Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Festivals in Awo-Omamma-Amiri Relations, since 1970 |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kelechi Chika Ubaku |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1450108 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the roles of the Owu, Okorosha, and new yam festivals in the post Nigerian-Biafran Civil War relations of Awo-Omamma and Amiri towns. To ensure ample comprehension of the study, the information contained in the paper were provided under different sub-headings and according to their demands. Historical methodology of data gathering was adopted in the study where a wide range of sources, to include primary and secondary sources, were utilized. Finally, the paper concludes that despite the recent Otunne political conundrum, the Owu, Okorosha, and new yam festivals have continued to provide the pedestal for friendliness between the indigenes of the aforementioned towns, through cordial social and cultural relations.
Keywords: Awo-Omamma, Amiri, Owu, Okorosha, New Yam.
[1]. J. Lai, Nigeria: Shadow of a Great Nation, (Lagos: Dubeo Press, 1995), p.8.
[2]. "Nigerian Population" available in (Accessed, 31 July, 2013).
[3]. J. Lai, Nigeria: Shadow of a Great Nation, (Lagos: Dubeo Press, 1995), p.8.
[4]. T.C. Ngimah, Modernization and Change in the Celebration of Owu Festival in Awo-Omamma, B.Sc Project, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1978, p.7.
[5]. K. C. Ubaku, Awo-Omamma – Amiri Relations, since 1970, Master Thesis, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, 2012, p.2.
[6]. G. Ukwuegbu, in an interview held in his residence at Nchoko Village, Amiri, 2013.
[7]. C. Omeziri, in an interview held in his residence at Ubogwu Village, Awo-Omamma, 2012.
[8]. K.C. Ubaku, Awo-Omamma – Amiri Relations, since 1970, pp.117-122.
[9]. K.C. Ubaku, Awo-Omamma-Amiri Relations, since 1970, p.51.
[10]. H. Ojinnaka, in an interview held in his residence, at Ubachima Village, Awo-Omamma, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Migration, Wages and Agriculture: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahendra P. Agasty, Dr. Rabi N. Patra |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1450920 ![]() |
Abstract: How does labour out migration impact on labour supply, wage rate, size and composition of costs, productivity, production, cropping pattern and land use in agriculture? Putting in context the theoretical and empirical perspectives and using household survey data, this paper attempts to explain some of these issues. The results are more in agreement with market theory of wages than with the labour surplus and dual economy models. They indicate that migration has a strong bearing on agriculture and the labour-wage problems are likely to be more serious in future. Diversification favouring more land-intensive agricultural production, promoting location and small farm size specific technological innovations, a community approach to farm labour and a pragmatic redesigning and implementation of MNREGA and food security programmes can be helpful.
Key Words: Migration, Agriculture, Minimum Wages Act, Odisha, MNREGA JEL Classification: J61, R 23, Q12, Q15
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Health, social and emotional problems of college students. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Nisha Saini. |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1452134 ![]() |
Abstract: Adjustment is one of the most important psychological activities of human being. Life is a process of adjustment. If anyone wants satisfaction in life, then one has to adjust with their environment. The present study was conducted on the students of two colleges- one urban and one rural of Jammu region. The main objective of the study was to identify the adjustment problems among college going students. The three dimensions of adjustment i.e. Health, Social and Emotional were studied across two sexes i.e. Boys and Girls and in rural and urban areas. A sample of 100 students (50 Boys and 50 Girls) was selected by using stratified random sampling technique from two colleges. Adjustment Inventory for college students by A.K.P Sinha and R.P Singh (1995) was administered. To find out the significant difference of adjustment across different variables t -test was applied. The findings of the study revealed that Girls are average in the dimensions of health and social adjustment and unsatisfied in emotional areas. Boys are average in the dimensions of social adjustment and unsatisfied in health and emotional areas. There is no significant they differ significantly difference between health, social and emotional adjustment of Girls and Boys. There is a significant difference between health and emotional adjustment of urban and rural college students but they do not differ significantly in social adjustment
Keywords: Adjustment problems, health, social and emotional adjustment, gender difference, locality.
