Version-1 (May-Jun-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Indian Revenue Generators |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | *Dr. Mrs. P. Amarjothi, **Mr. C. Azhakarraja |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1220107 ![]() |
Abstract: India is common law federal country, with separation of powers between the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. There is a division of legislative powers between states and the federation itself under article 246 of the Constitution. Each state has its own executive government, which functions independently from the federal government. In July 1860, James Wilson, the first Finance Member of the Governor General in Council, quoted thus from the authority of Manu while introducing the act for levying income tax in the country, As the leech, the calf and the bee take their food little by little, even so must the King draw from his realm, moderate annual taxes. In 1924, a Central Board of Revenue was created to administer central taxes. The attainment of Independence marked another paradigm shift for taxation.
Key Words: Direct Taxes, Indirect Taxes
[1]. ASCI Journal of Management 40(2): Copyright © 2011 Administrative Staff College of India, DR. SUNIL MITRA, ASCI Journal of Management, March 2011, ): pp. 128 to 138.
[2]. Chapter-6 Direct and Indirect Taxes, www., pp. 71 to 76.
[3]. 8-1-2004, The Challenges of Tax Collection in Developing Economies, Pramod K. Rai, University of Georgia, School of Law LLM, Theses, pp. 1 to 104.
[4]. K. Sanjay Kumar, Literature of Tax Report, july 2008, pp. 80 to 85.
[5]. R. Jinta, International journal of Tax Review, April 2000, pp. 136 to 150.
[6]. Book: Public Finance in Ancient India, Author: K. B. Sarkar, pp. 33 to 35.
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Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly being incorporated into the internal workings of government, globally. This is done in pursuit of a more effective, efficient and responsive machinery of governance. This paper asseses the potentials of e-government to overcoming the challenges that inhibit Ofu local government in Kogi State (North- Central, Nigeria). It sets out in specific terms to asseses Ofu local government's performance, investigate core challenges that impedes performance, assese the extent to which e-government tools are used in its internal workings as well as what potential threats exist that could supplant its adoption. The results show that Ofu local government's performance with regards to capital projects, speed in service delivery, transparency and accountability among others, are very poor. Though there are proven research and empirical evidences to the capacity of ICTs to reform and reposition public bureaucracies for better performance, there are a number of potential threats to its adoption in Ofu local government. This study identifies some of these impediments like; low computer literacy, lack of political will, lack of adequate ICT infrastructures, excessive bureaucracy, among others. The paper therefore recommends that government should invest in the provision of ICT infrastructures, as well as in purposeful ICT training. Furthermore, concerted efforts should be made to improve power supply, since electricity is the live-wire of ICT. Besides, transparency and accountability structures like freedom of information (FOI) should be activated and empowered, in order to equip the common man with the vital information needed to demand accountability from the custodians of public wealth
Keywords: Local government, e-government, local government performance, local government reforms, Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
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[10]. Sharma, S. K. and Gupta, J. D. N. (2003). "‟Building blocks of an e-Government - A framework‟‟, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 1, 4, 1-15.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Islamic Perspective of Sex and Sexuality: A Lesson for Contemporary Muslim |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Sikiru Gbenga Eniola |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1222028 ![]() |
Abstract: This Paper sets to investigate the aspect of an Islamic perspective of sex and sexuality such as the goals of marriage, the practice of homosexuality, celibacy and monasticism. It also looks at the Islamic guidelines which could assist Muslims to uphold sexual morality such as faithful to one's wife or husband, proper dressing, early marriage, lowering of the gaze/ modesty and the concept of adultery. The methodology employed in this paper was based on information and analysis of the data from books, journals, archives, newspapers, reports, internet, the Holy Qur'an and Ahadith. The paper reveals that, Islam considers sex as one of the essential human needs that must be properly satisfied. It is a necessity of the human being that, it requires favourable consideration. Infact, Islam considers it as one of the requirements of life that should be properly and lawfully satisfied. Moreover, Islam does not treat it as distasteful, filthy or heinous act of man. It also, considers "Zina" not only as a great sin but also as an act, which opens the gate for many other shameful acts, which destroys the very basis of the family, leads to quarrels, murders, ruins reputation/ properties and also spreads numerous diseases, both physical and spiritual. It is recommended that, Muslim should marry as early as they are able. Muslims should not fear poverty nor should they apprehend increase of family members as a result of marriage, and thus, because of that, stay away from marriage.
