Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | India, China and Pakistan: The Estranged Neighbours Of South Asia? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mahua Das |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1550105 ![]() |
Abstract: India and China have a lot in common, yet they are as different as chalk and cheese. For one, both have a history that dates back thousands of centuries. In fact these countries have had the longest uninterrupted history as a nation. Both China and India wield considerable influence on world economy thanks to their sheer size and population. They achieved independence in the same century, yet the manner in which freedom was won speaks volumes about their policies. Chinese independence was a result of a never seen before military backed aggression. India on the other hand, won freedom after a prolonged non violent struggle.
Keywords: China,India, ,neighbourhood,Pakistan
[1]. Giri Deshinkar in the essay, Strategic Thinking in Ancient India and China: Kautilya and Sunzi, Pg 35. Web Link
[2]. Wikipedia page on China India Relations web link:
[3]. News report on IBN Live, ‟72 pc Voter Turnout in Arunachal Pradesh‟ Dated October 13, 2009, web link:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Dutch Disease and the Diversification of an Economy: Some Case Studies. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Bitrus Nakah Bature |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1550614 ![]() |
Abstract: An economy that does not seek and prepare to diversify, can equally be ready to crunch. Nations of the world have been endowed with mineral resources differently, which is why they cannot live in isolation. The argument as to whether primary resources rich nations of the world do better in economic activities or not, is a matter of whether there is diversification of their economies or not. Lack of diversification of their economies results from monoculture economic conditions. A number of countries have suffered from such crises emanating from the exploitation and development of single sectors of their economies. Part one of this work is the conceptualization of economic diversification. Development of the idea of the Dutch Disease(DD) is the part two of this work. The part three is contextualizing the DD. While, cases of the DD analysis forms our part four. The conclusion is part five which is the final section of this work.
[1]. Al-Sabah, M. (1988). The "Dutch disease" in an exporting country, Kuwait‟, OPEC Review, summer, 1988.p.129
[2]. Alvarez, Cheibub, Limongi and Przeworski (ACLP1997). "Modernization:Theories and Facts" World Politics Vol. 49:p155.
[3]. Auty, R. M. (1990). Resource-Based industrialization: Sowing the oil in Eight Developing countries. Clarendon Press Oxford.
[4]. Auty, R. M. (1991). " Resources-based industry in a boom, downswing and liberalization: Mexico". Energy policy jan/feb .p 13.
[5]. Auty, R. M. (1998b). " Resources Abundance Economics Development: Improving the performance of Resources- Rich Countries". World Institute for Development Economics Research for action Paper No 44, 1998b.
[6]. Baland, T. and François, P. (2000). "Rent Seeking and Resource Booms". Journal of Development Economics, Vol.61, pp.527-542.
[7]. Boycko, M. Andrei, S. and Robert, V. (1995). Privatising Russia Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.
[8]. Bright, E.O.(1990). OPEC in the third decade: an analysis of a glutted market. OPEC Review Vol.XIV, No.4.
[9]. Bright, E.O. (1991). "The oil sector and the Nigeria Currency: Perspective planning against instability. OPEC Review Vol. XV, No.1Pp.13-30.
[10]. Christine, E. Z. (2003). Le mal hollandaise : Un surplus de richesses mal géré. L‟ABC de l‟Economie. France & Development mars 2003: pp.50-51.
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Abstract: This paper examines the Aba festival as a channel of communication among the people of Etuno in Akoko Edo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The rationale behind the paper is to ascertain whether the Irepa festival, which is celebrated once in six (6) years in Etuno, Igarra, is a good means of communication among the people. The study is anchored on symbolic interaction theory and the coordinated management of meaning theory. Aba festival is a good means of passing cultural messages among the people of Etuno in Igarra, Edo state. Festivity is a means of communicating among the Etuno people and it is still important in the contemporary society. Indigenous media can be used to transmit cultures, values and norms of the rural dwellers from one generation to the other. The paper concludes that ''Aba'' festival is very significant in Etuno land, but it has not been known to people in other communities. The paper therefore recommends among others, that traditional communities should have value for festivity as a means of communication.
Key Words: Festivity, Indigenous Communication, Culture and Cultural Transmission.
[1]. Ailoje, J (2002) Aspects in politics and administration. Akure: Sylva Publishing Incorporate.
[2]. Anaeto, S., Onabajo, O and Osifeso, J. (2008). Models and theories of mass communication. Bowie, Maryland: African Renaissance Book Incoiporated.
[3]. Asemah, E.S. (2011). Perspectives on advertising and public relations. Jos: Lizbon Press.
