Volume-8 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: The regulation and fine tuning of airway caliber is basically determined by the bronchial tone through airway smooth muscle contraction and relaxation, wherein the autonomic nervous system has an important role. Here, we have compared Salbutamol (β2 adrenergic agonist) and Ipratropium bromide (M2 muscarinic antagonist). Previous studies focused mainly on patients with COPD, emphysema, asthma etc. and they showed inconsistent results. So the present study was taken up with an objective to find out the difference between the effects of inhaled Salbutamol and Ipratropium on the bronchomotor tone in healthy adults. The study included 86 subjects of age group 17-25 years. On day one, baseline spirometry was first recorded, followed by repeat spirometry 20 min. after giving 2 puffs of Salbutamol through MDI . On day two, spirometry was done 40 min. after administering 2 puffs of Ipratropium . FEV1, MEF25, MEF75, MEF25-75 PEF were significantly higher after Salbutamol inhalation. PIF, MIF50were also higher with Salbutamol but not statistically significant.
Keywords: - Autonomic nervous system, Bronchomotor tone, Spirometry, MDI.
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Abstract: According to WHO one third of the world population have tuberculosis. The present study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of flurochrome(FI) stain with conventional Z-N stain in the diagnosis of pulmonary & extra- pulmonary tuberculosis. 388 cases of suspected pulmonary tuberculosis were included in the study. All samples were screen for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) by Z-N & Fluorescent staining methods. Positive samples detected by fluorescent stain were 57(14.69%) when compared to Zn stain 29(7.47%). Conclusion: Compared to Z-N stain (7.47%) flurochrome staining was found to be more efficient (14.69%) in AFB detection of AFB from cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Key Words: Pulmonary tuberculosis, flurochrome stain, Z-N stain.
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Abstract: Sudden unexpected deaths in neonates usually result from underlying natural disease. We report a case of death in a full term apparently healthy female neonate delivered normally at the –M.I.M.E.R. Medical College hospital, Talegaon, Pune, India, who cried after birth, developed cyanosis and died in a few minutes. The foetus was received in the Dept. of Anatomy, M.I.M.E.R. Medical College for embalming and dissection. Detailed examination and dissection revealed congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) with bilateral lung hypoplasia in the newborn. With the advent of better antenatal diagnosis and neonatal care, the chances of survival in CDH have improved. However, there still remains a significant risk of death and complications in infants with CDH, primarily due to the associated lung hypoplasia. The insult to the lungs is now thought to be an independent, associated finding, due to a common genetic pathway involved in the development of the diaphragm and the lungs, rather than a cause-effect relationship.
Keywords - Sudden death, neonate, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, lung hypoplasia, genetic pathway
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Lymph nodes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ripunjaya Mohanty, Dr. Anne Wilkinson |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0851318 ![]() |
Abstract:Background: The incidence of lymphadenopathy appears to be increasing, especially among young adults all over the world. Their frequent involvement in regional and systemic diseases and their easy accessibility make the cytomorphological study of lymph nodes a permanent activity of pathologists. Inflammatory and immune reactions are the most frequent causes of lymph node enlargement and are self limiting in majority of cases. Lymphoid tissue undergoes reactive changes to a wide variety of antigenic stimuli. Tuberculosis, which is common in India, can also be diagnosed by cytology of affected lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are also affected as a result of primary neoplasm of the node itself and from metastasis of malignant neoplasm from regional and distant organs. With the advent of FNAC, most of the inflammatory, reactive and neoplastic conditions can be diagnosed without biopsy. It has the advantage that it can be done safely, rapidly and cheaply with minimal trauma at an outpatient setup or at the bedside.
Keywords – Fine needle aspiration cytology, lymph nodes
[1]. Kochhar K, Patel B, Shah M. Pattern of Lymphadenopathy on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Superficial Lymph Nodes (A Study of 150 Cases). JARBS 2012; 4: 288-292.
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[5]. Paul PC, Goswami BK, Chakrabarti S, Giri A, Pramanik R. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Lymph Nodes - An institutional study of 1448 cases over a five year period. Journal of Cytology 2004; 21:187-90.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Forgotten Lippes loop |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ravindra Pukale, Dr. Okram Sarda Devi, Dr. Vijayalakshmi S. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0851920 ![]() |
Abstract: The history of IUCD insertion can sometime come into highlight only after imaging is done. Patient tends to forget about their IUCD.
