Volume-8 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract:For adequate and appropriate distribution of health services, together with increasing financial pressures in the public sector, determination of staffing levels in the health facilities are important. The Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method is one such method. It uses a form of activity analysis (activity standards), together with measures of utilization and workload to determine staffing requirements. The present study was conducted to calculate the nursing staff requirement and their work pressure in maternity ward of Medical College Kolkata. WISN method provides a useful mechanism for assessing priorities to address staff overloads or staff under-utilization.
Key words: WISN, activity standards, workload, hospital staffing
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Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect of oral versus parenteral therapy to improve the Hb level among antenatal women with iron deficiency anaemia. Methods: This was a randomized controlled study conducted in northern India among antenatal women with iron deficiency anaemia. The inclusion criteria were Hb concentration less than 11 gm/dl and gestational age 21-36 weeks. A total of 230 women were included in the study and divided randomly into 2 groups: Group-A was given 240 mg elemental iron as ferrous sulphate for 8 weeks. Group B was given parenteral iron at the same interval as in Group A. Results: The Hb level was significantly (p=0.0001) increased in both the groups from before (Group A=8.56±1.18, Group B=8.31±1.03) supplementation to after supplementation (Group A=11.77±1.20, Group B=12.20±1.70). The increase was lower among the women of Group A (27.3%) as compared to Group B (31.9%). There was no association between age & gestational age of women and percentage increase in Hb in both the groups. About one third of the women of both Group A (32.2%) and Group B (31.3%) women experienced constipation. CONCLUSION We found that the parentral iron therapy in the form of iron sucrose was better choice to reduce iron efficiency anaemia as compared to oral therapy. Early supplementation will help to decrease the risk of blood transfusion during the peripartum period.
Key words: Iron sucrose, antenatal women, Hb, anaemia
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Abstract: Generally, Left Lung is divided into two lobes by a deep oblique fissure and right lung is divided into three lobes by oblique and horizontal fissures. But in our case study during the routine undergraduate dissection of the Thoracic region of a sixty five year old male cadaver in the department of Anatomy, Gandhi Medical College, it was incidentally observed that the left lung is divided into three lobes by oblique and horizontal fissures and incomplete horizontal fissure in the right lung. This type of variation is observed only once in our routine dissection in Anatomy Department and hence presented for its clinical importance.
Keywords – Horizontal Fissure in Left Lung, incomplete horizontal fissure in Right Lung, variation of Fissures in Lungs
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Abstract: Introduction: Hypertension is a common disease associated with high mortality and morbidity. Hypertension could have its origin in childhood and go undetected unless specially looked for during this period. With globalization bringing more lifestyle modifications, adolescents are exposed to multiple risk factors including obesity, diet, academic stress, lack of physical work apart from hereditary risk factors. Early diagnosis of hypertension is an important strategy in its control, effective treatment and prevention of complications.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of hypertension among school children in the age group of 13- 17 years and study the determinants.
[1]. Cardiovascular epidemiology in the Asia–Pacific region, Geok Lin Khor PhD, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Malaysia,Serdang,
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Prevalence and determinants of hypertension among urban school children in the age group of 13- 17
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[5]. McNiece KL,Poffenbarger TS, Turner JL, Franco KD, Sorof JM, Portman RJ. "Prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension among adolescents."Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Texas-Houston, School of Medicine Journal of Pediatr. 2007 Jun; 150(6):640-4, 644..
[6]. Marit Stray-Pedersen Ragnhild M Helsing, Luz Gibbons Gabriela Cormick Turid L Holme, Torstein "Weight status and hypertension among adolescent girls in Argentina and Norway" BMC Public Health 2009
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the safety of immediate post-placental intrauterine device insertion at the time of caesarean delivery. Method: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bundelkhand Medical College and associated Tili hospital, Sagar, from September 2010 to August 2011. Patients undergoing caesarean section for varied indications were counselled regarding intra-operative CuT380A insertion and those who agreed were allocated to the study group and the rest were allocated to the control group. The patients were observed during the post-operative period for complications associated with either caesarean section or intrauterine device insertion. Result: During the study period, 100 patients underwent CuT380A insertion immediately after removal of the placenta during caesarean delivery. There was no significant difference in the post-operative complication rates between both the groups. The rates for post-operative bleeding being 15% in both the groups and that of post-operative infection being 5% and 7% in the study and control groups respectively.
Keywords: Complications, Intracaesarean, Intrauterine device insertion, Postplacental, Acceptance.
