Volume-9 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: This paper is devoted to introduce the notion of fuzzy supra semi ̃ =0, 1, 2 space, fuzzy supra semi Di =0, 1, 2 space, and use the notion of fuzzy quasi coincident in their definitions, study some properties and theorems related to these subjects.
Key words: Fuzzy supra semi open set, fuzzy supra semi D set, fuzzy supra semi ̃ = 0, 1, 2 space, fuzzy supra semi Di =0, 1, 2 space.
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Abstract: In this paper, we present the space of functions of bounded - variation in the sense of Riesz – Korenblum, denoted by [ ], which is a combinations of the notions of bounded – variation in the sense of Riesz and of bounded – variation in the sense of Korenblum. In the light of this, we prove that the space generated by this class of functions is Banach algebra with respect to a given norm and we give a brief characterization of the composition (Nemystkii) operator on the space [ ].
Key words: Banach algebra norm, Bounded k - Variation, composition (Nemystkii) operator.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | KummerDirichlet Distributions of Matrix Variate in the Complex Case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Samta Gulia, Prof. (Dr.) Harish Singh |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0941321 ![]() |
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to investigate matrix variate generalizations of multivariate Kummer-Beta and multivariate Kummer-Gamma families of distributions in the complex case. The multivatiateKummer-Beta
and multivariate Kummer-Gamma families of distributions have been proposed and studied recently by Ng and
Kotz. These distributions are extensions of Kummer-Beta and Kummer-Gamma distributions. Many known or
new results have been made with the help of multivatiateKummer-Beta and multivariate Kummer-Gamma
families of distributions.
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[9] Liliamcardeno and Daya K. Nagar: Departmento de Mathematicas, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, A. A. 1226, Colombia.
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Abstract:In Nigeria there is no recognized scientific method of discriminating and classifying babies statistically into groups of study.
The purpose of this study includes to set up a discriminant function and classification rule that can be used to classify babies into two groups; to estimate the proportion of observations in each of the prior group; and to estimate the probability of correct classification and misclassification respectively. To this effect, a sample of 270 cases (infants) was observed with the following measurements: Age of mother (x1), weight at 36th week (x2), birth weight (x3), Parity (x4), Gestation Period (x5), and sex of the baby (x6). The birth weight was used to do the initial classification. Group 1 termed underweight (< 2.5kg) and Group 2 termed normal weight (≥ 2.5kg). We observed that the Discriminant Function Z= -0.02947228X1- 0.0514773X2- 8.130338X3 + 0.062259X4 + 0.0946538X5 + 0.5888918X6. Also 95.8 % of the original grouped cases were correctly classified. The percentage of misclassification is 4.15%. Conclusively the measure of the predictive ability which is the percentage of correct classification shows that discriminant analysis can be used to predict infants into two classes of weight and can also be used to predict group membership of any subject matter.
Keywords: Dicriminant, Classification, Multivariate, Misclassification, Gestational age, Confusion Matrix
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Abstract:In a linear motion of a system of two satellites connected by extensible cable, one stable equilibrium point exists when perturbative forces like Solar radiation pressure, shadow of the earth, oblateness of the earth, air resistance and earth's magnetic force act simultaneously. We have obtained one stable point of equilibrium
in case of perturbative forces like atmospheric resistance, Magnetic Force and oblateness of the earth acting
together on the motion of a system of two satellites connected by extensible cable in the central gravitational
field of earth in case of circular orbit of the centre of mass. We have used Liapunov's theorem on stability to examine the stability of the equilibrium point.
Keywords: Stability, Equiliribium Point, circular orbit, Liapunov Theorem, Satellites, perturbative forces.
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Abstract: In the present paper is an investigation of steady MHD free convection, heat and mass transfer flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid past an inclined stretching sheet under the influence of an applied uniform magnetic field with Hall current and radiation effect. Using suitable similarity transformations the governing fundamental boundary layer equations are transformed to a system of non-linear similar ordinary differential equations for momentum, thermal energy and concentration equations which are then solved numerically by the shooting method along with Runge- Kutta fourth-fifth order integration scheme. The results presented graphically illustrate that primary velocity field decrease due to increase of magnetic parameter, Angle of inclination, Dufour number, Prandtl number, Heat generation and Soret number while secondary velocity also decrease for Hall parameter . Other parameters increase the velocities of the fluid flow. Temperature field increases in the presence of Dufour number, heat generation, Schmidt number, Magnetic parameter, Grashof number & Modified Grashof number and decreases for other parameters. Also, concentration profiles decreases for increasing the values of Dufour number, Schmidt number, Heat generation, Soret number, Grashof number & Modified Grashof number but concentration increases for other parameters. The numerical results concerned with the primary velocity, secondary velocity, temperature and concentration profiles effects of various parameters on the flow fields are investigated and presented graphically. Also the skin friction coefficient, the local Nusselt number and the local Sherwood number are presented in Tables 1-3.
Keywords: Hall current, Heat generation, MHD, Radiation effect, Stretching Sheet.
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Abstract: The paper examines Hausa riddles and games pertinent for the development of Mathematical thinking as a reconstruction focus. The paper reviewed literature relevant to the topic and the writer interviewed students, lecturers and other members of the society in kano to gather some examples of Hausa riddles and games. The findings revealed that there are so many numbers of Hausa riddles and games very relevant to the development of mathematical thinking which mathematics teachers and students could use to improve mathematics teaching and learning at the same time can be used for recreational activities and psychological tension release.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Value Distribution of Some Differential Polynomials |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhas S. Bhoosnurmath, K.S.L.N.Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0945256 ![]() |
Abstract:We prove a value distribution theorem for meromorphic functions having few poles from which we obtain several interesting results which improve some results of W. Doeringer, C.C.Yang, A.P.Singh, G.P.Barker and others.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Application of Random Fixed Point Theorem in Integral Equation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mukti Gangopadhyay, Pritha Dan, M. Saha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0945761 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper random fixed point theorem has been applied seeking solution of Volterra type integral equation involving more generous kernel. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classifications: Primary 47H10; Secondary 54H25, 60H25
Key words and Phrases: random fixed point, Caratheodory function, random Volterra integral equation
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Abstract: The present paper deals with the determination of displacement and thermal transient stresses in a thick ( ) circular plate with internal heat generation. External arbitrary heat supply is applied at the upper surface of a thick ( ) circular plate, whereas the lower surface of a thick ( ) circular plate is insulated and the heat is dissipated due to convection in surrounding through lateral surface. Here we compute the effect of Michell function on the thickness of circular plate with internal heat generation. The governing heat conduction equation has been solved by using integral transform method and the results are obtained in series form in terms of Bessel's functions and the results for temperature change and stresses have been computed numerically and illustrated graphically.
Keywords:Thick plate ( ) Thin plate ( ), internal heat generation, thermal stresses.
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