Volume-9 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: The serious environmental pollution and the energy crisis all over the world has caused for development of the lower pollution and lower energy consumption automobile to become major research goal. With huge back ground, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is projected as the best alternative fuel for the country like India. The properties of CNG make it an ideal fuel for direct use in spark ignition engines. Conversion of any existing spark ignition engine to operate on natural gas is relatively simple with available equipment. Many spark ignition engine vehicles are successfully operating in major cities of India with CNG fuel. However CNG cannot be used as a fuel in diesel engines with ease. Since the maximum engines at present run on diesel, it will be very much useful if a solution could be found to alter the existing diesel engine with minimum modifications to run on CNG. Several researchers could attempt to run diesel engines with CNG. In the process three methods were reported to be successful to use CNG as a fuel in diesel engines, they are (i) Spark ignited gas mode (ii) Direct injection of CNG in dual fuel mode and (iii) Premixed CNG dual fuel mode. In the present work a premixed dual fuel engine was developed which can perform well for the entire range of load and experiments are carried out by varying the pilot fuel amount and studied the effect of pilot fuel amount on engine performance and emissions characteristics and determined optimum fuel injection quantity for better performance and lower emissions.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Performance Analysis of a Fettling Shop Using Simulation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mathew Thomas |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0921014 ![]() |
Abstract: Fettling shop is the product finishing shop of casting products.After the knockout, the casting is taken to the fettling shop for doing the fettling work. The fettling process includes cutting, shot blasting, grinding and painting. In all these process the sand and extra metal on the castings are removed. The project titled "The performance analysis of a fettling shop using simulation‟ is based on a fettling shop of a casting industry. The main aim of the project is the performance analysis of the fettling shop. This project is a simulation based project and is done using a simulation tool called arena. The main concepts related with the performance analysis are Bottleneck analysis, Productivity analysis and System improvement analysis.
Keywords: Performance analysis, Fettling shop, Bottleneck, Simulation.
[1] Al.Araidah, O.Boran (2012) -"Reducing delay in healthcare delivery at outpatients clinics using discrete event simulation".
[2] Bronislav Chramcov, Petr beran (2005) -"A simulation approach to achieving more efficient production systems".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Optimization of Forged aluminium Tension strut |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Rachel Roshiny, K. Devaki Devi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0921521 ![]() |
Abstract:Suspension system of an automobile plays an important role in ensuring the stability of the automobile. Although it has been achieved to a considerable extent, another major aspect of suspension system is passenger car. Now a day in automobile Industries every supplier is trying to give a good product with cheap price to the customer. By considering the customer requirement I am designing Forged aluminium Tension Strut which will satisfy the customer requirement. Tension Strut is the part of Linkages system which is link between the Chassis and Wheel assembly with specific ball joint at one side and Bushing at another side. In SUV (sport utility vehicle) the strength requirement of tension strut is always in higher demand and shape should not be more bulge. Due to this requirement most of the suppliers are prefer to use "Steel" material for forged tension strut. In this project I am designing the Tension strut in 3D software Catia V-5 by providing the different types of shapes or Sections and will optimize the 3D model in FEA by applying the aluminium material for Static Load cases.FEA in V-5 will give 90% - 95% accuracy of result but it will take very less time as compare to other FEA software.
Keyword: Aluminium forging,CAD-Catia V-5,Finite Element Analysis-Catia V-5.
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Abstract: The chassis serves as a backbone for supporting the body and different parts of the automobile. It should be rigid enough to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Along with strength (Shear Stress), an important consideration in chassis design is to have adequate bending stiffness (Deflection). The main objective of the research is to develop an ANN model for shear stress prediction. The chassis frame is made of two side members joined with a series of cross members. The number of cross members, their locations, cross-section and the sizes of the side and the cross members becomes the design variables. The chassis frame model is to be developed in Solid works and analyzed using Ansys. Since the no. of parameters and levels are more, the probable models are too many. The weight reduction of the sidebar is achieved by changing the Parameters using the orthogonal array. Then FEA is performed on those models. ANN model is prepared using the results of FEA. For the ANN modeling, the standard back-propagation algorithm is found to be the best choice for training the model. A multi- layer perception network is used for non-linear mapping between the input and output parameters. This model can save material used, production cost and time.
