Volume-6 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beam under Cyclic Loading |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sreeja . M.D |
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: | 10.9790/1684-630104 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describes the influence of steel fibre distribution on the ultimate strength of concrete beams. An experimental & analytical investigation of the behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with conventional steel bars and steel fibres under cyclic loading is presented. It is now well established that one of the important properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. As a result of this ability to arrest cracks, fibre composites possess increased extensibility and tensile strength, both at first crack and at ultimate load and the fibres are able to hold the matrix together even after extensive cracking. The net result of all these is to impart to the fibre composite pronounced post – cracking ductility which is unheard of in ordinary concrete. The transformation from a brittle to a ductile type of material would increase substantially the energy absorption characteristics of the fibre composite and its ability to withstand repeatedly applied, shock or impact loading. Tests on conventionally reinforced concrete beam specimens, containing steel fibres in different proportions, have been conducted to establish load-deflection curves. It was observed that SFRC beams showed enhanced properties compared to that of RC beams with steel fibres. The experimental investigations are validated with the analytical studies carried out by finite element models using ANSYS.
Keywords: Steel fiber, concrete, properties, crack, ductility, technology.
[1]. S. Pant Avinash1, R. Suresh Parekar (2010) "Steel fiber reinforced concrete beams under combined torsion-bending-shear" Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB) 38(1) 31-38
[2]. R.P. Dhakal and H.R. Song (2009) "Effect of bond on the behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete beams" ICI Journal, Vol. 1,No.4
[3]. Mukesh Shukla (2011)"Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Steel Fibres under Flexural Loading" International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October, pp 843-846
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[6]. Pant Avinash S, Parekar Suresh R(2009) "Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams Under Bending, Shear And Torsion Without Web Reinforcement" International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 6
[7]. I.J Sluys And R.De Borst (2010)"Computational modelling of impact test on steel fiber reinforced concrete beams" Journal of civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No.4
[8]. Hai H. Dinh and James K. Wight(2009) "Shear behavior of steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams without stirrup reinforcement" ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Technical Note, Vol. 44, No. 3-4
[9]. Hamid Pesaran Behbahani1, Behzad Nematollahi(2011) "Flexural behaviour of steel-fibre-added-rc (sfrc) Beams with C30 and C50 classes of concrete" Engineering structures ,Science Direct 37
[10]. Gustavo J. Parra-Montesano's(2010) "Shear strength of beams with deformed steel fibres" International journal of applied engineering research, Volume 1, no1
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Abstract: The Laser cutting is a very important manufacturing technology. But this method has some disadvantages, among which we find the emergence of a Thermically Affected Zone ZAT can dramatically alter the characteristics of the processed material which affects its behaviour during its use. For this, we have tried in this article to study the effect of the forward speed and the laser power in this area (thickness, hardening). In this context, tests were made on steel C45 where we relied on the method of experiment plans to create a mathematical model Significant coefficients are obtained by carrying out a variance analysis ANOVA on the level of 5% of significance. We find that the speed in advance and the power of the laser have a great effect on the ZAT.
Keywords: Cutting, Laser CO2, Heat Affected Zone.
[1] Neila Jebbari, Mohamed Mondher Jebari, Faycal Saadallah, Annie Tarrats-Saugnac, Raouf Bennaceur, Jean Paul Longuemard (2007). "Thermal affected zone obtained in machining steel XC42 by high-power continuous CO2 laser". Optics and Laser Technology 40 (2008) 864-873.
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[7] Sivarao, T.J.S. Anand, Ammar, Shukor. "RSM Based Modeling for Surface Roughness Prediction in Laser Machining". Inetrnational Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No 04.
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Abstract: This Paper Reviews Briefly The Current Research On Sloshing And Its Effect In Liquid Carrier Tanker. The Aim Of This Paper To Study The Basics Of Sloshing And Its Prevention (Mainly In Liquid Carrier Tanker) The Liquid Sloshing Is Free Surface Fluctuation Of Liquid When Its Container Is Excited By External Vibrations Such As Earthquakes. The Liquid Sloshing May Cause Various Engineering Problem, For Example Instability Of Ships In Aero Engineering And Ocean Engineering, Failures On Structural Systems Of The Liquid Container. The Tanker Used For The Transportation Of Liquid Over The Road-Ways Is An Integral Part Of The Carrier/Vehicle. The Tanker Is Expected To Withstand The Unbalanced Forces On Account Of Transit Over Uneven And Irregular Surfaces/Contours Of The Road As Also Due To Sudden Acceleration Or Deceleration (Due To Application Of Brakes).