Keywords - Forgotten Lippes loop,IUCDs
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Abstract:Background And Objectives: The relationship between the synthetic hormones and premenstrual asthma has long been debated with conflicting reports regarding the effects of estrogen and progesterone. Oral contraceptives appear to have beneficial effect on lung mechanics and the proposed mechanisms vary from ventilation stimulant effect of progesterone to the collagen increasing effect of estrogen. The objective of this study was to evaluate a cross section of combined oral contraceptive pill users with healthy controls in different phases of menstrual cycle with computerized spirometry and to compare the differences. Methods: 50 users of combined oral contraceptive pill and 50 healthy controls were subjected to spirometric assessment in different phases of menstrual cycle. Student t test (2-tailed) was used to find the significance difference of PFT parameters between healthy controls and oral contraceptive user groups. Analysis of variance was used to find the significance of PFT for different phases of menstrual cycle in both the cases and controls. Results: PEF was increased throughout the menstrual cycle in combined oral contraceptive pill users suggestive of bronchodilatory effect of progesterone. Within the group, both cases and controls showed increased FVC and FEV1 suggestive of stimulation of ventilation by progesterone. Conclusion: Subjects using combined oral contraceptive pills had improved lung function than controls when evaluated with computerized spirometer.
Key Words: FEV1 as percentage of FVC (FEV1/FVC %); Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1); Forced vital capacity (FVC); Peak expiratory flow (PEF), Premenstrual asthma (PMA)
[1] C. S. Rajesh, Gupta P, Vaney N. Status of pulmonary function tests in adolescent females of Delhi. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2000; 44 (4): 442-448.
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Abstract:We treated 54 patients with complex acetabular fractures by single ilioinguinal approach, open reduction and internal fixation using plate osteosynthesis for anterior column and lag screw for posterior column through anterior approach and prospectively followed them up for a mean period of 10.50 years (minimum 3 and maximum 27 years). We assessed patients during their serial follow-up using Harris hip score , Merle De Aubigne and Postel scrore. We correlated our results with Matta's radiological fracture reduction criteria. All patients achieved union. Reduction achieved was poor in 13%, imperfect in 33.7% and anatomical in 53.3% patients. Our mean Harris hip score and Merle de Aubigne score at mean follow up improved from19.22 & 2.57 to 85.78 & 15.6 at end of mean follow up of 10.5 years. There were 2 cases of infection and 2 cases required revision and conversion to the conventional anterior + posterior approach . There were two cases of secondary osteoarthritis of hip in patients with poor reduction. With our study we conclude that ilioinguinal approach with anterior column plating and lag screws for posterior column anteriorly offers good functional, clinical and radiological outcome for complex acetabular fractures .It must be used in experienced hands and patients selection is key to success. Comminuted posterior column fracture or fractures with more comminuted posterior column as compared to anterior column must be dealt with posteriorly. Aim must be to achieve anatomical reduction radiologically for better functional results
Key Words: Acetabular Fractures, Ilioinguinal approach, Bicolumnar,, T-shaped fracture.s
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Abstract: Depression in old age is associated with genetic susceptibility, chronic disease and disability, pain, frustration with limitations in activities of daily living. The present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of depression and associated socio-demographic factors among geriatric patients attending a tertiary care hospital by Geriatric Depression Scale. 65.3% of the study population had depression (mild-36.2%, severe-29.1%) and the association of this depression with age (p<.001), gender (p<.001), residence (p=.027), marital status (p=.004), education (p<.001), occupation (p<.001), family type (p<.001) and economic dependency (p=.002), living condition (p<.001) was statistically significant. Social support group, local clubs and respective families should address the issue of depression among elderly.
Key Words: elderly, depression, mental health, GDS
[1] Indian J Psychiatry. 2006 Jan-Mar; 48(1): 56–61.
