Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Theme of Infanticide in Selected Anglo-American Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Tanu Gupta, Ms. Ramandeep Mahal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1730105 ![]() |
Abstract: The theme of infanticide has been seen as a prominant factor in all these works . I have applied this theme in my five works I have studied. These works cover the anglo american literature from 1859 to 1987.the works are George Eliot's Adam Bede,Eugene O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms,Edward Albee's The American Dream,Sam Shepard's The Buried Child and Toni Morrison's Beloved. The causes for the murder of infant range from shame of being shunned by the society,anger,lunacy , protection etc.The author's backgrounds also reveal a world of deranged families ,the search for love which made them write the following works.
Keywords : infanticide,shame,lunacy,love, infant, murder
[1] Eliot, George. Adam Bede.(1859). New York: Signet Classics, 2004. Print Beer, Patricia. Reader, I Married Him: A Study of the Women Characters of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell and George Eliot. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd: 1974.Print.
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[3] Henry, Nancy. The Cambridge Introduction to George Eliot. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008.
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. [5] O'Neill, Eugene. "Desire Under the Elms." Masterpieces of the Drama. Trans. Richard Wilbur. Ed. D. Anthony English. 6th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1991. Print.
[6] Bogard, Travis. Contour in Time: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Print.
[7] Goldman, Arnold. The Vanity of Personality: The Development of Eugene O'Neill. Modern Critical Views: Eugene O'Neill. Ed: Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Print.
[8] Albee, Edward. "The American Dream". The Collected Plays of Edward Albee:1958-65. Vol 1. Woodstock, New York, London: Overlook Duckworth, 2004. Print
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[10] Bottoms, Stephen, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Edward Albee. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. Print.
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Abstract: This paper seeks to examine the postmodernist perspective of development and its applications on the contemporary trends of development in Africa. The paper reveals that postmodernism is an aggressively expansive stage in global capitalism; the weakening of the centralized state power in developed and developing societies; the patterning of life by an increasingly powerful and penetrative technology that controls production and promotes consumerism and the development of liberationist social movement based not in class but in other forms of identity and nationalism such as race, gender, sexual orientation, the environment and the like. Secondary data was used for the paper. The paper contends that the postmodern society or late capitalism as it is also known has negatively affected the development of Africa as her cultural identity, attitude, behaviour and nationalism are gradually being replaced by a more dominant western culture as a result of globalization. The paper recommends among others that African leaders should endeavour to control the access and the use of the internet to protect the influence of western culture on the African continent.
Keywords: postmodernism, modernism, globalization, development, Africa.
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Abstract: Children born out of wedlock always get discrimination in social, religion and law aspects in Indonesia. Almost all of the applicable legal systems in Indonesia, such as Adat law, civil law that is codified in the Civil Code, and Islamic law initially provide the regulation that marginalizes the rights of children born out of wedlock. When the international laws and policies are implemented and deal with regional, ethnic and religious entities, it has resulted mixed responses. This is reflected in Indonesian law especially regarding to the rights of children born out of wedlock after the enactment of the Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection, in which it protects the children's rights in accordance with the basic principles of the Children Right Convention. This study intends to describe the law character which has plural system, in regulating the rights of children born out of wedlock after the enactment of the Law on Child Protection.
Keywords: Children born out of wedlock, Children's Right, Law Characteristics.
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[6] F. Djamil, The Recognition of Illigimate Child, in C.T. Yanggo (Ed.), The Problem of Islamic Law Contemporary, (Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus, 1999)
[7] R. Lukito, Secred and Secular Laws, (Jakarta: Alvabet, 2008 )
[8] B. Muhammad, Core Principles of Adat Law, (Jakarta: PT. Pradnya Paramita, 2006]. See also I. Sudiyat, Adat Law: Principles Sketch, (Yogyakarta: Liberty 2007)
[9] H. Hadikusuma, Introduction of Indonesian Adat Law, (Bandung: Mandar Maju, 2003)
[10] W. Prodjodikoro, Law Among Indonesian Group, (Bandung: PT. Bale, 1985)
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Abstract: The myth of green and paperless office may still be with us but there are today new technologies corporate organizations can deploy to significantly reduce paper use in order to cut cost and become more environmentally-friendly. This study determined the extent organizations in Enugu Capital City deploy new office technologies for reducing paper use. The population comprised 186 employees made up of 130 office managers and 56 IT professionals. The entire population was used. The instrument was a structured questionnaire validated by three experts while reliability was established using Chronbach Alpha which yielded a high reliability co-efficient of 0.87. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Data collected were analyzed to answer the research questions using mean and standard deviation, while z-test was used to test two null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The major findings of the study showed that the organizations still rely heavily on physical paper instead of deploying new office technologies to reduce paper use. Based on the findings, it was recommended, inter-alia, that business organizations should, as matter of policy, take concrete steps to convert their paper documents to electronic platforms for economy, greater efficiency, and greener environment.
