Volume-4 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Fly Ash on Properties of Concrete as Per Is: 10262-2009 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Izhar Ahmed, Dr S.S.Jamkar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0420105 ![]() |
Abstract: Properties of concrete depend up on properties of ingredients and their relative proportion. Due to
addition of mineral as well as chemical admixture in concrete design of concrete mixes has become increasingly
complex. BIS has rationalized concrete mix proportioning code in Dec 2009, which is used to design standard
concrete mixes using both mineral as well as chemical admixtures. By considering the code, the present work
deals with the development of fly ash based concrete mix proportion. This paper presents the results of an
investigation dealing with Concrete cubes of 100 mm size, to replace 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% cement with fly
ash. To cover a wide range of concrete mixes water cementitious material ratio (W/C) of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 were
used for water content of 186 kg/m3, 191.58 kg/m3 and 197.16 kg/m3 each. The effect of various parameters
such as replacement of cement by fly ash, water to cementitious material ratio and water content is studied on
fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The study mainly consisted of establishing relation between these
parameters in the form of Graphs to specify proportioning of required fly ash based concrete. Both workability
and strength aspects are considered.
Keywords:compressive strength, fly ash, Mix design, water content, W/C ratio
Keywords:compressive strength, fly ash, Mix design, water content, W/C ratio
[1]. Indian standard concrete mix proportioning - Guidelines (First revision) IS: 10262-2009, Bureau of India Standard, New Delhi,
[2]. Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth edition) IS: 456-2000, Bureau of India Standard, New Delhi.
[3]. M.C. Nataraja and Lelin Das, "Concrete mix proportioning as per IS: 10262-2009 Comparison with IS: 10262-1982 and ACI
211.1-91." THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL, September 2010.
[4]. S.C. Maiti, Raj K. Agarwal and Rajeeb Kumar, "Concrete mix proportioning" THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL,
December 2006.
[5]. Durocrete Engineering services pvt. Lit. "Mix Design Manual."
[6]. M.C. Nataraja and Lelin Das, "Some studies on concrete mix proportioning following IS 10262-2009." THE INDIAN
[7]. Mukund joshi, "performance of fly ash and understanding IS: 3812-2003(part-1)," CE and CR, April 2005, pp. 45-48.
[8]. Abrams, D. A., Design of Concrete Mixtures, Lewis Institute, Structural Materials Research Laboratory, Bulletin No.1, PCA
LS001, Chicago, 1918.
[9]. Shilstone, James M., Sr., "Concrete Mixture Optimization," Concrete International, American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, Michigan, June 1990.
[10]. IS 383, "Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregates from Natural Source of Concrete," Bureau of Indian standard New
Delhi, 1982.
[2]. Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth edition) IS: 456-2000, Bureau of India Standard, New Delhi.
[3]. M.C. Nataraja and Lelin Das, "Concrete mix proportioning as per IS: 10262-2009 Comparison with IS: 10262-1982 and ACI
211.1-91." THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL, September 2010.
[4]. S.C. Maiti, Raj K. Agarwal and Rajeeb Kumar, "Concrete mix proportioning" THE INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL,
December 2006.
[5]. Durocrete Engineering services pvt. Lit. "Mix Design Manual."
[6]. M.C. Nataraja and Lelin Das, "Some studies on concrete mix proportioning following IS 10262-2009." THE INDIAN
[7]. Mukund joshi, "performance of fly ash and understanding IS: 3812-2003(part-1)," CE and CR, April 2005, pp. 45-48.
[8]. Abrams, D. A., Design of Concrete Mixtures, Lewis Institute, Structural Materials Research Laboratory, Bulletin No.1, PCA
LS001, Chicago, 1918.
[9]. Shilstone, James M., Sr., "Concrete Mixture Optimization," Concrete International, American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, Michigan, June 1990.