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[7] Uwake R. Psychiatric morbidity in elderly patients admitted into non psychiatric wards in a teaching hospital in Nigeria. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000;15:346-54.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fibrous dysplasia: report of an unusual case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ruchi Nayar, Amit K. Nayar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0853941 ![]() |
Abstract: Benign fibro-osseous lesions (BFOLs) of the maxillofacial bones represent a diverse group of pathologic conditions that includes developmental lesions, reactive or dysplastic diseases, and neoplasms. A great deal of controversy surrounded these lesions as to whether they represent distinct entities or a single entity in different stages. It has now been accepted, following genetic studies that these are actually distinct entities having a similar histopathologic appearance. Fibrous Dysplasia is a idiopathic fibro-osseous disease which causes progressive expansion and deformity of bones. Cafe-au-lait spots have been reported to occur with the polyostotic form of the disease but not with the monostotic form. However, it has also been suggested that the abnormal maturation of bones proceeds synchronously in the affected bones of the craniofacial complex, and thus exists in a silent or subclinical stage in apparently normal appearing bones as well. Reported here is a case of Fibrous Dysplasia of the Maxilla in a 12 year old boy with cafe-au-lait spots over the neck and trunk region. Other bones did not appear to be affected by the disease at this stage. A long term follow-up is required to determine whether other bones will be subsequently affected or not.
Key words: Benign fibro-osseous lesions, Fibrous Dysplasia, monostotic, polyostotic
[1]. Brannon RB, Fowler CB. Benign Fibro-osseous lesions: a review of current concepts. Adv Anat Pathol, 8, 2001, 126-143.
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[4]. Reed RJ, Hagy DM: Benign non odontogenic fibro-osseous lesions of the skull: Report of two cases oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol,19-2, 1965, 214-227.
[5]. Chen YR, Noordhoff MS: Treatment of craniomaxillofacial fibrous dysplasia:How early and how extensive?, Plast Reconstr Surg, 865, 1990, 835-42; discussion 843-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pancytopenia-An Evaluation. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Bharath, Dr. N. Arun Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0854245 ![]() |
Abstract:Objectives: A prospective study, to establish the underlying pathology and evaluation of patients with pancytopenia. Materials and Methods: A total of 11 cases of pancytopenia were analyzed over a period of One month i.e. from 1st August to 31stAugust-05 at Department of Pathology, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary, Karnataka. All patients who presented with pallor, fever, generalized weakness, and diarrhoea were subjected to complete hemogram and were included in the study based upon the laboratory results. Criteria to consider a case to be pancytopenic are hemoglobin <5g/dl, TLC < 4000/cumm, and platelet count < 1, 50,000/cumm. Patients who had undergone blood transfusion and aged more than 65yrs were excluded from the study. A detailed history and clinical examination was carried out in each case and the relevant information was noted in a proforma. Bone marrow aspiration was performed using Salah's bone marrow aspiration needle from the iliac crest or sternum. A full blood count was done, peripheral smear and reticulocyte count was also performed in each case. Bone marrow smears were stained with Leishman, Giemsa and iron stain wherever necessary. Results: All patients presented with pallor. Other complaints are fever, generalized weakness, cough, and diarrhea in descending order. The youngest patient being 16yrs old and the oldest patient 58yr old. M: F ratio being 7:4 showing the higher prevalence of the disease in male than in female. Majority of the patients fall in the middle class of socioeconomic group. The most common cause of pancytopenia as revealed by bone marrow was Megaloblastic anemia (73%) and Aplastic anemia (27%). Conclusion: Megaloblastic anemia and Aplastic anemia are the common causes of pancytopenia. M: F ratio being 7:4. Majority of the patients fall under the age group of 26-35yrs (54%) and in the middle class of socioeconomic group.
Keywords: Pancytopenia, Megaloblastic anemia, Aplastic anemia, Bone marrow, Hemogram.
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[10]. Mussarrat Niazi, Fazl-i-Raziq: The incidence of underlying pathology in pancytopenia- an experience of 89 Cases: JPMI; 2004:18:76-79.
