Abstract: This work presents a micro device which separates and counts Leukocytes (white blood cell or WBC) from other two type of blood cells, Erythrocytes (red blood cell or RBC), and Thrombocytes (Platelet). The operation is performed using four basic parts, a micro mixer which mixes whole blood and diluent to dilute the blood, a size dependent electrical cell separator which separates WBC from other blood cells , a micro nozzle to increase the flow velocity of cells, a counter unit to count the number of WBC in sample. The size dependent cell sorting is done by electrical pillar arrays. The focusing of incoming cells to the counter is done by focusing electrodes. The main aim of this work is to count the separated white blood cells and it is done by a MEMS basedCoulter counter. Simple structure and ease of operation is the two main features of this device. The design of the device has been done by simulating different unit of the device in ComsolMultiphysics. Simulation results were satisfactory and each unit is able to perform its work as per requirement.
Keywords-Coulter counter, deterministic lateral displacement, Dielectrophoresis (DEP), micro mixer and micro nozzle..
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