[10]. IS 383, "Specifications for Coarse and Fine Aggregates from Natural Source of Concrete," Bureau of Indian standard New
Delhi, 1982.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tensile Tests on Reinforcing Steel Bars in the Nigerian Construction Industry |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Ejeh, S. P., JIBRIN, M. U. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0420612 ![]() |
Abstract: Tensile behaviour was investigated for reinforcing steel bars used in the Nigerian Construction Industry; this was done to ascertain the level of conformity of the tested parameters with the standards. A total of thirteen (13) companies operating in Nigeria were considered and (19) nineteen samples selected randomly with each sample containing ten specimens which were used in the tests. Out of the nineteen (19) samples, thirteen (13) were locally produced in Nigeria, while six (6) were imported. Thus, a total of 190 specimens were used for the experiment. It was found that eleven (11) samples out of the nineteen (19) samples examined failed to meet the requirements of BS4449:1997 in respect of the characteristic strength. In case of the Ultimate: Yield ratio, while only one (1) out of the nineteen (19) samples did not record the minimum values of 1.25 as prescribed by the code.
Keywords:Yield, Ultimate, And Tensile: Yield Ratio.
Keywords:Yield, Ultimate, And Tensile: Yield Ratio.
[1] Arum, C. (2008): "Verification of Properties of Concrete Reinforcement Bars:- Nigerian Case Study" - Published by : A Journal of Indoor and Built Environment by SAGE Publications. http:ibe.sagepub.com PP.370-376
[2] American Society for Testing of Materials (2003): AASHTO No. M 31 "Standard Specifications for Deformed & Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement": American Association of Highway and Transport Officials - A615/A615M- 03a
[3] American Society for Testing of Materials: (2007) "Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products": ASTM A37-07a
[4] American Society for Testing of Materials: (1988) "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel", ASTM – A38/A38M, 25th edition, pp.105
[5] American Society for Testing of Materials: (1988) "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel", ASTM – A38/A38M, 25th edition, pp.562
[6] British Standards Institutions. BS 4449(1997) -"Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of concrete" London. pp.1-17
[7] Charles K.K. and Mark A (2002) "Strength & Ductility Characteristics of Reinforcing Steel Bar milled from Scrap Metals"- Materials and Design 23 pp.537-545
[8] Certification Authority for Reinforcement Steels (1984-1995) (UK CARES Vol. 1 – 10).
[9] FIROZE, P.E. Engr. "Attributes of Ductile Reinforcing Steel" – PDF Extracts from internet – m.firoze@bsm.com . pp. 18-20
[10] Jibrin, M.U. (2012): "Characterisation of Reinforcing Bars in the Nigerian Construction Industry" A Ph.D Thesis in Civil Engineering , Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria – Nigeria. PP. 44 - 94
[2] American Society for Testing of Materials (2003): AASHTO No. M 31 "Standard Specifications for Deformed & Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement": American Association of Highway and Transport Officials - A615/A615M- 03a
[3] American Society for Testing of Materials: (2007) "Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products": ASTM A37-07a
[4] American Society for Testing of Materials: (1988) "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel", ASTM – A38/A38M, 25th edition, pp.105
[5] American Society for Testing of Materials: (1988) "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel", ASTM – A38/A38M, 25th edition, pp.562
[6] British Standards Institutions. BS 4449(1997) -"Carbon Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of concrete" London. pp.1-17
[7] Charles K.K. and Mark A (2002) "Strength & Ductility Characteristics of Reinforcing Steel Bar milled from Scrap Metals"- Materials and Design 23 pp.537-545
[8] Certification Authority for Reinforcement Steels (1984-1995) (UK CARES Vol. 1 – 10).