[1]. Grimes DA, Lopez LM, Schulz KF, Van Vliet HA, Stanwood NL. Immediate postpartum insertion of intrauterine devices. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 May 12 ;( 5): CD003036. Review.
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[4]. Alvarez Pelayo J, BorbollaSala ME. IUD insertion during caesarean section and its most frequent complications. GinecolObstet Mex. 1994 Nov; 62:330-5. Spanish.
[5]. Levi E, Cantillo E, Ades V, Banks E, Murthy A. Immediate post placental Intrauterine device insertion at caesarean delivery: a prospective cohort study. Contraception 2012 Jan 20.
[6]. Kapp N, Curtis KM. Intrauterine device insertion during the postpartum period: a systematic review. Contraception. 2009 Oct, 80(4): 327-36.Epub 2009 Aug 29.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Laparoscopically Assisted Appendicectomy in Adults: A comparative analysis |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Misauno M.A., Isichei M.W., ALE A.F. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0832427 ![]() |
Abstract: Background; Laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA) has always generated controversy due to its expensive and time consuming nature. Open appendicectomy (OA) on the other hand is cheaper and faster to perform but lacks the advantage of visualising the rest of the peritoneal cavity for associated pathologies. Laparoscopically assisted appendicectomy (LAA) in comparison combines the benefits of the other methods at a cheaper rate than the laparoscopic appendicectomy but is performed mainly in children. This study was aimed at evaluating the feasibility of LAA in adults compared to LA and OA. Methodology-This was a combined prospective and retrospective evaluation of patients that underwent appendicectomy using three different methods. Results The prospective arm of the study consisted of a total of 64 patients, 28 of whom had laparoscopic appendicectomy while 36 had laparoscopically assisted appendicectomy. The retrospective arm included 40 patients that had open appendicectomy. The costs of the procedures were $315 (OA), $630(LAA) and $1260 (LA). The mean operating time for the different methods were 30, 33 and 60 minutes for OA, LAA and LA respectively while the duration of hospital admission were 24hours each for OA and LAA but 48 hours for LA. Associated intra-abdominal pathologies were found in 13 patients (20.3%) that had LAA and LA while none was documented for OA. Conclusion Laparoscopically assisted appendicectomy (LAA) in adults can be done at a significantly reduced cost and shorter operating time when compared to Laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA), and has the ability to detect other intraabdominal pathologies as opposed to open appendicectomy.
Keywords: Adult laparoscopic assisted appendicectomy, cheaper, faster, detects other pathologies
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of ballistic soft tissue injuries: a review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Smita Goorah, Dr. Sandip Hindocha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0832835 ![]() |
Abstract: Civilian populations are increasingly vulnerable to ballistic injuries resulting from firearms or from bomb blasts. Injuries of the extremities are most common with firearm- related violence and wounds of greater complexity are seen with explosive devices. Initial management is targeted to dealing with life-threatening conditions and stabilizing the patient followed by subsequent care in a well-equipped setting. In this paper, we review and discuss various management modalities specifically for ballistic soft tissue injuries which include conservative or surgical management, appropriate wound care, use of antibiotics and definitive management and reconstruction of soft tissue injuries. Initial evaluation can usefully classify the ballistic injury into a high-risk or a low-risk category and this influences subsequent management. Low-risk ballistic injuries can benefit from conservative non-surgical management. Experience acquired from the treatment of military ballistic wounds can be used in civilian settings especially in the case of wound debridement and use of antibiotics. Definitive management of soft tissue injuries usually involves the use of flaps for reconstruction.
Keywords - ballistic injuries, reconstruction, soft tissue injuries, wound care
[1] Richmond TS, Cheney R, Schwab CW. The global burden of non-conflict related firearm mortality. Inj Prev 2005; 11(6): 348–352. [2] Davies MJ, Wells C, Squires PA, Hodgetts TJ, Lecky FE. Civilian firearm injury and death in England and Wales. Emerg Med J 2012; 29(1):10-4.
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Abstract: Angiomyofibroblastoma is a rare,usually small benign mesenchymal tumor that occurs mainly but not exclusively in the vulval region of premenopausal women. Patients often present with non specific symptoms. It is a well circumscribed lesion that clinically is often thought to represent a Bartholin's gland cyst. Diagnostic confusion often arise between angiomyofibroblastoma and other tumors arising in the vulval region like aggressive angiomyxoma and cellular angiofibroma because of overlapping histological features. Differentiating between angiomyofibroblastoma and cellular angiofibroma is not of clinical significance.Aggressive angiomyxoma is a more infiltrative lesion that has a high propensity for local recurrence. Immunohistochemistry is not of much help in distinguishing these entities. Sincere efforts should be made to differentiate angiomyofibroblastoma from aggressive angiomyxoma, which has a potential to metastasize or recur.
