Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Abstract: al-Ajniha al-Mutakassira" is an autobiographical novel authored by the well-known Arabic figure Jibran Khalil Jibran. The novel was first published in 1912. It is regarded as an early experimental work of Khalil Jibran through which he tried his best to reform the Arabic literature and culture. . The book is inspired by painful memories of Jibran's first love for the girl of his dreams whom he met on coming to Lebanon from the United States. The writing style of the book is simple, spontaneous and almost lyrical, with concise expressions and graceful metaphors. In fact, the book deals with tender sentimentality, sweet melodies and glowing colours of youthful heart-palpitations, together with brilliant sketches of Lebanon's beautiful nature in different poses and moods.
[1]. Mahdi, Ismat. Modern Arabic Literature, 1st Edition, Rabi Publisher, Hyderabad-28, 1983, page-147
[2]. Kahlil, Gibran. A Self Portrait, ed. A. R. Ferris, Citadel Press, 1957, p. 33
[3]. Ismat, Mahdi. 1983, Modern Arabic Literature,P. 150
[4]. Khalil Jibran to Marry Haskel… may 6, 1912
[5]. Gibran, Kahlil. The broken Wings, Trans. Anthony R. Ferris. New York, Citadel Press, 1957, p- 44
[6]. Ibid, p- 93
[7]. Ibid, p- 52
[8]. Ibid, p- 20
[9]. Najjar, Nada- "the space in between: The Ambivalence of Early Arab-American Writers." Ph.D. diss. University of Toledo. 1999
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Abstract: Bihar is one of the rapidly progressing states of India. However, when on one hand it has emerged as the fastest growing state for the second year running, clocking a scorching 13.1% growth in 2011-12, on the other hand the Gross Enrolment Ratio in both school as well as college education is still much lower here than in many other states of India. As such the Government and other public and private institutions of learning are making a concerted effort to provide technology enabled teaching-learning to increase the access to education, modernize it and bring the education system at par with that of the rest of the states as well as the global system. The present study focuses on four important factors related with the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process by the pre-service and the in-service teachers. These include their technology proficiency, the technology integration done by their faculty, their attitude towards the impact of technology on improving learning and the relationship between the three. The study is quantitative in nature and was conducted on a sample of pre-service and in-service teachers of Patna district of Bihar, India; collected by multistage cluster sampling technique.
Keywords: attitude, faculty integration of technology, in-service teachers, pre-service teachers and technology integration
[1] Planning Commission Report, XIIth Five Year Plan, Planning Commission of India, New Delhi, 2012.
[2] F. Scheffler and J. Logan, Computer technology in schools: What teachers should know and be able to do, Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31, 1999, 305-325.
[3] D.H. Jonassen and T. Reeves, Learning with computers: Computers as cognitive tools, in D.H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research for educational communications and technology, (New York: MacMillan, 1996) 693-719.
[4] B. Means and K. Olson, Technology and education reform (Washington, DC:U.S., 1997).
[5] H.J. Becker, How are teachers using computers in instruction? Paper presented at the 2001 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2001, Retrieved from
[6] H.D. Mehlinger, School reform in the information age. Phi Delta Kappan, 1996, 400-407.
[7] K. Sheingold and M. Hadley, Accomplished teachers: Integrating computers into classroom practices (New York: NY, 1990).
[8] A.L. Bryant, Investment in education and technology: The key to preparing for the digital age, in Technos: Quarterly for Education and Technology, Winter, 2000, Retrieved from
[9] L. Cuban, Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001).
[10] A.D. Thompson, D.A. Schmidt and N.E. Davis, Technology collaborative for simultaneous renewal in teacher education, Educational Technology, Research and Development, 51(1), 2003, 73-89.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Domestic Violence in Kashmir: A Study from Sheikh Mohalla Srinagar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pirzada M Amin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1131317 ![]() |
Abstract: Domestic violence refers to violence against women especially in matrimonial homes. Domestic violence is one of the crimes against women which is linked to their disadvantageous position in the society. Therefore domestic violence is recognized as the significant barriers of the empowerment of women. The study will look into reasons and response to domestic violence in Srinagar. The researcher selected the area among various areas of district Srinagar on the basis of economic condition of areas. Interview schedule was used to collect the date from the respondents. Researcher approached the respondents using purposive sampling technique. The study results clearly showed that all the respondents were illiterate and most of them have no idea about domestic violence acts / laws. Most of the respondents were threatened by their partners or in –laws, both physical and verbal abuse takes place. The majority of victims did not even register their complaints with concern authorities. Domestic violence being a grave social problem, both government and non – governmental organizations should look into this issue and general public should be made aware how domestic violence is ethically and religiously wrong and how it damages social fiber.