[9] FIROZE, P.E. Engr. "Attributes of Ductile Reinforcing Steel" – PDF Extracts from internet – m.firoze@bsm.com . pp. 18-20
[10] Jibrin, M.U. (2012): "Characterisation of Reinforcing Bars in the Nigerian Construction Industry" A Ph.D Thesis in Civil Engineering , Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria – Nigeria. PP. 44 - 94
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scheduling Repetitive Construction Projects Using Fuzzy Linear Programming |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | A. M. El-Kholy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0421322 ![]() |
Abstract:Scheduling problem for repetitive construction projects involves three conflicting objectives. These objectives are project duration, project total cost, and project total interruption time. This paper presents a multi-objective fuzzy linear programming model (FLP) for resolving this problem. Literature concerned with scheduling problems for repetitive construction projects was reviewed. Multi-objective fuzzy linear programming was then explained. The proposed model formulation was then presented. A bridge project from pertinent literature was selected for model validation purpose. An optimization of each individual objective was performed with a linear programming (LP) software (Lindo) that gave the upper and lower bounds for the multi-objective analysis. Fuzzy linear programming was then applied to optimize the solution. Two scenarios were adopted in solution. In the first scenario, the three above objectives were considered simultaneously. Analysis of the results revealed that project duration, and project total cost are deviated only by 7.2%, and 1.8%, respectively as compared to their corresponding ideal values in the crisp LP model. On the other hand, the percentage of total interruption time to project duration in FLP is 5.3% against zero in LP. In the second scenario, each two objectives were considered in a single run. The purpose is to explain how can the model's user generate and evaluate the optimal tradeoff solution between any two objectives that suit his demands.
Keywords:Fuzzy Linear Programming; Linear Programming; Repetitive Construction Projects; Multi Objective Analysis.
Keywords:Fuzzy Linear Programming; Linear Programming; Repetitive Construction Projects; Multi Objective Analysis.
[1] Liu, S.S., and Wang, C.J. "Optimization Model for Resource Assignment Problems of Linear Construction Projects." J. of Automation in Constr., 16, 2007 460-473.
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[4] Chang, N.B., Wen, C.G., and Chen, Y.L... "A Fuzzy Multi-objective Programming Approach for Optimal Management of the Reservoir Watershed." European j. of Operational Research, 99, 1997, 289-302.
[5] Bragadin, M.A., and Kahkonen, K.,"Heuristic Solution for Resource Scheduling for Repetitive Construction Projects." Proc. of Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment conf., Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2011.
[6] Ammar, M. "Integrated LOB and CPM Method for Scheduling Repetitive Projects." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 134(4),2012.
[7] Selinger, S.."Construction Planning for Linear Projects." J.Constr. Div., ASCE, 106(2), 1980, 195-205.
[8] Russell, A., and Caselton, W." Extensions to Linear Scheduling Optimization.' J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 114(1), 1988, 36-52.
[9] Handa, V.K., and Barcia, R.M..."Linear Scheduling Using Optimal Control Theory." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 112(3), 1986, 387-393.
[10] El-Rayes, K., and Moselhi, O. "Optimizing Resource Utilization for Repetitive Construction Projects." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 127(1), 2001, 18-27.
[2] Ispilandis, P.G.,."Multi-objective Linear Programming Model for Scheduling Linear Repetitive Projects." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 133(6), 2007, 417-424.
[3] Faheem, M.I., Khalique, M.A., and Kalam, M.A..."Project Management Decisions Using Fuzzy Linear Programming." International J. of Multidispl. Research, ISSN 0975-7074, Vol. 2, No. I, April, 2010, 323-339.
[4] Chang, N.B., Wen, C.G., and Chen, Y.L... "A Fuzzy Multi-objective Programming Approach for Optimal Management of the Reservoir Watershed." European j. of Operational Research, 99, 1997, 289-302.
[5] Bragadin, M.A., and Kahkonen, K.,"Heuristic Solution for Resource Scheduling for Repetitive Construction Projects." Proc. of Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment conf., Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2011.
[6] Ammar, M. "Integrated LOB and CPM Method for Scheduling Repetitive Projects." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 134(4),2012.
[7] Selinger, S.."Construction Planning for Linear Projects." J.Constr. Div., ASCE, 106(2), 1980, 195-205.
[8] Russell, A., and Caselton, W." Extensions to Linear Scheduling Optimization.' J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 114(1), 1988, 36-52.
[9] Handa, V.K., and Barcia, R.M..."Linear Scheduling Using Optimal Control Theory." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 112(3), 1986, 387-393.