[1]. Abu "Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail: Al –Jami al-Sahih (Sahih al-Bukhari, (Cairo) Volume 7, Book 2, Number 331
[2]. Abu Da‟ud, Sulaiman bin al –Ash‟ath al- Sijistanii (1372 A.H) : Sunan Abi Da'ud, Cairo,
[3]. Abdul‟Ati,H.(1982); The Family Structure in Islam, Lagos, Islamic Publication Bureah, p, 33
[4]. Adeyinka A.B. (1997); Islam and sex; According to Qur‟an and Hadith. Islamabad Pakistan, Da‟wah Academy. Pp, 51-53
[5]. Akbar, K.F. (1994) Family Planning and Islam. A Review Hamdard Islamicus Vo. XVII, No 3.
[6]. Alli Y.A. (1978): The Holy Qur'an, Text, Translation with Commentary. The Islamic centre, Washington
[7]. Al-Sheha, A. R. (2001): Islamic Perspective on Sex, Riyadhi, Saudi Arabia, Umm Amr.
[8]. Al- Tirmidhi, Muhammad bin Isa (1352A.H): Al-Jami' al-Sahih well known as Sunna al-Tirmidhi, Cairo
[9]. Athar-Shahid (2003): "Sex Education, Teenage Pregnancy, Sex in Islam and Marriage" Muslim Youth and Sexuality of Education, Lagos: Fountain Media publications.
[10]. Bhayat, M. Z. (2003): "Sex Education: Islam versus West" Muslim Youth and Sexuality Education, Lagos: Fountain Media publication
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Abstract: The link between the natural world and writing poetry is one of the keys to understanding Ted Hughes's work. This paper sheds light on Hughes's attempts to make vocal the inner life or the depths of human unconscious. Hughes's poetic philosophy harps with the tune of Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis. Freud's 'id'suggested a more subtle way in which the bestial and the instinctive could figure in human psyche. The interaction of the human and the beast worlds have taken the form of depicting human life in terms of some notion of animal behavior. This has served many purposes-to embody specific human emotions, often uncontrolled emotions, to depict a way of escaping human limitations, especially seeming narrowness of city life, morality or purely intellectual discernments. Similarly Hughes's poems depict a breaking free from some perceived set of social or political limitations that the writer wishes to expose and change. By revolutionizing our understanding of the inner workings of the unconscious Ted Hughes was a major influence on the twentieth century thought.
Keywords: Ego, Eros, Id, Primitivism, Racial unconscious, Shamanism, Superego, Thanatos
[1]. Keith Sagar,The Laughter of Foxes: A Study of Ted Hughes ( Liverpool University Press and University of Chicago press, 2000)
[2]. M.H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Seventh Edition (Cornwell University,2007)
[3]. Lillian Feder,Ancient Myth in Modern Poetry (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1971)
[4]. Lillian Feder,Ancient Myth in Modern Poetry (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1971)
[5]. Ted Hughes, Poetry in Making (London, Faber And Faber,1967)
[6]. P.R. King, Nine Contemporary Poets: A Critical Introduction. (London and New York, METHEUN.1979)
[7]. Lillian Feder,Ancient Myth in Modern Poetry (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1971)
[8]. Lillian Feder,Ancient Myth in Modern Poetry (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1971)
[9]. A.E.Dyson, Three Contemporary Poets Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes and R.S.Thomas: A Selection of Critical Essay.( Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1990)
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Abstract: One of the least researched and neglected area of research has been the political economy bases of health. The paper has acknowledged the per curial health problem and needs of women and attempts a study of the social, political, cultural and economic effects of Toxemias of pregnancy and the puerperium among Tiv women of Central Nigeria. The paper further identified the elements of the political base of health as being the use of political power to determine the ownership of the means of living and the sharing of society's wealth among individuals in Nigeria. The paper focuses on the Tiv rural community of Central Nigeria and has highlighted the Nigerian National Health Policy and the socio-cultural gender discriminations afflicting the country. The paper is of the opinion that political factors and discriminatory health policies have contributed to the high degree and spread of human suffering and sees political authority , a determinant of allocation of values as a major stumbling block to gender played, are playing and will continue to play in changing the social, economic and cultural determinant of the health and other aspects of life of the womenfolk.
