Volume-2 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: This study examined the role that experience plays in nurse-physician collaboration and how this experience affects the level of job stress that entails among the health workers. 191 health workers comprising of 102 nurses and 89 physicians were involved, this include 26 female and 63 male physicians, and 68 female and 34 male nurses. Perceived stress scale by Cohen (1983) and Satisfaction about Care Decisions developed by Baggs (1994) were employed as measures of job stress and nurse-physician collaboration respectively. The result showed that tenure of service has a significant effect on job stress and collaboration among nurses, workers with greater than ten years of service reporting higher level of collaboration and lower level of job stress compared with their counterparts of fewer years of experience. Collaborative practice is suggested between doctors and nurses at all cadres, and mentoring should be encouraged among the senior and the junior health workers so as to bring confidence on the job and consequently reduce the experience of stress.
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Abstract: towards sex education in Osun State, Nigeria. It was designed to enlighten the adolescent on the problems associated with lack of sex education.
METHODOLOGY :This is a descriptive study using multistage sampling technique to select the 3 secondary schools in Ejigbo local government area. The respondents were selected using simple random technique through the register of the school. The instrument used was a self-designed questionnaire with reliability of 0.71 using spearman brown coefficient analysis. Three hundred (300) respondents were used for the study.
RESULTS. Findings showed that, adolescents level of knowledge on sex matter was poor with a greater percentage (53%) affirming this. On the meaning of sex majority of respondent (60%) said it has to do with touching of body parts.
CONCLUSION: It was concluded that sex education should be adopted to avoid consequent of lack of sex education.
Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, Adolescents, sex education.
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Abstract: Adolescence is a time of intense physical growth. It is also a stage of stress and strain. Most of them are having poor access to proper health care, nutrition and education. Beetroot juice is particularly beneficial as an anemia remedy for children and teenagers. Many studies proved that beet root also contribute to improve the haemoglobin level in the blood. Hence a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of beet root juice on hemoglobin among adolescent girls. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of beetroot juice on hemoglobin among adolescent girls. True experimental study design was adopted and the study conducted in Aringar Anna Government Higherv Secondary School, Chennai, Tamilnadu. A total of 60 adolescent girls were selected for the study, in that 30 girls were in experimental and 30 girls were in the control group who fulfilled the inclusive criteria were selected by using simple random sampling technique. The freshly prepared beetroot juice was administered to the samples for 20 days in mid morning. Pre and post assessment was done using the checklist for assessing the signs and symptoms of anemia and cyanmethemoglobin method for checking hemoglobin level.The data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics.Samples in the experimental group showed a highly significant improvement in hemoglobin level following the administration of beetroot juice (p<0.001), in comparison with the control group.The nurses have to play a vital role in building the knowledge and understanding the importance of prevention of anemia. This can be facilitated by motivating the nurse to improve the theory based knowledge to educate the community to use locally available resources to improve the health. By this the anemia can be prevented among the adolescent girls and in future the complications due anemia can be prevented.
Keywords: Adolescent girls, haemoglobin, anemia
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Unpublished Dissertation:
[6]. Sherin Nithya(2009) Effectiveness of beetroot extract upon anemia among adolescent girls. Unpublished Dissertation.Dr.M.G.R University, Tamil Nadu.
[7]. Ammu(2010) Experimental study on effectiveness of beetroot juice on level of anemia among adolescent girls. Unpublished dissertation.Dr.M.G.R University, Tamilnadu
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Abstract: Introduction: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention on physical (weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, waist circumference) and biochemical (fasting blood sugar (FBS), 2 hours postprandial (2HPP), and lipid profile) parameters among individuals with pre-diabetes. Methods: This study involved 185 pre-diabetics patients from fourteen selected health clinics in Melaka. The patients were divided into three groups based on the intervention that they received namely lifestyle intervention (n=62), pharmacological intervention (n=60), and control group (n=63). Each clinic applied only one type of intervention. The control group received only the conventional education. the lifestyle intervention group underwent group and individual dietary counseling together with exercise programme, and the pharmacological intervention group were given the oral Metformin (500 mg b.i.d). Results: Both blood glucose profiles included FBS and 2HPP with the mean difference of 0.24 ± 0.94 mmol/L were significantly reduced in the lifestyle intervention group. Waist circumference and LDL-cholesterol were significantly reduced while HDL-cholesterol was significantly elevated in both lifestyle and pharmacological intervention groups. The greatest reduction of body weight and BMI were seen in pharmacological intervention group with the mean difference of 2.06 ± 2.68 kg and 0.89 ± 1.17 kg/m2 respectively as compared to the lifestyle intervention and the control group with the mean difference of 1.49 ± 2.98 kg, 0.46 ± 2.02 kg/m2; 0.61 ± 1.16 kg, 0.10 ± 1.03 kg/m2 respectively. The lifestyle intervention showed significant reduction in weight (p=0.004), BMI (p=0.023) and waist circumference (p=0.005) as compared to the control group. Multivariable analysis, the lifestyle intervention still had an effect on fasting blood sugar (FBS), 2 hours postprandial (2HPP), and body mass index (BMI) after all the baseline differences were controlled. The lifestyle intervention showed the greater decreased in FBS (0.279 mmol/L) than pharmacological intervention (0.245 mmol/L). Conclusion: Lifestyle intervention was effective in reducing blood sugar profile of pre-diabetic patients as compared to the pharmacological intervention and the control group.