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Abstract: The objective of the paper is to establish a relationship between the library, literacy and education. It also discussed the library as a pre-requisite for education for sustainable development at all levels of education. The paper emphasized the role of libraries through extension services and Audio-visual aids, story hours, lectures, book exhibitions, pictures, newsreels, films, etc, for mass education.
Key Words: Science and Technology (S&T), The Association of Research libraries (ASL), Virtual Library (VL),
[1] Good, Carter V., ed. Dictionary of education ; prepared under the auspices of Phi Delta Kappa. 2nd edn. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., '59. p. 191.
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[10] Crowther, Graham. Value for money in special library. Library World. 65(768) : 396 Je-64.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find the effects of Harness Running, Sand Running, Weight-Jacket Running and Weight training on the performance of agility among the Burdwan Distrist School going soccer players.
Key Words: Harness Running, Sand Running, Weight-Jacket Running, Weight training, agility, Shuttle Run.
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[7]. Tamberelli, Al. "On the Field Strength Training with a Gene" Coach Scholastic. August 1986.
[8]. Thomas, J.P. Let Us Coach Soccer. Madras: The Y. N. C. A. Collage of Physical Education, 1964.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Job Satisfaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P. K. Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1454554 ![]() |
Abstract: Job satisfaction is one of the most crucial but controversial issues in industrial Psychology and behaviourial management in organization. It ultimately decides the extent of employ motivation through the development of organizational climate or environment satisfaction is specific subset of attitudes held by organizational members. It is the attitude one has towards his or her job. Stated another way, it is one's effective response to the job. Job satisfaction in a narrow sense means attitudes related to the job. It is concerned with such specific factors has wages, supervision, steadiness of employment, conditions of work, social relation of the job, prompt settlement of grievances, fair treatment of employer and other similar items. Job satisfaction is related to different Socio-economic and personal factors, such as: Age, Sex, Incentives, Working Environment, Education, duration of work etc. The present paper will highlight different factors affecting job satisfaction in pharmaceutical company in Sikkim, India.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Incentives, Skill, Social Security, Working Conditions.
[1] Abraham, R. (1999). "The Impact Of Emotional Dissonance On Organizational Commitment And Intention To Turnover". Journal of Psychology, 133, p.p 441–455
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[4] Blum, M.L and Naylor,J.C; (1968), " Industrial Psychology – It's Theoretical and Social Foundations", Newyork, Harper.
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[6] Brief, 1998 cited in Weiss, H. M. (2002). "Deconstructing Job Satisfaction: Separating Evaluations, Beliefs And Affective Experiences". Human Resource Management Review, 12, p. 174
[7] Cote S.,Morgan LM (2002). "A Longitudinal Analysis Of The Association Between Emotion Regulation, Job Satisfaction, And Intentions To Quit". Journal of Organizational Behaviour;vol. 23, p.p. 947–962
[8] Cranny, Smith & Stone, 1992 cited in Weiss, H. M. (2002). "Deconstructing Job Satisfaction: Separating Evaluations, Beliefs And Affective Experiences". Human Resource Management Review, 12, 173-194, p.174
[9] Finalay,W.W; Sartin,A.O; & Tate,W.W; (1955), " Human Behaviour in Industry", New York, Mc.Graw Hills.
[10] Fisher D. (2000)."Mood And Emotions While Working: Missing Pieces Of Job Satisfaction"? Journal of Organizational Behaviour ; 21, p.p.185-202
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Abstract: The Present Paper focuses on the Diasporic aspect of the literature produced by the different Indian Diaspora writers especially by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, a diplomatic writer and winner of Common Wealth prize for literature. In his writings, he represents the relationship of language with the different cultures and economy of the homeland (India) and the foreign countries. The current paper examines and traces out the changes in economical field especially that have taken place in India over the last three decades from the writing of Dr. Shashi Tharoor. Focusing on Diaspora as a subject of study, he probes into the divergence between cultures and economy. The study is considered as an approach to achieve and to realize the psychological feelings of the different Indian Diasporas migrated to foreign countries and returned to their native home lands. The attitude of the present diasporic people is not very satisfactory. The role of diaspora on the contemporary culture is a major impact on many of the Indian fresh graduates, who are likely to settle down in the foreign countries for the sake of employment. To create awareness and bring out a change in the attitude among those students who wish to migrate to foreign countries in search of jobs, they should be trained in simulated environment by focusing on the different diasporic themes in the literature which may help the young professional graduates and the other common people, who would like to settle near their children working in the foreign countries. The present paper focuses on the contribution of Dr. Shashi Tharoor for the development of country.
