Volume-7 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: Performance parameters of a terminal service operation in port can be determined using numerous methods available in the literature. The terminal service operations mostly anaytically modelled based on queueing theory formulation, fuzzy methods or game theory approach. In some cases, simulation models frequently used to get deeper and more details performance measures of the system. In this paper, we use analytical matrix algebraic approach to represent terminal operation and customer's service system in port. In this approach, we try to make broader disaggregation of customer's type in the system, based on customer service time and customer's service cost. Our model is amenable, especially when waiting time was considered costly for a part of customer, whereas others concern mostly on service cost. Our model has been proved satisfied to analyze service operation for liquid terminal handling CPO cargo in Port of Dumai, Indonesia. Further applications of the model are open for similar service system.
Keywords – Port operation, liquid terminal, matrix algebraic approach
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Abstract: The growing train movement and people activities around the railroad will increase the frequency of traffic in railroad crossing. This potentially results in the increase in traffic accidents. The prediction of the number of such accidents is influenced by some factors dealing with variables on sensory psychological behaviors and the perception of the drivers passing the crossings. Observations were made at 33 points railroad crossing with not guardrail in East Surabaya DAOP VIII. The responsive variables are determined by the explaining variables namely the number of train accidents in railroad crossing. The explaining variables are those determining the value of responsive variables, consisting of three factors namely train engineering features, road engineering features and environment. The last Poisson regression model possesses four determining variables significant with the number of accidents, that is the train speed, the distance of signs and the railroad crossing, flashing lamps and the average daily traffic. The train speed seems to be a primary factor contributing to the high level of accidents. The results of sensivity analysis show that if the train speed increases of 50%, the number of accidents will increase 40%. Facilities that should be quickly provided are among others: provision and installation of flashing lamps and EarlyWarning System (EWS).
Key word: railroad crossing, train engineering features, road engineering features, environment factor, Poisson regression
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Abstract: This paper investigates the parameters affecting the roughness of surfaces produced in the turning process for the material AISI-1016 Steel. Design of experiments was conducted for the analysis of the influence of the turning parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the surface roughness. The results of the machining experiments for AISI-1016 were used to characterize the main factors affecting surface roughness by the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method. The feed rate was found to be the most significant parameter influencing the surface roughness in the turning process.
Keywords - AISI-1016 steel, ANOVA, surface roughness, Taguchi method, turning.
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Abstract: Steam are a major energy consumer. Optimising process operating conditions can considerably improve turbine water rate, which in turn will significantly reduce energy requirement. Various operating parameters affect condensing and back pressure turbine steam consumption and efficiency. The industrial sector is the largest energy consumer, accounting for about 30 % of total energy used. Fuel and energy prices are continuously rising. With the present trend of energy prices and scarcity of hydrocarbon resources lowering energy requirement is a top priority. Energy conservation benefits depend on the adopting minor or major modifications and using the latest technology. Turbines are designed for a particular operating conditions like steam inlet pressure, steam inlet temperature and turbine exhaust pressure/ exhaust vacuum, which affects the performance of the turbines in a significant way. Variations in these parameters affects the steam consumption in the turbines and also the turbine efficiency. The present study was done to improve the power output of the turbine, thermal efficiency and specific steam consumption in conventional steam power plants. Three cycles i.e regenerative cycle, superheater cycle and cogeneration cycle are considered to formulate the data and obtain a better result in steam turbine power plants.
Keywords: Cogeneration Cycle, Rankine Cycle, Regenerative Cycle, Superheater Cycle, Turbine inlet temperature
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Abstract: This paper represent the performance of operating parameter of solar still. In this paper optimizing the four parameter with the help of Taguchi method. This four parameters (glass cover angle, Water temperature ,glass cover temperature, Average spacing between water and glass cover) influence on the total distill output. The present paper optimize the Taguchi method to optimize the operating parameter for higher yield for a passive single slope solar distillation system. The main objective of the present study was to apply the Taguchi method to establish the optimal set of parameters for passive slope solar still. The Taguchi method is employed to determine the optimal combination of design parameter .This paper present new optimize parameter using Taguchi method in the case of passive solar still.