Keywords: Prevention T2DM, primary intervention, impaired glucose tolerance, pre-diabetes.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prevalence of Goitre and Iodine Intake in Kanpur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shailja Singh, Rashmi Singh |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0212226 ![]() |
Abstract: Iodine is an essential element in the chemical structure of thyroid hormones. The human body requires around 150 g of iodine everyday, which works out to be a teaspoonful (5gm) over a life span of 70 years. Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of brain damage. The magnitude of IDD in India includes 167 million people at risk and goitre is being considered as important public health problem. Therefore, a study was conducted to assess prevalence of goitre and iodine intake in 3 areas of Kanpur viz. urban, rural and slum areas. There was no visible or palpable goitre was found in the studied population. Results of the survey revealed that 92.0 per cent of the urban respondents were consuming branded packaged salt while 18.0 per cent of the rural and 4 per cent of the slum population were consuming crystalline. In urban area, salt consumption per person per day ranged from 8.6 to 9.9 gm. In slums, per capita salt consumption was 9.9 to 11.0 gm. per day. On an average, daily salt consumption was found to be 9.9 0.87. gm Iodine content in salt samples ranged between 15.9 ppm to 31.7 ppm. Iodine intake per person per day was found 247.7 g. The study concludes that the prevalence of goitre was nil among studied population. Salt consumption was found to be higher in rural and slum areas and iodine intake was found to be more than the recommended value.
Key Words: Goitre, Iodine deficiency, Iodine intake, Salt consumption.
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Abstract: The status of vitamin D was assessed in the general population of the Muzaffarabad district having established coronary artery disease and other medical complaints. Results of the study showed that there is a deficiency or insufficiency of the vitamin in all the subjects enrolled for the study irrespective of their age, gender, occupation, socioeconomic conditions, daily sun exposure, supplementation history, body mass index and medical complaints. In the light of the findings that vitamin D is deficient or insufficient in 99% of the population and level is improved after administrating vitamin D as injection Sunny D. So it is suggested that the vitamin D supplementation may be added to the preventive program as a part of primary health care.
Key words: Vitamin D, Cornary artery disease,sunexposure ,Muzaffarabad,Anova.
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Abstract: Purposes of this study were to assess the effects of electronic devices on the health of adolescence and to provide guideline to safeguard them from harmful effect on their health for parents and practitioners Design. Across section study was utilized to collect data from a sample of 59 boys and 67 girls of adolescence students. Age between 16-18 yrs. through Two Tools. the 1st is -adapted Play and Technology Questionnaire for alder children, the 2nd is an interview questionnaire related to harmful effect of commonly used electronic devices on their health, it classified into mild, moderate or severe effects. Results presented an adolescence were expose to moderate to severe hazards as backache, carpal tunnel syndrome, itchy eyes, and sleeping problems which lead to lack of concentration, which effect on their school performance. So, nurses should write guided instruction for parent and teachers to be conducted with adolescence and followed by practitioners, with continuing medical and nursing educational programs to be planned for safeguard their health .
Key Wards: Adolescence. Electronic devices, Harmful effect, Safeguard, Nurses, Health practitioners
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Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess the nutritional status of selected hypercholesterolemic adult women of 30-60 years belonging to Cheriyanad panchayath of Alapuzha district. Data on socio economic status, health status, life style and physical activity pattern and dietary pattern were collected using a pre-structured interview schedule. Biochemical assessment to know the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and anthropometric measures and 24 hour recall to assess the nutritional status were done. Biochemical assessment revealed that hypercholesterolemia was higher among the age group 51-60 years indicating the effect of menopause. The study clearly depicted the lack of physical activity and intake of diet rich in fats and calories were important contributing factors to the higher blood cholesterol levels in the subjects.
Keywords: Hypercholesterolemia, Nutritional status,Adult women
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | First Responders to Superstorm Sandy; An Information Technology Assessment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Thomas Virgona |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0215156 ![]() |
Abstract: Traditionally, first responders, (e.g., Emergency Medical Technicians) have under-invested and lagged other provider groups in the utilization of state-of-the-art technologies. This can be partially attributed to a lack of fiscal support or an inability to identify needs that may warrant fiscal support. Consequently, the goal of this research is to determine the information technology needs of first responders. The findings will influence matching funding with current needs in this area. This pilot study, conducted in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, describes which Information Technology worked and identifies areas for future information technology improvements for first responders.
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