Key words: deployment, green environment, medium-sized organizations, new technologies, paper, paper use.
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Abstract: This paper which is an exploratory study, focuses on the important factors responsible for enhancing the customer perceptions about store brands in food and grocery sector in the twin cities of Hyderabad, India. The customer perceptions associated with store brand quality, value and retailer's response towards customers feelings would boost the regular purchase attitude of the well satisfied consumers. Understanding the customers and evaluating the customers' impressions about the store and the store brands is a continuous process which in turn produce fruitful results to the retailers. This paper identifies the critical dimensions of store brand purchase intention in food &grocery in Indian retailing context.
Key Words: Store Brands,Consumer Perceptions,Purchase Intention,Food & Grocery,Consumer Consciousness
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Abstract: A piece of literature is not only a language act but also a social product. Put in another way, literature is creative use of language and a product of and for society. Odia Ofeimun's 'The Messiahs' commands interest in that it portrays a socio-political reality in a language that is striking and effective. This paper is a stylistic investigation of the poem with the aim of describing its features at the syntactic and lexical levels and how they contribute significantly to meaning. How successful Ofeimun is in manipulating language to capture the moral inconsistencies and hypocrisy of military rulers in Nigeria before the return of democratic governance in 1999 forms the crux of this paper. The paper is interested in the significance of functions that the stylistic features fulfill and the pedagogical implication of the choice of poetic texts for school children.
Keywords: Linguistic, Poem, Social, Stylistics, 'The Messiahs'
[1]. Ofeimun, Odia "The Messiahs‟, Idoto: Ibadan Journal of Creation No. 2, January, 1976.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Parenting Styles and Adolescent Social Competence |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijila Y., Jose Thomas, Ponnusamy A. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1733436 ![]() |
Abstract: The descriptive study aims at finding out the relationship between different parenting styles such as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive parenting style and the social competence of the adolescents. . The data have been collected from a reputed institution in Coimbatore using two questionnaires that are for parents and children. The simple random sampling , 43 samples had been taken for the study using sample size calculator. T-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression tests are used to analyse the relationships between the data. The study could find that the authoritative parenting style has a positive influence towards the social competence of the adolescents..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sectoral Contribution on the Economic Growth in Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. K. Radhesana, E. Bijoykumar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1733740 ![]() |
Abstract: Under the research question that what are the sectors contributing the economy, the current NSDP in Manipur? an empirical study has been carried out using the retrospective information during the period from 1970 to 2007. Regression analysis explores the sectors influencing the states economic growth are found to be agriculture and allied (P<0.01), science technology and environment (P<0.05), rural development, SAP and cooperation (P<0.05), social service (P<0.01), irrigation and flood control (P<0.01), and industry and mining (P<0.05) through SPSS. The results arrived at in this investigation may be the baseline information for the economic analysis in NE region of India.
Key Words: NE states, agriculture, social service, science and technology, regression models, P-value
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Abstract: "Transitioning is a time of change… Youth face many changes and challenges as they move into adulthood, and for those who have been involved in various social welfare systems, these changes can be even more profound. The transition to adulthood and self-sufficiency can be challenging for any young person Like all young people, youth with disabilities face a number of stage of life transitions at the time they leave school and enter into the adult world. In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the need to improve transition planning and support for young disabled people moving into adulthood, and to co-ordinate this support across a wide range of agencies, including health and social care, youth services, leisure, careers guidance, housing, education, benefits and employment services. In many parts of the country, people are working hard within voluntary and statutory sectors to meet this challenge .This article provides a conceptual framework about transition process and planning services for youth with disabilities.
Key Words: Transition, Youth, Adulthood, Disabled.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flaxseed- Bioactive compounds and health significance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Sunita Mishra, Pooja Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1734650 ![]() |
Abstract: Flaxseed is extensively consumed in three ways: whole seed, powder and flaxseed oil. In the last decade, flaxseed has garnered attention due to its reported health benefits. Studies have shown that the benefits of flaxseed are believed to be due three important components found in flaxseeds, α-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans, and fiber. The presence of these bioactive compounds helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, memory loss, and constipation. The phenolic compounds of flaxseed help in reduction of the fasting plasma glucose levels. Flaxseed contains biologically active estrogenic compounds called phytoestrogens which helps in decreasing cell proliferation and prevents cancer. Higher levels of flaxseed are associated with prevention of memory loss and constipation. Flaxseed also contains several non-nutritional compounds such as cyanogenic glycosides, cadmium, trypsin inhibitors and phytic acid that negatively influence health and well-being.