Keywords-Sloshing, Impact, Baffle, Simulation
[1]. Donald Liu "Tanker Spills Prevention By Design" National academic Press, Publication Year1991 ISBN-10: 0-309-04377-8 ,pp.208 to 213
[2]. Jean Ma and Mohammad Usman Jean "Modeling of Fuel Sloshing Phenomenon Considering Solid-Fluid Interaction" 8TH International LS-DYNA Users Conference Fluid/Structure
[3]. Ranjit Babar and V.Katkar "Simulation of Fuel Tank Slosh Test-Coupled Eulerian-Langrangian Approach" Tata Technologies, TATA motors Ltd. Pimpri, Pune
[4]. Kim Hyun-Soo and Lee Young-Shin "Optimization design technique for reduction of sloshing by evolutionary methods" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,Number1/January 2008,Vol.22
[5]. Jang-Ryong Shin and Kyungsik Choi and Sin-Young Kang "An Analytical Solution to Sloshing Natural Periods for a Prismatic Liquid Cargo Tank with Baffles" Proceeding of Sixteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, California, USA, May 28-June 2, 2006
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Abstract: The two major distresses encountered on flexible pavement under Indian conditions are fracture (cracking) and longitudinal permanent deformation (rutting) which affects the serviceability of pavement. Accelerated Pavement Testing Facility (APTF) is a tool which is a vital link for testing and measuring full-scale field behaviour of cracking and rutting of pavement at in-situ conditions. Recently, CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) in India has procured a linear Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) type of APTF which is presently being used for finding out the cracking and rutting behaviour of a flexible pavement consisting Dense Bituminous Concrete (DBC) as wearing course and Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) as binder course apart from the conventional granular layers above sub-grade. The present paper deals with the development of a statistical model and its approach for pavement rutting under numerous passes (bi-directional) for the layer specifications which are (i) 40 mm DBC (ii) 120 mm DBM (iii) 250 mm Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) and (iv) 300 mm Granular Sub-base (GSB) above the Sub-grade, which is an Indian Specification widely used for 30 Million Standard Axles (MSA) at 5% CBR. The statistical model has been developed by observing / recording pavement surface profile using Laser Profilometer (off board) for every 5,000 passes upto 50,000 passes, thereafter at every 10,000 passes upto 175,000 passes and then at every 25,000 passes upto 275,000 passes. The details of methodology adopted, load applied, temperature and material properties have also been given in the paper.
Keywords: Flexible pavement, Rutting, Accelerated Pavement Testing Facility,Modelling,Profilometer.
[1]. Dr. Roque.,Reynaldo, Dr.Birgisson Bjorn, Mr. Darku Daniel, Mr. Christos A.Drakos Evaluation of laboratory testing systems for asphalt mixture design and evaluation, Florida department of Transportation, www.dot.state.fl.us/research-center/Completed.../FDOT_BB888.pdf. ,2004
[2]. Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavement,Indian Road Congress -37:2001.
[3]. Wang, H., Zhang, Q., and Tan, J. "Investigation of Layer Contributions to Asphalt Pavement Rutting." J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 21, SPECIAL ISSUE: China: Innovative Use of Materials for Highway Construction,2009
[4]. Hugo, F., B.F. McCullough, and B. Van der Walt, "Full- Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing for the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation," Transportation Research Record 1293, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1991.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Analysis for Safety of Dams |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.P. Gahlot, Dr. A.R. Gajbhiye |
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: | 10.9790/1684-634247 ![]() |
Abstract: Geo-technical engineering as a subject has developed considerably in the past four decades. There has been remarkable development in the fields of design, research and construction of dam. India is capable of designing and constructing a dam that would withstand a seismic jolt. The country needs water and electricity to provide its people good living standards. Hydropower is the solution to the country's requirements, and this can be achieved by storing water in dams. In the past, earthquake effects may have been treated too lightly in dam design. Are such dams safe, and how have they fared in previous earthquakes, this Paper will be limited to the some of finding about one concrete types. What will happen to dams during severe earthquake shaking? It is obvious that at present engineers cannot answer this question with any certainty. But we are very much aware of the threat of disastrous losses of life and damage to property if dams should fail, and we are making great effort to increase our under standing of this complex topic. This Paper deals with the case study of totaladoh Dam Situated in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra for Seismic Analysis by I.S.Code method (Simple Beam Analysis method). This also includes future scope of analyzing the same dam for Seismic safety by very accurate method i.e. finite element method.
