Volume-1 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sensing Principle Analysis of FBG Based Sensors |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Imran Khan || Istiaq Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/1676-0130106 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper the temperature and strain sensing principle of FBG based sensors are analyzed
through experimental procedures. The property of the FBG changes due to the thermo-optic and elasto-optic
effect which results the change of period of the gratings & the effective refractive index respectively. Due to this
FBG's property change results Bragg wavelength shift. From the measured Bragg wavelength shift with respect
to the reference (at room temperature & no strain applied) Bragg wavelength we can calculate the
corresponding temperature or strain. For this type of temperature sensor the sensitivity found is
(9.9 0.13) pm/C .
Keywords: Bragg wavelength, Effective refractive index, Elasto-optic effect, Fiber Bragg gratings, Thermooptic
through experimental procedures. The property of the FBG changes due to the thermo-optic and elasto-optic
effect which results the change of period of the gratings & the effective refractive index respectively. Due to this
FBG's property change results Bragg wavelength shift. From the measured Bragg wavelength shift with respect
to the reference (at room temperature & no strain applied) Bragg wavelength we can calculate the
corresponding temperature or strain. For this type of temperature sensor the sensitivity found is
(9.9 0.13) pm/C .
Keywords: Bragg wavelength, Effective refractive index, Elasto-optic effect, Fiber Bragg gratings, Thermooptic
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[2] A.Cusano, A. Cutolo and M. Giordano, "Fiber Bragg Gratings Evanescent Wave Sensors: A View Back and Recent Advancements", Sensors, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
[3] K.O.Hill and G. Meltz, "Fiber Bragg Grating Technology Fundamentals and Overview", Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 15, No. 8, August 1997.
[4] G.P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, (John Wiley & Sons, 2002).
[5] Imran Khan, "Optical Fiber based Microwaves Sensor Using Surface Plasmon Resonance", Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, ISSN: 2226-2105, pp. 310-315, May, 2012.
[6] http://home.clara.net/rod.beavon/err_comb.htm.
[7] The Daily Star, Cracks develop as overloaded trucks let pass over it, 17-01 -2008.
[8] H.Meng,W.Shen,G.Zhang, C.Tan and X. Huang, "Fiber Brag grating-based fiber sensor for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 150 (2010), pp. 226-229.
[9] A.Mendez, "Fiber Bragg grating sensors: a market overview", Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 6619, 661905 (2007).
[10] Y.Okabe, R. Tsuji and N. Takeda, "Application of chirped Fiber bragg grating sensors for identification of crack locations in composites", Composites: Part A 35, pp-59-65, 2004.
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ABSTRACT: The power system installed with a FACTS device demonstrates the application of the model in analyzing the damping effect of the FACTS device stabilizer to improve power system oscillation stability. In case of single-machine infinite bus power systems to be studied and an example power system is presented which show the negative damping influence of STATCOM DC voltage regulator on power system oscillation and the effectiveness of STATCOM stabilizer superimposed on a STATCOM AC voltage regulator to counter attack the negative damping effect. The principle and working of STATCOM, how the STATCOM control the reactive power flow in transmission line can be explained. Philips-Heffrons model of a power system installed with a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and demonstrates the application of the model in analyzing the damping effect of the STATCOM and designing a STATCOM stabilizer to improve power system oscillation stability.
Keywords: Flexible AC transmission systems, Static Synchronous Compensator, Damping effect, Genetic and Evolutionary algorithm, Power System Stability
Keywords: Flexible AC transmission systems, Static Synchronous Compensator, Damping effect, Genetic and Evolutionary algorithm, Power System Stability
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[4] GYUGYI, L.: 'Reactive power generation and control by thyristor Circuits', ZEEE Trans., 1979, IA-15, (5), pp, 521-532 IEE Proc-
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[5] SCHAUDER, C., and MEHTA, H.: "Vector analysis and control of advanced static VAR compensator‟, ZEE Proc. C, 1993, 140,
(4), pp.
