Volume-2 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: This paper is on improvement in Yield strength of deformed steel bar by quenching using Design of experiment (DOE) for robust process design. The production of high quality deformed steel bar for concrete reinforcement will reduce the construction cost. It is found that the bar produced having variation in yield strength, this major quality problem is considered for improvement. Yield strength of bar is deviated from standard value specified in IS: 1786-1985. Here the study is focused on the robust parameter design for cooling system, to control the process of quenching to get the desired Yield strength of deformed steel bar. The controlling parameters of cooling system were controlled to improve the Yield strength of bar produced. Taguchi method of Orthogonal Array was used to find the effect of parameter on output quality parameter such as yield strength. DOE by Taguchi approach was used for the improvement in Yield strength. We got satisfactory result of yield strength of deformed steel bar having minimum variation from its mean value. Thus the Yield strength of bar has been improved by controlling the Quenching process parameters at optimum level which was found from factor effect plot using DOE by Taguchi Method.
Keywords: Rolling, Quenching, Taguchi method, Yield strength, Robust design, Deformed steel bar.
Keywords: Rolling, Quenching, Taguchi method, Yield strength, Robust design, Deformed steel bar.
[1] Douglas E. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments (Third Edition, John Wiley and sons, 1991) 13-16,363, 367-368,490-491
[2] Young Lee, Rod and Bar Rolling (Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Besal, 2004) 71,310-313
[3] T.V. Rajan, C.P.Sharma, "Heat Treatment, Principal and techniques", Pentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997, pp.111-112, 130,145-146
[4] Thermex Technical Document (H&K Rolling Mill Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 2003) 9, 14, 18
[5] William Roberts, Hot Rolling of Steel, 2005, 621-623
[6] Serope Kalpakjain, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (Pearson education, 2000) 121-122
[7] Validmir B. Ginzburg, Steel-Rolling Technology Theory and practice, (Marcel dekkar, Inc, New Yark, 2005) 131-132.
[2] Young Lee, Rod and Bar Rolling (Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Besal, 2004) 71,310-313
[3] T.V. Rajan, C.P.Sharma, "Heat Treatment, Principal and techniques", Pentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997, pp.111-112, 130,145-146
[4] Thermex Technical Document (H&K Rolling Mill Engineers Pvt.Ltd. 2003) 9, 14, 18
[5] William Roberts, Hot Rolling of Steel, 2005, 621-623
[6] Serope Kalpakjain, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (Pearson education, 2000) 121-122
[7] Validmir B. Ginzburg, Steel-Rolling Technology Theory and practice, (Marcel dekkar, Inc, New Yark, 2005) 131-132.
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Due to increasing demand in highway construction, scientists and researchers are constantly trying to improve the performance of bitumen pavement. Asphalt concretes are widely used in pavements. Bitumen is the naturally occurring byproduct of crude oil. Due to increase in vehicles in recent years the road surfaces have been exposed to high traffic resulting in deformation of pavements due to excessive stress. Permanent deformation happens when pavement does not have sufficient stability, improper compaction and insufficient pavement strength. The performance of pavement is determined by the properties of bitumen. Bitumen is a viscoelastic material with suitable mechanical and rheological properties for water proofing and protective covering for roofs and roads, because of its good adhesion properties of aggregates. One of the most important properties of bitumen mixture is its ability to resist shoving and rutting under traffic. Therefore stability should be high enough to handle traffic adequately, but not higher than the traffic conditions require. Low stability causes unraveling and flow of the road surface. Some improvements in asphalt properties have been achieved by selecting the proper starting crude, to make asphalt.
[1]. Mahabir Panda and Mayajit Mazumdar(1999). "Engineering Properties of EVA-Modified Bitumen For Paving Mixes". Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering ASCE / May 1999
[2]. Romona, Ledesma and Isacc8 L. L. "Effect of Poly Ethylene Teraphthalate from Plastic Waste on the Thermal Properties of Asphalt". The City College of Cuny Dept. of Chemical Engineering New York.