Keywords: Earthquake, The finite element method, Indian Standard codes(I.S.Code), horizontal seismic coefficient (αh ),Hydrostatic pressure, Seismic analysis,
[1]. H.D. Sharma (1981) " concrete Dams – Criteria for Design." University of Roorkee. Metropolitian publication New delhi.
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Abstract:The sound and vibratory behavior of the internal combustion engine is a highly complex one, consisting of many components that are subject to loads that vary greatly in magnitude and which operate at a wide range of speeds. Some origins of mechanically induced noise caused by various forces resulting from the combination of combustion and inertia forces which act on the moving parts of the engine to accelerate them across their running clearances and thus cause mechanical noise. The most of the investigations are done on the mechanical noise due to motion of mechanical system i.e. piston slap. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the vibration in diesel engine VCR (Variable Compression Ratio) cylinder liner considering combustion gas forces and cylinder liner temperature using finite element software ANSYS. Also Aluminium (HF 18) material is being tested in the software for this purpose. The output results were quite satisfactory to predict the behavior of deflection under different pressures. The combustion gas forces calculated for varying compression pressures. In this paper the results are presented for displacement and frequency which indicate the amplitude of vibration. By comparing the analytical results, the validity of the proposed analysis has been confirmed. Furthermore, this analysis is applied to evaluate the vibration of HF 18 material along with increase in thickness, and revealing the closer response according to the material and vibration.
Keywords - VCR Diesel engine, Cylinder liner, Combustion gas force and Harmonic analysis.
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[7]. Nobutaka TSUJIUCHI, Takayuki KOIZUMI, Shinya UEMURA Department of Engineering, Doshisha University, Japan[2006], "Modeling of Engine Block and Response Analysis of Piston Slap".
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Abstract: This paper presents the effect of abundantly available fly ash, on the index properties namely liquid and plastic limit and compaction characteristics of shedi soil. Shedi soil is a problematic soil that lies between top low level laterite and bottom high level laterites in the western coastal area of Karnataka, India. The effect of sodium salts on this shedi soil optimized with Neyveli Fly ash has also been studied. Considerable changes in the index properties and compaction characteristics were observed which are explained based on series of experimental results. Addition of Neyveli fly ash improved the workability of shedi soil considerably. The addition of sodium sulphate to the optimum combination of shedi soil-Neyveli fly ash mixture increases the shear strength of the mixture. The maximum dry density also found increased with the addition of sodium sulphate.
Keywords - Compaction, Laterite, Maximum Dry Density, Neyveli Fly ash
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Abstract: An experimental investigation has been done on the changes of die angle, area reduction in dies, loading rate on the final extruded products, extrusion pressures of lead of circular cross sections of different length. The proposed method is successfully adapted to the extrusion of the equilateral triangular section from round billet through converging dies of different area reductions. Computation of extrusion pressure at various area reductions and finite element analysis of different parameters (stress, strain, velocity) both in dry and wet condition.