Keywords: Optimization, Chassis frame, FE analysis, FEA-ANN hybrid modeling, Weight reduction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis Of Lpg Cylinder Using Composite Materials |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Ashok, A. Harikrishna |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0923342 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims is innovation of alternative materials of Liquid petroleum gas (LPG). So, the finite element analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders made of Steel and Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites has been carried out. Finite element analysis of composite cylinder subjected to internal pressure is performed. Layered shell element of a versatile FE analysis package ANSYS (version 11.0) has been used to model the shell with FRP composites.
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[9] Jha, S. K; M. Tech. Thesis on 3-D FE Analysis of FRP Composite Beams and Plates; Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Jamshedpur; April 2002.
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Abstract: The current investigation is aimed to simulate the three-dimensional complex internal flow in a centrifugal pump impeller with five twisted blades by using a specialized computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS /FLUENT 14code with a standard k-ε two-equation turbulence model. A single blade passage will be modeled to give more accurate results for velocity vectors on (blade, hub, and shroud). The potential consequences of velocity vectors associated with operating a centrifugal compressor in variable rotation speed. A numerical three-dimensional, through flow calculations to predict velocity vectors through a centrifugal pump were presented to examined the effect of rotational speed variation on the velocity vectors of the centrifugal pump . The contours of the velocity vectors of the blade, hub, and shroud indicates low velocity vectors in the suction side at high rotational speed (over operation limits )and the velocity vectors increases gradually until reach maximum value at the leading edge (2.63×10 m/s) of the blade.
Keywords: CFD, Centrifugal pump, 3D numerical simulation
[1] Dr. Jalal M. Jalil, Dr. Khalaf H. Ali, Dr. Hussein M. al-Yassiri, Three--Dimensional Numerical Study of Flow Characteristics Through a Centrifugal Pump, Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.1 2008.
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[6] C. M. Heilmann and H. E. Siekmann, ―Particle image velocimetry as CFD validation tool for flow field investigation in centrifugal pumps,‖ in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC '02),Honolulu,Hawaii, USA, February 2002.
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Abstract: Crusher dust as a geotechnical material for its bulk utilization in construction activities and to assess its performance tests like compaction, strength have been performed to suit as a fill and sub-grade material in place of sand and natural soil. Parameters like density, angle of shearing resistance, CBR, drainage, etc., were performed. From the test results it was identified that crusher dust achieved higher densities and maintained high shearing resistance value with wider variation of moisture contents. By attaining high CBR, strength, drainage as that of sand, crusher dust can be used as an alternative material in geotechnical activities.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Statistical Methods for Construction Delay Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ashwini Arun Salunkhe, Rahul S. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0925862 ![]() |
Abstract: The occurrence of delay is common in most construction projects, due to various reasons and causes before or during construction phase. As the delay impact on time and cost overrun, analyzing of these delay(s) makes easy to give responsibility to concern party. This helps to avoid or minimize delays in future work. Numerous analytical methods are available for analyzing these impacts and selection of proper method depends upon: statistical data available, time available, limitation of method and money available for analyzing. However, information of activities which are responsible for project delay and their magnitude provides the baseline for investing the cause and assessing the responsibility for project delay. This paper reviews research methodology suggested for assessing construction delay factors by analytical methods as well as with the help of computerized schedule analysis methods. The purpose of this study is to review various analytical & computerized schedule analysis methods for analysis of construction delay factor.
Keywords: Analytical methods, Construction, CPM, Delay, Schedule.