[10] El-Rayes, K., and Moselhi, O. "Optimizing Resource Utilization for Repetitive Construction Projects." J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 127(1), 2001, 18-27.
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Abstract:Geology of an area, water quality, local regulations and economic consideration are important in
deciding upon well depth in the crystalline Basement rocks. Drilling results in the Basement Complex rocks
indicate highly variable amounts of water, decrease in average yield with depth, and decrease in the
interception of fractures as the depth increases. This paper gives estimate for probable depths of domestic wells
in the crystalline Basement rock areas. These depths are cost-effective, and at the same time will not obscure the
primary objective of all water well contractors, which is getting enough yield for efficient development of water
Keywords:Crystalline rocks, optimum depth, borehole drilling, fractures, well yield.
Keywords:Crystalline rocks, optimum depth, borehole drilling, fractures, well yield.
[1] Anderson, K.E. (1983). Water Well Handbook, Missouri Water Well and Pump Contractors Association, U.S.A.
[2] Campbell, M.D. and Les, J. H. (1973). Water Well Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp. 245-249
[3] Diamond, J. and Shanley, T. (2003). Infiltration rate assessment of some major soils. Irish Geography, Vol. 36(1): 32-46
[4] Hazell, J.R.T., Cratchley, C.R. and Jones, C.R.C. (1992). The Hydrogeology of Crystalline Aquifers in Northern Nigeria and
Geophysical Techniques used in their Exploration. In: Wright, E.P. and Burgess, W.G. (Eds.). Hydrogeology of Crystalline
Basement Aquifers in Africa. Geological Society Special Publication No. 66 London, pp. 155-182
[5] Jones, M.J. (1985). The weathered zone aquifers of the Basement Complex areas of Africa. Quarterly J. Eng. Geol. London, Vol.
18, pp. 35-46.
[6] Linsley, R.K., Franzini, J.B., Freyberg, D.L. and Tchobanoglous, G. (1992). Water resources engineering. McGraw-Hill
International Edition, pp.683-688.
[7] National Water Resources Institute (1986). Training Manual on Groundwater Investigation Procedures, NWRI, Kaduna, Nigeria,
[8] Offodile, M.E. (1992). An Approach to Groundwater Study and Development in Nigeria. Mecon Services Ltd., Jos, Nigeria, pp.
[9] Olaniyan, I.O. and Olabode, T.O. (2012). Assessment of groundwater potential of a typical 'fadama' in Kaduna state, Nigeria.
RESEARCHER 4(4):10-15 Marsland Press, New York, U.S.A. http://www.sciencepub.net
[10] Oluyide, P.O. (1995). Mineral occurrences in Kaduna state and their geological environments. Proc. of workshop held by NMGS,
Kaduna Chapter in collaboration with Kaduna State Government, 15 December, pp. 13-27.
[2] Campbell, M.D. and Les, J. H. (1973). Water Well Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp. 245-249
[3] Diamond, J. and Shanley, T. (2003). Infiltration rate assessment of some major soils. Irish Geography, Vol. 36(1): 32-46
[4] Hazell, J.R.T., Cratchley, C.R. and Jones, C.R.C. (1992). The Hydrogeology of Crystalline Aquifers in Northern Nigeria and
Geophysical Techniques used in their Exploration. In: Wright, E.P. and Burgess, W.G. (Eds.). Hydrogeology of Crystalline
Basement Aquifers in Africa. Geological Society Special Publication No. 66 London, pp. 155-182
[5] Jones, M.J. (1985). The weathered zone aquifers of the Basement Complex areas of Africa. Quarterly J. Eng. Geol. London, Vol.
18, pp. 35-46.
[6] Linsley, R.K., Franzini, J.B., Freyberg, D.L. and Tchobanoglous, G. (1992). Water resources engineering. McGraw-Hill
International Edition, pp.683-688.
[7] National Water Resources Institute (1986). Training Manual on Groundwater Investigation Procedures, NWRI, Kaduna, Nigeria,
[8] Offodile, M.E. (1992). An Approach to Groundwater Study and Development in Nigeria. Mecon Services Ltd., Jos, Nigeria, pp.