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Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of chronic smoking on various types of cataracts in healthy male smokers. Tobacco use as the single most important preventable risk factor to human health in developed countries and an important cause of cataract. Out of 4000 chemical in cigarette, 100 are toxic. smoke contains harmful free radicals that potentially damaging lens proteins and the fiber cell membrane in the lens. smoking reduces the body's levels of antioxidants and certain enzymes which may help to remove damaged proteins from the lens. Methods: 53 smokers and 53 nonsmokers were selected from the OPD of ophthalmology department of konaseema institute of medical sciences and research foundation ( KIMS & RF ) ,Amalapuram, EG district, AP,india with age of 40-60 yrs as subjects. Smoking group smokes for a period 12 to 40 yrs. Results: the smokers registered an increase Incidences of Immature Cataract is more among the smokers 60.38 % ( No.32 ) than the nonsmokers 52.83 % (No.28). Incidences of mature Cataract is more among the smokers 28.30 % (No.15)than the nonsmokers 22.64 % (No.12). Incidences of Nuclear Cataract is more among the smokers 11.32 % (No.6 )than the nonsmokers O9.43 % (5). Incidences of Cataract among the smokers is highest in the tobacco roll smokers 84.91 % (No.45),high in the cigarette smokers 13.21 % (No.7), 13.21 % (No.7), very low among the beedi smokers 01.88 % (1). Conclusion: In our study, on 53 smokers, we found the significant increase in number all types of cataract. Key Words: Cataract, Cigarette smoking, Slit lamp examination
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Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral microorganism on surface topography of acrylic resin denture base material. Materials and methods: Fifty rectangular plates of dimensions 30mm x 20mm x 1 mm were fabricated with heat polymerizing acrylic resin denture base material. an area of 10mm x 10 mm in the center of each acrylic plate was marked for evaluation of surface topography by Laser Triangulation Sensor.The plates were then sterilized by immersion in 2 % Gluteraldehyde for 30 minutes, and placed in sterilized containers. saliva sample were collected from 40 healthy edentulous people of 40 to 60 years in age wearing acrylic complete denture. 0.1 ml of saliva was immediately poured on central portion of each were placed in incubator at 37 degree centigrade for 72 hr. after 72 hr each plate was inspected for bacterial colonies. Results: The mean value of difference of mean surface roughness value (ra) of acrylic plates before culture and after culture of microorganism is 2.13343 with overall standard deviation of 0.9964, and standard error 0.1821. Conclusion: The acrylic resin plates showed some amount of roughness even after polishing (mean surface roughness value 'Ra') before culture of microorganism on them. The acrylic resin plate showed an increase in mean surface roughness after culture of microorganism. Thus this roughness will deteriorate the denture by the time, even after the use of latest denture cleanser and other auxiliaries, by offering more plaque and microorganism accumulation and cycle go on.
Keywords: Surface topography, microorganism, laser triangulation sensor.
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Abstract:Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy constituting a major cause of maternal and fatal morbidity and mortality.Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state with changes in procoagulant, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic systems. In preeclampsia, there is a shift in the haemostatic balance towards a pro-thrombotic state, together with changes in endothelial function. It is a state of enhanced coagulation as evidenced by an increased amount of clotting factors in maternal circulation. Aim of the study:To study the changes in plasma fibrinogen in pregnant women suffering from severe preeclampsia in comparison with healthy normotensive pregnant women and to correlate its level with the severity of preeclampsia. Patients and Methods:This study was carried out at Alyarmouk Teaching Hospital from July to October 2010.This study included thirty five pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy with severe preeclampsia.A total of thirty five healthy pregnant women who werenot in labour, their age and gestational age matchedwith the patients and normotensive throughout gestation were included as a control group.All patients gave their written informed consent before entering the studyBlood samples were taken from both groups for measurement ofFibrinogen. The student T-test and correlation coefficient study were used for statistical tests. Results:There was significant difference inmean plasma fibrinogen between patients with severe preeclampsia (5.10±0.83) and control group (4.24±0.61). (P value <0.0001). Conclusions:Plasma fibrinogen was significantly increased in patients with severe preeclampsia than control group and show significant direct linear correlation with the severity of preeclampsia.
Key word: fibrinogen, preeclampsia
[1]. Hoffman M., Roberts H.Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of the Coagulation Factors and Pathway of Hemostasis. In: Lichtman MA, Beutler E , Seligsohn U , Kipps T, Kaushansky K , Prchal J,editors .William's Haematology .8thed. China The McGraw-Hill companies; 2010. Chapter 115.
