Volume-1 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: Fungal endophytes were isolated from Boswellia serrata, an ethnopharmacologically important tree species used in ayurvedic medicines to treat inflammation. Isolations were made from symptomless bark, inner bark, twig and leaf samples collected from Chamundi Hills, Mysore. A total of 530 isolates were recovered from 3000 tissue fragments of B. serrata. Of these isolates, 522 sporulated and belonged to 17 genera based on morphological characteristics. Among the 17 genera, mitosporic fungi were dominant. Myrothecium verrucaria (10.37%) was the dominant species followed by Phoma spp. (9.24%). High colonization rates of endophytic fungi were found in twigs followed by inner bark, bark and leaf.
Keywords: Boswellia serrata, Endophytes, colonization frequency, diversity index
Keywords: Boswellia serrata, Endophytes, colonization frequency, diversity index
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[7] F. Redko, M. Clavin, D. Weber, T. Anke, and V. Martino, Search for active metabolites of Erythrina crista- galli and its endophytic Phomopsis sp. Molecular and Medicinal Chemistry 10, 2006, 24-26.
[8] J.Y. Li, R.S. Sidhu, A. Bollon, and G.A. Strobel, Stimulation of Taxol Production in liquid cultures of Pestolotiopsis microspora. Mycological Research 102, 1998, 461-464.
[9] T.S. Suryanarayanan, Light-incubation: a neglected procedure in mycology. The Mycologist, 6, 1992, 144.
[10] T. Matsushima, Icons microfungorum as matushima lectorum. Published by the author, Kobe, Japan. 78 1975, 32-34.
[2] M. Babita, S.C. Taneja, and V.K. Sethi, Two triterpenoids from Boswellia serrata gum resin. Phytochemistry 39, 1995, 453-455.
[3] H.W. Zhang, Y.C. Song, R.X. Tan, Biology and chemistry of endophytes. Natural Product 23, 2006b, 753-771.
[4] D. Wilson, Endophyte: the evolution of a term, and clarification of its use and definition. Oikos 73, 1995, 274–276.
[5] G. Strobel, Muscodor albus and its biological promise. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 33, 2006, 514–522.
[6] M.C. Wani, H.L. Taylor, M.E. Wall, P. Coggon, and A.T. McPhail, Plant antitumor agents. VI. The isolation and structure of taxol, a novel antileukemic and antitumor agent from Taxus brevifolia. Journal of American Chemistry of Society 93, 1971, 2325-2327.
[7] F. Redko, M. Clavin, D. Weber, T. Anke, and V. Martino, Search for active metabolites of Erythrina crista- galli and its endophytic Phomopsis sp. Molecular and Medicinal Chemistry 10, 2006, 24-26.
[8] J.Y. Li, R.S. Sidhu, A. Bollon, and G.A. Strobel, Stimulation of Taxol Production in liquid cultures of Pestolotiopsis microspora. Mycological Research 102, 1998, 461-464.
[9] T.S. Suryanarayanan, Light-incubation: a neglected procedure in mycology. The Mycologist, 6, 1992, 144.
[10] T. Matsushima, Icons microfungorum as matushima lectorum. Published by the author, Kobe, Japan. 78 1975, 32-34.
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Abstract: Several recent studies have indicated that mobile phone waves have an adverse health effect on cells of human beings. This study evaluated the effects of mobile phone waves on skeletal muscles and bone cells theoretically. The photon of electromagnetic waves (EMW) are scattered by the different tissues and created the phonon. In this process, energy is transferred from one tissue to another and temperature of the tissue is increased. Absorption of energy has been calculated and the effect of the absorption of energy is studied. When EMW of mobile phones are penetrated inside the body, the induced electric field inside the body reduces exponentially with depth. As the reduction in field is due to the absorption of power, specific absorption rate (SAR) is calculated and compared with the permissible limit given by some International Commission of Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and World Health Organization (WHO) etc. The calculations of SAR for different tissues represent that 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2450MHz radiations are harmful for 10cm, 11cm, 12 cm and 14 cm distance from the mobile phone hand set respectively.
Key Words: Mobile phone waves, Electric field, Specific absorption rate (SAR), Skeletal muscles & bone tissues etc.
Key Words: Mobile phone waves, Electric field, Specific absorption rate (SAR), Skeletal muscles & bone tissues etc.
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[9]. Elisabeth Diem, Claudia Schwarz, Franz Adlkofer, Oswald Jahn and Hugo Rudiger, (2005) Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro, mutation research/genetic toxicology and environment mutagenesisnesis, 583 (2), 178-183.
[10]. Zeni, O., Schiavoni, A. S., Sannino, A., Antolini, A., Forigo, D., Bersani, F. and Scarfì, M. R. (2003) Lack of Genotoxic Effects (Micronucleus Induction) in Human Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to 900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields. Radiat. Res. 160, 152–158.