[6] SCHAUDER,C., GERNHARDT,M., STACEY,E., CEASE, T.W., and EDRIS, A.: "Development of a 2 100 MVAR static
condenser for voltage control of transmission systems‟, IEEE Truns. Pwr. Deliv., 1995, 10, (3), pp. 14861496
[7] EKANAYAKE, J.B., JENKINS, N., and COOPER, C.B.: "Expenmental investigation of an advanced static Var compensator‟, IEE
Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1995, 142, (2), pp. 202-210
[8] SAAD-SAOUD, Z., LISBOA, M.L., EKANAYAKE, J.B.,JENKINS, N., and STRBAC, G.: "Application of STATCOMs to wmd
farms‟, IEE Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1998, 145, (5), pp. 51 1-516
[9] TRAINER, D.R., TENNAKOON, S.B., and MORRISON, R.E.: Analysis of GTO-based static VAR compensators‟, IEE Proc.
Gener.Trunsm. Distrib., 1994, 141, (6), pp. 293-302
[10] AINSWORTH, J.D., DAVIES, M., FITZ, P.J., OWEN, K.E., and TRAINER, D.R.: "Static Var compensator (STATCOM) based on
single-phase chain circuit converters‟, IEE Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1998, 145, (4), pp. 381-386
[2] H.F. Wang, "Phillips-Heffron model of power systems installed with STATCOM and applications," IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm.
Distrib.. Vol. 146, No. 5, September 1999 .
[3] GYUGYI, L., HINGORANI, N.G., NANNERY, P.R., and TAI, T.: 'Advanced static Var compensator using gate turn-off thynstors
for utility applications'. CIGRE, Pans, 1990, pp. 23-203
[4] GYUGYI, L.: 'Reactive power generation and control by thyristor Circuits', ZEEE Trans., 1979, IA-15, (5), pp, 521-532 IEE Proc-
Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 5, September 1999
[5] SCHAUDER, C., and MEHTA, H.: "Vector analysis and control of advanced static VAR compensator‟, ZEE Proc. C, 1993, 140,
(4), pp.
[6] SCHAUDER,C., GERNHARDT,M., STACEY,E., CEASE, T.W., and EDRIS, A.: "Development of a 2 100 MVAR static
condenser for voltage control of transmission systems‟, IEEE Truns. Pwr. Deliv., 1995, 10, (3), pp. 14861496
[7] EKANAYAKE, J.B., JENKINS, N., and COOPER, C.B.: "Expenmental investigation of an advanced static Var compensator‟, IEE
Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1995, 142, (2), pp. 202-210
[8] SAAD-SAOUD, Z., LISBOA, M.L., EKANAYAKE, J.B.,JENKINS, N., and STRBAC, G.: "Application of STATCOMs to wmd
farms‟, IEE Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1998, 145, (5), pp. 51 1-516
[9] TRAINER, D.R., TENNAKOON, S.B., and MORRISON, R.E.: Analysis of GTO-based static VAR compensators‟, IEE Proc.
Gener.Trunsm. Distrib., 1994, 141, (6), pp. 293-302
[10] AINSWORTH, J.D., DAVIES, M., FITZ, P.J., OWEN, K.E., and TRAINER, D.R.: "Static Var compensator (STATCOM) based on
single-phase chain circuit converters‟, IEE Proc. Gener. Trunsm. Distrib., 1998, 145, (4), pp. 381-386
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Future Irrigation Based On Solar Tracking System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.S.Mathankumar || Ms.V.Agalya || Mr.P.Loganathan |
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: | 10.9790/1676-0131225 ![]() |
Abstract: A village will be deemed to be electrified if the electricity is used in the inhabited locality, within the revenue boundary of the village for any purpose whatsoever .But with the prevailing crisis of electricity when we are not able to provide electricity to even the urban house hold despite the fact that the most of the urban population is prepared to pay for the electricity. Further with the existing availability of power we are not able to feed the rural consumer with more than 8 hours of electricity then electrifying virgin villages with already crippling. We do not deny the importance of electricity but the villagers who even after getting the village electrified and still not getting electricity are more frustrated than the villagers without electrified village. This directly affect our farmers so as our device will help them to overcome this problem.The Existing method of the power generation mainly uses petrol and diesel pumps for irrigation purposes that cause high amount of air pollution and other environmental hazards. The emission of carbon dioxide and sulphur oxides results in environmental changes and leads to global warming. The environmental changes have become an important factor to be dealt with as it is an important factor on which the world is concerned about. We are proposing here deals with the modern technology to eliminate any problem of pollution. In the proposed method solar tracking system is implemented by replacing the old fossil fuel based generators for pumping water for irrigation purpose. The solar plates are used to track the maximum amount of solar radiation to convert it into electrical energy. The process is ,a renewable process and evergreen.
