Volume-9 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: Armored tubes are an integral part of the anaesthesiologist's arsenal of equipments. Its special quality to resist kinking makes it an extremely useful device for use in neurosurgical procedures where extreme positioning is needed. But incidences of tube kinking have been reported.Immediate diagnosis and management is essential in avoiding lethality. We describe a similar incidence of armored tube kinking and its successful management without re-intubation. We highlight the fact that just the use of armored tubes is not a fool-proof way of a secure and patent airway, extreme precaution has to be taken in patient positioning and vigilance throughout the procedure.
Keywords: Armored tube, Flexometallic tube, Kinking, Neurosurgery.
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Abstract: Aim and objectives: To evaluate simple manoeuvres and techniques to control catastrophic bleeding from major abdomino-pelvic major vessels. Material and methods: This study was conducted between 2003 to 2013. A total of 15 cases were considered in this study. Patients had iatrogenic injuries during dissection or were diagnosed during operation, as sudden gush of profuse bleeding started in trauma patients. Simple indigenous techniques and manoeuvres are discussed to save life of patients, when operating room is not ready to deal with such surprising catastrophic events. Results: Bleeding was controlled effectively in all patients. All patients required ventilator and inotropic supports. We had one mortality. Remaining 14 patients did well and discharge on 13-18 days postoperatively. Conclusion: Simple manoeuvres and techniques to control catastrophic bleeding from major abdomino- pelvic major vessels are effective in emergency situations.
Keywords: Major vascular injuries, Abdomino-pelvic surgery, IVC injury, Aorta injury, Portal vein injury
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Abstract: Adenoma malignum is a rare variant of cervical adenocarcinoma. A woman of 26 years with complains of profuse mucoid discharge per vaginum on speculum examination per vaginum showed multiple cauliflowers like growth hanging within the introitus. Punch biopsy gave a report of endocervical glandular polyp with squamous metaplasia. On excision, the mass was found to arise from the cervix and external Os was separately identified. On histopathological examination the final diagnosis was adenoma malignum. Adenoma malignum of the uterine cervix is difficult to diagnose because of the deceptively benign appearance. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to find a characteristic pathological feature such as multiple irregular lobulations of distorted glands demonstrating a ''hair-pin'' shape. Despite the presence of well-differentiated histopathological features, the prognosis of adenoma malignum is known to be poor because of early dissemination into the peritoneal cavity and early distant metastasis.
Key word: Adenoma malignum (AM)
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Abstract: Non surgical therapy remains the cornerstone of periodontal treatment. Clinical trials are still needed to objectively evaluate adjunctive periodontal therapy. Frequent re-evaluation and careful monitoring allows the practitioner the opportunity to intervene early in the diseased state, to reverse or arrest the progression of periodontal disease with meticulous non-surgical anti-infective therapy. Keywords: Host modualation, Periodontal therapy, Lasers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Literature Review of Root-End Filling Materials |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka.S. R., Dr. Veronica |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0942025 ![]() |
Abstract: Surgical endodontic therapy is done when non-surgical endodontic treatment is unsuccessful. Root-end resection is the most common form of periradicular surgery. The procedure involves surgical access or osteotomy to expose the involved area, root-end preparation, root-end resection, periradicular curettage and placement of a suitable root-end filling material. This article reviews the effectiveness of various available, time-tested and newer root-end filling materials including their biocompatibility, sealing ability, anti-bacterial effects and capacity to stimulate regeneration of normal periodontium.
Keywords: endodontic surgery, filling, retrograde, review, root-end
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flare-Ups in Endodontics – A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka.S. R., Dr. Veronica |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0942631 ![]() |
Abstract: An endodontic Flare-up is defined as an acute exacerbation of asymptomatic pulpal or periapical pathoses after the initiation or continuation of root canal treatment.Pain may be seen after initiating endodontic treatment for a previously asymptomatic tooth or during the course of treatment or after obturation. Establishing the cause of the flare-up is important to initiate the proper treatment. In the following article, the possible etiological factors and their mechanisms have been explored and discussed.
Keywords: Acute, endodontics, Exacerbation, flare-up, biofilm.y
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[10] J.F.Siqueira Jr, microbial causes of endodontic flare-ups, International endodontic journal, (36), 2003, 453-463.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tooth discolouration due to endodontic materials and Procedures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka.S. R., Dr. Veronica |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0943236 ![]() |
Abstract: The appearance of the dentition is of great importance to a large number of people. There is an increase in interest in treatment of tooth staining and discolouration in recent times. Correct diagnosis of the cause of tooth discolouration is important in determining the treatment outcome. In order to make a correct diagnosis and to prevent iatrogenic causes of tooth discolouration, it is imperative that we possess an adequate knowledge of the various sources of tooth discolouration, including those that occur due to the use of certain restorative and endodontic materials. This review article summarises the causes and mechanisms of tooth dicolouration and staining caused by various endodontic materials.
Keywords: discolouration, endodontic, material, staining, tooth.
[1] A.Watts, M.Addy, Tooth discolouration and staining: a review of the literature, British dental journal, 190(6), 2001.
