Version-1 (Jul-Aug-2013)
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Abstract: The study examined the impact of crude oil discovery, exploitation and exportation on the agricultural commodity export (AGO) in Nigeria in the period 1970-2011. Specifically, the study sought to evaluate how the discovery and exportation of crude oil has impacted on the production and export of agricultural output. Annual time series data sourced mainly from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletins for various years were analyzed using co-integration and vector error correction model in a bid to delineate the long run relationship between (AGO) and oil export (OX). Our results show that in the long run, Dutch disease (DD) is present in Nigeria. A 1% increase in OX will depress AGO by 16%, that is, the more Nigeria produces and exports oil, the lower the output and less competitive the traditional tradable sector (AGO) becomes. The paper recommends that policy makers should make considerable investments in developing other economic sectors, re-channel the extra revenue from oil to accumulate income-producing foreign assets, and come up with a number of tax and import duty waivers, import substitution and diversification measures in order to boost productivity in the "lagging" traditional tradable sector and develop other agro-allied industries to improve the value chain.
Keywords: Agricultural Export, Booming Oil Sector, Dutch Disease, Lagging Tradable Sector, Nigerian Economy,
[1] Reynolds, L. C. (1966). Peasant Agriculture and Economic Growth in Nigeria. The Economic Growth Center, Yale: Yale University [2] World Bank (WB) (1975) Nigeria: Options for Long-term Development. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press
[3] Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) (2000) The Changing Structure of the Nigerian Economy and Implications for Development, Lagos: Research Department (August) Iyoha, M.A. (2002) Explaining African Growth Performance: The Case of Nigeria. Revised Interim Report on Nigerian Case Study prepared for the African Economic Research Consortium Research Project titled:"Explaining African Economic Growth Performance" May 1-95
[5] Bitrus, N. B. (2011) An Evaluation of the Impact of the Dutch Disease on the Nigerian Economy (1970-2006) A Ph.D Thesis submitted to the School of Post-graduate Studies, University of Jos, in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, (October)
[6] F. G. N. (1983). Oil Glut-Effects on the Nigerian Economy, what you should know. Published by Federal Department of Information, public Enlightenment Division, Lagos.
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[8] Kuralbayeva, K., A. Kutan and M. Wyzan (2001) Is Kazakhstan Vulnerable to the Dutch Disease? Zentrumfur Europaische Integrations forschung Working Paper B.29, pp. 1-36
[9] Roemer, M. (1985) Dutch Disease in Developing Countries: Swallowing Bitter Medicine. In The Primary Sector in Economic Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Arne Ryde Symposium, (August)
[10] Corden, W. and J.P. Neary (1982) Booming Sector and De-industrialisation in a Small Open Economy. The Economic Journal, Vol. 92, No. 368 (December), pp. 825-848
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scholarly Use of Internet by the Faculty of Medical Sciences: An Evaluative Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Priyanka Manjari Behera |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1411014 ![]() |
Abstract: The study was conducted to assess the Internet usage amongst Faculty members of medical colleges. This study has taken a sample of 200 Faculty Members working in 03 Government Medicals Colleges spread over three geographical revenue divisions of Odisha. This study aims to identify the use of Internet by Faculty members of Medical Sciences and the purpose and frequency of using Internet by them. It covers only four categories of Faculty Members in Medical Science who are working in Government Medical Colleges (Allopathic) in Odisha and excludes those teachers who are working in Private Medical Colleges as well as Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Colleges from the ambit. The study revealed that, most of the faculty members in medical sciences who are using internet are keen to undergo further training in making best use of internet resources and services so as to enhance their professional image.
Key words: www, internet usage, e-mail, web resources, health science info.