Keywords- Taguchi method, solar still, orthogonal array
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Abstract: The Wishbone control arm is a type of independent suspension used in motor vehicles. The general function of control arms is to keep the wheels of a motor vehicle from uncontrollably swerving when the road conditions are not smooth. The control arm suspension normally consists of upper and lower arms. The upper and lower control arms have different structures based on the model and purpose of the vehicle. By many accounts, the lower control arm is the better shock absorber than the upper arm because of its position and load bearing capacities. It has an "A" shape on the bottom known as wishbone shape which carries most of the load from the shock received. The lower control arm takes most of the impact that the road has on the wheels of the motor vehicle. It either stores that impact or sends it to the coils of the suspension depending on its shape. During the actual working condition, the maximum load is transferred from upper wishbone arm to the lower arm which creates possibility of failure in the arm. Similarly, impact loading produces the bending which is not desirable. Hence it is essential to focus on the stress strain analysis study of lower wishbone arm to improve and modify the existing design. The present study will contribute in this problem by using finite element analysis approach.
Keywords – Lower Wishbone Arm, Independent suspension, Finite Element Analysis, ANSYS software.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Seismic Retrofitting of a RC Building by Adding Steel Plate Shear Walls |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | M. A. Ismaeil, A. E. Hassaballa |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0724962 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals with the step-by-step retrofitting of buildings by using steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) with the aid of SAP2000 programme. One type of reinforced concrete building is selected for evaluation. This building represents the most used forms of residential buildings in the Sudan, in terms of geometric form, and dimensions. This paper uses the equivalent static method provided in the regulations proposed by the Egyptian Society for Earthquake Engineering. One typical model was selected from the existing residual buildings in Khartoum city, as a case study. The proposed methodology that has been used to evaluate the seismic resistance of chosen building is done through the design of the structural elements of the buildings before and after adding the seismic forces. The retrofitting of building was done by using steel plate shear walls with thicknesses of 5mm, 7mm and 10mm. From the results obtained, it was found that the use of two additional SPSWs with 7 mm thickness placed at the internal frame of the existing system, resulted in a reduction of bending moments in the columns and beams. The increase of thickness has a clear effect on the bending moment of the columns, but has little effects on the bending moments of the beams.
Keywords- Retrofitting, SAP2000, Steel Plate Shear Walls (SPSWs), the Sudan
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Abstract: The purpose of this experimental investigation was to analyse the effect of controlled cutting parameters namely cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, cutting fluid concentration and two cutting fluids with different base oils on surface roughness (Ra) of EN8 or AISI 1040 steel during turning operation by applying design of experiments, custom design method, analysis of variance, leverage plots and desirability profiling using JMP software to optimize surface roughness during wet CNC turning operation. The analysis reveals that feed rate has the most significant effect on surface roughness (Ra) and value of surface roughness does not significantly differ for two different cutting fluids used.
Keywords: CNC turning, custom design, jmp, regression, surface roughness .
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Abstract: In the turning operation, vibration is a frequent problem, which affects the result of the machining and in particular the surface finish. Tool life is also influenced by vibrations. Severe acoustic noise in the working environment frequently results as a dynamic motion between the cutting tool and the work piece. In all cutting operations like turning, boring and milling vibrations are induced due to deformation of the work piece. In the turning process, the importance of machining parameter choice is increased, as it controls the surface quality required. Tool overhang is a cutting tool parameter that has not been investigated in as much detail as some of the better known ones. It is appropriate to keep the tool overhang as short as possible; however, a longer tool overhang may be required depending on the geometry of the work piece and when using the hole-turning process in particular. In this study, we investigate the effects of changes in the tool overhang in the external turning process on both the surface quality of the work piece and tool wear. For this purpose, we used work pieces of AISI 1050 material with diameters of 20, 30, and 40 mm; and the surface roughness of the work piece were determined through experiments using constant cutting speed and feed rates with different depth of cuts (DOCs) and tool overhangs. We observed that the effect of the DOC on the surface roughness is negligible, but tool overhang is more important. The deflection of the cutting tool increases with tool overhang. Two different analytical methods were compared to determine the dependence of tool deflection on the tool overhang. Also, the real tool deflection values were determined using a comparator. We observed that the tool deflection values were quite compatible with the tool deflection results obtained using the second analytical method.
Keywords: Over hang Tool length, Surface Roughness, Optimization Turning operation, and Minitab,
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