Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ideal Child Rearing Practices By Educated Parents |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Praveen Devgan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01010109 ![]() |
Abstract: Though the concept of child rearing is as old as dawn of civilization, with time and advancement in technology and research these concepts are continuously in a state of flux with the result what was acceptable at a certain period of time may be regarded as out dated or irrelevant today and vice-versa, with this in view and to bring out the collective opinions of the professionals of different fields which are mainly involved in the growth and development of the child, the study was carried out by taking the interview of the experts. The descriptive analysis of the data and justification on the basis of collective opinions of experts of child rearing practices is given. The present study seeks to determine the practices followed by educated parents in rearing their children. It is observed that parents with high level of education tend to follow rigid rearing practices whereas parents with low level of education follow permissive rearing practices, only 46.67 per cent parents of all the groups were found to follow ideal rearing practices. It is found that education of parents plays a significant role in many aspects of child rearing practices.
Keywords – Education Level of Parents, Experts Opinion, Fuzzy Set, Rearing Practices, Socio-economic Status
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Abstract: This study was conducted in the University of Maiduguri. One of the Goals of the MDGs is to reduce HIV/STIs among the general population in the society. In this context it is important to understand why youth still engage in risky sexual behavior and the effects it has on them. The study focused on the effects and consequence of engaging in pre-marital sex among the youth of University of Maiduguri. The data were collected using multi methods — Survey, Focus Group Discussion and review of University security records. The stratified random technique was used to draw respondents from a sampling frame sourced from the University Information Management Unit. The sample size is 318 (286 for the survey and 32 focus group participants) The SSPS software was used in the analysis of the data. Findings revealed that pre-marital sex among the youth in the University has a number of effects and consequences on the youth. Some of the consequences include HIV/STIs, Regrets,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Burnout of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Job Satisfaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Marami Goswami |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01011826 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study was to see how teachers' burnout is related to different aspects of, job satisfaction and demographic characteristics such as age and gender. The Maslach Burnout Inventory which was used to measure dimensions of teachers' burnout consisted of three subscales: emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalisation. In addition, the Dixit Job Satisfaction Scale [DJSS], which was developed by Dr Meera Dixit, was used to measure the subjects' job satisfaction level. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the effect of demographic variables such as sex and age and location of the schools on job burnout and the relationship between job burnout and job satisfaction. In this study, job burnout is considered as dependent variable; and age , gender, location of school and ‟ job satisfaction" as independent variables. The results of this study show that firstly, the job burnout of teachers leads to the decrease of job satisfaction. Secondly, the demographic variables age and area of work place affect job burnout. But sex was not found to be a factor of job burnout. The negative consequences of job burnout are too costly for organizations. Therefore, to devise proper plans to decrease its consequences, this paper suggests some measures to control this phenomenon . The findings would be helpful for other researcher in policy discussions and efforts to improve teachers' quality of work life and performance.
Keywords: Job burnout, Job satisfaction, Emotional exhaustion, Personal accomplishment and Depersonalisation
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Abstract: This paper examines and ascertains how the contributions of Richard Cantillon have been relevant to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. In doing this, the economic thoughts of Richard Cantillon were critically examined in order to see how these issues raised have been affecting the Nigerian economy. Political economy and descriptive approaches were used to x-ray the relevance of Richard Cantillon's contributions to Nigeria's development. His contributions among others include: the nature of wealth, social and economic organization of people, wages of labour, theory of values, population problems and the use of gold and silver, barter, prices, circulation of money, interest rates, foreign trade, foreign exchange and banking and credit. The findings of the study revealed that his contributions are of great relevance to economic development in general, but have not specifically contributed to the development of Nigerian economy. This is seen in the areas of low per capita income of most workers in Nigeria, negative attitude to work especially by those workers in public organizations, inevitable population problems, persistent increase in the general prices of goods and services, high lending rates by the financial institutions operating in the country, unfavourable terms of trade, incessant and diversion of public funds into luxurious consumption rather than investment in the real sectors of the economy, and without doubt Nigeria has no place in foreign trade. Based on the foregoing, it was concluded that all these ugly trends accounted for the reason why economic growth and development is not at sight in Nigeria. Thus, it was recommended that the monetary authorities should initiate sound monetary policies that would encourage investment in the real sectors of the economy; corruption, which is now widespread in the economy should be checked and curtailed, because it has adversely affected economic growth and development of the Nigerian economy. Also, these monetary policies should be complemented with effective fiscal policies in order to put the Nigerian economy back to path of economic growth and development.