[1]. Rao(M),Mudhoi(Mahesh V.)and K.(Shivananda Bhat).2008. "Towards Quality of Health Information on the Internet'. DESIDOC
Journal of Library and Information Technology;28(6);pp.27-33
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review of Judicial Administration of Manipur in Early Period (33-1122 A.D) |
Country | : | Imphal |
Authors | : | Yumkhaibam Brajakumar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1411518 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study has been initiated to explore the authoritative accounts of Judicial System of Manipur in early period (33-1122 A.D). As an independent, autonomous and sovereign kingdom, Manipur had distinct system of Judiciary during the period. The findings may also be benefited to the researchers working in the field of anthropology, human geography, politics, law etc.
Key Words: Stone Age, Judiciary, Women's Court, Indian Independence
[1] AIR-1958. State of Punjab, Punjab-63, P. 69.
[2] Aiyar, K. J. 1998. Judicial Dictionary (A complete law Lexicon), Twelve Edition, P. 46.
[3] Chandrasekhar, K. 1975. Loiyamba Shinyen. Imphal, Pp. 33,129.
[4] Devi, L. K. 2003. Archaeology in Manipur, P. 169.
[5] Dorling, K. 2005. Illustrated Family Encyclopedia, P. 504.
[6] Husain, M. 1998. Encyclopaedia of North East India, Vol. III, Manipur, New Dehli, P. 16.
[7] Jhaljit, R. K. 1965. A Short History of Manipur. Imphal. P. 58.
[8] Johnson, R. 1992. Great Events of the World B.C. 5867-1905 A.D Vol. I, Manas Publication Delhi, P. 14.
[9] Kabui, G. 1989. History of Manipur, Vol. I, Pp. 101, 124.
[10] Kapoor, S. The Indian Encyclopedia, Vol. XIV, P. 4276.
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Abstract: This study examined the influence of parental musical interest; and academic background on children's interest in music as a course of study. Two research questions and two hypotheses were raised to guide the study. The study used ex-post facto research design. The study sample comprised 390 Basic 9 Music students selected from the 12 public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government offering music using simple random sampling technique. Researcher-developed instrument titled: Parental Musical Interest, Background and Children Musical Interest Questionnaire (PMIBCMIQ), a 22-item opinion scale with four response options was used for data collection. The instrument had a reliability index of .84 determined using Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient formula. The results of data analysis using the independent t-test statistics showed that students whose parents are highly interested in music tend to be highly interested in musical studies too. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that parents should properly guide their wards in their choice of career rather than dissuade them from their career of interest or try to force them into careers that they are not interested in.
Keywords: Children's interest in music; Parental academic background;;Parental musical interest; musical study
[1]. Abeles, H. F., Hoffer, C. R., & Klotman, R. H. (1979). Foundations of music education. New York: Schirmer Books.
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[5]. Essien, M. A. (2011). Indigenous instructional materials in the music education of secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists (JANIM), (5), 130 – 140.
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[8]. Kalinowski, A., & Sloane, K. (1981). The home environment and school achievement. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 7(1), 85 – 96.
[9]. Kemp, A. E. (1996). The musical temperament. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: Population health is a major area of concern for researchers in developing nations with large demographic base. Most of the geographical studies done in India have focused on modelling communicable diseases only. The importance of constructing spatial models for non-communicable diseases has risen tremendously in recent times due to their ever-increasing burden. The present paper attempts to create a regression model of cardiovascular mortality in Bist Doab region of Punjab (India) . A composite risk factor score was calculated block-wise and was used as an explanatory variable for the observed spatial patterns of cardiovascular mortality. The regression modelling was done using Ordinary Least Squares method of Spatial Analyst tool in ArcGIS 9.3. The resultant regression coefficient was 0.44 and the model was capable of explaining nearly 35% of variation in the observed spatial patterns of cardiovascular deaths. The model was statistically significant at 0.05 level. Given the complex aetiology of cardiovascular diseases and the lack of block-wise data on several key risk factors, it was concluded that this model displayed considerably good performance. Finally, Moran's I test was used to check spatial autocorrelation to ensure that the residuals are not spatially autocorrelated.
Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases, GIS, Punjab, Regression model, Risk factors.