Key words: Angiomyofibroblastoma,Vulva,aggressive angiomyxoma
[1]. Giannella L, Costantini M, Mfuta K, Cavazza A, Cerami LB, Gardini G et al. Pedunculated angiomyofibroblastoma of the vulva: case report and review of literature. Case reports in medicine 2011;vol 1: 1-4
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[8]. Fletcher CDM, Tsang W, Fisher C, Lee KC, Chan J.Angiomyofibroblastoma of the vulva:A benign neoplasm distinct from aggressive angiomyxoma. Am J Surg Pathol 1992;vol 16(4): 364-372
[9]. Vasquez MD, Ro JY, Park YW, Tornor CS, Ordofiez NG, Ayale AG. Angiomyofibroblastoma: A clinicopathologic study of 8 cases and review of the literature. Int J Surg Pathol july 1999;vol7(3): 161-169
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Abstract: An Epidemiological study was carried out to assess various tobacco related habits and their associated oral mucosal lesions within Nagpur district – Rural / Urban populations. . 4 rural and 4 urban clusters were taken for this study A cluster random sampling technique was used in this study with 100 subjects examined form each cluster. Sample size was 800 subjects including both Rural / Urban populations... Data was collected by conducting interviews and clinical examination. The statistical analysis was done by using SPSS 14.It was observed from this study that, various tobacco related habits were more from rural sectors than urban. Habit of smoking was very common among rural population when compared to smoking in urban population. Habit of chewing tobacco was common in rural population when compared to urban. Increased prevalence of habits of both smoking and chewing were observed among Men. Only few females had the habit of smoking, though the prevalence for chewing tobacco was more than smoking. To conclude from this study, chewing and smoking tobacco habits are existing within our society. Tobacco related oral lesions are also alarmingly high from this study group.
Key words: chewing tobacco , oral lesions,population, smoking tobacco ,tobacco habits,
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Abstract: We report three cases of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in different settings. First case was associated with systemic lupus erythematosus with gestational hypertension and lupus nephritis. Second case had no history of hypertension while third patient had only transient rise of blood pressure during & soon after an episode of seizures. All three cases had complete recovery. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome is a clinical-neuroradiological term, often associated with delayed postpartum eclampsia & classical imaging features usually in the form of bilateral, symmetrical, reversible white matter oedema involving commonly the posterior cerebral circulation. Diagnosing these lesions early & providing appropriate treatment is important to achieve an optimal neurological outcome.
[1] Williams Obstetrics book, 23rd edition, Pregnancy Hypertension, page 708-709.
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[9] W.S. Bartynskia and J.F. Boardmana, Distinct Imaging Patterns and Lesion Distribution in Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome, AJNR, August 2007; 28: 1320-1327
[10] Silvia Pugliese, V. Finocchi, M. L. Borgia, C. Nania, B. Della Vella, A. Pierallini , A. Bozzao, Intracranial hypotension and PRES: case report, J Headache Pain (2010) 11:437–440
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Abstract: Strenuous physical activity like marathon race put a lot of strain on the heart with its attendant physical and psychological view point. This individual often dies suddenly as most of them are with sub-clinical to over heart diseases and; at times with brain lesion like ruptured aneurysm.1 Ruptured aneurysm is the most frequent extracardiac cause for sudden death arising in the cardiovascular system. These always arises on the cerebral vessels as a result of artheroma formation on the vessels which obstructs free flow of the blood with its extensive narrowing of the blood vessels plus attributed to consequences. This type of aneurysm often resides at the circles of willis at the bifurcation and links together.2 Most are giant type and are in form of fusiform/dissection type occurs in traumatic dissection or congenital ateriopathy and arteriosclerosis.3-6 However, organic diseases like hypertension and few other conditions like smoking, gender males at younger to middle aged adults are more prone to aneurismal deaths.7,8 The case is a young man of 32 years who is on 32km marathon race as part of fitness criteria for promotion who suddenly slumped and was brought in the hospital; though certified dead already (brought in dead).
Keyword: Race, Male, Hypertension, Death. There is no conflict of interest among the authors.