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Abstract: The pantropical shrub, Sida acuta is a medicinal plant used in the treatment of a variety of ailments. This study was to investigate the effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Sida acuta on the histological feature of the cerebral cortex. Twenty female rats weighing between 150-200g were used for this study. The rats were divided into four groups labeled A, B, C, and D with each group consisting of five rats. Group A served as the control and received distilled water, while groups B, C and D, the experimental groups, received 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg and 600mg/kg of ethanolic leaf extract of Sida acuta respectively for 14 days. The extract was orally administered with the aid of an orogastric tube. Twenty four hours after the last administration, the animals were sacrificed by chloroform inhalation method; the cerebral cortex dissected out and fixed in 10% formal saline for routine histology and thereafter stained using Haematoxylin and Eosin method. Histological observations of the cerebral cortex showed 4 basic zones namely marginal, cortical, intermediate and sub-ventricular, while animals administered with 200mg/kg, and 600mg/kg, showed hyperplasia of cells in the cortical, intermediate and sub-ventricular layers, respectively. Animals that received 400mg/kg of the extract showed hypertrophy of cell in the intermediate and sub- ventricular layers. This result suggests that high doses of ethanolic leaf extract of Sida acuta may cause some neurological disorders; therefore caution must be taken when used for the treatment of various ailments.
Key word: Cerebral cortex, Hyperplasia, Hypertrophy, Neurological, Sida acuta, Subventricular.
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Abstract:Two distinct hematological phenomenon can occur in endurance-trained athletes: (a) a rheological adaptation to endurance exercise leading to a rapid increase of plasma volume which decreases hematocrit (Ht), and hemoglobin (Hb) levels (athletes' pseudoanemia) and (b) a true iron deficiency and anaemia. Most studies, in the past, had failed to differentiate these two conditions.Studies exist in the literature examining the prevalence of anaemia in athletic populations, yet it is still controversial whether anaemia is in fact more frequent in athletes than in non-exercising population. Aim - To evaluate & assess hemoglobin and ferritin levels in football players and to compare these values with non-exercising controls Method: n=30 male Professional football players in the age group of 18-25 years playing football for last 5 years were enrolled for the study. n=30 healthy age and sex matched non exercising individuals were taken as controls. Hemoglobin and serum ferritin levels were estimated in both the groups. Results:The mean age was 20.36±2.23years in the study group and 20.96±2.0 years incontrols. The mean hemoglobin concentration in the football players was 14.92±1.16 gms% and in controls it was15.60±1.17 gms %( p=0.01). The serum ferritin levels in the study group were 65.05±54 ng/ml while in the controls it was 135± 40.90ng/ml (p=0.0003) Conclusion:The chances of developing true anaemia in football players is the likely possibility in future, hence the study recommends to follow up these subjects to maintain iron stores.
Key words- Sports anaemia, hemoglobin, ferritin, football players
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Abstract: The activities of Marigold (T.erecta) extract on the wound healing of albino Wister rats have been evaluated. Thirty six male and female rats weighing 150-200g were randomly selected and divided into 4 groups (A, B, C, D). The test rats were fed normal rat feed and water ad libitum in addition to oral administration of 1.0ml of the petal extract of marigold. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture of the animals into EDTA bottles for analysis. The initial blood picture of the animals was taken before administration of the extracts to the test rats. Results showed that Tagete erecta extract increased platelet count, white blood cell count (p>0.05) and shortened the bleeding and clotting times. There was a slight increase in haemoglobin concentration and Packed cell volume. This shortening in bleeding and clotting times could be due to presence of certain elements present in the extract. Short running title: Marigold, evaluation, wound healing, platelet count, and bleeding time.