[1] World Health Organization, Cardiovascular diseases (, 2010)
[2] The Tribune, Why India must work harder at heart health (Chandigarh, Dec 10, 2010)
[3] World Health Organization, The world health report (, 2002)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Language Challenge in Nigeria's Public Sphere |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Fred A. Amadi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1413137 ![]() |
Abstract: The debating activities of the public sphere stimulated the development of pre-modern Europe. So far, such activities had failed to do same for Nigeria – a country in dire need of development. This paper investigates why public discourse in Nigeria has so far failed to develop Nigeria. To do the investigation, I purposively selected eight textual exemplars from stories which three Nigerian newspapers wrote when they covered the 2005 National Political Reform Conference in Nigeria. I presented the selected textual exemplars on a text box and then subjected the texts to interpretation using the method of critical discourse analysis. When I triangulated my interpretation with comments I got when I interviewed the journalists behind the interpreted texts, I found reasons why the mass media, as presently organized, cannot constitute an appropriate arena for development-boosting public discourse in Nigeria. On this light, I suggested some re-adaptation in a way that could motivate intellectuals into fashioning credible arenas for development discourse activities.
Keywords: Premises, reconditioning, public sphere, mass media
[1]. Habermas, J. (2001). The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere.Massachusetts: the MIT Press.
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[4]. Lerner,D. (1964). The passing of traditional society: modernizing the Middle East. Glencoe IL: Free Press.
[5]. Onojovwo, D. (2008, July 16). "Niger Delta: still preparing to talk." Punch, p.8
[6]. Ogbondah, C., (2005, November, 24). "The Role of the Press in Conflict Resolution. A Critical Analysis of the Niger Delta Crisis," a paper presented at the Nigerian Guild of Editors Seminar, Port Harcourt.
[7]. Nwakanma, O. ( 2010, October 3) " Jubilee without Jubilant." Vanguard, p.32.
[8]. Mayhew, L. (1997). The new public London. Cambridge University Press.
[9]. Littlejohn, S. (1996). Theories of human communication. Toronto: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
[10]. Tucker, K. (1998). Anthony Giddens and modern social theory.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is describe and analyze the implementation process of agricultural development policy for agropolitan corn programs in terms of its legal basis, bureaucratic planning, and performance in Gorontalo province. This research type is qualitatif with using of naturalistic method. The findingsof this research are; 1). Agricultural development policies for corn agropolitanprogram as the leading program in its execution has got support from the Government of Gorontalo beginning with the establishment of the Department of agriculture and food security as executor; 2).To improve the performance of the bureaucracy, government provide incentives in the form of regional performance allowances (TKD), provision of agricultural technology (Alsintan, seeds, fertilizers, medicines and agropolitan task force as an escort for farmers started land preparation to post-harvest; 3). Corn agropolitan program hasn't been able to increase the farmers ' income, meaning that it has not fully enjoyed by farmers, especially farmers who have a narrow land (less than one hectare).
Keywords: Agricultural Development Policy, Farmers Revenue
[1] Arifin, Bustamin. 2007. Diagnosis Ekonomi Politik Pangan dan Pertanian. PenerbitPT. Grafindo Persada. Jakarta.
[2] Sugiyono. 2008. MetodePenelitianBisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta
[3] Milles, M.B. Huberman, A. M..1992. Qualitative Data Analysis. (Terjemahan). Translated by TjetjepRohendiRohidi. Analisis Data Kualitatif. Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
[4] Parsons, Wayne. 1997. Public Pulicy : An Introduction to the Theory and Practiceof Policy Analysis, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Cambridge.
[5] Solichin, Abdul Wahab. 1997. Analisis Kebijaksanaan: Dari Formulasi Implementasi Kebijakan Negara. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.
[6] Badan Deptan. 2002. General Guidelines of agropolitanarea developmentandGuidelines of Pilot agropolitanprogramregion for agriculturalHumanResourceDevelopment, Department of Agriculture. Jakarta.