Key words: Diaspora, Indian Economy, Culture, Immigration and psychological feelings.
[1]. Shashi Tharoor "Reflections on INDIA – The Emerging 21st-Century Power": New Delhi, India.
[2]. Mishra, Vijay. "Ordering Naipaul: Indenture History and Diasporic Poetics." Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 5.2: 189-37, 1996
[3]. K.R.Srinivasa Iyengar, "Indian Writing in English" Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995
[4]. Unknown, "Planetizen Post", source:
[5]. Glenn O. Carey, "Eastern Kentucky Univ.", Richmond
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teachers' Turnover in Private Secondary Schools of Karachi (Pakistan) |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhabat Khan, Dr. Syed Abdul Aziz |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1455860 ![]() |
Abstract: The main concern of the researcher was to focus on teachers' turnover in private secondary schools of Karachi. Two hypotheses related to the demographic variables, such as sex, and qualification were devised for the study. The population of the study was large and diverse, hence stratified random sampling design was used to select the respondents who were the teachers and principals. The sample size was 160 teachers and 10 principals from 40 private secondary schools of Karachi. Questionnaire and interview were the research instruments. The collected data was analyzed through percentage and 't' test. Job insecurity and low salary were found the major factors influencing on the turnover of teachers in private secondary schools of Karachi.
Key words: Teachers' turnover, private, secondary school
[1] Gary Barnes, Edward Crowe and Benjamin Schaefer, (2007). "The Cost of Teacher Turnover in Five School Districts: A Pilot Study" (Washington: National Commission on Teaching and America's Future.
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[9] Sutherland,M. & Jordaan,W. (2004) Factors Affecting the Relation of Knowledge Workers. South African Journal of Human Resource Management, 2(2),63-72.
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Abstract: The persistent increase and alarming rate of criminal activities experience recently in Nigeria is a cause for concern to all and sundry. This is a sharp contrast to the olden days when traditional methods and measures were used in controlling crime as against today's modern methods. Arguably the sophistication of weapon used by the security agents recently has not significantly reduced crime – this is because of the manifestation of the social disorganization in the normative system. Consequently, this presentation retrospectively x-rayed the traditional methods of crime control in Efik kingdom in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. The work examined how crime and criminal related activities were addressed in the past with a view that if these methods can be applied contemporarily to arrest the meteoric rise in crime, its occurrence can be reduced in the present Nigeria since the modern or Western methods have not dealt with crime significantly. To explain the phenomenon of crime, anomic theory was considered and base on the findings the study recommends as follows: traditional methods should be encouraged to compliment the efforts of the government security agencies and the rituals aspect in the traditional methods that are repugnant to natural justice and offends morality should be jettisoned for collaboration to effectively check crime.
[1]. Akak, E. O. (1982). Efiks of old Calabar culture and superstition Calabar. Akak and Publishers – Calabar – Nigeria.
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[9]. Durkheim, E. (1961). The elementary forms of religion life. New York: Macmillan Books.