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Abstract: Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias are an unusual presentation of trauma. The diagnosis is often missed because of non-specific clinical signs, and the absence of additional intra-abdominal and thoracic injuries. Thus, a delay in diagnosis may occur which, in the presence of obstruction and/or strangulation, is associated with a high mortality and morbidity.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gene therapy: New Horizon in Orthopaedic Management |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Provash Chandra Saha, Sushmita Roy, Krishna Priya Das |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-0857478 ![]() |
Abstract:Gene transfer technologies enable the controlled, targeted and sustained expression of gene products at precise anatomical locations, such as the joint. In this way, they offer the potential for moreeffective, lessexpensive treatments of joint diseases with fewer extra-articular adverse effects.Many orthopaedic conditions are difficult to treat by conventional means; however, they are good candidates for gene therapy.Arthritis, aseptic loosening of prosthetic joints, bone defects, orthopaedic tumours, as well as the repair and regeneration of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons-in all these conditions gene therapy through transgene expressionmay have attractive implications. There have been few clinical trials and no FDA-approved gene therapy product exists.Among the multifactorial reasons, clinical translation is expensive anddifficult to fund by traditional academic routes, gene therapy is viewed as unsafe andrisky. Nevertheless, the preclinical and early clinical data are impressive and provide considerable optimism that gene therapy will provide straightforward, effective solutions to the clinical management of several common debilitating orthopaedic disorders that are otherwise difficult and expensive to treat.
Keywords: Gene therapy, Gene transfer, Orthopaedic conditions, Transgene expression.
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Abstract:Histological effects of yaji extract on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity were studied using adult wistar rat. Twenty wistar rats weighing between 150-210g were used. They were designated into four groups of five animals each. Group A animals served as the control and received 0.6ml of distilled water. Group B received 0.5ml of yaji extract, group C received 0.3ml of carbon tetrachloride while group D received 0.5ml of yaji extract plus 0.3ml of carbon tetrachloride. The administration lasted for twenty-eight days using intubation method. Twenty-four hours after the last administration, the animals were weighed and sacrificed using chloroform. Liver tissue was collected, weighed and fixed in zenkers fluid for histological studies. The body weight of group C animals were significantly higher (P<0.001) than the control. The group D relative liver weight were statistically similar to the control. The photomicrograph of group A showed central vein that is centrally placed, group B showed central vein and sinusoids congested, no abnormality was seen, group C showed complete distortion of the cytoarchitecture of the liver, no hepatic cell nuclei are visible, hence hepatocellular necrosis. Group D photomicrograph showed mild fibrosis around the central vein, congested sinusoid in a background of hepatocellular hypertrophy.
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Abstract:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of three cavity disinfectants (chlorhexidine gluconate-based. Consepsis; benzalkonium chlorite-based, Tubulicid red; sodium hypochlorite based-Chlorcid V on the self -etch dentine bonding agent ( Adeper Easy One,3M ESPE ) under SEM. Method and materials: 30 Class V cavity preparations were prepared on the buccal surfaces of extracted mandibular molars with occlusal margins at the enamel and gingival margins in cementum then they were divided into 3 experimental groups-A,B and C. In the experimental groups, cavities were treated with combinations of one of the three cavity disinfectants with Adeper Easy One, self -etch dentine bonding agent. After the cavity preparations were restored with resin composite Filtek Z 35O (3M ESPE), specimens were thermocycled, , and sectioned the tooth-resin composite interface of the sectioned specimens was examined under scanning electron microscopy. Results: Consepsis and Tubilicid red specimens shows the resin-tag formation whereas Chlorcid V exhibited marginal gap formations at the tooth-resin composite interface. Conclusion: 2%chlorhexidine gluconate and benzalkonium chlorite can be used as cavity disinfectants with Adeper Easy One SE bonding agent. However sodium hypochlorite is not an appropriate disinfectant to use with this bonding system as it showed marginal gap formation.
Keywords: cavity disinfectants, self etch dentine bonding agent, chlorhexidine gluconate, benzalkonium chlorite and sodium hypochlorite.
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Abstract:Management of impacted teeth in the orthodontic practice is of paramount importance, as the existence of one or more impacted teeth may complicate orthodontic treatment and present dilemmas especially when inaccessibility or ankylosis is factor. The management of impacted teeth in orthodontic practice varies widely from extraction of the tooth to forced orthodontic eruption. Orthodontic eruption varies between closed or open techniques that must be determined for each case.
Key Words: impacted teeth, orthodontic treatment, surgical exposure, smile makeover.
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