[7] Dwiyanto, Agus. 2006. ReformasiBirokrasiPublik di Indonesia. Gajah Mada University Press. Yokyakarta.
[8] Dun, William. 2004. Pengantar AnalisisKebijakanPublik. Yokyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.
[9] Friedmann, J, M. Douglass. 1975. Agropolitan Development: Towards a New Strategy for Regional Development in Asia.Paper presented in United Nations Centre for Regional Development. Nagoya, November 1975.
[10] 5thof Gorontalo Agropolitan. 2007. Dinas Pertanian Dan KP Propinsi Gorontalo
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Improbability of God – In the Perspective of E. V. Ramasamy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Gunasekar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1414548 ![]() |
Abstract: E.V.Ramasamy, popularly known as "Periyar" (the great man), was born at Erode town in Tamil Nadu, India, on 17th September 1879. He started the Self-Respect Movement in 1925. The principles of Self-Respect Movement are against the irrational unscientific beliefs of the people. He insisted that the beliefs and practices of human beings should be subjected to justification. The thoughts that are incompatible to reason should be shelved. E.V.Ramasamy was bold enough to speak out explicitly and freely, without mincing words. He was not hesitant to tell the people that they were suffering, their lives were miserable only because of the unfair and unreasonable oppression to which they were being subjected to. To him, belief in god, religious faith, caste feelings, meaningless rituals and customs are irrational. On the contrary his views are based on legitimacy. He dislikes anything that is against reasoning.
[1] Singaravelu, Ma, Kadavulum Prapancamum, (Tamil Version), Periyar Suyamariyadhai Prachara Niruvana Veliyeedu, Chennai, 1997, p.15
[2] Vetriyalagan, N., 100 Kealvigalukku Thanthai Periyarin Bathilgal, (Tamil version), Navamani Pathippagam, Pullambadi, 1996, p.30.
[3] Paguttharivaalar Kazhaga Kaiyedu, (Tamil version), Paguttharivaalar Kazhagam, Thanjavur, 1976, p.67.
[4] Palany Arangasamy (trans.), Periyar – Is There A God?, Emerald Publishers, 1996, p.5.
[5] Periyar – An Anthology, The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, Madras, 1992, p.130.
[6] Palany Arangasamy (trans.), Periyar – Is There A God?, Emerald Publishers, 1996, p.13.
[7] Veeramani, K. Dr., (compiled by), Collected Works of Periyar E.V.R., The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, Chennai, 2005, p.487.
[8] Thanthai Periyar, Thatthuva Vilakkam, (Tamil Version), Periyar Suyamariathai Prachara Niruvana Veliyeedu, Chennai, 1987, pp.16-20.
[9] Thavamani, M., Gods of Ingersoll, Shaw, Periyar, Russell, Emerald Publishers Rationalists' Forum, Chennai, 1997, p.65.
[10] Vetriyalagan, N., 100 Kealvigalukku Thanthai Periyarin Bathilgal, (Tamil version), Navamani Pathippagam, Pullambadi, 1996, p.31.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Employee Performance on Education Department of Makassar |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mochtar Luthfi Masiming |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1414955 ![]() |
Abstract: The aims of this research is to analyze (1). The description the officers' performance at Departement of Makassar, (2). Factors determinant that influence the officers' performance at Department of Education of Makassar. The population of research is the whole officers' at Department of Education of Makassar. The research respondents were 68 officers' taken by using Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The hypothetical influence between variable tested and multiple regression analysis. Data processing used software SPSS 15.0 version.The result of research shows that variable of working motivation, income, education, age, working period, officers' attitude and working environment influence significantly the officers' working variable simultaneously either partially. The result of the research as well determines the strong relationship between working motivation, income, education, age, working, period, officers' attitude and working environment with the officers' education at department of education of Makassar.
[1] Keban. 2004. Enam Dimensi Strategis Administrasi Publik. Cetakan Pertama. Gava Media. Yogyakarta.