[3]. Hartman A M, Gilchrist M D and Walsh G (2001). "Effect of Mixture Compaction on Indirect Tensile Stiffness and Fatigue". Journal Of Transportation Engineering Sep/Oct 2001
[4]. Punith V.S and Veeraraghavan A (2007). "Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures with Reclaimed Polyethylene as Additive". Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering ASCE / June 2007 / 501
[5]. Lee Zhen Hao (2009). "Performance Characteristics of Hot Mix Asphalt with Recycled Materials". Bachelor of Engineering Report, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nayang Technological University Singapore.
[6]. Sabina, Tabrez A Khan, Sangita, Sharma D K and Sharma B M (2009). "Performance Evaluation Of Waste Plastic/Polymer Modified Bituminous Concrete Mixes". Journal of scientific and industrial research Vol.68, November 2009, pp. 975-979.
[7]. Shivani Gupta and Veeraragavan A (2009). "Fatigue behavior of polymer modifies bituminous concrete mixtures". Journal of Indian road congress January-March 2009.
[8]. Zahra Niloofar Kalantar, Abdelaziz Mahrez and Rehan karim (2010). "Properties of bituminous binder modified with waste polyethylene teraphthalate". Proceedings Of Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum And Conferences 2010 (MUTHRFC 2010) 21 Dec 2010.
[9]. Khanna S K, Justo C E G and Veeraragavan A (2000). "Highway Material And Pavement Testing (Labouratory Manual)", Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee 2000.
[10]. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (2001). "Specifications for road and bridge works" Fourth Revision, Published by Indian Road Congress on behalf of the Government of India.
[2]. Romona, Ledesma and Isacc8 L. L. "Effect of Poly Ethylene Teraphthalate from Plastic Waste on the Thermal Properties of Asphalt". The City College of Cuny Dept. of Chemical Engineering New York.
[3]. Hartman A M, Gilchrist M D and Walsh G (2001). "Effect of Mixture Compaction on Indirect Tensile Stiffness and Fatigue". Journal Of Transportation Engineering Sep/Oct 2001
[4]. Punith V.S and Veeraraghavan A (2007). "Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures with Reclaimed Polyethylene as Additive". Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering ASCE / June 2007 / 501
[5]. Lee Zhen Hao (2009). "Performance Characteristics of Hot Mix Asphalt with Recycled Materials". Bachelor of Engineering Report, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nayang Technological University Singapore.
[6]. Sabina, Tabrez A Khan, Sangita, Sharma D K and Sharma B M (2009). "Performance Evaluation Of Waste Plastic/Polymer Modified Bituminous Concrete Mixes". Journal of scientific and industrial research Vol.68, November 2009, pp. 975-979.
[7]. Shivani Gupta and Veeraragavan A (2009). "Fatigue behavior of polymer modifies bituminous concrete mixtures". Journal of Indian road congress January-March 2009.
[8]. Zahra Niloofar Kalantar, Abdelaziz Mahrez and Rehan karim (2010). "Properties of bituminous binder modified with waste polyethylene teraphthalate". Proceedings Of Malaysian Universities Transportation Research Forum And Conferences 2010 (MUTHRFC 2010) 21 Dec 2010.
[9]. Khanna S K, Justo C E G and Veeraragavan A (2000). "Highway Material And Pavement Testing (Labouratory Manual)", Nemchand and Bros, Roorkee 2000.
[10]. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (2001). "Specifications for road and bridge works" Fourth Revision, Published by Indian Road Congress on behalf of the Government of India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Freeze Drying Plants for the Food and Beverage Industries |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Sasikala, Dr. B. Umamaheswara Gowd |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0222427 ![]() |
Abstract: Freeze drying is a practical and widely used method for the stabilization of otherwise easily
degraded substances, microorganisms, foods, biological products and pharmaceutical products. The purpose of
this investigation is to determine the freeze drying plants for the Food and Beverage industries.
Freeze drying is the drying of an already deep-frozen product in a vacuum below the triple point. The
vacuum allows the ice to turn directly into vapour without first passing through the water stage, in a
sublimation process. This ensures that the product retains most of its original shape, color, taste, and nutrients.
Freeze dried products have other advantages too: they have uniform, high quality, a very long shelf life, require
no refrigeration during storage, they are light weight, making them easy and inexpensive to transport, and they
reconstitute quickly and completely with the addition of water.
