Version-4 (July-August 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Budget Communication On Managers' Performance |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Galumbang Hutagalung |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0804040109 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of communication in budget with the performances. A survey method was conducted to 179 managers who involved in budgetary process in plantation's industry in North Sumatera by using self-administered structured questionnaire. The finding supports the postulation communication in budget significantly and positively that influenced the plantation managers' performance.
Keywords: Budget, Communication, Performance
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Abstract: The paper dwells on dynamic simulations for import demand model in Nigeria. The work uses the methodology of Error correction model (ECM) in conjunction with diagnostic tests of variables using Augmented Dickey–Fuller unit root tests and Johansen Co-integration tests to estimate the model for robust policy recommendations. Using the import as the dependent variable and NGDP, reserves and exchange rate as the independent variables, the results from the study show that Domestic economic expansion tends to improves exchange rate in Nigeria. Foreign reserves also have significant influence on exchange rate as increase in the reserves served well to appreciate the exchange rate............
Keywords: Exchange Rate Fluctuation, External Reserve, Imports, Real GDP, ECM
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Abstract: This study explores the link between trade liberalization and Capital flows in Nigeria between 1986 and 2015. The objectives were to:determine the effects of level of trade openness, tariff reduction, exchange rate differential and economy size on foreign direct investment in Nigeria. The required datasets were adapted from World Bank World Development Indicators, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The study adopted a partial equilibrium analysis with focus on foreign direct investment as the most stable form of capital flows and..........
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Abstract: This article aims to analyze the existence of unethical behavior and the tendency of accounting fraud affect the performance of government auditors. The method of analysis used in the writing of this article is a literature study that is an analysis based on the results of previous studies relevant to the problems in this article. The results of the analysis of this article are many factors that affect the performance of auditors, among them are unethical behavior and the tendency of accounting fraud committed by clients and cooperate with auditors for certain purposes or interests. Both factors are related to the morality of individual auditors. If the moral level of the individual auditor is weak then the unethical behavior and the tendency of client accounting fraud affecting the auditor will be increase.
Keywords: Performance auditors, unethical behavior and accounting fraud
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Abstract: L'impasse de la démocratie congolaise consécutive au non respect des échéances électorales de 2016 atteste, non seulement la crise de légitimité des institutions politiques fin mandat, mais suscite, bien plus, la désolation du peuple congolais rêvant de vivre une passation civilisée du pouvoir entre des Présidents élu et sortant dans le délai constitutionnel. De l'espoir au désespoir, l'alternance tant attendue par les Congolais devient, au stade actuel, une illusion pour céder plutôt la place à une forme « atypique » d'alternance des compromissions politiques, consacrant ainsi un glissement consensuel du mandat constitutionnel du Chef de l'Etat sortant, par les acteurs politiques contre toute volonté du souverain..........
Keywords: démocratique, élection, alternance politique, mandat présidentiel de 2016.
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Abstract: Tourism sector in Indonesia becomes superior or main sector despite agricultural and marine sector. Bangka Belitung Islands Province is one province in Indonesia develops tourism sector after several decades relied on tin commodity. Commitment of regional government to develop tourism sector seen from the increase of expenditure budget allocation of infrastructures and goods for eleven years period. The increase number of hotel, restaurant, and tourism area in the tourism development becomes one indicator towards the improvement of private role. This research analyzed infrastructure expenditure, goods and service expenditure, business unit, private investment, also tourism labor to the economic growth. Data used in this research was panel data with time series data for eleven years period (2005-2015)...........
Keywords: Economic Growth, Infrastructure Expenditure, Goods-Service Expenditure, Business Unit, Private Investment, Tourism Labor
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Abstract: This paper seeks to assess empirically the impact of monetary policy on the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria. The paper specifically adopt United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc as a case study. The study made use of a panel cross sectional data covering the period from 2009 to 2014. Multiple linear regression technique was employed to test the relationships inherent in the explanatory and dependent variables with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 20. The estimated model expresses banks' operating performance as a function of monetary policy represented by Monetary Policy Rate (MPR), Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) and............
Keywords: Economic growth, Price stability, Inflation, Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR), Return on Assets (ROA).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study of corporate taxation in India. |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | DR Sonu Jain || MRS. Suneeta Jain |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0804046871 ![]() |
Abstract: The recent "Make in India" campaign of Government of India is landmark initiative by the country. The campaign makes an attempt to ensure the foreign investors that India is an apt country to manufacture and do business here. But the country has fallen from the "ease to do business" ranking .One reason for the fall is the complicated tax structure, lengthy paper work, tax disputes, tough attitude of ITD; has shaken the confidence of investors. According to the IMF report, in India, taxes favor debt over equity in raising capital. The papers discuss the corporate tax system in India...........
Keywords: ITD, MAT, GST, tax disputes, corporate tax
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Abstract: Stable dividends reduce uncertainty in the financial market. This reduces cost and in turn enhance shareholder wealth. Scholars have argued that developing stock markets do not follow stable dividend path and the outcome could be depressed stock price. The study investigated the hypothesis of unstable payout in growing stock markets by providing empirical evidence of dividend stability from public firms at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Panel data for the period of 11 years is used to estimate coefficients of adjustment speed and target ratio which is then interpreted based on the partial adjustment dividend model............
Keywords: Dividend stability, Nairobi Securities Exchange, Dividend payout
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