[2] Matheus Souza, Doglas Cecchin, Joao V.B.Barbizam, Jose F.A.Almeida, Alexandre Augusto Zaia, Brenda P.F.A.Gomes, Caio C.R Ferraz, Evaluation of the colour change in enamel and dentine promoted by the interaction between 2% chlorhexidine and auxiliary chemical solutions, Australian Endodontic Journal, 2011.
[3] Akisue E, Tomita VS, Gavini G, Figueiredo JAP. Effect of the combination of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine on dentin permeability and scanning electron microscope observation, Journal of Endodontology, (36), 2010, 847-50.
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[6] Hitesh Gupta, D Kandaswamy, Saru Kumar Manchanda, Sippy Shourie, Evaluation of the sealing ability of two sealers after using chlorhexidine as a final irrigant : An in vitro study, Journal of Conservative dentistry, 16(1), 2013, 75-78.
[7] Kim HS, Zhu Q, Baek SH et al. 2012. The chemical interaction of alexidine and sodium hypochlorite. Journal of endodontics. 38. 112-116.
[8] Bradley Newberry, Shahrokh Shabahang, Neal Johnson, Raydolfo M. Aprecio, Mahmoud Torabinajed, The antibacterial effect of BioPure MTAD on eight strains of Enterococcus faecalis: An in vitro Investigation, Journal of endodontology,33(11), 2007, 1352-1354.
[9] Bjorvatn K, Skaug N, Selvig KA, Tetracycline-impregnated enamel and dentin : duration of anti-microbial capacity, Scandinavian journal of Dental Research, 93, 1985, 192-197.
[10] Tay FR, Mazzoni A, Pashley DH, Day TE, Ngoh EC, Breschi L, Potential iatrogenic tetracycline staining of endodontically treated teeth vis NaOCl/MTAD irrigation : Apreliminary report, Journal of Endodontology, 32(4), 2006, 354-358
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Correlation Between Facial Form And Tooth Forn In Indian Population |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Maya Vinothini |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0943739 ![]() |
Abstract: A study was performed to correlate the relationship between facial form and Maxillary central incisor tooth form among undergraduate dental students in our institution . Forty dental students comprising of 20 males and 20 females were randomly selected as study subjects. Two standardized photograph was taken for each individual ( Facial photograph , intraoral photograph ). Outlines were traced using Adobe photoshop .The mean values were evaluated and results were tabulated. Results failed to prove the Leon William's theory .
Key words: Leon William's theory, toothform, facial form
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[4] Varajo FM, Nogueria SS Russi Correlation between maxillary central incisor form and face form in 4 racial groups.
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Abstract: We operated 126 elderly osteoporotic patients with mean age of 65.5 years who sustained Comminuted Inter-trochanteric femur fracture treated with Cemented Bipolar hemiarthroplasty and Tension band wiring for Greater trochanter through transtrochanteric approach. Mean harris hip score at the mean follow up of 2.92 years was 80.76 and showed a statistically significant improvement as compared to pre-operative scores. Mean blood loss during the mean operative time of 61.35 min was 321 ml. In our case series we came across some serious complications like infection, dislocation, osteolysis, Non-union Greater trochanter, protusio and implant breakage but no fatalities were reported. 5 of our patient underwent repeat surgery in form of Total Hip Replacement and 1 Excision Arthroplasty. From our study we would like to suggest that Cemented Bipolar hemiarthroplasty is a viable technique for elderly osteoporotic patients with Comminuted inter-trochanteric femur fracture with no trauma to abductors or external rotators of hip and sciatic nerve as we approach the hip through the fracture site itself and not posteriorly as in Southern Moore's approach. It also helps in faster rehabilitation and recovery in elderly osteoporotic patients.
Keywords: Inter rochanteric fractures,comminuted, unstable, Elderly osteoporotic, cemented Bipolar, Hemiarthroplasty.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the vertical dimensional changes in bialveolar dental protrusion patients undergoing extraction of all four first premolars between the preadjusted edgewise appliance(PEA)(MBT) and the Begg appliance. The cephalometric records of 40 patients with Class I bimaxillary protrusion were selected and devided in two groups i.e Begg or PEA mechanotherapy. The age group of 18-25 years was selected for both groups. Skeletal and dental changes were analysed in both groups on lateral cephalograms taken pre (T1)& post (T2) treatment. A student t-test was used to analyse the treatment changes.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress and periodontitis: A review. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR. K. Malathi, DR. Dhanesh Sabale |
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: | 10.9790/0853-0945457 ![]() |
Abstract: Periodontal diseases are common chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms which induce elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting in tissue destruction. Evolution of periodontal diseases is influenced by many local or systemic risk factors. Stress has been suggested as one of them and may negatively influence the outcome of periodontal treatment. The possible relationship between stress and increased susceptibility to periodontal disease is not completely understood.The aim of this review is to provide the relationship between psychological stress and periodontal diseases.
Key Words: Stress, Periodontal diseases, Immune system.