That is why freeze dried products are in such great demand and why the freeze drying process is able
to add significant value to a wide range of food product including; vegetables, fruit and berries, meat and
seafood product; prepared meals including baby food, TV inners, camping provisions, and military rations, and
beverages such as tea and coffee. Coffee is by far the biggest single freeze dried food commodity in the world
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[6] Cowin,W.F., Short span tensile analysi, pulmac instrument Ltd., Montreal,1975,P.2-9.
[7] Brain Donaldson. Wedding Bouquete preservation aver your special memorie of your wedding day through the preservation of your
bridal bouquet. Retrieved 2010.
[8] Dr. J. Jeff Schwegman (2009) Basic cycle Development Technique for lyophilized products.
[9] George- Wilhelm oetjen (1999). Freeze-drying weinheim. Newyouk.
[10] J.D. Meller (1978). Fundamentals of freeze dryers. Acadamic pres London Newyouk SanFrancisco.
[2] Archive, Unesco,Paris 1988.
[3] Andersen, L.M, Frysetorring of arkaeo logistrae, onservatorskolen, Detkongelige Danske kunstaademi, kobenhavn, 1993,S.60 -199.
[4] ISO 5630, paper and board, Accelerated ageing, international organization for standardization, Geneve, 1986 &1991.
[5] Paper stenik, Institutionen for papertekni Kunglinga Tekniska Hogsskolan, Stockholm,1991,P.319.
[6] Cowin,W.F., Short span tensile analysi, pulmac instrument Ltd., Montreal,1975,P.2-9.
[7] Brain Donaldson. Wedding Bouquete preservation aver your special memorie of your wedding day through the preservation of your
bridal bouquet. Retrieved 2010.
[8] Dr. J. Jeff Schwegman (2009) Basic cycle Development Technique for lyophilized products.
[9] George- Wilhelm oetjen (1999). Freeze-drying weinheim. Newyouk.
[10] J.D. Meller (1978). Fundamentals of freeze dryers. Acadamic pres London Newyouk SanFrancisco.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation Of Stress Concentration Factors In Plate With Oblique Hole |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.C.Patle, Dr. D.V. Bhope |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0222832 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper reports the stress concentration factors in plate with oblique hole using FEM. Various angles of hole obliquity have been considered to evaluate SCF at such holes. The results are compared with photoelastic analysis results reported by H. W. McKENZIE and D. J. WHITE 1 on the basis of gross area and net area. Keywords: Finite Element Method, Oblique Hole, Stress Analysis.
[1] McKENZIE D. J. WHITE "Stress concentration caused by an oblique round hole in a flat plate under uniaxial tension." Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol 3, No 2 ,1968.
[2] P Stanley and A G Starr has find out "Stress concentration at an oblique hole in a thick plate". Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol 35, No 2, 2000.
[3] A Tafreshi and T.E.Thorpe "Numerical analysis of stresses at oblique holes in plate subjected to tension and bending". Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol 30, No 4, 1995.
[2] P Stanley and A G Starr has find out "Stress concentration at an oblique hole in a thick plate". Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol 35, No 2, 2000.
[3] A Tafreshi and T.E.Thorpe "Numerical analysis of stresses at oblique holes in plate subjected to tension and bending". Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol 30, No 4, 1995.
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Abstract: It is evident from literature review that in the recent decades the thrust for finding an alternative to the costly construction material is increasing several alternative have been tested across the globe.Some viable alternative are found,also many techniques of replacing the cement and addition of ferrocement is studied. The methods which are found to be cost effective and feasible are also tried in construction in various areas. Once such alternative technique is providing subsidiary cement in the way of addition of ferrocement in hollow slab. In this paper, the general behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Ferrocement composite and the studies carried out by various investigators on mechanical properties are summarized and presented. In this experiment moment-curvature behaviour,Ductility,Stiffness degradation,Ultimate load carrying capacity and Energy absorption were determined. The comparision is of load carrying capacity, stiffness degradation, Ductility and Energy absorption of fiber reinforced Ferrocement Hollow Slab with the same slab without fiber. This paper details the attempt made to check moment-curvature characteristics of ferrocement hollow slab.