Keywords: Abuse, dowry, domestic violence, in – laws, partner, women
[1]. Bhatt, R. V. 1998. Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 63(Suppl.1): S25-31.
[2]. Gerstein, L. 2000. In India, Poverty and Lack of Education are Associated with Men's Physical and Sexual abuse of their Wives. International Family Planning Perspectives, 26(1): 44-5.
[3]. Heise, L., Ellsberg, M and Gottemoeller, M. 1999. Ending Violence Against Women. Population Reports, Series L, No. 11. Baltimore, John Hopkins University School of Public Health, Population Information Program, December.
[4]. Heise, Lori, J. Pitanguy, and A. Germaine. 1994. "Violence against Women--The Hidden Health Burden." Washington DC: World Bank Discussion Papers.
[5]. Hindin, J.M. 2002. Who is at risk? Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in the Philippines, Social Science and Medicine. 55:1385-1399.
[6]. McKenry, P.C; T. W. Julian and S. M. Gavazzi. 1995. Toward a Biopsychosocial Model of Domestic Violence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57: 307-20.
[7]. Murthy, M S R; P. Ganesh; J. Srivirajarani and R. Madhusudan. 2004. Proximate Determinants of Domestic Violence: An Exploratory Study on Role of Menstrual Problems and Life Style of Men'. Demography India. 33(1): 85-105.
[8]. Mishra, J. 2000. Women and Human Rights. Chapter V. Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi.
[9]. National Family Health Survey (2006), Government of India:
[10]. Rao, V. 1996. "Wife-beating in rural south India: A qualitative and econometric analysis." Social Science and Medicine, 44(8): 1169-1180.
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Abstract: Social protection is central to human development. To this end, all governments strive to provide their citizens with one form of social protection or the other. Zimbabwe is therefore no exception. The traditional form of social protection in Zimbabwe is the Public Assistance programme. The programme is guided by the statutory provisions of the Social Welfare Assistance Act chapter 17:06. The programme supports the elderly, persons with disabilities as well as other needy families after a thorough means testing. Due to the economic challenges that have been characteristic of Zimbabwean society for the past decade, the drive towards the delivery of social protection programmes had waned. The advent of the inclusive government in 2009 saw the introduction of the Harmonised Social Cash Transfer programme which is meant to augment the existing programmes. This paper notes that the Public Assistance programme lacks community participation, accessibility, as well as a clearcut monitoring framework. The Harmonised Social Cash Transfer programme derives its strengths from being holistic, rights rather than need driven and its ability to extend social protection provisioning beyond the Department of Social Services to include the private sector as well as non-governmental organisations. Caution should be taken not to heavily rely on donor agencies as this has the effect of compromising the sustainability of programmes.
[1]. Chitambara, P. (2010) Social Protection in Zimbabwe, Labour and Economic Development Research Institute of Zimbabwe
[2]. Devereux, S. (2006) Social protection mechanisms in Southern Africa Regional Hunger and Vulnerability Pjrogramme. Accessed: 26 September2012 from
[3]. Devereux, S and Sabates- Wheeler, R (2004) Transformative Social Protection. IDS Working Paper 232. Accessed from
[4]. Department for International Department. (2011) Cash Transfers Literature Review Policy Division .Accessed: Accessed: 26 September 2012 from
[5]. Economic Policy Research Institute (2006) Designing and Implementing Social Transfer ProgrammesEPRI.Accessed:26September2012: from
[6]. European Union (2010) Social Protection for Inclusive Development A New Perspective In European Union Cooperation With Africa Overview European Report On Development. Accessed: Accessed: 26 September 2012 from
[7]. Gandure S. (2009), Baseline Study of Social Protection in Zimbabwe, A Report for the Social Protection Technical Review Group (SPTRG) of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund.