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Abstract: Issues of constitutionalism, good governance and democracy are determined by the type of leadership in a country and/or continent. Despite colonial legacy, leadership in Africa has struggled to promote pro-people policies that accommodate the needs of the populace. Leadership deficiency is a cause for concern in African countries in terms of progressive and visionary leadership. Perspectives on political leadership in Africa vary from the"criminalisation" of the state to political leadership as "dispensing patrimony", the "recycling "of elites and the use of state power and resources to consolidate political and economic power as stated by Van Wyk (2007) . African states and their leaders have exploited and monopolized internal sovereignty to mean absolute power, persornalisation of state-like services and have monopoly of and over organised violence. This paper attempt to review and analyze the type and styles of political leadership in Africa in an effort to promote democracy and good governance. Leaders play a pivotal role in political agenda setting, the distribution of resources and political actions. The contemporary state in Africa is a remnant of a colonially imposed system. At the time of independence, elites attempted to transform this but only succeeded in entrenching their interests .This paper therefore seeks to unpakage why African countries are no better than they were under colonial rule. Of what value then is the hard won independence that African countries commemorate on a yearly basis? African politicians need to provide good leadership qualities so as to consolidate democracy and good governance
KeyWords: Democracy, Democratic Consolidation Leadership, leader, Governance and Human Rights
[1]. An-na'im, A.A. and Deng, F.M., 1990. Human rights in Africa: Cross-cultural perspectives, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An overview of SAARC and ASEAN |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Aysha Siddika |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1457174 ![]() |
Abstract: Limiting competition, preventing interstate conflict among members and fostering regional orders in Southeast Asia has been a central and continuous feature since the establishment of ASEAN.ASEAN is always imperative to sustain its credibility by providing the platform of interactions in East Asia and the rest of the world. From its inception South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation is struggling to acquire its goal in South Asia. Bilateral conflicts have overshadowed regional development as the members of SAARC cannot take up conflictual bilateral issues. All the South Asian states have to be more or less Indo-centric in both their nuances and practices. The mistrust of India and Pakistan keeps alive their rivalry at all levels-bilateral, regional and international. Because of conflicts dominating Indo-Pakistan relations, the evolution of SAARC into a regional community is still far off. To focus on ASEAN's success comparing to SAARC and reason behind this is the purpose of this paper.
Keywords: ASEAN, Comparability, Regional, SAARC, Success
[1]. Levitter, L.(2011)The Asean charter.Asean failure or member failure. Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol 43, 159.
[2]. Kelegama, S. (2002): A Need for a new direction for SAARC-an economic perspective. Journal of South Asian Survey.Vol 9, 171.
[3]. Rolls, M. G. (1994). Security co-operation in Southeast Asia: An evolving process. Journal of Contemporary Security Policy.Vol 15, 65-79.
[4]. Rolls, M. G. (1991). ASEAN: where from or where to? Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol 13, 315–332.
[5]. Rolls, M. (2011).Centrality and continuity: Asean and regional security since 1967.Journal of East Asia.Vol 29, 127-139.
[6]. De Silva, K.M. (1999).The European Community and Asean: Lessons for SAARC.Vol 6, 271.
[7]. Dixit, J.N. (1994).South Asian Regional Cooperation: Problems and Prospects. Journal of South Asian Survey.Vol 01, 221.
[8]. Muni, S.D (1996).Regionalism Beyond the Regions: South Asia outside SAARC.Journal of South Asian Survey.Vol 3, 327.
[9]. Kelegama,S. (1999).From association to community: A small country economic perspective. Journal of South Asian survey.Vol 6.No 2.
[10]. Kelegama,S. (2001).Bangkok agreement and Bimstec.Crawling regional economic Groupings of Asia. Journal of Asian Economics.Vol 1.No 12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Utilitarian Perspective on Business Ethics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priyanka Chaudhary, Dr. Vijeta Soni |
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: | 10.9790/1959-1457580 ![]() |
Abstract: The recent work of S Jayashree on Morality and the work of S Sadri and S Jayashree on Business
Ethics and Corporate Governance form the basis of a philosophical – rationalist-positivist treatment of morals.
This paper takes a utilitarian approach since we are living in peripheral capitalist economy where managers
are quite self-centred in their approach to their profession. In fact the second edition of Theory and Practice of
Managerial Ethics that is due for publication later this year categorically states that Indian managers are very
consequentlist in their approach to the ethical dilemma. It is therefore only proper for us to take a similar
position since the readership of this journal is professional in nature.
[1] Chakraborty S K, Management by values: Towards Cultural Congruence (Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1991)
[2] Chakraborty S K, Ethics in Management (Oxford University Press, Dehli, 1994)
[3] Donaldson T, The Ethics of International Business (Oxford University Press, New York, 1989)
[4] Donaldson T and P H Werhane, Ethical Issues in Business (Prentice Hall, Sydney, 1988)
[5] Sadri S and Jayashree S, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance (Current Publications, Agra, 2011)