Key words: solar , wind, water pumping, centrifugal pump
Key words: solar , wind, water pumping, centrifugal pump
1. Grug SK. 1989. Irrigation engineering and hydraulic structures. 8th ed. Khama Publishers, New Delhi, India. 1291 pp.
2. Kay M and Brabben T. 2010. Treadle pumps for irrigation in Africa. Knowledge Synthesis Report No. 1. IPTRID Secretariat. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Rome, Italy.
3. Mangisoni J. 2006. Impact of treadle pump irrigation technology on smallholder poverty and food security in Malawi: A case study of Blantyre and Mchinji Districts. Report written for IWMI. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Pretoria, South Africa.
4. Michael AM. 1990. Irrigation: Theory and practice. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India. 801 pp.
5. Mloza-Banda H. 2011. Experiences with micro irrigation technologies and practices: Malawi. Report written for
6. IWMI. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Pretoria, South Africa.
7. Shah T, Alam M, Dinesh Kumar M, Nagar RK and Singh M. 2000. Pedaling out of poverty: Socio-economic impact of a manual irrigation technology in South Asia. Research Report 45. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
8. Shah T, van Koppen B, Merrey D, de Lange M and Samad M. 2002. Institutional alternatives in African smallholder irrigation: Lessons from international experience with irrigation management transfer. IWMI Research Report No. 60. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
9. Shigemichi I and Shinohara K. 2004. The impact of treadle pump on small-scale farmers in Malawi. Total Land
10. Care. New Building Society House, Lilongwe, Malawi.
2. Kay M and Brabben T. 2010. Treadle pumps for irrigation in Africa. Knowledge Synthesis Report No. 1. IPTRID Secretariat. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Rome, Italy.
3. Mangisoni J. 2006. Impact of treadle pump irrigation technology on smallholder poverty and food security in Malawi: A case study of Blantyre and Mchinji Districts. Report written for IWMI. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Pretoria, South Africa.
4. Michael AM. 1990. Irrigation: Theory and practice. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India. 801 pp.
5. Mloza-Banda H. 2011. Experiences with micro irrigation technologies and practices: Malawi. Report written for
6. IWMI. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Pretoria, South Africa.
7. Shah T, Alam M, Dinesh Kumar M, Nagar RK and Singh M. 2000. Pedaling out of poverty: Socio-economic impact of a manual irrigation technology in South Asia. Research Report 45. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
8. Shah T, van Koppen B, Merrey D, de Lange M and Samad M. 2002. Institutional alternatives in African smallholder irrigation: Lessons from international experience with irrigation management transfer. IWMI Research Report No. 60. IWMI (International Water Management Institute), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
9. Shigemichi I and Shinohara K. 2004. The impact of treadle pump on small-scale farmers in Malawi. Total Land
10. Care. New Building Society House, Lilongwe, Malawi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vehicle Tracking/Feedback System Using Gps Technology |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Mbaocha C. Christian |
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: | 10.9790/1676-0132630 ![]() |
Abstract: Today almost everywhere car theft abounds and for this reason it is necessary to know at any time where ones vehicle is located and in what condition. This work aimed at designing a navigation/tracking system using a parallax GPS module, PIC16F873 microcontroller, PL-2303 USB microcontroller and MAX232 converter. Sony Ericsson T69 and a laptop with a visual basic programmed interface aids in giving output information for the tracking and navigation sub systems respectively. The GPS receiver interacts with the satellite in space and receives data i.e. location information in the form of radio waves. This information is sent to the USB microcontroller and the 8-bit microcontroller as raw NMEA 0183 string in TTL level. The 8-bit microcontroller stores the information in memory and when requested is sent through an RS-232 converter that converts the TTL message to RS level message that the GSM modem can understand. The GSM modem then sends the strings as a text to an IMEI number already programmed on the microcontroller. The location as at the time of transmission is shown on the graphic user interface where the message is keyed into.
Key words: Navigation system, Tracking, Global Positioning System (GPS), Converter, Graphic User Interface (GUI)
Key words: Navigation system, Tracking, Global Positioning System (GPS), Converter, Graphic User Interface (GUI)
1. "GPS user module guide" http//www.axiomnav.com (20/09/08)
2. "Introduction to GSM/GPRS wireless Modems" http://www.developers Home.com (11/09/08)
3. H.K. Morgan, Tracking systems worldwide (3rd edition Keith nelson printers) 2005.
4. M. Nebojsa, Microcontrollers for beginners ( Microchip technology inc USA) 2003.
5. PIC16F87X Data Sheet. http://www.microchip.com (12/10/08)
6. S.R. Pressman, Software Engineering; A Practioners' Approach,(2nd edition, McGraw hill ) 1987.
7. J.P. Pratt and J.J Adamski, Database management systems and design (2nd edition Boyd and Fraser publishing company) 2002.