[9] Olaniyan, I.O. and Olabode, T.O. (2012). Assessment of groundwater potential of a typical 'fadama' in Kaduna state, Nigeria.
RESEARCHER 4(4):10-15 Marsland Press, New York, U.S.A. http://www.sciencepub.net
[10] Oluyide, P.O. (1995). Mineral occurrences in Kaduna state and their geological environments. Proc. of workshop held by NMGS,
Kaduna Chapter in collaboration with Kaduna State Government, 15 December, pp. 13-27.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigational Study on Self Aeration Characteristic of Hydraulic Jump |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A. Anandraj |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0422731 ![]() |
Abstract:Aeration by hydraulic jump is trouble-free and cost-effective way to achieve oxygen transfer than
conventional oxygenation systems. The content of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water helps to evaluate the quality
of water. At jump, entrainment of air to water takes place due to difference in concentration causes oxygen
molecules in the air to dissolve into the water. This paper describes the experimental investigation to aeration
performance of hydraulic jump. In this study, self aeration performance of a classical hydraulic jump beyond a
sluice gate has been experimented in a 0.15 m wide laboratory tilting flume. Experimental observation confirms
that the positive linear relationship between aeration efficiency and energy loss along the jump.
Keywords:Aeration, hydraulic jump, dissolved oxygen.
Keywords:Aeration, hydraulic jump, dissolved oxygen.
[1] Holler, A. G. (1971). The mechanism describing oxygen transfer from the atmosphere to discharge through hydraulic structures.
Proc., 14th IAHR Congress and Conf., Paris, France, 372-382.
[2] Avery and Novak (1978). Oxygen transfer at hydraulic structures. Journal of hydraulic engineering, ASCE, 104(11), 1521-1540.
[3] Willhelms, S.C., Clark, L., Wallace, J.R., and Smith, D.R., (1981). Gas transfer in hydraulic jumps. Technical Report E-81-10, US
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg Miss., USA.
[4] Kucukali, S. and Cokgor, S. (2007). Fuzzy logic model to predict hydraulic jump aeration efficiency. Journal of Water
Management, 160(4), 225-231.
[5] Kucukali, S. and Cokgor, S. (2009). Energy concept for predicting hydraulic jump aeration efficiency, Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, 135(2), 105-107.
[6] Gulliver, J.S., Thene, J.R., and Rindels, A.J. (1990). Indexing gas transfer in self-aerated flows. Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, 116(3), 503-523.
[7] Gameson, A.I.H. (1957). Weirs and aeration of rivers. Journal of institution of water engineers, 11(5), 477-490.
Proc., 14th IAHR Congress and Conf., Paris, France, 372-382.
[2] Avery and Novak (1978). Oxygen transfer at hydraulic structures. Journal of hydraulic engineering, ASCE, 104(11), 1521-1540.
[3] Willhelms, S.C., Clark, L., Wallace, J.R., and Smith, D.R., (1981). Gas transfer in hydraulic jumps. Technical Report E-81-10, US
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg Miss., USA.
[4] Kucukali, S. and Cokgor, S. (2007). Fuzzy logic model to predict hydraulic jump aeration efficiency. Journal of Water
Management, 160(4), 225-231.
[5] Kucukali, S. and Cokgor, S. (2009). Energy concept for predicting hydraulic jump aeration efficiency, Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, 135(2), 105-107.
[6] Gulliver, J.S., Thene, J.R., and Rindels, A.J. (1990). Indexing gas transfer in self-aerated flows. Journal of Environmental
Engineering, ASCE, 116(3), 503-523.
[7] Gameson, A.I.H. (1957). Weirs and aeration of rivers. Journal of institution of water engineers, 11(5), 477-490.
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Abstract:Now a days, significant amount of aluminium alloy are being used to fabricate components such as
engine blocks, cylinder heads, suspension control arms, wheels and pistons. In response to consumer demands
for the increase in performance, the use of aluminium has grown dramatically in the recent years. So in order to
produce a sound LM6 (Al-12%Si) Aluminium alloy casting, a new approach is made in this work. Plate casting
of dimension 240x150x25 mm is employed with the combination of different riser dimensions. Cylindrical riser
of hemispherical bottom with H/D=1 are taken for this analysis. Solidification simulation is made with ANSYS
software, then the solidification time and optimal riser diameters are compared with experimental results.
