anil, Forensic and Medico –legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices, Chapter 2: Pedophilia & Child Sexual Abuse, CRC Press Taylor & Francis group, 2009, page 53
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[6] Rape Abuse and Incest National Network [Online] Available from http://www.rainn.org/statistics dated 18/4/2013
[7] Hidden Art Domestic Abuse Information [Online].Available from http://www.hiddenhurt.co.uk/sexual_abuse.html cited on 18/4/2013
[8] Baujat Patricia L. Fanflik. Victim response to sexual assault counteractive or simply adaptive[Online] .August 2007fromhttps://www.vaw.umn.edu/documents/victimresponsesexualassault/victimresponsessexualassaultpdf.pdfCited18/04/2013 [9] Antonia Abbey, PH.D., 143-152 Alcohol-Related Sexual Assault: A Common Problem among college students.
[10] Marcia E. Herman-Giddens, Thomas E. Frothingham, Prepubertal Female Genitalia: Examination for Evidence of Sexual Abuse. Available from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/80/2/203.abstract dated 17/4.2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Amyand Hernia |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof Dr N Murugesan M.S, Prof Dr Rajasekaran M.S |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0662024 ![]() |
Abstract: Amyand hernia is presence of caecum & appendix inside the hernia sac,[2] Mostly inguino scrotal hernias and rarely femoral,incisional ,umbilicaland spigelian hernias[Table 1]. The patients report themselves as emergency case because of varying grade of pain precipitated by obstruction, incarceration, strangulation and perforation. Age and sex are not a definitive yardstick .Cases were reported from newborn to above 80 yrs in both sexes. Clinical diagnosis is puzzling.Correct diagnosis is arrived at operation table .This hernia is named after the surgeon Amyand who performed the first appendicectomy in a childs' complicated inguino scrotal swelling and sinus , the sac of which contained discharges of perforated appendix [ 1]
Keywords: Inguino scrotal swellings- sliding hernias-content caecum & appendix-Amyand hernia-pain- paediatric,geriatric,adolescent age group- causes- complications -diagnostic access.-Treatment
[1]. J R Soc Med. 1993 February; 86(2): 104–105.
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[4]. JBR–BTR, 2007, 90: 524-525. AMYAND'S HERNIA: INGUINAL HERNIA WITH ACUTE APPENDICITIS S. Laermans, P. Aerts, R. De Man1
[5]. Hernia (2002) 6: 137–140DOI 10.1007/s10029-002-0065-1 Sliding hernias R.Bendavid Gupta S, Sharma R, Kaushik R. Left sided Amyand's hernia. Singapore Med J. 2005; 46:424–5. [PubMed]
[6]. Breitenstein S, Eisenbach C, Wille G, Decurtins M. Incarcerated vermiform appendix in a left-sided inguinal hernia. Hernia. 2005;9:20–2.
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[9]. Constantine S. Review of literature- Computed Tomography Appearances of Amyand Hernia. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2009;33:359–62. [Pub Med] Fukukura Y., Chang S.D.: Acuteappendicitis within a femoral hernia:multidetector CT findings. Abdominal Imaging, 2005, 30: 620-622.
[10]. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2012. V. Ravikumar et al.,Clinical study of Inguinal Hernia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oral Health Status in Sickle Cell Anemia Subjects. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Surekha Rathod, Dr. Rucha Brahmankar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0662528 ![]() |
Abstract: Sickle cell disease is a vascular disorder characterized by chronic, ongoing organ damage that is punctuated by episodes of acutely painful vascular complications.1 It is the most common genetic blood disorder in the United States, with about 2000 infants being identified through routine blood screenings annually, and an estimated 104,000-138,000 affected individuals living in the United States. Approximately 0.3%-1.3% of African American are affected by Sickle Cell Diseases (SCD).
Keywords – Chronic, genetic, oral, sickle cell disease, vascular
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Abstract: Background: A substantial proportion of marriages continue to take place when the girl is below18 years of age in different states of India especially in rural area. Different socio-epidemiological factors are influencing the age at marriage of women. So this study was conducted to assess the current status of early marriage and teenage pregnancy and also to compare influence of socio-epidemiological co-relates over such situation in Howrah and Paschim Midnapur districts of West Bengal. Materials& Methods: A total of 4000 eligible couples were selected by stratified multistage random sampling from two districts of West Bengal. Data were collected by interview technique from the female member of the eligible couples by house to house survey and was analyzed both manually and by computer using EPI-INFO. Results: In both districts more than half of the women were married below 18 years. But it was significantly higher in Paschim Midnapur (rural-58.8%, urban-61.8%) than Howrah (rural-54.5%, urban-56.8%).The intra district rural-urban variation was minimum. In both districts marriage below 18 years was higher among Muslims and among women with lower educational and social status. The differences were statistically significant. The range of teenage pregnancy varied from 60% to68.8% among other religion to Muslim in Howrah district where as it was varied from 50% to 71.1% in Paschim Midnapur.