Keywords - Converging dies, Extrusion of the equilateral triangular section, Extrusion Pressure
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uniform particle distribution by a newer method in composite metal of Al/S |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ajay kumar sahu , Payodhar padhi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-637175 ![]() |
Abstract: Preparation of composites of metal with ceramic particle reinforced through the casting process is not uniform because of poor wet ability. The major difficulty is to get a uniform distribution of reinforcement especially in higher volume fractions. An innovative method of producing cast composites is tried in present study to overcome this problem we need homogeneity of matrix. The method involves multi axis rotation of liquid aluminum and silicon carbide particulates packed in a steel pipe inside a rotating drum. Up to 65 % volume of the metal (aluminum)is incorporated by SIC by this technique. Physical Properties like hardness, micro hardness, densities and microstructures have been studied. The distribution of particles as well the mechanical properties are better as compared to that of stir cast composites with similar volume fraction of silicon carbide reinforcement. The composite with 65-volume percentage of silicon carbide of particulates showed a Rockwell Hardness value of 67Rb.In few locations the microstructure showed a non-uniform distribution which can be neglected . There were segregation of silicon carbide particles at a particular location and the hardness obtained there was much higher. The particle distribution is a result of the combined influence of random mixing of particles and liquid aluminum and the solidification pattern obtained.
Key word: Multi axis rotation, microstructure, MMC, Al- SIC matrix
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Abstract: This paper explores the gas turbine potentials that are fully enhanced by the use of intercooling and thermal recuperation as an engineering option available in the design of gas turbines and offered for marine applications. It examines the off-design performance of two different cycle designs of a 25MW aero-derivative engine by modelling and simulating each of them to operate under conditions other than those of their design point. The simple cycle model consists of a single-spool dual shaft layout while the advanced model is represented by an intercooled-recuperated cycle that runs on a dual-spool and is driven through a three shaft configuration. In each case, the output shaft is coupled to a power turbine through which the propulsion power may be transmitted to the propeller of the vessel to operate in a virtual marine environment. An off-design performance simulation of both engines has been conducted in order to investigate and compare the effect of ambient temperature variation during their part-load operation and particularly when subjected to a variety of marine operating conditions. The study assesses the techno-economic impact of the complex design of the advanced cycle over its simple cycle counterpart and demonstrates its potential for improved operating cost through reduced fuel consumption as a significant step in the current drive for establishing the marine gas turbine engine as a viable alternative to traditional prime movers in the ship propulsion industry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Ball Milling Conditions on Breakage Response of Baban Tsauni (Nigeria) Lead-Gold Ore. |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | E.A.P. Egbe |
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: | 10.9790/1684-638286 ![]() |
Abstract: The effects of ball milling conditions on breakage response of Baban Tsauni (Nigeria) lead-gold ore was examined in this research work. The three factors considered were, the grinding media mass to ore sample mass ratio, the grinding time and the ball mill speed. The breakage response measured in terms of cumulative per cent mass passing the liberation size increased with increase in media mass to sample mass ratio and reached optimum at a ratio of 10:1. The response per unit time decreased as the grinding time was increased gradually from 2minutes to 10minutes, thereby indicating that long grinding circuits were poor in performance. The optimum ball milling speed of the ore was found to be 82.9% of the critical mill speed. This work established a rational approach in the choice of grinding speed. The effects of the three parameters on generation of fines were less pronounced
Key words: energy, fines, grindability, optimum, particle size.
[1] Levin, J., Indicators of grindability and grinding efficiency. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., 92 (10), 1992, 283-290,
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Engineering, 13 (6), 2000, 673.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Lime Stabilisation on the Strength and Microstructure of Clay |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Asma Muhmed, DariuszWanatowski |
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: | 10.9790/1684-638794 ![]() |
Abstract:Lime stabilization is one of the techniques that can be used for improving the engineering properties, particularly the strength, of soft clays. This paper aims to investigate the effect of hydrated lime on the strength and microstructure of lime treated clays. In order to illustrate such effect, a series of laboratory tests were conducted. Atterberg limits, compaction tests, unconfined compressive strength tests and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were carried out on kaolin clay mixed with 5% hydrated lime. The results indicated that the addition of lime resulted in a reduction in the plasticity of kaolin and an improvement in compaction properties. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of stabilized clay experienced an increase with lime addition. Two variables influencing the amount of strength developed were studied. These variables included curing time and water content. Curing time contributed to an increase in the UCS, from 183 kPa to 390 kPa, that is approximately twice of the strength of untreated kaolin. SEM analysis showed the presence of the cementious products in the kaolin clay resulted from lime-clay reaction.
Key words:Lime, Stabilisation, Soft clay, Pozzolanic reaction, Mineralogy
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