[1]. Knight's Forensic Pathology: The pathology of sudden death 3rd edition chapter 25 page 509-11
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[5]. Anson JA, Lawton MY and Spetzler RF.Characteristics and Surgical Treatment of dolicholectatic and fusiform aneurysms. J Neurosurg 1996; 84: 185-93
[6]. Drake C G and Peeless SJ. Giant frusiform intracranial aneurysm: Review of 120 patients treated surgically from 1965-1992. J. Neurology 1997; 87: 141-162
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[8]. Connolly ES, Chondhri TF, et al. Influence of smoking, Hypertension and Sex on the phenotypic expression of familial intracranial aneurysms in siblings. Neurosurgery 2001; 48: 64-69.
[9]. Vincent Dimaio, Suzanna Dana. Handbook of Forensic Pathology, 2nd Edition page 40.
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Abstract: This is to assess the level of abortion in a tertiary hospital over a period of time with emphasis in the prevailing age of occurrence/months and maternal mortality and morbidity outcome. Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study of 123 samples of all proceeds from the abortion (evacuation from the uterus) sent over the period were analyzed as results were obtained in the record of the department. All results were analyzed using SPSS version 16. These were displayed as per year of study and emphasis on actual age vulnerable with the highest months of occurrence. Results: The study showed the vulnerable age that is usually in search of abortion to be 30-40 years; closely followed by 20-30 years age group. Conclusion: It showed that despite the illegality attached to the procedure some clients still seek the attention from various ways resulting to the high morbidity and mortality seen in our study.
Keywords: Abortion, histology, infertility, death
[1]. Grimes, D.A. Benson J., Surghs, Romed M. et al. "Unsafe abortion, the preventable pandemic" The Lancet 368 (9550) 2006, 1908-1919. doi: 168. 1016/80140-6736(06) 69481-6 PMID 17126724.
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Abstract: Multiple and Recurrent Extra intestinal gastrointestinal stromal tumor (EGIST) in omentum and peritoneum - a case report Introduction: Gastrointestinal tumors are the intraabdominal tumors arising from muscular propia of gastrointestinal tract. Similar morphology, histopathological tumors rarely may arise from peritoneum, mesentry, or omentum and these tumors are called extra intestinal gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Case Presentation: 45-year male presented with lump over left flank and right hypochondrium region without bowel, bladder and biliary symptoms. Abdominal sonogram and computerized tomography of abdomen suggested two large tumors located separately at right sub-diaphragmatic and left lumbar regions. The pre-operative needle aspiration cytology was inconclusive. DISCUSSION: Diagnostic laparoscopy showed two tumors situated at different locations. Tumor at the right sub-diaphragmatic region was arising from peritoneum and another large tumor at the lumbar region from omentum. Excision biopsy and further immunohistochemistry revealed extra intestinal GIST Conclusion: Extra intestinal gastrointestinal stromal tumors arising from peritoneum and omentum in the same patient is rare occurrence.
Key Words: Extra intestinal gastrointestinal stromal tumors, omentum, peritoneum
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Abstract: A Free-floating ball valve thrombus in the left atrium is a rare clinical entity and has been reported infrequently in Indian literature despite the high incidence of Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. Early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention are mandatory otherwise it may lead to catastrophic consequence. We are presenting our experience with one such case which was diagnosed clinically and by Trans- Thoracic two dimensional echocardiography. This case report describe the clinical features and Trans- Thoracic two dimensional echocardiography(TTE) findings of a free – floating ball valve thrombus in the left atrium secondary to severe rheumatic mitral valve stenosis that was discovered incidentally in our symptomatic patient.
Key Words: Left atrium ball valve thrombus, Rheumatic heart diseases, Mitral valve stenosis.
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Abstract: Background-Elevated inflammatory markers such as high sensitivity C- reactive protein (hs-CRP), TNF-alpha, IL-6,serum amyloid A and leukocyte count are associated with future risk of development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Similarly Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) is also an early indicator of cardiovagal dysfunction. Objective- Obesity is an inflammatory condition. A study was conducted to evaluate the role of inflammatory markers and autonomic function in development of cardiovascular disease and Diabetes Mellitus in an obese population. Methods and Results- The study was conducted on 30 obese male students and 30 non obese male in the age range of 18-24 years, from Dr D. Y. Patil University, Pune. Leukocyte count, C- reactive protein (CRP) and cardiac autonomic function tests were carried out in all subjects. Results showed significant decrease in heart rate variability (HRV) in obese subjects. However, no significant difference was seen in the levels of CRP and leukocyte count in between obese and non obese subjects. Conclusion-The study showed early signs of autonomic imbalance in the obese subjects, but inflammation does not seem to play a role in this age group in the present set up.
Key words: Obesity, C-reactive protein, Leukocyte count, Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy
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