Keywords: HFFC,FRC,Ferrocement,Ductility,Stiffness degradation
Keywords: HFFC,FRC,Ferrocement,Ductility,Stiffness degradation
[1] K.Ramesh, D.R.Seshu, "Moment Curvature Characteristics of Hybrid Ferro Fiber Concrete (HFFC) Beam" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol.33, No.1, Jan 2003, pp. 15-28.
[2] M.S.Mathews, J.Sudhakumar and PJayasree "Durability Studies On Ferrocement" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol.23, No.1, Jan 1991.
[3] P.Balaguru, "Prediction of Crack Width in Ferrocement Beams" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 11, No.3, July 1981, pp. 203 -213.
[4] P.J. Walker "Moment – Curvature Relations for Ferrocement Beams" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 25, No. 4, Oct. 1995, pp. 347 -359.
[5] A.Kumar "Ferrocement Box Sections-viable option for floors and roof of multi-storeyed buildings" Asian Journal of civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Vol. 6, No. 6, 2005, pp. 569-582.
[6] W.N.Al Rifaie and A.H.K.Al Shukur "Effect of Wetting Drying Cycles in Fresh Water on the Flexural Strength of Ferrocement" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 31, No.2, July 1995.
[2] M.S.Mathews, J.Sudhakumar and PJayasree "Durability Studies On Ferrocement" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol.23, No.1, Jan 1991.
[3] P.Balaguru, "Prediction of Crack Width in Ferrocement Beams" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 11, No.3, July 1981, pp. 203 -213.
[4] P.J. Walker "Moment – Curvature Relations for Ferrocement Beams" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 25, No. 4, Oct. 1995, pp. 347 -359.
[5] A.Kumar "Ferrocement Box Sections-viable option for floors and roof of multi-storeyed buildings" Asian Journal of civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Vol. 6, No. 6, 2005, pp. 569-582.
[6] W.N.Al Rifaie and A.H.K.Al Shukur "Effect of Wetting Drying Cycles in Fresh Water on the Flexural Strength of Ferrocement" Journal of Ferrocement, Vol. 31, No.2, July 1995.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fea Based Validation of Weld Joints to Determine Effect of Overlap Length of Weld Strength |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Ranjeet Patil,, Mr. Amol Walvekar, Mr. Kuldeep Kashid |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0223843 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Welding is extensively used in fabrication as an alternative method for casting or forging and as a replacement for a bolted and riveted joint. Since it is related to human being, it is necessary to analysis the joint with prior attention to safely of its user. This paper investigate the deformation and equivalent Von Mises stresses of thin plate based on plate welding with varying overlapping length of plate. Firstly three dimensional Elastic Non-linear Finite Element model is used to compute welding deformation and stresses within a practical time.
[1] Dean Deng, Hidekazu Murakawa, Wei Liang ―Prediction of Welding distortion in a curved plate structure by means of elastic finite element method‖ Published in journal of Material Processing Technology 203(2008) page no. 252-266
[2] Hyungyil Lee, Nahmho Kim, Tae Soo Lee Crack trajectory near a weld: Modeling and simulation published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72(2005) page no. 1203-1221
[3] A Joseph, Sanjai K. Rai, T Jaikumar ―Evaluation of residual stresses in dissimilar weld joint‖ published in International Journal of Pressure Vessels' and piping 82 (2005) page No. 700-705
[4] Donald w. White and Se-Kwon Jung ―Shear strength of horizontally curved steel I-girders finite element analysis studies‖ Journal of constructional steel research 62 (2006) Page no. 329-342
[5] Chien-Yuan Hou ―Fatigue analysis of welded joints with the aid of real three-dimensional weld toe geometry‖ published in International Journal of Fatigue 29(2007) Page no. 772-785
[6] M.M. Rashid, V. Tvergaard ―Crack trajectory near a weld: Modeling and simulation‖ published in engg. Fracture 75(2008) 560-570.
[7] V.B. Bhandari ―Design of Machine Element‖, Published by Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited New Delhi.
[8] Joseph Edward Shigley ―Mechanical Engineering Design‖, First Metric Edition by McGraw Hill Company New Delhi.