Keywords: Economic Development, Foreign Trade, Money Supply, Monetary Policies, Fiscal Policies, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Wages of Labour
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "The Rural Women Entrepreneurial Edge" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ekta Chakravarty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01013336 ![]() |
Abstract: Women entrepreneurs may do things differently. A rural woman encounters many constraints in the transformation process. Genders issues tend to regard the rural areas tend to be more traditional and is a stronger hindrance to potential female entrepreneurs than urban areas. Self-esteem and managerial skills being lower, access to external financial resources more difficult than in urban areas, assistance to technical and financial constraints should be developed to meet the needs of rural women. Active part in entrepreneurial restructuring, developing own ventures, expansion of existing businesses needs to be designed. This study is an attempt to create an awareness of the necessities of rural women entrepreneurs and overcome the barriers to uplift entrepreneurial activities in rural areas. The methodology employed is based on primary and secondary data in the area of Dhemaji, Sibsagar, Dharmanagar, Agartala, Siliguri and Guwahati City. The researcher is in the view to have more suggestion which would result beneficial to the rural women entrepreneurs in expanding their business also boost new entrepreneurship.
Keywords: women, entrepreneurship, rural area and entrepreneurial growth.
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Abstract: Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. The Projected climate change impact scenarios indicate increase in and variable trend of both rainfall and temperature into the 21st century, reduction in the quantity of surface run off across the various river basins, droughts and intensity of floods in various parts of the country. Major environmental issues are through Forest and Agricultural land degradation, Resource depletion (water, mineral, forest, sand, rocks etc.,), Environmental degradation, Public Health, Loss of Bio diversity, Loss of resilience in ecosystems, Livelihood Security for the PoorThe communication of climate change from scientists and policy-makers to the public via the mass media has been a subject of major interest because of its implications for creating national variation in public understanding of a global environmental issue. With all this back ground this research is to assess the role of media in creating awareness about the climate change in Bijapur city. Even it is intended to find which media is best in making the people understand about Climate Change.
Key Words: Causes, Climate change, Impacts, Projections, Role of media
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[9]. Jochem Eberhard; Sathaye Jayant A Bouille, Daniel; 2001; ―Society Behaviour and Climate Change Mitigation‖.
[10]. Krishan Kalra; 2008, ― Climate Change, biodiversity and Food Security in the South Asian Region. United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization‖.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Motifs Leading to Philosophy of Life: A Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sanjay Chotaliya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01014448 ![]() |
Abstract: Herman Hesse, who considered his role as a thinker ―to leap and caper, to dream of what had never been thought of‖ is now numbered among the leading thinkers of the 20th century. ―A complex, subtle and allusive writer‖, as New York Times Book Review describes him, he is of equal shoulders to Thomas Mann and his contemporaries. ‗The garden dwarf among the Nobel Prize winners', as Volker Michels (1977, p.5) describes him, Hesse with his ‗Search for Self' in mostly all his works, added crowning glory with his sincere efforts in the world of philosophy.
[1]. Boulby, Mark. (1967). Hermann Hesse : His Mind and His Art. New York. Cornell University Press.
[2]. Durrani, Osman. (1994). Fiction of Germany : Images of German Nation in the Modern Novel. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press.
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[4]. Richards, David. (1996). Exploring the Divided Self. Camden. Camden House.
[5]. Stelzig, Eugen .(1988). Fictions of the Self. Princeton. Princeton University Press.
[6]. Smith, T.D. (1997). A Three-stage Process of Humanization Depicted in the Novels of Hermann Hesse. University of Baffalo. Department of Modern Languages and Tileralurs. Ph.D.
[7]. Ziolkowski, T. (1965). The Novels of Hermann Hesse : A Study in Theme and Structure. Princeton. Princeton University Press.