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[4]. All datas used are official documents from the Benue State Health Services Management Board.
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[10]. Cohen, M. R. and Manion, L. (1980), Research Methods in Education UK: CroomHelm pp26.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Socio-Demographic Determinants of Child Sex Ratio and Its Regional Variation in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. R. Singariya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1224549 ![]() |
Abstract: Rapid decline in child sex ratio (CSR) is a serious problem with severe socio-economic, demographic and cultural implication. Using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Quantile Regression estimates for thirty five states and union territories of India, the paper tries to examine the determinants of child sex ratio. The results show that the female literacy rate has significant positive while male literacy and percentage share of the urban population have a significant negative association with child sex ratio in India. Decadal population growth rate has a significant positive association with rural child sex ratios but insignificant negative associated with urban child sex ratio. The revealing quantile regression estimates suggest that female literacy and decadal population growth rate have significant positive, while male literacy, urban population and infant mortality rate have a significant negative association at 0.10 quantile, where the problem is severe. The variables like urban population and infant mortality rate have significant lowest negative association at the upper tail (0.90 quantile) of the child sex ratio. Furthermore, the paper also highlighted regional variations through regional dummy variables. Coefficients of child sex ratio with regional dummy variables show that north - west region has highest negative and southern region has a highest positive influence on juvenile sex ratio of India. Thus strengthening of female education and reduction in higher usage of sex determination tests and infant mortality rate is an utmost need for balancing child sex ratio in north and northwest region of India. Keywords: Child sex ratio, OLS, male and female literacy, regional variations, India.
[1]. Agnihotri, S.B. (200), "Sex Ratio Patterns in Indian Population: A Fresh Exploration", Sage Publications, New Delhi.
[2]. Buchinsky & Eide (1994),"Changes in the U. S. Wage Structure 1963-1987: Application of Quantile Regression" Econometrica 62:405-27-58.
[3]. Census of India (2011), "State wise: Population Census 2011 India details and analysis",, accessed on 7/12/2012.
[4]. Clark, A. (1983), "Limitations on Female Life Chances in Rural Central Gujarat", The Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp, 1-25
[5]. Croll, Elisabeth (2000), "Endangered Daughters: Discrimination and Development in Asia", Routledge, New York.
[6]. Dyson, T and Moore (1983), "On Kinship Structure, Female Autonomy and Demographic Behaviour in India" Population and Development Review 9:35-60.
[7]. Edlund, L (1999), "Son Preference, Sex Ratios and Marriage Patterns", Journal of Political Economy, 107:1275-304.
[8]. Hatti, Neelambar and Ohlsson, Rolf (1984), "Age at Marriage in India 1960-79", Demography India, No.2.
[9]. Hatti, Neelanber, T.V.Sekhar, M Larsen (2004), "Lives at Risk: Declining Child Sex Ratio in India", Lund papers in Economic History, Number 93.
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Abstract: The pedagogy intervention for reading and writing abilities brought about significant positive changes to the level of good and very good grades of preschool students in their Marathi alphabet & numbers and English alphabet & Arabic numbers as compared to their counterparts in the control group. Irrespective of their groups, the Marathi alphabet & numbers and English alphabet & Arabic numbers reading and writing abilities of the preschool students were significantly positively correlated with their intelligence quotient, child friendly environment in the classroom, maternal education, family size & income and family support extended to the child. The executed pedagogy intervention for reading and writing abilities of pre school students found to have significant impact in enhancing their reading and writing abilities of Marathi alphabet & numbers and English alphabet & Arabic numbers in addition to selected pictures reading and its awareness.