[9] S.S.Bhavikatti ―Finite Element Method‖ second edition New Age International Publication.
[10] J.N. Reddy ―An Introduction to Finite Element Method‖ third edition Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
[2] Hyungyil Lee, Nahmho Kim, Tae Soo Lee Crack trajectory near a weld: Modeling and simulation published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72(2005) page no. 1203-1221
[3] A Joseph, Sanjai K. Rai, T Jaikumar ―Evaluation of residual stresses in dissimilar weld joint‖ published in International Journal of Pressure Vessels' and piping 82 (2005) page No. 700-705
[4] Donald w. White and Se-Kwon Jung ―Shear strength of horizontally curved steel I-girders finite element analysis studies‖ Journal of constructional steel research 62 (2006) Page no. 329-342
[5] Chien-Yuan Hou ―Fatigue analysis of welded joints with the aid of real three-dimensional weld toe geometry‖ published in International Journal of Fatigue 29(2007) Page no. 772-785
[6] M.M. Rashid, V. Tvergaard ―Crack trajectory near a weld: Modeling and simulation‖ published in engg. Fracture 75(2008) 560-570.
[7] V.B. Bhandari ―Design of Machine Element‖, Published by Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited New Delhi.
[8] Joseph Edward Shigley ―Mechanical Engineering Design‖, First Metric Edition by McGraw Hill Company New Delhi.
[9] S.S.Bhavikatti ―Finite Element Method‖ second edition New Age International Publication.
[10] J.N. Reddy ―An Introduction to Finite Element Method‖ third edition Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigations on the Effect of Tool Types on the Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Processed AZ31B Magnesium Alloy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Ganesa Balamurugan, K. Mahadevan, D. Peter Pushpanathan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0224447 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study investigates the effect of tool shoulder profile on the mechanical properties of friction stir processed AZ31B magnesium alloy The chosen process parameters are tool rotational speed and feed rate. The experiments were conducted with 3 level 2 factors full factorial design with two replications for both the tools. The tensile strength and micro hardness were the responses. The study reveals that, the properties of the materials processed with concave shoulder tool were governed by strain hardening effect. Likewise, the properties of the materials processed with the step shoulder tool were governed by the grain size.
Keywords: FSP, AZ31B alloy, Tool profile, Dislocation density, Grain size, ANOVA.
Keywords: FSP, AZ31B alloy, Tool profile, Dislocation density, Grain size, ANOVA.
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[2] Mordike B L, Ebert T, Magnesium properties-applications potential, Materials Science and Engineering A (2001) Vol. 302, p 37.
[3] Kinji Hirai, Hidetoshi Somekawa, Yorinobu Takigawa, Kenji Higashi, Effects of Ca and Sr addition on mechanical properties of a cast AZ91 magnesium alloy at room and elevatedtemperature, Materials Science and Engineering A (2005), Vol.403, p276.
[4] Parviz Asadi & Ghader Faraji & Mohammad K. Besharati, Producing of AZ91/SiC composite by friction stir processing (FSP), International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2010) Vol. 51, p247-260.
[5] Morisada Y, Fujji H, Nagaoka T, Fukusumi M, Effect of friction stir processing with SiC particles on microstructure and hardness of AZ31, Material Science and Engineering A (2006) Vol. 433, p50-54.
[6] Darras BM, Khraisheh MK, Abu-Farha FK, Omar MA, Friction stir processing of commercial AZ31 magnesium alloy Material Processing Technology (2007) Vol.191, p77-81.
[7] P. Cavaliere, P.P. De Marco, Friction stir processing of AM60B magnesium alloy sheets, Materials Science and Engineering A (2007) Vol.462, p393-397.
[8] S. Mironov, Q. Yang, H. Takahashi, I. Takahashi, K. Okamoto, Y.S. Sato, and H.Kokawa, Specific Character of Material Flow in Near-Surface Layer during Friction Stir Processing of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International (2010) Vol. 41A, p1016-1024.
[9] R.S. Mishra, Z.Y. Ma, Friction stir welding and processing, Materials Science and Engineering R 50 (2005) 1–78
[10] George E.Dieter: Mechanical Metallurgy (second edition, McGraw-Hill publication).