Volume-4 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: Calcium dynamics in oocytes plays an important role in oocyte maturation. The calcium
concentration is regulated at high levels in oocytes through various mechanisms in order to meet the
requiremnts of oocyte maturation. The understanding of these mechanisms are crucial in understanding the
processes of reproduction. In this paper an attempt has been made to develop a finite element model of calcium
dynamics in oocyte. The model incorporates the parameters like diffusion coefficient, leak from Endoplasmic
Reticulum(ER), and buffers namely 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(BAPTA) and
ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(EGTA). The proposed model is solved
numerically using appropriate initial and boundary conditions. A program has been developed in MATLAB 7.11
for the entire problem and simulated on a 32-bit machine to compute the numerical results. The effect of
BAPTA, EGTA and Leak from ER is studied in the neighbourhood of L-type calcium channel on calcium
distribution in oocyte.
Keywords: Finite Element Method, EGTA, BAPTA, ER Leak, Reaction Diffusion Equation
Keywords: Finite Element Method, EGTA, BAPTA, ER Leak, Reaction Diffusion Equation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bilateral Generalization of Fifth and Eighth Order Mock Theta Functions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sameena Saba |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0450923 ![]() |
Abstract:We generalize fifth order mock theta functions of Ramanujan and eighth order mock theta functions
of Gordon and McIntosh. We show they are ๐น๐ -functions and give their alternative definition. We give expansion
formula and give relationship among these functions.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification.33D15
Keywords: Bilateral series, mock theta functions.
Keywords: Bilateral series, mock theta functions.
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[7] G. Gasper and M. Rahman, Basic hypergeometric series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1990).
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Abstract:If M is a differtiable manifold of dimension n,then its cotangent bundle ๐โ(M) is a differtiable
manifold of dimension 2n[1].In the present paper, complete and horizontal lifts of (1,1) tensor fields of M ,which
are tensor fields of same type in ๐โ(M) , are studied. The Nijenhuis tensor of complete lift and Integrability of
the Hsu-structure in๐โ(M) are also studied.
Keywords: Cotangent Bundle,Hsu-structure,differentiable manifold , Complete and horizontal lifts, Integrability.
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Abstract: Cascade reliability model is a special type of Stress- Strength model. The n- Cascade system is a
hierarchical standby redundancy system, where the standby component taking the place of failed component
with decreased value of stress and independently distributed strength.
In assessing system reliability it is first necessary to define and categorize different modes of system
failures. The individual distributions that are combined to form the mixture distribution are called mixer
components. In this paper it has been discussed that the reliability of n- cascade system when strength follows
mixed exponential distribution and stress follows exponential distribution.
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8, 14-19.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study Of Vehicular Traffic Flow Modeling Based On Modified Cellular Automata |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Rajeswaran and S.Rajasekaran |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0453238 ![]() |
Abstract:Traffic flow micro simulations are popular for the planning of transport problems due to their temporal and spatial resolution. Cellular automata (CA) model are mathematical idealizations of physical systems in which space and time are discrete, and physical quantities take on a finite set of discrete values .In this paper , we are exploring the usefulness of CA to traffic flow modeling. A CA model is applied to a single-lane highway with a ring topology. Also two-lane traffic flow with lane changing is discussed. Simulations results show the ability of this modeling paradigm to capture the most important features of the traffic flow phenomena.
Keywords: Cellular Automata, Lane Changing, Micro Simulation, Traffic Flow.
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the American Control Conference. Vol.3, pp. 2041-2045.
[7] Li, P., Shrivastava, A., (2002), "Traffic flow stability induced by constant time headway policy for adaptive cruise control vehicles",
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 10, 275-301.
[8] Rickert, M., Nagel, K., Schreckenberg, M. and A. Latour, (1995), "Two Lane Traffic Simulations using Cellular Automata,"
Physica A, submitted.
[9] Wang, L., Wand, B.H., Hu, B., (2001), "Cellular automaton traffic flow model between the Fukui-Ishibashi and Nagel-
Schreckenberg models", Physical Review E, vol. 63, no. 5, Article ID 056117, 5 pages.
[10] Harrish, R, J., and Stinchcombe, R, B., (2005), "Ideal and disordered two-lane traffic models", Physica A, vol, 354, no. 1-4, pp.
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Abstract:Transportation problem is a special type of linear programming problem. This paper introduce a new
approach to transportation problem namely, Revised Distribution method (RDI), for solving a wide range of
such problems. The new method is based on allocating units to the cells in the transportation matrix starting with
minimum demand or supply to the cell with minimum cost in the transportation matrix and then try to find an
optimum solution to the given transportation problem. The proposed method is a systematic procedure, easy to
apply and can be utilized for all types of Transportation problem with maximize or minimize objective
functions. At the end, this method is illustrated with some numerical example..
Keywords: Transportation problem, Linear programming Problem, MODI method
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2345 - 2355
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prime Radicals in Ternary Semigroups |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Y. Sarala , A.Anjaneyulu D.Madhusudhana Rao |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0454353 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper the terms completely prime ideal, prime ideal, m-system. globally idempotent , semi
simple elements of a ternary semigroup are Introduced. It is proved that an ideal A of a ternary semigroup T is
completely prime if and only if T\A is either sub semigroup of T or empty. It is proved that if T is a globally
idempotent ternary semigroup then every maximal ideal of T is a prime ideal of T. In this paper the terms
completely semiprime ideal, semiprime ideal, n-system, d-system and i-system are introduced. It is proved that
the non-empty intersection of any family of a completely prime ideal and prime ideal of a ternary semigroup T is
a completely semiprime ideal of T. It is also proved that an ideal A of a ternary semigroup T is completely
semiprime if and only if T\A is a d-system of T or empty..
Keywords: Ideal completely prime ideal, prime ideal, m-system, n-system, d-system, i-system, globally idempotent, semisimple elements, completely semiprime ideal, semi prime ideal, irreducible ideal, strongly irreducible ideal, radical, complete radical of ternary semigroup.
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