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Abstract: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor(AOT)shows presence many calcifications like tumor droplets, enamaloid, dentinoid and tubular dentin. But this is first case reporting presence of psammoma bodies, which are extracellular calcifications seen in meningeal, ovarian and thyroid tumors. They are believed to be formed because of many different mechanisms. This is report of a case where 15 year old girl presented with swelling on maxilla. Clinically and radiographically it was presented as globulomaxillary cyst. Histopathologically it was proved to be AOT with numerous calcifications. These calcifications were extracellular containing many concentric lines resembling psammoma bodies.
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Abstract: Mediastinal impalement is uncommon and often fatal injury. Patients with this injury has to undergo operative intervention regardless of the hemodynamic status or associated injury . Few cases have been reported in which the patient recovered without any sequelae. We present a case of mediastinal impalement injury in which a metallic foreign body entered through the right 5th intercostal space just lateral to sternal border. The patient became unconscious and then stabilised hemodynamically and neurologically .The foreign body penetrated pleura, lung of right side and right atrium. Right anterolateral thoracotomy was done for its retrieval. Follow-up of the patient was uneventful.
Key words: impalement injury, mediastinum, anterolateral thoracotomy
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Abstract: Furcal perforation is usually an undesired complication that can occur during preparation of an endodontic access cavities or exploring canal orifice of multirooted teeth. Inadequacy of the repair materials has been a contributing factor to the poor outcome of repair procedures. On the basis of the recent physical and biologic property studies of the relatively new introduced mineral trioxide aggretate, this material maybe be suitable for closing the communication between the pulp chamber and the periodontal tissues. There are few reports on repair of furcal perforation with MTA in molar teeth. The purpose of this case report was to describe the treatment of furcal perforation using MTA in molar teeth. The perforations were cleaned with NaOCl and saline solution, the tooth was endodontically treated and perforation was sealed sealed with MTA and coronally restored with posterior high strength glass ionomer cement and metal veneer crown. After 6 months, the absence of any radiolucency in the furcation area, pain along with functional tooth stability indicated a successful outcome of sealing perforation in 1 case.
Keywords: Iatrogenic furcal perforation, Repair, MTA, Root canal treatment
[1]. Tsesis I, Fuss Z. Diagnosis and treatment of accidental root perforations. Endod Top 2006; 13:95–107.
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[5]. De-Deus G, Reis C, Brandão C, Fidel S, Fidel RA. The ability of Portland cement, MTA, and MTA Bio to prevent through-and-through fluid movement in repaired furcal perforations. J Endod 2007; 33(11):1374–7.
[6]. Torabinejad M, Chivian N. Clinical application of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 1999; 25(3):197–205.
[7]. Roberts HW, Toth JM, Berzins DW, Charlton DG. Mineral trioxide aggregate material use in endodontic treatment: a review of the literature. Dent Mater 2008; 24(2):149–64.
[8]. Hamad HA, Tordik PA, McClanahan SB. Furcation perforation repair comparing gray and white MTA: a dye extraction study. J Endod 2006; 32(4):337–40.
[9]. Ribeiro CS, Kuteken FA, Hirata Junior R, Scelza MFZ. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial action of MTA, calcium hydroxide and portland cement. J Appl Oral Sci 2006; 14(5):330–3.
[10]. Perez AL, Spears R, Gutmann JL, Opperman LA. Osteoblasts and MG-63 osteosarcoma cells behave differently when in contact with ProRoot MTA and White MTA. Int Endod J 2003; 36(8):564–70.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Ultrasound in Thyroid Pathologies |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Dr. Awad Mohamed Elkhadir |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-0947098 ![]() |
Abstract: This is a retrospective study of thyroid patients referred for ultrasound for the period of 2007to 2009 at different hospitals and dispensaries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Eastern area). Importance of the study is ; to create a reliable reference for the role of ultrasound in thyroid pathologies in King Saudi Arabia. Study aimed to detect the Ultrasonic Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid pathologies. This study was carried out on 303 patients of various types of thyroid diseases in King Saudi Arabia.232 (77 %) were female patients and 71(23 %) were males. Along this series there were 25 % of enlarged thyroid gland which act as the most common ultrasound findings of thyroid disorders followed by, 23 % solitary thyroid nodules, 10 % multinodular goiters, 8 % simple cyst, 7 % nonpalpable thyroid nodules, 4 % goiter and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The most common ultrasound findings of thyroid gland enlarged of thyroid. The least common is nodal enlargement, adenoma, thyroiditis, microcalcifications, small size thyroid, multiple thyroid nodules, thyroglossal cyst and Graves disease. Out of this study we believe more that ultrasound should be the first-line test owing to its safety and availability.
Keywords- Sonographic ,Thyroid Gland, Thyroid Pathology , Ultrasound.
[1] http://www.thyroid.ca/Guides/HG01.html. [2]http://www.springerlink.com/content/3732n0ewhqb6amd7/
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[5] http://www.ajnr.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/5/1117
American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol 16, Issue 5 1117-1123, Copyright © 1995 by American Society of Neuroradiology.
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