[8]. Kaseke, E, Gumbo, P and Dhemba J. (1998) Transferring Resources to Poor Households: The Case of Social Safety Nets in Zimbabwe, UNICEF and MPSLSW, Harare
[9]. Kaseke, E, (2003), Social Exclusion and Social Security: The Case of Zimbabwe, Journal of Social Development in Africa, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 33-Assessed: 26 September 2012 from 48:
[10]. Ministry of Labour and Social Services and UNICEF (2010), Programme of Support to the National Action Plan for Orphans and other Vulnerable Children, 2011-2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gendering Migration: Kashmiri Girl's speaking On Right to Life and Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Firdous Azmat Siddiqui |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1132529 ![]() |
Abstract: Agar zameen pe kahi jannat hai to yahi hai, yahi hai, yahin hai It was appropriately said about Kashmir, Paradise of the earth. But now it has become a battle ground for many, as some are fighting for protecting their motherland, some are fighting to claim their homeland and for many it's a war for separation. Undoubtedly in 'Firdaus' of Mughal emperor, Shahjahan, as being shattered- Jism mera zhakhmon se bhara hai main kahan, kahan marham lagaoon
[1]. Butalia, Urvashi, Speaking Peace: Women's Voice From Kashmir, Kali For Women, 2002
[2]. Butalia, Urvashi, Gender And Nation, Zubaan, 2008
[3]. Proceeding Of Two Day National Seminar On 'Governance And Security: India's North East And Bangladesh' Centre For North East Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 2009
[4]. Bearing Witness
[5]. Kannabiran, Kalpana And Ritu Menon, Feminist: From Mathura To Manormam:Resisting Violence Against Women Ijn India, 2006, Women Unlimited
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Counseling: A Misunderstood Profession |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahalakshmi Rajagopal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1133037 ![]() |
Abstract: Counseling is a very commonly used term in India. How it is being used and for what, is a matter of discussion. This aspect is extremely important to understand the status of therapeutic / psychological / clinical counseling in India. This paper is a study of people's perception about this profession based on the author's experiences as a counselor in schools and college as well as in private practice. The objective of the paper is to elaborate on the profession as perceived in India and make an attempt to understand where the country stands with regard to counseling through intensive review of literature. This would enable the author as well as the readers to understand the progress made as well as the progress required. The paper also discusses the role of this profession in mental well being of common man. The paper would also carry a few case studies from the author's professional experience. The paper would conclude with suggestions and recommendations for a better standing for this profession in India.
Key Words: Counseling ,case studies, documentation, research, techniques
[1]. Alison Salloum, Lisa Avery,Ronald P Mcclain;(2001); Group Psychotherapy for Adolescent Survivors of Homicide Victims: A Pilot Study; Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry;40(11);1261-1267
[2]. Andrews, G., Issakidis, C., & Carter, G.; (2001); Shortfall in Mental Health Service Utilization; British Journal of Psychiatry; 179; 417–425.
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[6]. Psychotherapies: Empirically, "All Must Have Prizes"; Psychological Bulletin; 122;(3); 203-215
[7]. Cepeda-Benito, A., & Short, P. ;(1998); Self-Concealment, Avoidance of Psychological Services, and Perceived Likelihood of Seeking Help; Journal of Counseling Psychology; 45; 58–64.
[8]. Ciarrochi, J. V., & Deane, F. P. ;(2001); Emotional Competence and Willingness to Seek Help from Professional and Nonprofessional Sources; British Journal of Guidance and Counseling; 29; 233–246.
[9]. Clara E. Hill and Maureen M. Corbett;1993; A Perspective on the History of Process and Outcome Research in Counseling Psychology; Journal of Counseling Psychology; 40( 1); 3-24
[10]. Conyne, R. K.; (1991); Gains in Primary Prevention: Implications for the counseling profession;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "An Exploratory Research on Child Labour Eradication and Amelioration" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shruti Singh , Abha Ahuja |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1133841 ![]() |
Abstract: The small buds of the garden need care, nourishment and protection for growing as beautiful flowers likewise the children of the country need care, rights, protection and love for proper growth and development so that they can become healthy, productive and responsible citizens. Unfortunately some children have to work hard beyond their capacity for their survival and ultimately their development gets stuck and these children are known as child labourers. The present study "An Exploratory Research on Child Labour Eradication & Amelioration" was conducted with an objective to collect views of people from different professions regarding the most appropriate way to tackle the problem of child labour in India. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents (82%) were in the favour of betterment of the working environment of the child labourers and the rest (18%) were came up with the idea of complete scraping of child labour from our country. The ways of amelioration suggested by the respondents were; fixed working hours, fixed wages, fixed working schedule (before and after schooling), medical and entertainment facilities etc. The study suggests that government should introduce some laws and regulations related to child labour amelioration because eradication is not possible at once as well as government, citizens and policy makers should pay attention on the age of children to be considered as restricted age for selling labour. Key Words: Child labour, Eradication, Amelioration
[1] Ahmed, Iftikhar. 1999. Basics of Child Labour. International Journal of Statistics & Economics. http://
[2] Hazare, Anna. retrived
[3] Bequele & Boyden. 1995. Exploitation of Child labourers at work. Journal of Economics, http://
[4] Eagleton, Ryan & Hammer, John. 2002. Effects of Child Labour on Children in Pakistan.