[4]. Asemah, E.S. (2011). Selected mass media themes. Jos: University Press.
[5]. Baran, S. (2002). Introduction to mass communication, media literacy and culture (2nd ed). New York: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
[6]. Folarin, B. (1998). Theories of mass communication: An introductory text. Ibadan: Stirling- Horden Publishers.
[7]. Idowu, O. (2008). Dialogue as an essential instrument in conflict resolution and management. In E, Mojaye., E, Arhagba., E, Soola and L, Oso. (eds). Dialogue, peace building and reconciliation: Conference proceedings. Abraka: ACCE.
[8]. Irepa Festival Celebration: A Celebration of Ometere Age Group. The 37th Opoze of Igarra, August 13th2011
[9]. MacBride, S. (1980). Many voices, one world. New York: UNESCO Press.
[10]. Ndolo, I .(2006). Mass media system and society. Enugu: Rhyce Kerex Publishers.
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Abstract: The potential of radio to inform, educate and entertain its audience, its capacity to break illiteracy barriers as well as its power to penetrate into the remote areas of our rural communities with clear signal is well recognised. What is not known is how often rural people listen to radio and the type of programmes they show interest in; this study investigates radio listening habit of rural women and aimed at finding out how often they listen to radio, the kind of programmes that interest rural women and the gratifications they derive from listening to radio. Anchored on the uses and gratifications theory of the media, the study adopted survey research method and used questionnaire as an instrument of data collection. A total of 740 women drawn from Idemili South Local Government Area formed the sample of the study. Findings of the study show that a good number of rural women listen to radio and that programmes that interest them most are health related and agricultural programmes. The study recommends the utilisation of radio by government and its agencies for disseminating messages intended for rural people.
Keywords: Radio, Listing habit, rural women, Idemili South and Anambra State.
[1]. Acholonu, R. N. (2009). An assessment of the role of radio Nigeria Enugu national station in promoting political education among residents of Enugu metropolis in Ikpe, E. H., Kur, J. T. and Agudosy, F. I. (ed.). Perspectives on mass communication.: Michael Ibezimako Chukwu in memoriam. Enugu: Faba Communications (Nig.) pp. 61-77.
[2]. Anaeto, S. G., Onabanjo, O. S. and Osifeso, J. B. (2008). Models and theories of communication. Bowee, Maryland: African Renaissance Books Inc.
[3]. Asemah, E. S. (2010). Public relations and democratic governance in Nigeria: A componential overview. Lagos: Atsco Press.
[4]. Asemah, E. S. (2011). Selected mass media themes. Jos: University Press.
[5]. Asemah, E. S., Anum, V. and Edegoh, L. O. N. (2013). Radio as a tool for rural development in Nigeria. Prospects and challenges. International Journal of Arts and Humanities. Vol. 2 (1). pp.17-35
[6]. Asemah, E.S. and Edegoh, L. O. N. (2012). New media and political advertising in Nigeria: Prospects and challenges. African Research Review. Vol. 6(4). pp.248-265
[7]. Asemah, E. S., Gujbawu, M., Ekhareafo, D. O. and Okpanachi, R. (2012). Research methods and procedures in mass communication. Jos: Great Future Press
[8]. Daramola, J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication (2nd ed.). Lagos: Rothan Press Ltd.
[9]. Edegoh, L. O. N. and Asemah, E. S. (2013). Attitude of Port Harcourt residents to advertisements in broadcast football programmes. Journal of Linguistic and Communication Studies. Vol. 3(1).
[10]. Edegoh, L. O. N., Nwanolue, I. and Eze, N. (2013). Audience assessment of the use of models in billboard advertising: A study of consumers of Amstel Malt in Onitsha, Nigeria. International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol. 6 No. 1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Young Learners: How advantageous is the early start? |
Country | : | New York |
Authors | : | Koutsompou Violetta-Irene |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1552737 ![]() |
Abstract: This article‟s main purpose is to inform you about the importance of starting a foreign or second language at a young age. The title of the article is actually a question "How advantageous is the early start?" and that‟s a controversial issue concerning the fields of education and linguistics. Parents, teachers, professors, scientists and linguists have tried to give a definite answer to the above question but they still have not achieved to come up with a conclusion. This article will basically inform you not only about the advantages of starting young a language and how children react, behave and perceive the world but also will present the disadvantages of starting young and the beliefs which exist in most countries but will mostly give attention to Greece. Furthermore, we will turn to specialized fields such as neurolinguistics, psychology, applied linguistics and education in order to gain knowledge from the research which has conducted up until now and will help us draw our own conclusions. Generally, at the end of the article it is my belief that the reader will get a clear picture of what is happening with this issue and will also realize the significance of knowing all this information because it is our duty to educate properly our children and equip them with knowledge that will carry on for the rest of their lives; knowledge which will help them create a better future not only for themselves but also for the next generations and society.