8. B. Reselman and W. Pruchiak, Visual basic Tutor(1st edition Macmillian computer Publishing) 2000
9. M.G. Say, Electrical Engineer's reference book, 15th edition,1993
2. "Introduction to GSM/GPRS wireless Modems" http://www.developers Home.com (11/09/08)
3. H.K. Morgan, Tracking systems worldwide (3rd edition Keith nelson printers) 2005.
4. M. Nebojsa, Microcontrollers for beginners ( Microchip technology inc USA) 2003.
5. PIC16F87X Data Sheet. http://www.microchip.com (12/10/08)
6. S.R. Pressman, Software Engineering; A Practioners' Approach,(2nd edition, McGraw hill ) 1987.
7. J.P. Pratt and J.J Adamski, Database management systems and design (2nd edition Boyd and Fraser publishing company) 2002.
8. B. Reselman and W. Pruchiak, Visual basic Tutor(1st edition Macmillian computer Publishing) 2000
9. M.G. Say, Electrical Engineer's reference book, 15th edition,1993
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Smart Phase Change-over system with AT89C52 Microcontroller |
Country | : | Owerri |
Authors | : | Mbaocha Christian |
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: | 10.9790/1676-0133134 ![]() |
Abstract: This project is designed to check the availability of any live phase, and the load will be connected to the live phase only. This feat is achieved with AT89C52 MCU. This controller continuosly checks for live condition of all the phases connected to it, and the controller connects the load the load to the active phase Relay, live phase, controller, rectifier, using a relay. The relay is driven with a transistor. If two or three phases are live, the phase will be connected to the phase that is ON only and automatically transferred to the phase that is ON in the event of a main outage or from generator back to main when restored. An LCD is provided to display the status of the phase condition. Conrast control preset is given for LCD contrast control.. Furthermore the project uses a regulated 12V, 500mA power supply. Bridge type full-wave rectifier was used to rectify the a.c output of the secondary 230/12V step –down transformer.
Key words: Relay, Rectifier, Live phase, contrast control, controller, Comparator
Key words: Relay, Rectifier, Live phase, contrast control, controller, Comparator
