Volume-8 ~ Issue-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Abrasive water jet review and parameter selection by AHP method. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Y. B. Gaidhani, V. S. Kalamani |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0850106 ![]() |
Abstract: An Abrasive Water Jet is one of the most recently developed non-traditional manufacturing processes. Abrasive water jet offers the potential for the development in cutting which is less sensitive to material properties, has virtually no thermal effects, and imposes minimal stresses. As it is a cold process has also important applications where heat-affected zones are to be avoided. In this work, a deep study of this newer non-conventional technique of machining i.e., abrasive water jet machining is done. In this paper more focus is on selection of various process parameters like-angle of impact, Pressure inside the pumping system, abrasive material type, Stand-off distance, focusing tube diameter, nozzle speed, abrasive mass flow rate and target material properties for getting the required output like- depth of cut and cut quality. For cutting Stainless steel (Grade 304), important task is to find out a few parameters which influence more. With the help of Analytical Hierarchy Process technique the selection of a few parameters are done which are comparatively more influencing. Weighteges are given to parameters on the basis of previous study and experience of owner of the company who is dealing with abrasive water jet technology since many years.
Keyword-AHP Technique, process parameter, Quality of cut, Weight ages.
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Abstract: In this paper, Control system performance, as a passive and active control on the example building under the Bam earthquake excitation, was studied. In order to passive and active control the structure TMD system mounted on the top floor of the building and FLC method was used, respectively. Active control system first applied to the lowest floor then to the highest point of the structure (applied to the TMD system). Mathematical model of the building is established in MATLAB. Equation of motion was written for high rise building and it was solved by state-space method, the Results are illustrated and compared.
Keywords : MATLAB; Active and Passive control; Fuzzy Logic Controller; Tuned Mass Damper
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Abstract: This work deals with fabricating or producing aluminium based metal matrix composite and then studying its microstructure and mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact strength and wear behavior of produced test specimen. In the present study a modest attempt has been made to develop aluminium based MMCs with reinforcing material, with an objective to develop a conventional low cast method of producing MMCs and to obtain homogeneous dispersion of reinforced material. To achieve this objective stir casting technique has been adopted. Aluminium Alloy (LM6) and SiC, Fly Ash has been chosen as matrix and reinforcing material respectively. Experiment has been conducted by varying weight fraction of Fly Ash ( 5% and 15%) while keeping SiC constant(5%). The result shown that the increase in addition of Fly Ash increases the Tensile Strength, Impact Strength, Wear Resistance of the specimen and decreases the percentage of Elongation.
Keywords: Fly Ash, Hybrid Composites, Silicon Carbide, stir casting.
[1]. Basavaraju.S Arasukumar.K Dr.Chandrashekhar Bendigeri Dr.C.K.Umesh, Studies on Mechanical Properties and Tribological Characteristics of LM25- Graphite- Silicon Carbide and LM25-Flyash- Silicon Carbide - Hybrid MMC's, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 1, November 2012.
[2] Mahendra Boopathi, M., K.P. Arulshri and N. Iyandurai, Evaluation of Mechanical properties of Aluminium alloy 2024 reinforced with Silicon Carbide and Fly Ash hybrid metal matrix composites, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (3): 219-229, 2013.
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[5] Shanmughasundara, R. Subramanian and G. Prabhu, Some Studies on Aluminium – Fly Ash Composites Fabricated by Two Step Stir Casting Method, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.63 No.2 (2011), pp.204-218.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Study of Premature Failure of Springs Used In Railway Coaches |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Sudhakar Reddy, B. Madhusudhan Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0851928 ![]() |
Abstract: The springs used in the bogie suspension of railway coaches are compression springs. They are made of an elastic wire material formed into the shape of a helix. They are commonly referred to as a coil spring or a helical spring. They are used to store energy and subsequently release it to absorb shock or to maintain a force between contact surfaces. The spring returns to its natural length or position when unloaded. Springs used in railway coaches have been failing prematurely much before their intended service life. The springs are made with quality materials. Before being put to service, the springs are tested with extensive Non Destructive Testing Methods which are approved by ISO standards to make sure that quality parts are used. However the springs still fail before their service life ends.
Keywords: chromium vanadium steel, , helical spring,design constrain , and analysis.
[1]. M. Senthil Kumar, S. Vijayarangan, "Design Optimization and Experimental Analysis of Composite Leaf Spring for Light Passenger Vehicles", Journal of Advances in Vibration Engineering, Vol 6, pp. 175-184, 2007.
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[5]. Coaching and Wagon by P.C. Gupta..
[6]. Machine Design by R.S. KHURMI, J.K. GUPTA.
[7]. Mechanical Engineering Design by Budynas−Nisbett.
[8]. Mechanics of Solids by T.J.Prabhu.
[9]. A Text Book of Design data hand book by S.Md Jaludeen.