Keywords: acquisition, education, Greece, psycholinguistics, young learners
[1]. Bloom, Lois. The Transition from Infancy to Language. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
[2]. Brumfit, Christopher. Moon, Jayne. & Tongue, Ray. Teaching English to Children. Longman, 1997.
[3]. Butterworth, George & Harris Margaret. Principles of Developmental Psychology. Psychology Press Ltd, Publishers, 1998.
[4]. Cameron, Lynne. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
[5]. Ellis, Rod. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press, 2003.
[6]. Fromkin, Victoria. Rodman, Robert & Hyams Nina. An Introduction to Language. United States of America: Heinle, 2003: 7th edition.
[7]. Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman editions. England, 2001.
[8]. Klein, Wolfgang. Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
[9]. Nunan, David. Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
[10]. Yule, George. The Study of Language. Cambridge University Press. United Kingdom, 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chalmers' Refutation of Materialists Concept of Consciousness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shanjendu Nath |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1553841 ![]() |
Abstract: It is undoubtedly true that the phenomenon of consciousness is familiar to us and cannot be denied. In our waking lives at every moment we are conscious of something or other. But the problem is- what is consciousness? Can it be known? Attempts have been made to explain the nature of it by different philosophers in different times but yet none can give us a satisfactory and well accepted solution of the problem. But yet effort is not stopped. Materialists believe that there is nothing over and above matter and thereby they opine that consciousness is a process in the brain. Thus in this article I shall try to highlight a brief outlines of the materialist concept of consciousness, particularly the views of U. T. Place and Armstrong and finally explore Chalmers' arguments against materialism.
Key Words: proprioception, supervenience, zombie, consciousness, metaphysical.
[1]. Armstrong. D.M., Bodily Sensations, London, Routledge,1961.
[2]. Armstrong. D.M., "Consciousness and Causality‟, and "Reply‟. In Armstrong, D.M. and Malcolm. N., Consciousness and Causality, Oxford, Blackwell, 1962.
[3]. Armstrong. D.M., A Materialist Theory of the Mind, London, Routledge. Second Edition with new preface 1993, (1968a).
[4]. Armstrong. D.M., Martin, C.B. and Place, U.T., Dispositions: A Debate, T. Crane (ed.), London, Routledge, 1996.
[5]. Armstrong. D.M., Perception and the Physical World, London, Routledge, 1961.
[6]. Beakley. B. and Ludlow. P. (ed), The Philosophy of Mind, Classical Problems/ Contemporary Issues, New Delhi, 2007.
[7]. Chalmers. D.M., The Conscious Mind, New York, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[8]. Chalmers. D.M., Philosophy of Mind: Classical and contemporary Readings, Oxford University Press, USA, 2002.
[9]. Dennett. D.C., Consciousness Explained, Boston, Little and Brown, 1991.
[10]. Hill. C.S., Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Literary Exposition of the Sources of Arabic Proverbs |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kazeem Adebayo Omofoyewa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1554249 ![]() |
Abstract: Proverbs excited the interest of the learned right from the inception of Arabic literature; historians and philologists vied with one another in collecting and explaining them. Indeed, to their works this generation owe most of the legendary and historical materials. This paper, therefore, examines the main sources of Arabic proverbs vis-à-vis the Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet (PHOH) and the gamut of Arabic literature, with a view to establishing their literary worth and values. It argues that familiarity with the background of the proverbial expressions is very essential to comprehension since a number of them are so tied to the stories and tales behind them. Keywords: Literary, exposition, sources, Arabic, proverbs.
[1]. F. Rayess, The cream of wisdom, Aramco World Magazine. Jan./Feb. (New York, 1969) 23.
[2]. F. Rayess, The cream of wisdom, (1969). See also: W.G. Smith, The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1935) 678pp.
[3]. F. Rayess, The cream of wisdom, (1969) 23.
[4]. F. Rayess, The cream of wisdom, (1969) 23.
[5]. Fuad Rayess was the general supervisor of the Arabic Press and Publications Division of the Aramco Public Relation Department in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
[6]. M.J. Al-Fayyād, Al-'Amthāl fī al-Hadīth al-Nabawī al-Sharīf. 1st ed., (Riyādh: Maktabah al-Mu‟ayad, 1993) 69.