Keywords:Aluminium alloy casting, Feeder Design, Solidification simulation
Keywords:Aluminium alloy casting, Feeder Design, Solidification simulation
[1] E. N. PAN, C. S. LIN, and C.R. LOPPER, 1990, "Effects of solidification parameters on the feeding efficiency of A356
Aluminium alloy", AFS Transactions, Vol.98, p.135 –146.
[2] R.C.WILLMS, 1985, "Use of Insulating Material to Extend Feeding Distances for Steel Castings", AFS Transactions, Vol.93, p.
167 – 170.
[3] KUN-DAR LI and EDWARD CHANG, 2003, "Explanation of the Porosity Distribution in A206 Aluminium Alloy Castings", AFS
Transactions, Vol.111, p.267 – 273.
[4] J.H. KUO, P. J. CHENG, and W.S. HWANG, 2001, "Measurement of Density of A356.2 Aluminium alloy from 25°C to 750°C by
modified Archimedes Method", ATS Transactions, Vol.109, p.461 – 468.
[5] ROBERT C. CREESE, 1983, "The Potential Metal Savings in Cylindrical Top Risers with Insulating Materials" AFS Transactions,
Vol. 91, p.447 - 450.
[6] R.A. JOHNS, 1980, "Risering Steel Castings easily and Efficiently", AFS Transactions, Vol.88, p.77 – 96.
[7] R.C. CREESE, 1981,"Cylindrical Top Riser Designs Relationship for Evaluating Insulating Materials", AFS Transactions, Vol. 89,
p.354 – 348.
[8] R.C. CREESE, 1979, "An Evaluation of Cylinder Riser Designs with Insulating Materials", AFS Transactions, Vol. 87, p. 665 – 668.
[9] M.S. RAMA PRASAD, M.N. SRINIVASAN, and M.R. SESHADRI, 1978, "Using Insulating Materials for Feeders heads in
Nonferrous Castings", AFS Transactions, Vol. 86, p. 431 – 438.
Aluminium alloy", AFS Transactions, Vol.98, p.135 –146.
[2] R.C.WILLMS, 1985, "Use of Insulating Material to Extend Feeding Distances for Steel Castings", AFS Transactions, Vol.93, p.
167 – 170.
[3] KUN-DAR LI and EDWARD CHANG, 2003, "Explanation of the Porosity Distribution in A206 Aluminium Alloy Castings", AFS
Transactions, Vol.111, p.267 – 273.
[4] J.H. KUO, P. J. CHENG, and W.S. HWANG, 2001, "Measurement of Density of A356.2 Aluminium alloy from 25°C to 750°C by
modified Archimedes Method", ATS Transactions, Vol.109, p.461 – 468.
[5] ROBERT C. CREESE, 1983, "The Potential Metal Savings in Cylindrical Top Risers with Insulating Materials" AFS Transactions,
Vol. 91, p.447 - 450.
[6] R.A. JOHNS, 1980, "Risering Steel Castings easily and Efficiently", AFS Transactions, Vol.88, p.77 – 96.
[7] R.C. CREESE, 1981,"Cylindrical Top Riser Designs Relationship for Evaluating Insulating Materials", AFS Transactions, Vol. 89,
p.354 – 348.
[8] R.C. CREESE, 1979, "An Evaluation of Cylinder Riser Designs with Insulating Materials", AFS Transactions, Vol. 87, p. 665 – 668.