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Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to compare histological changes in the wall of human gallbladder in abnormal conditions like cholelithiasis & cholecystitis and find out the predominant risk factors for the development of cholelithiasis from primary stage like cholecystitis. To conduct case control study, 60 normal (control group) human gallbladders & 30 abnormal (case group) samples of human gallbladders having cholelithiasis and cholecystitis were obtained and processed & 9 slides were obtained and stained by H&E.. Different histological findings were noted in the various layers of gallbladders. Epithelial hyperplasia, dysplasia with erodification of mucosa and sub epithelial haemorrhages was denoted in both cholelithiasis & cholecystitis. On the behalf of statistical evidence, the present study shows both group case and control are highly significant. Predominant histological alterations were estimated in percentage by counting the number of sign and symtoms or alterations observed in various layers of diseased human gall bladder like cholecystitis and cholelithiasis and the percentage was evaluated by correlating with the normal gallbladder histological representation either/or minimal recessive histological alterations in the normal one. Predominant histological alterations were estimated and found maximum epithelial break was 62.5% in cholelithiasis where as 59.09% in cholecystitis
Keywords: Epithelial hyperplasia, Haematoxylin and Eosin staining, Macrophage infiltration, Plasma cell infiltration, Rokitansky Aschoff Sinus.
[1]. H. Mohan, Extra Hepatic Biliary Apparatus-Gall bladder (Text Book of Pathology. Chapter 19 5th Edition 2005):658-664.
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Abstract: A series of Case reports are presented using Single file system namely WaveOne Reciprocating System and OneShape Single file rotary system. Clinical relevance:Nickel titanium rotary shaping files fundamentally changed everything in endodontics; conceptually, procedurally and economically as well. NiTi rotary files made root canal therapy more accessible and kind of fun for dentists, and dental companies were loved for making files that cost four times more than stainless steel hand files but delivered a ten times improvement. There is no need for disinfecting, cleaning, sterilizing and organizing the NiTi files, provide optimal cutting efficiency along with better control of file breakageand thus increased patient safety and no risk for cross contamination.
Key Words: WaveOne Reciprocating motion, OneShape Rotary motion, Pathfiles.
[1]. GhassanYared :Canal preparation with only one reciprocating instrument without prior hand filling : A new concept. Yared 2010
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Abstract: Pulpal infection may cause a tissue destructive process that proceeds from the apical region of a tooth toward the gingival margin. The term "retrograde periodontitis" was suggested in order to differentiate this from marginal periodontitis in which the infection spreads from the gingival margin toward the root apex. The relationship between periodontal and pulpal disease was first described by Simring and Goldberg in 19641. Pulpodontic-periodontic syndrome has been used to define a syndrome involving inflammation or degeneration of the pulp with a periodontal pocket adjacent to the same tooth. This syndrome can be initiated by either pulpal or periodontal disease and may manifest pulpal and periodontal symptoms. In general, pulpal infection has the potential to initiate inflammatory changes in the alveolus at both apical and non-apical locations of teeth. Combined lesions are those that occur where an endodontically induced periapical lesion exists on a tooth that is also periodontally involved. All of these conditions can be placed under the general term periodontitis associated with pulpal disease.
Keywords- Endodontic, Periodontics, Pulpodontic-periodontic syndrome, Retrograde periodontitis.
[1]. Simring M, Goldberg M. The pulpal pocket approach: retrogradeperiodontitis. J Periodontol 1964; 35: 22-48.
[2]. Cohen S, Burns RC. Pathways of the pulp, 4th Edition, 1990
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[8]. Lewis MAO, MacFarlane TW, McGowan DA. A microbiological and clinical review of the acute dentoalveolar abscess. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990; 28:359-366.
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[10]. Law A, Messer H. An evidence-based analysis of the antibacterial effectiveness of intracanal medicaments. J Endod. 2004;30(10):689-94.