[7]. M.J. Al-Fayyād, Al-'Amthāl fī al-Hadīth al-Nabawī al-Sharīf, (1993) 70.
[8]. M.J. Al-Fayyād, Al-'Amthāl fī al-Hadīth al-Nabawī al-Sharīf, (1993) 70.
[9]. M.J. Al-Fayyād, Al-'Amthāl fī al-Hadīth al-Nabawī al-Sharīf, (1993) 70. See also: B.M.A. Al-Zarkazi, Al-Burhan fi Ulūm al-Qur'an. Vol. 1, I. Abu-Fadl ed. (Cairo: Matbaah Isa al-Hilbi, 1957) 486-487.
[10]. See B.M.A. Al-Zarkazi, Al-Burhān fi Ulumil-Qur'ān. Vol. 1. (1957) 486; J.L. Al-Suyutī, Al-'Itiqan fi Ulumil-Qur'ān. 3rd ed. vol. 2. (Cairo: Maktabatu Mustapha Al-Hilbi, 1951) 132; A. Al-Hashim, Jawairul- Adab. Vol. 1. (Cairo: Tabi'atul-Sa'adah, 1962) 288. Cited in M.J. Al-Fayyād, Al-Amthāl fil-Qur'ānil-Karīm. 2nd ed. (Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House- I.I.P.H, 1995) 201-203 [originally published in Baghdad: Al-Shu'un al-Thaqafiyyah al-'Ammah, 1988) II+455.
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Abstract: The wealth of the Old Oyo Empire apparently provided good platform for art and craft to thrive in the metropolis. However, at the collapse of Oyo in early eighteen century, and the subsequent relocation of the capital to the present Oyo, art practice amongst other traditions in the town suffered a great decline, For instance, only little traces of the ancient art reported by European missionary were recorded. For this reason scholarship on the art of Old Oyo and the extant arts are invariably lean. With the position of Old Oyo, being a virile art centre in the ancient time, and the continual practice of art in the present time, a study of the art is therefore necessary if a comprehensive Yoruba art historical record would be achieved. This study examined the origin and history of Old Oyo which was observed as a factor which propelled art creativity in the Oyo metropolis. Art types and the general practice were studied. The ingenious creativity among the ancient Oyo artists was also discussed. A comparative study of the ancient and the extant arts of Oyo were also made to verify a probable continuum in the old and the new arts. The study apparently observed some resemblance in the art practices of the two cultures. It also noted that the great versatility and vitality of Old Oyo art and craft were above the extant Oyo art practice.
Keywords: Art, Craft, Oyo, Old Oyo, Oranyan
[1] N. A. Fadipe, The sociology of the Yoruba, (Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 2012)
[2] P. Hair, An Ijebu man in Paris, 1839, Nigeria Magazine, No. 68, 1962, 79-82.
[3] S. Johnson, The History of the Yorubas, (Lagos, CMS Bookshops, 1921)
[4] J. A. Atanda, An Introduction to Yoruba History, (Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 1980)
[5] Encyclopedia Britannica, Oyo Empire [].
[6] F. Willett, "Introduction" in The Sculpture of Western Nigeria, 1965.
[7] R. O. Rom Kalilu, Old Oyo in West African Art, Ph.D. thesis, University of Ibadan, 1992a.
[8] R. O. Rom Kalilu, Between tradition and record: A search for the legendary wood carvers of Old Oyo, Ufahamu XX (11), 1992b, 49-63.
[9] J. R. O. Ojo, The praise poetry of Lagbayi Olojowon, eponymous ancestor of Yoruba wood carvers: An aspect of the relationship between verbal and visual arts, A Rockeffeller Lecture Delivered at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1990.
[10] Kalilu R.O. Rom, The origin of gourd carving among the Yoruba and the implied whereabouts of the first domicile of the Oyo rulers. The Nigerian Field, 56, 1991, 99-108.
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Abstract: Performance Appraisal is a very important component of Human Resource Management. Continuous performance appraisal of the faculty members of the academic institutions needs to be done. In this study an attempt has been made to understand the system of appraising the performance of the faculty members of the select management institutes in West Bengal. The study has also tried to explore the satisfaction level of the faculty members working in different management institutes in West Bengal. Only 30% Management Institutes do regular Performance Appraisal of the faculty members. 40% institutes do it irregularly. 30% institutes do not do it at all. 68% Faculty members have said they are not happy with the Performance Appraisal System followed by their institutes.......
Keywords: Faculty Member, Management, Institute, Performance, Appraisal
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