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[5]. Lazar and Darlington( 1982a) Does Head start work?, A 1 yr follow up comparison of disadvantaged children attending head start, No preschool programs, Developmental psychology,24(210-222)
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Abstract: Command agriculture is a rural development strategy adopted by the Zimbabwe government as one of several strategies in its broad land reform policy framework. It was said to be geared toward increasing cereal production to boost national food reserves. The army championed this programme. This agricultural model targeted irrigation schemes nationwide. Command agriculture was planned and implemented without consultation with irrigation plot holders, and in this study, specifically the Makwe community. Using the case study approach I conducted a series of interviews between 2005 and 2006 to ascertain the implications of this land husbandry model to livelihoods of Makwe irrigators. The "command‟ style the army arrived at Makwe caused some shocks and stresses to plot holders whose market gardening was destroyed by the army to pave way for cereal farming. The arrival of soldiers turned this lucrative venture and a source of livelihoods for Makwe plot holders; and villagers of Lushongwe and Wenlock, into a "collective" whereby the former farmed the irrigation rather than their individual plots in this scheme. Command agriculture is thus viewed as one of those top down rural development models that fail to recognize local knowledge in development planning.
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Abstract: Fruit trees in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir like other plantations in different parts of the state, nation and world are facing host of problems and inadequacies such as undulating topography, varying climatic and soil conditions, scanty cultivable land, and serious soil erosion. On the other hand they are exposed to the ravages of pests and diseases. With the intensification of agricultural production practices and evolution of high yielding varieties and types of various fruit crops, the resurgence of the pests has out broken massively. Besides pests of known identity some new races of flies, beetles, and caterpillars are becoming new menace. They rob a measurable and considerable portion of the farmer's profit. As per estimate about 20 percent of the total loss to the crops is attributed to the insect's pests alone. Therefore proper management of the pest is crucial to harvest good crop.
[1]. Prasher, R.S., Nadda, A.L. and Thakur, K.S. (2000). An Economic Analysis of Post Harvest Loses of Apple in Himachal Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agricultural marketing (Special), pp.80-85.
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[3]. Jones, V.P, (1989). Phenology of Apple Maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae) Associated with Cherry and Hawthorn in Utah, Journal of Economic Entomology, pp.788-92.
[4]. Nath, Pushkar. (1933). Diseases of Kashmir Apple, Proceedings of 20th Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, India.
[5]. Kabu, K.L., and Parimoo, M.M. (1972). Boron Deficiency Warrants Attention of Kashmir Orchardists, Horticulture, Vol.3, No.1-3, pp.24-28.
[6]. Girdhari, L., Siddappa, G.S and Tondon, G.L. (1967). Preservation of fruits and Vegetables, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
[7]. Dahiya, P.S. and Saraswat, S.P. (2000). Marketing of Apples in Himachal Pradesh- Price Spreads, Problems and Strategies, Journal for Applied Horticulture, Society for Advancement of Horticulture, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla Himachal Pradesh, India, pp.58-61.
[8]. Misra, A.K., (2001). Powdery Mildew- A Serious Disease of Mango, Journal for Applied Horticulture, Society for Advancement of Horticulture, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Kakori, Lucknow, India, pp.63-68.
[9]. Ahlawat, Y.S. (1987). Association of Mycoplasma like Bodies with Citrus Rubberywood Disease, Abstract Presented in the 3rd Regional Workshop on Mycoplasma, p.12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Problems of Water Resource Management in Kashmir Valley |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Nawaz Ahmed ,Prof. Taseem Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1227682 ![]() |
Abstract: Water Is One Of The Most Precious Natural Resources And A Key Element In The Socio-Economic Development Of A Nation. A Person Can Live Without Food For A Month, But Only For A Week Without Water. On The Basis Of The Detailed Analysis Of The Water Resources Of Kashmir Valley, It Was Concluded That Water In Plenty Is Available Both Through Rainfall, Snowfall, Glacier Melt And Underground Water. But On The Basis Of The Utilization Of Water It Is Characterized As Scarcity In Plenty. There Are Four Major Indicators Used So Far To Measure The 'Scarcity In Plenty' And 'Plenty In Scarcity'. If Hundred Per Cent Cultivated Areas Are Not Irrigated For Agricultural Purposes And Availability Of Water In Plenty Is There Both Surface And Underground, It Indicates That We Are Not Familiar With The Irrigation Machinery To Use The Water. Since Water In Kashmir Is Available At Higher Reaches Gradient Method To Irrigate The Cultivated Area Can Be Used. All The Cultivated Area Located Especially At Karewas Is Not Irrigated. Similarly Production Of Hydroelectricity Is Not Hundred Per Cent Related With The Water Resources, Even Today Major Portion Of Electricity Is Produced Through The Diesel. Third And Fourth Indicator To Measure The Scarcity In Plenty Is Related With Potable Or Safe Drinking Water And Industrial Water Both Are Not Available Satisfactorily. On The Whole Kashmir Valley Is A Thickly Populated Region Of India Which Is Characterized As Scarcity In Plenty The Water Resource Of Kashmir Valley.