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Abstract: The proportion of older people is growing faster than that of any other age group. The interrelationship between oral health and general health is particularly pronounced among older people. Poor oral health exerts a negative impact on the quality of life of geriatric population. There is no sound database regarding the oral disease burden and treatment needs of the elderly in India and the extent to which oral diseases impact the general health and quality of lives of the Indian elderly. A survey conducted among 218 subjects above 60 years of age residing in seven old age homes across Bengaluru city to assess the impact of oral diseases on oral health related quality of life using OHIP-14 questionnaire tool. Independent t-test revealed that, presence or absence of grossly decayed teeth produced significant differences in the physical pain, physical discomfort and handicap domains while edentulism (partial or complete) produced significant impact in the psychological disability domain of elderly subjects. Females experienced greater impact of oral diseases than males in all the domains of OHIP. Oral health status of the institutionalized geriatric population of Bengaluru, India is poor, with edentulism, periodontitis and under utilization being major concerns. The impact of oral diseases on the lives of elderly is relatively lower and disproportionate compared to the disease burden among the subjects.
Key words: Elderly, OHIP-14, Oral Health Related quality of Life, Impact of oral diseases.
[1]. World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision, United Nations Population Division New York, NY, USA: United Nations; 2003(Cited 2005 Feb 24). Available from: URL: http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/wpp2002/WPP2002-HIGHLIGHTSrev1.PDF
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyse the performance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.We performed an observational retrospective study which included100 patient with clinical suspected of AC were randomized into two groups. The first group included these patients with final diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and other group included patients with final alternative diagnosis to acute cholecystitis. Study found that the incidence of AC is high in obese, AC incidence is higher within the age of 41-50 years, female (57%) more affected, Khartoum population suffer more than Omdurman and Kassala (71%), also tenderness is observed on examination with 38% and is not exist with 61% . it concluded that ultrasound had a great value in increasing accuracy in diagnosis of acute cholecystitis and it decreases the false negative diagnostic rate and improves the clinical outcome.
Key words: Cholecystitis, acute - Gallbladder - Ultrasound, gallbladder. acutecalculouscholecystitis ultrasound diagnosis
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Abstract: Objective: Assessment of addictions and variables associated with them among fishermen in Southern-East Costal area of Mumbai. Material and Methodology: Present descriptive epidemiological study which had adopted exploratory survey design was carried out during Jan 2011 to June 2011. Total 500 fishermen were interviewed using preformed, pretested, semi-structured interview schedule. Results: The average age of fisherman was 34.9 + SD 14.9 years. Majority (81.6%) of fishermen had some kind of addictions. Alcohol and tobacco consumption was seen in 63.4% and 73.4% fishermen respectively. Job stress was seen in 67.8% of fishermen. Alcohol and Tobacco consumption were significantly associated with age, type of job, job stress, job satisfaction and depth of fishing. Misbelief of 'tobacco and alcohol consumption increases work efficiency' was prevalent among them. Conclusion and Recommendations: Rate of smoking and alcohol consumption was very high among fishermen. Fishermen may benefit from periodical health promotion and education in the area of smoking, alcohol consumption to raise their awareness about the dangers of smoking and alcohol consumption. Key words: addictions, fishermen, job satisfaction, job stress.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Outcome of Teenage Pregnancy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Soubhagya Talawar, Venkatesh G |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0668183 ![]() |
Abstract: Teenage pregnancy is a health risk for mother and fetus. It is associated with high maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. This study aims to examine teenage pregnancy, study risks associated with teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcome. Keywords: Adverse birth outcome, case control study, teenage pregnancy.
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Abstract: Common bile duct stones may be discovered preoperatively, intra-operatively or postoperatively. The standard preoperative workup for patients presenting with symptoms attributable to choledocholithiasis includes liver function test and an abdominal ultrasound. These tests, combined with clinical examination and history, constitute the entire workup for most patients. As there is no exactly known preventive measures, early detection and treatment is the most justifiable intervention to reduce mortality and morbidity. With the advancement of medical sciences many newer techniques are coming up for detection of biliary tract diseases. Among the imaging techniques currently advocated for evaluating the biliary tree, ultrasonography is most frequently used in the initial evaluation of patients with symptoms and sign referral to the pancreato-biliary systems. Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) is a non-invasive imaging test with excellent overall sensitivity and specificity for demonstrating the level and presence of biliary obstruction. MRCP has emerged as an accurate, non invasive diagnostic modality for investigating the biliary and pancreatic duct and has been recommended in some circles as the preoperative procedure of choice for the detection of CBD stones.
Key words: Symptomatic gall stone disease, common bile duct stones, MRCP.