[9] M.S. RAMA PRASAD, M.N. SRINIVASAN, and M.R. SESHADRI, 1978, "Using Insulating Materials for Feeders heads in
Nonferrous Castings", AFS Transactions, Vol. 86, p. 431 – 438.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thin Cementitious Slabs reinforced with Stainless Steel Fibers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.B. Sakthivel, A. Jagannathan and R. Padmanaban |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0423945 ![]() |
Abstract:This experimental research by the present authors is to determine the engineering properties such as
compressive strength, split-tensile strength, mortar flexural strength and impact energy strength of Fiber
Reinforced Cementitious Composite (FRCC) using a new non-corrosive reinforcing material, namely Stainless
Steel (SS) fibers. For this purpose, reference specimens (cubes, cylinders and prisms) as well as FRCC slabs of
size 250 mm X 250 mm X 25 mm thick were cast. The reinforcing SS fibers of 12.5 mm length with aspect ratio
of 28 were used in discontinuous form, and the specimens were cast with varying proportions of SS fibers
varying from 0.5% to 2.5% (to volume of specimens). The impact study was conducted on test specimens using a
simple free-fall velocity method, using 1 kg steel ball, dropped from a height of 600 mm in a repeated manner
and the number of blows received on initial and final cracks (on ultimate failure) were studied. The energy
absorbed by the cementitious slabs (test specimens) reinforced with SS fibers has been compared with the
control specimens cast with plain cement mortar (without fibers). In general, the results show that there is an
increase in the compressive, split-tensile and mortar flexural strength and also the energy absorption capacity
of specimens cast with fibrous mortar using SS fibers (0.5-2.5%), when compared to specimens made of plain
cement mortar. The initial and final crack widths (during ultimate failure) on the slabs were observed, and the
Residual Impact Strength (IRS) Ratio of test and control specimens has been compared. The various
applications of using thin, non-corrosive cementitious slabs are brought out in this study.
Keywords:Cement Matrix, Corrosion, Energy Absorption, Fibers, Impact
Keywords:Cement Matrix, Corrosion, Energy Absorption, Fibers, Impact
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[5] P.B. Sakthivel and A. Jagannathan, Ferrocement Construction technology and its Applications, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Structural
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- Citation
- Abstract
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behaviour of Concrete Filled Rectangular Steel Tube Column |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anil Kumar Patidar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1684-0424652 ![]() |
Abstract:The Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) member has many advantages compared with the
conventional concrete structural member made of steel reinforcement. CFSTs are frequently used for columns,
caissons and for piers, deep foundations because of their large compressive stiffness. The FEA modeling using
ANSYS software is adopted to investigate the load versus lateral deflection behavior of the composite sections.
The effects of steel tube thickness and strength of in-filled concrete tubes are examined. The size of the column is
140 x 160 x 1500 mm and the grades of concrete infill are M20, M30 and M40. The thickness of the tube is
taken as 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm and 6 mm and, the D/t ratio varies from 26.67 to 80.00.
Keywords:ANSYS , Axial strength, Concrete infill , Lateral deflection, Steel tube,
Keywords:ANSYS , Axial strength, Concrete infill , Lateral deflection, Steel tube,
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[5] ANSYS – Finite element structural analysis program using workbench version 12
[6] IS 10262-1982. Indian standard recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
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[8] ANSYS user's manuals.
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[2] Han Lin-Hai. Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubes. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2004;60:31337
[3] Bridge RQ. Concrete filled steel tubular columns. Report no. R283. Sydney (Australia): School of Civil Engineering, University of
Sydney; 1976.
[4] Lu YQ, Kennedy DJL. The flexural behavior of concrete-filled hollow structural sections. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
[5] ANSYS – Finite element structural analysis program using workbench version 12
[6] IS 10262-1982. Indian standard recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
[7] Baltay P, Gjelsvik A. Coefficient of friction for steel on concrete at high normal stress. J Mater Civil Eng ASCE 1990;2(1):46–9
[8] ANSYS user's manuals.
[9] Hui-shen Shen and Williams F.W.(1993), 'Post buckling Analysis of stiffened Laminated Box Columns' , Journal of Engineering
Mechanics, Vol. 119, no. 1, pp 825-838.
[10] Lignola G.P.A. Prota A, Manfredi G and Cosenza E (2007), 'Experiment performance of RC Hollow Columns Confined with CFRP'