Key Words: - Scarcity, Plenty, Karewas, Hydrological, Intensity Of Rainfall, Water Resource, Nambals
[1]. S.N. Bhan, "A Study Of Fifty Year Rainfall Of Srinagar (1901 – 1950) And Jammu (1893-1942)," Pt. 4. 1965
[2]. H.L. Uppal, Flood Control Drainage And Reclamation In The Kashmir Valley, New Delhi, 1956, P. 61.
[3]. Reports Of The Irrigation Commission.
[4]. Irrigation Commission Report Ii
[5]. Ibid., P. 168.
[6]. Ibid., P. 159.
[7]. Kuhls Are Irrigation Channels In Which River Water Is Diverted By Erecting Weirs Or "Projecting Snags." (Lawrence, The Valley Of Kashmir, Op, Cit, P, 323)
[8]. Irrigation Commission Report.
[9]. Annual Plan Of The Jammu And Kashmir State, 1970-71.
[10]. For More Details, See Census Of India, 2001, District Census Handbook Of Srinagar, Anantnag And Baramulla.
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Abstract: Morbidity among elderly people has an important influence on their physical functioning and psychological well being. Morbidity Profile and its determinants have lot of implications of elderly people's life. Morbidity is the study of the frequency of disease, illness, sickness of ill-health in a population. Morbidity data are usually classified according to the international classification of diseases, and are broken down according to such variables as age, sex place of residence, and socio-economic characteristics. Morbidity is the extent of illness (disease) injury, or disability in a defined population. Particularly in circumstances of low mortality, such as exist now in the industrialized nations, morbidity data give a fuller description of the physical well being of a population than do mortality data. Mortality data do not reflect the level of nonfatal illness or impairments, or mental illness (John A. Ross, 1982).
[[1]. Siva Raju S. (2002) "Health of the Elderly in India, issues and implications. Research and Development Journal.
[2]. Dhar H.L. (2005) Emerging geriatric Challenges.
[3]. Sathyanarayan R.T.S. and Shaji K.S. (25007) Demographic aging, Implications for mental health.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Feminine Sensibility In Anita Desai\'S Cry,The Peacock |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bilquees Dar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1228890 ![]() |
Abstract: Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies armed at defining, establishing and defending equal political, economic and social rights for women. French Philosopher Charles Fourier is credited with having originated the word in 1837. It is a global and revolutionary ideology as well as a socio-cultural movement that aims at the freedom of woman from male domination in the patriarchal society. It highlights various hidden and oppressive aspects of man – woman relationship. It has a profound impact on the debate concerning the relation between genders, culture and creativity and knocks down the claims of certain cultures, which believe that woman can only produce children and not art. This movement fought for the issues related to women like gender discrimination male domination, oppressive culture, domestic violence, sexual harassment, reproductive rights, property right equal salary, equal opportunities for career and business, liberation and empowerment of women.
[1]. Pathok, R. (1991). Beyond the He-Man Approach: The Expression of Feminine Sensibility in Anita Desai‟s Novels, Feminism and Recent Fiction in English, Refrences ed. Sushila Singh, New Delhi: Prestige Books.
[2]. Bande, U. (1988). The Novels of Anita Desai, New Delhi: Prestige Books.
[3]. Desai, A. (2006). Cry, the Peacock Delhi: Orient Paperbacks.
[4]. Deshpande, S. (1983). Roots and shadows, Hyderbad: Orient Paperbacks.
[5]. Sharma, P.S. (1981). Anita Desai, Arnold – Helneman, New Delhi.
[6]. Singh, S. (1970). "Recent Trends in Feminist thought: A Tour de Horizon, Feminism, Theory, Criticism, Delhi: Analysis Pencraft International.