[10]. A Text Book of Design data hand book by K.Mahadevan. K. Balaveera Reddy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cutting Parameters Optimization in Milling Of P – 20 Tool Steel And EN31B |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Yaswanth Kumar, Dr. G. Shankaraiah |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0853847 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the paper is to obtain an optimal setting of CNC machining process parameters, cutting speed, feed rate resulting in optimal values of the feed and radial forces while machining P – 20 tool steel and EN31B with TiN coated tungsten carbide inserts. The effects of the selected process parameters on the chosen characteristics and the subsequent optimal settings of the parameters have been accomplished using Taguchi's parameter design approach.The process parameters considered are – Cutting speed 3000rpm, 2500rpm and 2000rpm. Feed rate 200mm/min, 300mm/min and 400mm/min and depth of cut is 0.2mm.The effect of these parameters on the feed force, radial force are considered for analysis.The analysis of the results shows that the optimal settings for low values of feed and radial forces are high cutting speed, low feed rate and depth of cut.The thrust force and feed force are also taken experimentally using dynamometer for above Cutting speeds, feed rate and depth of cut. The optimal values for speed, feed rate and depth of cut are taken using Taguchi technique.Taguchi methods are statistical methods developed by Genichi Taguchi to improve the quality of manufactured goods, and more recently also applied to, engineering, biotechnology, marketing and advertising.Process used in this project is milling process. Machine selected is Vertical milling center. Machine model selected is BFW Agni 45. Modeling is done in Pro/Engineer and analysis is done in ANSYS.
Keywords: Cutting parameters, CNC machining process, feed force, Radial force, Taguchi approach, P – 20 Tool steel, Coated carbide inserts.
[1]. Cutting tool applications by George Schneider
[2]. Valery Marinov, Manufacturing by Jr.CMFJE
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Abstract: large numbers of existing buildings in India are severely deficient against earthquake forces and the number of such buildings is growing very rapidly. This paper presents a way of using energy dissipation devices for seismic strengthening of a RC framed structure. The objective was to improve the seismic performance of the building to resist the earthquake. The viscous dampers are used as an energy dissipation device in the form of single, double, inverted V, V type of dampers with different percentages of damping such as 10%, 20% and 30% to prevent building from collapse in a major earthquake and also to control the damage during earthquake. The performance of the buildings is assessed as per the procedure prescribed in ATC-40 and FEMA 356.
Keywords: seismic performance, energy dissipation devices, non-linear static analysis.
[1]. Vijay Chachapara, Sharadkumar Purohit and P. V. Patel. (2011). "Seismic Response Control of the Building using Passive Devices" Civil Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad 382 481
[2]. ali sehat tabatabaei. (2003). "Energy Dissipation Systems for Siesmic Resistance" civil engineering university of east London.
[3]. Fahim sadek, Bijan mohraz And Michael a riley. (2000). "Improved Linear Procedures for Analysis of Structures with Passive Energy Dissipation Devices" National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
[4]. K. Sathish Kumar, C. Antony Jeyasehar and K. Muthumani. (2012). "A Design Methodology for Supplemental damping for Seismic Performance Enhancement of Frame Structures" asian journal of civil engineering (building and housing) vol. 13, no. 5 (2012) pages 659-678
[5]. IS: 1893 – 2002 (Part 1), "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", part 1-General provisions and buildings, fifth revision, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[6]. IS: 456-2000., "Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete", Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, India.
[7]. ATC, 1996, "Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings", Volume 1,
[8]. ATC-40 Report, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California.
[9]. Federal Emergency Federal Agency, FEMA-356. Pre-standard and Commentary
[10]. for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings. Washington DC, 2000.
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Abstract: In this work, composite rods of glass fiber/epoxy and carbon fiber/epoxy with 80% of fiber loading and 20% of matrix are produced by using pultrusion technique. Pultrusion is a continuous process for manufacture of composite materials with constant cross-section. Reinforced fibers are pulled through a resin, possibly followed by a separate performing system, and into a heated die, where the resin undergoes polymerization. Many resin types may be used in pultrusion including polyester, polyurethane, vinylester and epoxy. These two types of rods are subjected to tensile test, chemical absorption and impact tests at various temperatures like room temperature and at below room temperatures.
Keywords: composite rods, pultrusion, mechanical properties, chemical resistance
[1] R.M Jones Mechanics of Composite Materials, Mc Graw Hill Company, New York, 1975
[2] Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials by Isaac and M. Danie, Oxford University Press, 1994.
[3] ASTM D638-02a, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.
[4] ASTM E23 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Charpy Impact Resistance of Notched Specimens of Plastics
[5] Chemical Resistance in accordance with ASTM D543.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance optimization of thermal systems in textile industries |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Abin George, M. G. Prince |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0856268 ![]() |
Abstract: Energy consumption has been growing very rapidly due to population growth, rapid urbanization and industrial development. For future planning, it is important to know the current specific energy consumption and the energy intensity in order to estimate future energy consumption. In the industrial sector especially in textile units' large amount of energy wasted due to improper working and lack of energy saving measures. In this study, the various measures that causes the main energy losses are investigated .In the textile dyeing sector, the main processes are associated with steam in various proportions. For the steam production, steam boilers of different types are used for different applications. The efficiency of the boiler varies from one industry to other based on various parameters such as quality of the water, fuel used, blow down quantity, etc. Steam traps are also having influence on the boiler efficiency. In the case of steam leakage the performance of the system decreases as the consumption of fuel increases to produce more steam. Thus by adopting various recovery methods we can reduce the energy losses and fuel consumption.
Keywords-Boiler blow down, Condensate recovery, Steam systems, Steam trap management, Steam utilization
[1] G.F.Hewitt, G.L.Shires and T.R.Bott, ―Process Heat Transfer‖, CRC Press, Boca Rato, FL, 1994.
[2] Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities. Book 2, 2004
[3] Industrial Energy Conservation by Melvin H Chiogioji, Marcel Dekker Inc,1979, New York. [4] The Steam and Condensate Loop Book. Spirax and sarco. [5
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[6] ―Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers,‖ Section VII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1995.
[7] ―Install an Automatic Blow down Control System.‖ Steam Tip Sheet #23. Department of Energy Industrial Technologies Program. April 2004.