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Abstract: This article is a diagnostic study to find out why slums exist in the metropolitans and how can the slum problems be improved. This study was done with the help of participant observation and interview. Slum problem in India is mostly found in the metropolitan cities. The metropolitans attract the slums. The slum dwellers live in sub-human conditions and they are the victims of the exploitation of the wealthy upper class. They are poor, malnourished and these people live in an unhygienic atmosphere. They are over-populated, congested and a sharp contrast to the urban malls and IT parks which are well-planned and prosperous. This study tries to find out the loopholes in urban planning. It also tries to compare a slum area with a mall. We also investigate about the attitudes of the slum dwellers. How the slum population is neglected by the politicians and the bureaucrats who are on a lookout of power fulfillment and financial gains. In this paper census data had been used to compare the metropolitan cities and people living in the slums have been interviewed. The slum areas suffer from lack of education, diseases, parental negligence, superstition, anti-social activities, alcoholism, drug abuse and lack of proper infrastructure. Many children have dropped out from their schools and do odd jobs to sustain their families. Girls are married at an early age. There has been a migratory pattern for the slum dwellers who have settled here from their villages. They mistrust the police and the government representatives. In the concluding part some measures have been suggested to uplift the slums and solutions to overcome the slum problem in India.
Key words: Sub-human conditions; loopholes; attitudes; sex-ratio; malls
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Abstract: This paper deals with the concept of new women as revealed through Rosie character in the novel 'The Guide' by R. K. Narayan. The concept of New Women is first invented by Ibsen in his A Doll's House. New Women is not one who revolt against the patriarchal system through her protest but one who try to establish her identity in this world. And R. K. Narayan is such a novelist who has dealt with such a new women who establishes herself in the society but fails to establish herself in marital society.
[1]. Elaine Showalter‟s ‟Feminst in the wilderness‟
[2]. Narayan R.K."The Guide". Orient Longman Private Ltd,2004,DelhiP.84
[3]. Ibid,P.84
[4]. Ibid,P.69
[5]. Kundu, Rama. Anita Desai‟s "Fire on the Mountain‟, Atlantic Publishers & Dist, 2005
[6]. Narayan R.K."The Guide". Orient Longman Private Ltd,2004,DelhiP.170
[7]. Ibid, P 222-223
[8]. Spivak Gayitri Chakraborty : Can the Subaltern Speak?:Reflections on the History of An Idea,Edited by Rosalind C. Morris, Columbia University Press, 2010.New York
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[10]. Sen Krishna."Critical Essays on R.k.Narayan‟s The Guide‟,Orient Longman Private Ltd,2004,Kolkata
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Humor – An Invaluable Teaching Aid |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. Ravichand, Tirupati |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01015759 ![]() |
Abstract: Humor is the characteristic that makes something laughable or amusing but humor in the English classroom has more than just the 'effect to induce laughter'; it brings together a chain-reaction by increasing the learner's motivation and self-confidence which creates a positive classroom atmosphere for the smooth acquisition of the language.
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Abstract: Corruption in Nigeria is pervasive and has remained deeply entrenched and robust despite the seeming wars declared by successive regimes since its independence in 1960. Its enormous natural resources beneath the surface have encouraged the skewed socio-economic and political arrangement that induces corruption. After fifty years of independence, the different ethnic entities are still not fused together into one indivisible entity but remained diverse and competing forces that seek power to dominate, oppress, and exploit one another to satisfy personal and clannish interests. They also compete for cultural superiority; struggle for land and citizenship, and the quest to impose one religion on others. It is this attitude to outsmart one another that is also reflected in appropriating public funds and not seen as an unethical behaviour. Systemic corruption undermines developmental efforts in all ramifications as public funds are diverted into private pockets. It scares investors due to increase cost of doing business. It also induces mediocrity which has been responsible for the poor public civil service delivery, and also induces anger, bitterness, and hatred in those that have been alienated from the scheme of things, and has played a vital role in deteriorating law and order. It is recommended that since corruption starts from the mind, there should be a renaissance that would re-orient citizens' mind through education. Efforts should be made to address fear of ethnic domination, resource control and Nigeria to operate true federalism.
Key Words: System Corruption, Ethnic Entities, Competing Forces, Re-Orient, and Federalism.
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[10]. Ekpo M. U., (2003). Smuggling – Theory against the Backdrop of the Nigeria Ideology of Pecuniary Success in O.B.C Nwolise (ed.) A Sociological Interpretation in Combating Smuggling in Nigeria. Jator Publishers, Ibadan