[2] Vroom. 1964. Work and motivation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[3] Muhammad, Fadel dan Toruan, Rayendra L. 2008. Reinventing local government: Pengalaman dari daerah. Penerbit Elex Media Komputindo
[4] Karatepe, O.M., O. Uludag, I. Menevis, L. Hadzimehmedagic and C.L. Baddar, 2006. The effects of selected individual characteristics on frontline employee performance and job satisfaction. Tourism Management, 27: 547-560.
[5] Sadikoglu, E. and C. Zehir, 2010. Investigating the effects of innovation and employee performance on the relationship between total quality management practices and firm performance: An empirical study of Turkish firms. International Journal Production Economics, 127: 13-26.
[6] Gaspersz, Vincent. 2004. Production Planning and Inventory Control. PT Gramedia Pustaka Umum. Jakarta
[7] Robbins. P.S.,2002, Prinsip-prinsip Perlaku Organisasi. Edisi kelima. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta. [8] Steers, R.M., Mowday, R.T.& Shapiro, D.L. 2004. The future of work motivation Theory. Academy of Management Review, Vol.29, No.3 pp.379-387.
[9] Siagian, Sondang, P. 2003. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[10] Aktar, Serena, Kamruzzaman, Muhammad Sachu, and Ali, Md. Emran. 2012. The Impact of Rewards on Employee Performance in Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). Volume 6, Issue 2 (Nov. - Dec. 2012), p.09-15
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Abstract: Depressive symptoms in adolescents are matter of concern because of its high prevalence and impairment of functioning in the affected individual. Present research was conducted to examine parental rejection effect on personality maladjustment and depressive symptoms in female adolescents in Pakistan. 100 female adolescents (M = 16.03, SD = 1.74) with minor medical conditions were recruited from thee different hospitals. Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (Rohner 2005), Personality Assessment Questionnaire (Rohner, 2005) and Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) were used to assess parental rejection, personality maladjustment and depressive symptoms respectively. Results revealed that parental rejection had significant positive correlation with personality maladjustment and depressive symptoms. Significant positive relationship was found between parental rejection, personality maladjustment and depressive symptoms in adolescents. Personality Maladjustment and parental rejection emerged as significant predictors of depressive symptoms in adolescents. Implications of the findings for parents, health professionals and policy makers are discussed in the context of Pakistani culture.
Keywords: Parental rejection, personality maladjustment, depressive symptoms, adolescents
[1]. Abramson, L. Y., Metalsky, G. I., & Alloy, L. B. (1989). Hopelessness depression: A theory- based subtype of depression. Psychological Review, 96, 358–372.
[2]. Agnew, R. (2003). An integrated theory of the adolescent peak in offending. Youth & Society, 34, 263-299.
[3]. Akse, J., Hale, W. W., Engels, R. C., Raaijmakers, Q. A., & Meeus, W. H. (2004). Personality, perceived parental rejection and problem behavior in adolescence. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 39 (12): 980-8.
[4]. Anne, M. R. (1998). Attachment of female adolescents to parents and its effect on self-esteem and depression. Dissertation Abstracts International: The Sciences and Engineering, (pp. 6259).
[5]. Barnow, S., Lucht, M., & Freyberger, H. (2001). Influence of punishment, emotional; rejection, child abuse, and broken home on aggression in adolescence: An examination of aggressive adolescents in Germany. Psychopathology, 34(4), 167-173.