1. C. N. Gary building A Microcontroller ( E.F.M.Spon ltd,London) 2003.
2. M. E. Rajash K. E. Malhorta Electronic Projects For The Computer ( business bureau, Delhi) 1980
3. R. J. Maddock,D. M. Calcutt electronics- A Course For Engineers (Longman London.) 1988
4. F. B. Fredrick, F..C. Robert Solid Atate Devices And Applications ( McGraw Book Company, USA.) 1975
5. J. E. Angello electronics:FETS,BJTS and Micro-circuits ( McGraw Book Company , USA) 1960.
6. P. J. Hurst Analysis And Design of Analogue Integrated Circuits (Fourth Edition ed. New York) 2001.
7. E. I. Owen Origins of the Inverter (IEEE Industrial application magazine) 1996
8. B. M. Weedy electric Power Systems ( Wiley and sons London) 1972.
9. C. I. Daykin Design and Construction of Instrument (Johnes Delhi) 1987
10. J.B. Calvertthree Phase Intelligent ( John Wiley and sons press new york) 2001.
11. R. Edwards Optimizing The Zilog Z8 Forth Microcontoller For Rapid Prototyping ( Taylor press USA) 1987.
12. F. I. Radha building Automatic Phase Changer ( Chemical press, India) 2002
13. R. M. Norbert Electronic Circuits: Analysis ,Simulation And Design ( Englewood cliffs new jersey) 1995.
2. M. E. Rajash K. E. Malhorta Electronic Projects For The Computer ( business bureau, Delhi) 1980
3. R. J. Maddock,D. M. Calcutt electronics- A Course For Engineers (Longman London.) 1988
4. F. B. Fredrick, F..C. Robert Solid Atate Devices And Applications ( McGraw Book Company, USA.) 1975
5. J. E. Angello electronics:FETS,BJTS and Micro-circuits ( McGraw Book Company , USA) 1960.
6. P. J. Hurst Analysis And Design of Analogue Integrated Circuits (Fourth Edition ed. New York) 2001.
7. E. I. Owen Origins of the Inverter (IEEE Industrial application magazine) 1996
8. B. M. Weedy electric Power Systems ( Wiley and sons London) 1972.
9. C. I. Daykin Design and Construction of Instrument (Johnes Delhi) 1987
10. J.B. Calvertthree Phase Intelligent ( John Wiley and sons press new york) 2001.
11. R. Edwards Optimizing The Zilog Z8 Forth Microcontoller For Rapid Prototyping ( Taylor press USA) 1987.
12. F. I. Radha building Automatic Phase Changer ( Chemical press, India) 2002
13. R. M. Norbert Electronic Circuits: Analysis ,Simulation And Design ( Englewood cliffs new jersey) 1995.
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Abstract: This paper focused on the implementation of Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter fed induction motor by using the modulating technique of OVPWM with U-type carrier to the Five-level inverter. The PWM switching signals based on offset voltage injected in sine reference with U-type carrier been generated. The multilevel inverter fed induction motor drive with SPWM and proposed strategies are performed and results are analyzed. Xilinx FPGA is a programmable logic device developed by Xilinx, which is considered as an efficient hardware for rapid prototyping. In addition to Xilinx FPGA, MATLAB/Simulink software was used for simulation and verification of the proposed circuit before implementation. Hardware is implemented for a single phase cascaded five level inverter with the proposed modulating technique by using FPGA ,which drives a single phase induction motor of 0.5 H.P Simulation results and hardware results are compared. It is justified that the proposed modulation technique can be recommended to three phase five level Cascaded H-bridge inverter fed three phase induction motor for better performance with reduced harmonics at output.
Index Terms- Multilevel concept, Cascade Multilevel inverter, FPGA, Multi level carrier signals, Pulse width modulation, Total Harmonic Distortion.
Index Terms- Multilevel concept, Cascade Multilevel inverter, FPGA, Multi level carrier signals, Pulse width modulation, Total Harmonic Distortion.
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[2]. Holtz, J.: "Pulsewidth modulation–A survey‟, IEEE Trans. Ind.Electron., 1992, 30, (5), pp. 410–420
[3]. Holmes, D.G.: "The general relationship between regular sampled pulse width modulation and space vector modulation for hard switched converters‟. Conf. Rec. IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Annual Meeting, 1992, pp. 1002–1009
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[6]. Persson E.: "Transient effects in application of PWM inverters to induction motors‟, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 1992, 28, pp. 1095–1101
[7]. Kim, J., and Sul, S.: "A novel voltage modulation technique of the Space Vector PWM‟. Proc. Int. Power Electronics Conf., Yokohama,Japan, 1995, pp. 742–747
[8]. B. N. Mwinyiwiwa, Z.Wolanski, and B. T. Ooi, "Microprocessor implemented SPWM for multiconverters with phase-shifted triangle carriers," in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, NewOrleans, LA, Oct. 1997, pp.1542–1549.
[9]. Skibinski G., Leggate D., Kerkman R.: "Cable characteristics and their influence on motor over-voltages‟. Conf. Record of the 12th Annual Applied Power Electronics Conf. and Exposition, 1997, APEC‟97, 1997.
[10]. V. G. Agelidis and M. Calais, "Application specific harmonic performance evaluation of multicarrier PWM techniques," in Proc. IEEEPESC'98, Fukuoka, Japan, May 1998, pp. 172–178.................
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Abstract : Induction motors are lifeline of industries. Failure of induction motor is unbearable since it causes decrease in production, loss in valuable time and above all repairing cost is also to be bared. This needs for early detection of fault with diagnosis of its root cause and that also in working condition so that efficiency can be improved. In this research paper a method has been developed for fault detection in induction motor using vibration measurement. Bearing raceway defects were artificially generated for carrying out a comparative vibration study in healthy as well as faulty conditions. An accelerometer has been used as sensor to measure the vibration level, which is then collected and converted into digital signal with a data acquisition card. The signals are then transformed into frequency domain using FFT and the obtained spectrum is analyzed to determine the condition of the motor and maintenance requirement.
Keywords - Ball bearing faults, vibration analysis, FFT.
Keywords - Ball bearing faults, vibration analysis, FFT.
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