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Abstract: Aim Of The Study: To study the role of antioxidants in controlling pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis and its comparison with non operative conventional treatment. Background: Chronic pancreatitis is a commonly encountered condition in the surgical wards. In our country most of the patients suffering from pain due to chronic pancreatitis are unable to afford or are not eligible candidates for higher end endoscopic and surgical interventions and hence rely heavily on conservative management for symptomatic pain relief. Such patients may benefit from additional strategies for better pain management and an improved lifestyle.The objective of the present randomized (single- blind) controlled trial was to study the role of antioxidant supplementation for relief from pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Key Words: Antioxidants, chronic pancreatitis, pain
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Abstract: Context: Prenatal sex detection, allowing the selective abortions of female fetus is legally a penal offence. It is prevailing in many parts of India resulting in gender imbalance and high masculinity, because Indian value system prefers male child over female. Methods and Material: We interviewed 175 antenatal mothers by systemic random sampling, excluding the unwilling, attending OPD of Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata during January to June, to assess the trends in gender preference and awareness regarding pre-natal sex determination among antenatal women. Result: Our study couples, who are mostly from urban areas, mainly in the 20-30 year age group, mostly from lower economic strata, are well aware of the social menace arising out of prenatal sex determination and female feticide. Although one quarter had strong male preference, none undergone PCPNDT to know the sex of the offspring, 43% were aware that PCPNDT is legally banned and 54% knew that female feticide is a crime according to law. Conclusions: Provision and strict implementation of law as well as improvement of socio-economic condition, literacy through public education campaigns and lifting up the moral and ethical values are warranted to eradicate this social crime.
Key words: PCPNDT act, feticide, sex selective abortion.
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Abstract: Childhood immunization is the most successful and cost-effective public health intervention. It is one of the best indicators to evaluate the health outcomes and services distributed across social and economic groups. A descriptive, cross sectional study was done in a rural block among 210 children between 12 - 23 months and their care givers for duration of 9 months with the objectives of assessment of their knowledge and practice on different aspects of immunization. WHO 30 cluster sampling method was used. Results revealed 82.9% were Hindus, 14.8% were illiterate, 67.1% deliveries were institutional. The male : female children ratio was 3:2. Polio and measles were mostly heard one. One third of the care-givers knew the correct dose of measles vaccination whereas only 4.8% and 7.1% had the right knowledge of three doses for OPV and DPT. Fever (54.3%) and diarrhea (24.8%) cited as main side effects of vaccination. Lack of information, long distance, sick baby on the day of immunization were reported as main reasons of incomplete immunization. The coverage for majority of vaccines was above 90%. Immunization status had significant association with religion, literacy status and place of delivery. Appropriate information, dissemination and aggressive campaigning on immunization is the need of the hour.
Keywords - Immunization, cost-effective, intervention, cross sectional, cluster sampling.
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Abstract: Laryngeal carcinoma accounts for 15.88% cases of cancers in males and 3.57% in females in Bangladesh. Among the two main treatment modalities surgery is expensive, causes loss of voice and needs postoperative rehabilitation; radiotherapy is less costly, less mutilating and can preserve the voice in majority of cases. Thirty two diagnosed cases of carcinoma larynx with stages T1-T2, N0-N1, M0 were included in this study. All were treated with 6600 cGy gamma radiations in 33 fractions over 6.5 weeks by a cobalt-60 teletherapy machine. All patients were reviewed by indirect laryngoscopy every week during treatment and for every 6-weeks up to 6-months after the completion of treatment. The response was considered complete with total or near total regression of local tumour mass and involved lymph nodes, and partial with ≤80% regression of tumour mass and/or involved lymph nodes. Majority of the patients were tobacco smokers, belonged to lower socioeconomic group and were aged between 4th to 7th decades. Histologically all the cases were squamous cell carcinoma. Complete response to radiotherapy was highly significant in glottic variety (p<0.001) and significant (p<0.01) in supraglottic variety. Radiotherapy can be considered as the first choice for treating early stage laryngeal carcinoma in developing countries.
Keywords - Glottic, Larynx Cancer, Radiotherapy, Supraglottic, Tobacco Smoking.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Giant Cell Fibroma" – A Case Report |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Dr. Verdine Virginia Antony, Dr. Rahamathulla Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-066117119 ![]() |
Abstract: The giant cell fibroma is a localized reactive proliferation of fibrous tissue, much like the irritation fibroma. It usually small, may have be sessile/peduncalated. It is painless, often has lobules/ nodules on its surface. It contains cells with large, stellate shaped fibroblasts, near the surface of the fibrous mass, beneath the overlying epithelium. A female patient aged 45 years presented with a small nodule like asymptomatic, sessile gingival overgrowth on the 12,13 region. The lesion was firm and fibrous in consistency with rough surface. The lesion was excised and sent for biopsy. Microscopically the section showed epithelium and connective tissue stroma with large stellate shaped fibroblast. Based on microscopic findings, the lesion was diagnosed as "giant cell fibroma".
Key Words: Giant cell fibroma, Multinucleated, Stellate fibroblast.
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