[1] Aibinu, A. A., and Odeyinka, H. A. (2006). "Construction delays and their causative factors in Nigeria". J. Constr. Eng. and Mgmt., (ASCE), 132(7), 667-677.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Preparation and Stability of Nanofluids-A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sayantan Mukherjee, Somjit Paria |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0926369 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanofluid, a simple product of nanotechnology has become a topic of attraction due to its extraordinary heat transfer performance in various areas including cooling, power generation, defense, nuclear, space, microelectronics and biomedical appliances. However, preparation and stabilization of such fluids are indeed a matter of concern for better understanding. For the last decade numerous research and development works have been done in the synthesis and stability of such materials. In this contribution, a brief review has been presented to provide an update about the preparation and stabilization methods of nanofluids.
Keywords: Nanofluids, preparation, stability
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Abstract: Thermal post buckling analysis of axi symmetric compound stepped beams, made of two different materials with axially immovable ends, for simply supported conditions, and was studied numerically. The analysis was performed by using the energy principle. The compound beam is made of two different materials, with the end segments of equal lengths of the same material with a higher, and the central segment of a different length of another material with lower coefficients of linear thermal expansion. Similarly, the Young's modulus of the material of the middle segment is higher than that of the symmetrically placed end segments. The buckling and post buckling strength of stepped compound beam is predicted by examining the influence of inertia, length and deflection ratios. As mentioned in the title of the present work, importance is given for predicting the non dimensional post buckling parameters for the two different material combinations such as steel-aluminum, titanium-aluminum and copper-aluminum as these combinations of materials finds a major applications in the fields of aerospace, electronic, power generation and automobile industry where high strength and low weight are desirable. For post buckling analysis, the accuracy and efficiency of the present method for a isotropic uniform beam with simply supported and fixed-fixed boundary conditions, have shown a good agreement with that of obtained by finite element method. Key words: compound beam, copper-aluminum, steel-aluminum, titanium-aluminum, and post buckling
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Physical Modelling Of Improving Bearing Capacity For Foundations By Geo Fabrics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Joy Ghosh, Dr. Jay Meegoda |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0928196 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the research paper is to develop a new model by which we can improve the bearing capacity of foundation by using geo fabrics. The primary design concerns for a foundation engineer are bearing capacity and settlement. The soil reinforcement technique of the geo synthetic has been taken into account for developing such a model that can be used to reduce excessive settlements on soft soils and prevent the foundation from failing. Hence, this paper summarizes the physical and numerical simulation to verify the results to enhance the performance of the foundation.
Dr Jay N. Meegoda Phd, PE, Civil Engg dept, NJIT,Improvement in bearing capacity of soil by geotextiles-an experimental approach by M.S.Ranadive and N.N.Jadhav, Improvement in bearing capacity of soils with geosynthetics by Georg Heerten, Geosynthetic Engineering : Successes, failures and lessons learned by J.P.Giroud, ASTM standards on Geosynthetics, Geosynthetic Engineering by Shukla and Yin, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by B.C.Punmia
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Abstract: A flat plate is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete columns without the use of beams, column flares or drop panels. Flat plate system has been adopted in many buildings constructed recently taking advantage of the reduced floor height to meet the economical and architectural demands. However, In Multistoried structures the flat plate floor system has week resistance to lateral loads like wind and earthquake hence this paper is concerned to increase lateral stiffness of flat plate structure and to minimize the displacement of the structure under lateral loading. This paper is also concerned about column axial load and to review our structure with special features like shear walls & diagonal bracing. In present work, a 15 storied flat plate garments building have been modeled using software package "STAAD Pro" for earthquake zone II in Bangladesh .This model is considered in most vulnerable situation where we took wind speed as 260 kmph and Earthquake load has been taken as per Bangladesh National Building Code(BNBC) Keywords: Shear wall, Diagonal bracing, Lateral stiffness, Flat plate
[1] H.S.Kim, D.G.Lee , Efficient Analysis of Flat Plate Structures subjected to Lateral Loads , Science Direct, Engineering Structures Journal, Vol.27, Issue.2, January 2005, pp 251-263.
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[4] Fayazuddin Ahmed Syed, B. Dean Kumar, Y. Chandrasekhar, B.L.P. Swami, Comparative Analysis of Flat Plate Multistoried Frames With and Without Shear Walls under Wind Loads, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-2, Issue-1, October 2012
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