[5] Mehra-Kerpelman, K.1996. Children at work: How many and where? International Journal of Statistics & Economics, http://
[6] Srivastava, Mannu. 2006. The Forms of Child Labour in Asia
[8] Weiner.1999. Eradication of Child Labour. International Journal of Social Development. Http://
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotional Intelligence Predicts Eudaimonic Well Being |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahima Raina, Arti Bakhshi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1134247 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research was to extend and replicate the previous researches exploring links between Emotional intelligence (EI) and wellbeing. We studied Eudaimonic wellbeing and its indices in particular . Method : The Emotional intelligence test and the Psychological Wellbeing were completed by 163 professionals. Results : Multiple regression analysis reveal that EI predicted overall and each index of eudaimonic wellbeing. Conclusions : Although EI has been linked to wellbeing in the past, its relationship with eudaimonic wellbeing demands more research especially in Indian context. We discuss methodological advances for future research. Keywords: emotional intelligence, eudaimonic wellbeing, positive psychology
[1]. Anari, N.N. (2012). Teachers : emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Journal of workplace learning, 24 (4), 256-269.
[2]. Bastian ,V.A. , Burns, N.R., & Nettelbeck, T. (2005). Emotional intelligence predicts life skills, but not as well as personality and cognitive abilities. Personal. Individ. Differ., 39,1135–45.
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[7]. Carmeli, A., Yitzhak-Halevy, M., & Weisberg, J. (2009). The relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing. Journal of managerial psychology, 24(1), 66-78.
[8]. Ciarrochi, J.V., Chan , A.Y., Caputi, P. 2000. A critical evaluation of the emotional intelligence concept. Personal. Individ. Differ. 28, 539–61.
[9]. Cooper, R. K., & Sawaf, A. (1997). Executive EQ: emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations. New York: Grosset Putnum.
[10]. Dar, O.H.; Alam, S. & Lone, Z.A. (2011). Relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological wellbeing of male police personnel. Journal of the Indian academy of applied psychology, 37(1), 47-52.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Critical Analysis of Advertising Bombardment in Today's World |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Samson Ademagba Sambe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1134856 ![]() |
Abstract: Advertising, a big business in itself, is the engine that allows the rest of the business world to flourish. It has the subtle ability to reach out and touch everyone living and working in the modern world. Largely, it does this through the usual media of mass communication, but lately it also uses an increasing variety of unusual means to find its audience. Today, a concentrated outpouring of advertisements is directed at the consciousness of consumer's every day, through traditional and non-traditional outlets. Accordingly, this investigation examines the proliferation and preponderance of advertising in contemporary living. Among other things, it recommends that the Advertising Practitioners' Council of Nigeria (APCON) should be empowered to regulate the exposure of advertisements to audiences.
[1]. Agee, W.K; Ault, P.H & Emery, E. (1982) Perspective on Mass Communications, New York: Harper & Row publishers.
[2]. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2000), Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
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[4]. Arens, W.F; Weigold, M.F. & Arens C. (2008) Contemporary Advertising, Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
[5]. Azzaro, M. (2004) Strategic Media Decisions, Chicago: The Copy Workshop.
[6]. Baran, S.J. (2002) Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
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[8]. Ciboh, R. (2002) Print Media Management Theories and Methods,Makurdi: Abogom Press
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[10]. Folarin, B. (1998) Theories of Mass Communication: An Introductory Text, Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of Armed Robbery in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abanyam, Noah Lumun, Bauchi, David, Tormusa, Daniel Orngu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1135759 ![]() |
Abstract: Armed robbery is a social menace that persistently continues to retard the development of the Nigerian society. It involves stealing, during which force and violence (or the threats of violence are employed). This study investigated the effects of armed robbery on the Nigerian society. Sociological perspective is employed in analyzing the study. The findings of this study reveals that armed robbery is associated with insecurity of lives and properties, loss of human resources, reduction of the level of development, unemployment, poverty, permanent disability on the victims and wastage of state resources on security agents. It is recommended that government should increase the number of well-trained police and provide them with modern equipment. More so, all Nigerian should volunteer information that could lead to the arrest of suspected armed robbers to the police.