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Abstract: Parent are important personality and has great influence in child life. They have active role in child life. Parent have unique attitude, behavior, believe, values and family background and these characteristics varies from parent to parent. Parent in this world behave in different way for rearing their children. Specific attitudes and behaviors which parent show are parenting style and these styles have importance in child life. This article focuses on review of three parenting style presented by Baumrind and their influence on child education and psychological well being. After reviewing literature authors come to know about positive influence of Authoritative parenting style in life domain of child. Review of research literature suggests that Authoritative parenting style can promote through training and media campaign.
Key words: Parenting style, children, education and psychological well being.
[1]. Baumrind, D. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology, 4(1), 1-103.ISSN: 0012-1649. doi: 10.1037/h0030372 [2]. Darling., & Steinberg, L. (1993). Parenting style as context: An integrative model. Psychological Bulletin, 113 (3), 487-496. ISSN: 0033-2909. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.113.3.487
[3]. Darling, N. (1999). Parenting style and its correlates. Clearing house on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from http: //ecap. crc. illinois. edu/ eecearchive/digests/1999/darlin99.pdf
[4]. Fletcher, A. C., Walls, J. K., Cook, E. C., Madison, K. J., & Bridges, T. H. (2008). Parenting style as a moderator of associations between maternal disciplinary strategies and child well-being. Journal of Family Issues, 29, (12), 1724-1744. ISSN: 0192-513x. doi: 10.1177/0192513x08322933
[5]. Karavasilis, L., Doyle, A. B. & Markiewicz, D. (2003). Associations between parenting style and attachment to mother in middle childhood adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 27(2), 153–164.ISSN: 0165-0254. doi: 10.1080/0165025024400015
[6]. Berg, B. (2011). The Effects of Parenting Styles on a Preschool Aged Child's Social Emotional Development. The Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Stout. Retrieved from http: // www2 .uwstout. edu/ content/ lib/ thesis/ 2011/2011bergb.pdf
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Abstract: India under Congress regime and others also has not yet attained positive response from its explicit concern for socialistic pattern of society under the grab of mixed economy and liberal-democratic socialism. As a government the Congress creates certain socio-economic situation, which the Congress as a party has failed to cope with. On the other, certain socio-economic and socio-political constraints have made the Congress both as a party and as a government quite unresponsive to the demands of the people. The social and economic reforms remained unimplemented.
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Abstract: The thrust of this study was predicated on the need to analyze the nature of coverage given to the Augusta 109 naval helicopter crash by The Tide, The Punch and The Nation newspapers with a view to streamlining depth and pattern. The primary objective was to infer the disposition of the newspapers towards the crash, in the light of inexplicable air crashes in Nigeria, as highlighted through news contextualization within the parameters of advocacy journalism. The study necessitated content analysis. Fifteen (15) issues of the newspapers were selected and studied using the constructed calendar as a frame. Inter-coder reliability showed a correlation of 0.82. Quantitative analysis was done using newshole as measured in column centimeters while qualitative analysis was done using the Constant Comparative Technique. Findings revealed that out of a total newshole of 829,783 col. cms, the papers allotted only about four percent to the incident. Findings further revealed an abysmal output by the newspapers in terms of depth with no editorial on the issue. Qualitative analysis showed a non- proactive disposition towards advocacy. It was therefore recommended that there should be an awakening by the Nigerian press to enrich reports with depth while being proactively disposed towards advocacy journalism with a view to according animation to its watchdog role.
Key words: *Advocacy *Coverage *Depth *Disposition *Pattern
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of US Policy in the Liberation war of Bangladesh, 1971 |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Iqthyer Uddin Md Zahed |
Abstract: Bangladesh took her place in world map as a sovereign country after nine months long war against Pakistani army government. There were many countries involved in the Liberation war of Bangladesh. United States made their policy in East Pakistan crisis to making happy Yahya khan, the president of Pakistan. By using this policy they wanted to rebuilt relationship with China, controlling Muslim countries of Middle East, Pakistan was the country by what they can implement their policy. But the involvement of Soviet Union with India made difficult situation for USA.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Kissinger, Liberation war, Nixon, Pakistan
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