[6]. Baron, P., & MacGillivray, R. G. (1989). Depressive symptoms in adolescents as a function of perceived parental behavior. Journal of Adolescent Research, 4, 50–62.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Treatment of Love in Khushwant Singh's I Shall Not Hear the Nightngale |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Namita Panda |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1416673 ![]() |
Abstract: Much scholarly work has been done on Khushwant Singh but it is fair to say, little work has been done on his treatment of love in his novels. The present paper seeks to provide a modest study of the novels of Khushwant Singh, the most popular Indian writer in English. It attempts to make comprehensive critical comments on his fiction I Shall Not Hear The Nightingale with an emphasis on his treatment of love in the above said novel. His second novel I shall not hear the Nightingale basically deals with the maternal love. It is Sabhrai, whose matriarchal strength sustains the family in its time of crisis. On one side, where the novel is replete with sexual, amorous activities, practiced by different characters, Khushwant on the other side portrays a pious, religious character, which is without a stain. She is a source of inspiration not only for her husband but also for her son and daughter. It is through Sabhrai's Character, we come across another illusive kind of love i.e. divine love. A religious woman like Sabharai believes that this love is the greatest of all. While for Champak, Beena, Shunno love is skin communicated thing.
Key words: divine love, I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale, Khushwant Singh, Maternal love, Treatment of Love
[1] Singh, P.K.The Novels of Khushwant Singh A Critical Evaluation,Jaipur:Book Enclave,2005
[2] Singh, Khushwant.I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale, New Delhi: Ravi Dayal Publisher, 1997
[3] Kumar, Ranjan.Khushwant Singh As a Novelists, New Delhi:R.D.Pandey Satyam Publishing Home,2010
[4] Dubey,S.K.Khushwant Singh: A Critical Study of His Novels,Delhi:B.R.Publication Corportion,1999
[5] Milhoutra, Dr.Ruby.Studies in Indian English Fiction and poetry (ed.), New Delhi:Sarup and Sons:2003
[6] Dhawan, R.K. Three Contemporary Novelists. New Delhi: Classical Publishing Company, 1985. p. 36.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Apllication of I.T.S. In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kalanidhi S., Kamini Gupta, Neelima Chakrabarty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1417482 ![]() |
Abstract: This study deals with the estimation of impact of various Intelligent Transportation Modules such as APMS, VMS and ATIS in New Delhi. Major findings of a survey of drivers or users conducted in New Delhi are presented in this report. From this study, the demand for the particular types of traffic / traveler information was also undertaken in order to understand the effectiveness of the system in the way they affect the users / drivers' transport choices. The personal and travel characteristics of the users / drivers which affect the users / drivers desire for different types of information were found. And also it is found that many of those factors are in direct relationship with the driver's awareness on Intelligent Transportation System.
[1]. Benson, B.G. (1996) Motorist attitude about content of variable message signs, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1550, pp. 48-57.
[2]. Chatterjee, K., Hounsell, N.B., Firmin, P.E. and Bonsall, P.W. (2002) Driver response to Variable Message Sign Information in London, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 49-169.
[3]. Greene, W. H. (1993) Econometric Analysis, Macmillan, New York.
[4]. Marell, A., Westin, K. (1996) IT system and traffic safety drivers perception and acceptance of electronic speed checkers, Transport Research Part C, Vol.7, pp. 131-147.
[5]. Mendenhall, W. and Scheafer R.L (1973) Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Duxbury Press, North Scituate Massachusetts.
[6]. Richards, A. and McDonald. M. (2007) Questionnaire surveys to evaluate user response to variable message signs in an urban network, IET Intelligent Transport System, Vol. 1, No. 3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Making a Green World |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajnish Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1418396 ![]() |
Abstract: Collective-action problems occur when it takes the inputs and efforts of multiple individuals in order to achieve joint outcomes and it is difficult to exclude beneficiaries of these actions from benefiting even if they do not contribute. Collective-action problems vary in scale from very small problems involving only a few individuals to extremely large problems involving global resources, such as the atmosphere and the oceans. Solving collective-action problems requires opening public and private spheres of activities ranging from the small to the very large so as to encourage effective problem solving.
Keywords: Adaptation, Anthroppogenic, Bioregionalism, Climate change, Collective action,Ecological citizenship, Eco-system, Emission, Greenhouse gases, Green economy, Kyoto Protocol, Resource conservation, Spritiual approach, Sustainable development, Values, Voluntarnism.