Key Words: Effects, Armed robbery, Nigeria, society.
[1]. Neubeck, K.F. (1979). Social Problems. New York: Foresman and Company.
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[4]. Yecho, J.I. (2010). Violent Crime Wave in Contemporary Nigeria: The Case of Benue State" in Benue Journal of Sociology Vol. 3 No. 1 Makurdi: Selfers Academic Press Ltd.
[5]. Sutherland, E. (1949) White Collor Crime. New York: Dryden Press.
[6]. Merton, R.K. (1964) Social Theory and Social structure. New York: Free Press.
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Abstract: The government of Nepal has established five Regional Monitoring and Supervision Offices (RMSO) and the National Management Information Project (NMIP, since 2004), for decision-making in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector. The Nepal has committed to ensuring that a minimum of 53% of the population will have access to sanitation by 2015 and will achieve 100% sanitation by 2017 and recent (2011) coverage were 80% water and 43% sanitation. The leave of toilet coverage has increased from approximately 6% in 1990 to 43% as of 2009/2010, annual growth rate each year's therefore equates 1.9%. If the present trend continues, the toilet coverage will be only 80% against the national target of 100% by 2017. It is however rather unclear how this system works in practice for decision making on the basis of present data, models and tools which has been implemented through the existing monitoring and reporting system of RMSO/NMIP. This qualitative study was conducted through participant observation method to assess the gaps between design and practical outcomes of data, models and tools to minimize performance dilemma. Keywords: Decision-making, Information management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and performance dilemma.
[1]. Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan 2011, Government of Nepal.
[2]. UNDP 2002. "Hand Book on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results. Evaluation Office, United Nations Development Programme, One United Nations Plaza. New York, NY 10017, USA.)
[3]. Mushfiq Mobarak (2011) Evaluation: What, Why and When. WASH Evaluation Workshop II. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Yale University and Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.
[4]. Alfonos, J.L (2010). "Optimization of Monitoring Networks for Water Systems" Information Theory, Value of Information and Public Participation. Dissertation for PhD paper, Delft University of Technology and of the Academic Board of the UNESCO-IHE Institute, Delft, The Netherlands.
[5]. Ajam, T (2011): "Evaluation and Performance Auditing in South Africa; Convergence of reforms" paper at the 4th International Conference on leadership, Governance and Policy in the Public Sector‟, School for Public Management and Administration, University of Pretoria 17-18 February 2011, Pretoria.
[6]. Deirdre Casella (2011). "Monitoring & Learning for Improvement". Young Professional Workshop,12 October 2011. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hauge, The Netherlands.
[7]. National Management Information Project (NMIP), Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) final report March 2011. National-wide Coverage and Functionality Status of Water Supply and Sanitation in Nepal. Panipokhari, Kathmandu.
[8]. Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Status Report May, 2011. Sector Efficiency Improvement Unit. Water Supply and Sanitation Division, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works. Government of Nepal.
[9]. Cole P. Dodgs and Gavin Bennet (2011). Changing Minds. A guide to facilitated participatory planning. International Development Research Centre. Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Galsworthy's Realism: Revaluation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Arti Ajabrao Chorey |
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: | 10.9790/0837-11036768 ![]() |
Abstract: Galsworthy has plainly brought out a peculiar realism in the dramatic situation. He creates a dramatic panorama which is worth noting. The realism that a man sometimes commits a crime but the compelling situation are again the creations of social environment which again is the creation of social, political, legal, economical complexities existing in society at a particular point of time. The world is torned by dissentions class interest, selfishness, cruel social conventions, the machinery of law and such other well established interest in society. The social forces are constantly at war and the weak individual is over whelmed by these man made social forces. John Galsworthy has realistically brought out the picture of jail administration specially solitary confinement.......
Keywords: Humdrum, Honesty, Passion, Awakening, Charity, Sympathy, Toleration, Suffering, Moral Ferment.
[1]. Evans, I (1948), A short history of English Drama, London : Penquin Books.
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[5]. Marriott, J. W. (1945), The Theatre, London : George G. Harraps Co. Ltd.
[6]. Schalit, Leon (1929), John Galsworthy : A Survey, London, William Heinmann Ltd.