Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Keywords:Monetary policy, Agricultural productivity, Least Square, Monetary Instruments, and Investment.
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Key Words:Moria Community, Brass Crafting, Economic backwardness, Traditional occupation, Occupational shift.
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Key words: Effective Planning, Productivity, Sterling bank, Employees' Performance, Organizational Objective.
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Keywords-Financial Liberalization, Credit to Private Sector Components, ARDL-Bound Test, Credit Crunch
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Keywords: Taxation, Fiscal Policy issue, Income-redistribution, Investment flow, Wealth, Welfare, Civil Servant.
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Keywords: Investment Portfolio, Lending rate, Deposits, Exchange rate, Cash reserve, Gross domestic Product and Loan and advances.
[1] Adedoyin and Shobodun (1991) Lending in Banking Business, Problems and Prospect,3rd edition, pg 23-34, Saiye Printers, Lagos.Agu C.C (1988) Nigerian Banking structure and performance, the banking system contributes to economic Development, Studied. Onitsha African FEP Publishers.
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Key words: HIV self- disclosure, Stigmatization, psychosocial factors, HIV self- disclosure, Nigeria.
[1] Adejumo, A.O. (2004). The influence of psychosocial factors and the effectiveness of behavioural techniques on HIV sexual risk behaviour among adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. Unpublished doctorate thesis of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.pp. 211-231.
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Keywords: Money supply, Economic Growth, Granger Causality test, Deregulation Economy, Economic Growth.
[1] Ademola D (2002), Econometrics Analysis of Monetary Policy and Nigeria Economy, Journal of University of Ibadan, Nigeria
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Opportunities and Challenges of FDI in Retail in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajib Bhattacharyya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-05599109 ![]() |
Key Words: FDI, Indian retail sector, Opportunities and Challenges, Impact on Stakeholders.
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[7] Review of Economic Statistics, Vol. 87, No. 1, Pages 174-183.
[8] Basker, Emek, 2005b. "Selling a Cheaper Mousetrap: Wal-Mart's Effect on Retail Prices," Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 203-229.
[9] Chari, Anusha. and T.C.A. Madhav Raghavan: "Foreign Direct Investment in India‟s Retail Bazaar: Opportunities and Challenges", March 2011.
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