Keywords: Flaxseed, α-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans, fiber, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, phytoestrogens
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Growth of Radish |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | E. Joanna Kezia, S. Joshua David |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1735155 ![]() |
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at the Madras Christian College Farm during February- March 2011 to study the effect of various compositions of organic, inorganic fertilizers and their interactions on the growth of white radish plant. A 22 factorial experiment was conducted as a Randomised Completely Block Design in four replications. Four unique combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers were applied for each replicate. The parameters measured to study the growth are weight, number of leaves and the length of the bulb. The study reveals that inorganic fertilizer had significant impact on the weight and number of leaves but not on the length of the bulb of the radish plant. The interaction of the fertilizers had a significant effect on the length of the bulb of the radish plant.
Keywords: White Radish (Raphanus sativus), Organic and Inorganic fertilizers, Interactions, factorial experiment, growth of radish
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Abstract: The present study was designed "A Study to evaluate the professional skills of speech therapists in special centers of Karachi". The main objectives of the study were to highlight the needs and importance of professional skills of speech therapists; to focus the role of speech therapists in the language development and to investigate the role of parents in speech development of their children. In research nine (9) special schools were selected from different areas of Karachi. Thirty (30) speech therapists were selected as respondents. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data then the data was tabulated and result was maintained through percentage method. Results reveal that there was shortage of speech therapist in special centers. There is lack of equipments for speech therapy according to the requirements of patients. Parents have no awareness about speech therapy therefore parent's involvement was absent. At the end of study it was recommended that management of special centers and hospitals must provide facilities in the special centers and medical hospitals according to the needs of patients with speech problem.
Key Words: Professional Skills: The ability to do something well usually gained through experience and training. In the context of study, the professional skills mean training of speech therapist. Speech- Language therapist: A speech therapist that treats speech and language defects and disorders. Speech therapy centers: Centers in which problems related to speech-language are treated.
[1] Silverman, David(2005). Doing Qualitative Research (2nd Ed). London: Sage Publications.
[2] Schubert, G. (2000) Introduction to Clinical Supervision in Speech Pathology.
Journals papers
[3] National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (2004) Diploma Special Education Mental Retardation Secundarabad, Ministry of Welfare, Government of India.
[4] Naheed Bano (2006) Techniques of Speech Therapy Karachi, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi.
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Abstract: The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) is the only Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institution set by government to cater for citizens who had been disadvantaged by different restrictions in the conventional university system. Journalism is a practice based course and this paper investigates how ZOU incorporates this teaching aspect. The key elements under investigation are students' satisfaction and course impact. Recently scholars have highlighted that ODL has been greatly appreciated since it has opened up the learning opportunities for many people. However, ODL institutions have often been found wanting in terms of practical tools required for certain media courses. This paper argues that such tools are essential to achieve the desired impact and student satisfaction. The study used the qualitative methodology and the case study approach adopted. The main instruments of data collection were the questionnaire and discussions. A total of 20 students and four part-time tutors participated in this research. Findings from this research showed that media students at ZOU are happy with this flexible and convenient learning model but some students bemoaned the lack of practical sessions. The study recommends that despite being an ODL institution ZOU must provide media students with practical laboratories for hands on practice and other contemporary media tools in order to achieve the necessary impact and student satisfaction. Key words: Open and distance learning; media education; journalism practice.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revisiting the Media Lawscape: A Context-Based Reappraisal of the New Media Laws in Zimbabwe |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Elliot Muchena |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1736875 ![]() |
Abstract: Quite often in the so-called third world countries juridical laws are shaped in line with former colonial value systems, hardly reflecting the social values of the people who are bound by such laws and this raises questions of legitimacy of such legal instruments of social protection and control. Since independence the media laws have remained generally reflective of the pre-independence era in terms of structure and content although there have been sporadic attempts at reviewing some of the media laws to suit local expectations of the role of the media. The only act to be repealed was the Powers, Privileges, and Immunities of Parliament Act, which had made it illegal for media to report on debates in parliament. In January 1981, the government set up the Zimbabwe Mass Media Trust (ZMMT) as part of the government's new media policy, under widespread criticism of the national media, which at the time was inherited from colonial control. It was originally intended to serve as an authority to oversee the transition of the media from white minority control to Zimbabwean society as a whole and to regulate the media. The government emphasised that the media be free, non-partisan, mass-orientated and serve the national interest; however, a growing presence of the Ministry of Information into the media effected its original function. The main media laws were cosmetically changed and this paper will look at Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), Public Order and Security Act (POSA) and Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe Act (BAZ). These three laws have continued to negatively affect the operations of the media and hinder the freedom of expression. The laws will be compared to colonial laws such as Law and Order Maintenance Act (LOMA) and Rhodesia Broadcasting Service Act (RBSA) among others.
Key Words: Media lawscape, Media laws ,AIPPA,POSA,BAZ
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