[2]. Kumar, V., Ahmad, M., Sharma, A. K., (2010) Harmful effects of mobile phone waves on blood tissues of the human body, Eastern Journal of Medicine, 15, 80-89.
[3]. Radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and non-specific symptoms of ill health: A systematic review, Röösli, Environmental Research, Available online 21 March (2008) at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2008.02.003.
[4]. Poljak, D.,"Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields" 6th ed., Great Britain: WIT Press, (2004).
[5]. Rezael, D., Ochbelagh, R., Borhanifer, A., Asadi, A., (2009) Thermal Effects of Mobile Phone on Tissues, Asian J. Exp. Sci., 23, No. 1, 351-356.
[6]. Otto, M., Ernst, K., Mu8hiendahi, V., (2007) Electromagnetic Fields: Do they play a role in Children's Environmental Health (CEH)? Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health, 210, 635-644.
[7]. Salem, N. M., (2005) Thermal Effects of Photon-Phonon interaction on a simple tissue". The Environmentalist, 25, 241-246.
[8]. Hanafy, M. S., (2006) Electric Field affected the molecular structure of the total serum proteins of the mice blood, Romanian J. Biophysics, 16, no. 3, 205-214. Bucharest.
[9]. Elisabeth Diem, Claudia Schwarz, Franz Adlkofer, Oswald Jahn and Hugo Rudiger, (2005) Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro, mutation research/genetic toxicology and environment mutagenesisnesis, 583 (2), 178-183.
[10]. Zeni, O., Schiavoni, A. S., Sannino, A., Antolini, A., Forigo, D., Bersani, F. and Scarfì, M. R. (2003) Lack of Genotoxic Effects (Micronucleus Induction) in Human Lymphocytes Exposed In Vitro to 900 MHz Electromagnetic Fields. Radiat. Res. 160, 152–158.
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Abstract: In vitro Studies of wild yam also known as Dioscorea oppositifolia L. is reported. Direct organogenesis and indirect organogenesis of D. oppositifolia is achieved in this study. Shoot and root were produced from nodal explants with Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.5mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 0.1mg/l NAA. Callus was successfully produced from leaf explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.5mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA).Multiple shoots were initiated from callus in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with-2.0mg/l Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 2.5mg/i kinetin. Root induction was also achieved simultaneously from the base of the shoots in the same medium. Regenerants acclimatized in soil-rite showed vigorous shoot growth (within 2 weeks) and after 5 - 6 months were suitable for planting.
Key words: Dioscorea oppositifolia, diosgenin, nodal culture, callus culture.
Key words: Dioscorea oppositifolia, diosgenin, nodal culture, callus culture.
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[2] M.P. Asokan, , S.K. O'Hair and Litz, In vitro plant development from bulbil explants of two Dioscorea species. Hortic. Sci.,18, 1983, 702-703.
[3] E.S. Ayensu, Anatomy of the monocotyledons VI Dioscoreales Oxford Press, Oxford.p.82. Coursey, D.G.1976. Yams, Dioscorea spp. (Dioscoreaceae) In: Simmonds ED (Ed) Evolution of crop plants. Longman,London, 1972, pp.70-74.
[4] H.C. Chaturvedi, Propagation of Dioscorea floribunda in vitro culture of single node segments. Curr. Sci., 44, 1975, 839-841.
[5] Y. Chen, J. Fan, F. Yi, Z. Luo, and Y. Fu, Rapid clonal propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 73, 2003, 75-80.
[6] E. P. Chu, and R. C. L. Figueiredo Ribeiro, Growth and carbohydrate changes in shoot cultures of Dioscorea species as influenced by photoperiod, exogenous sucrose and cytokinin concentrations. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 70, 2002, 241-249.
[7] D.G. Coursey, Yams. Longman, Green and Co, London, 230p. Forsyth, C. and Van Staden,J.1982. An improved method of in vitro propagation of Dioscorea bulbifera. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult., 1, 1967, 275-281.
[8] C Forsyth and J Van Staden, Tuberization of Dioscorea bulbifera stem nodes in culture. J. Plant Physiol. 115: 79–83 Gamborg OL, Eveleigh DE (1968) Culture methods and detection of glucanases in suspension cultures of wheat and barley. Can. J. Biochem. 46, 1984, 417–421.
[9] A. Jasik and S Mantell, Effects of jasmonic acid and its methylester on in vitro microtuberisation of three food yam (Dioscorea) species. Plant Cell Rep., 19, 2000, 863-867.
[10] J.L.John, W.H. Courtney and D.R. Decoteau, The influence of plant growth regulators and light on microtuber induction and formation in Dioscorea alata L. cultures. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 34, 1993, 245-252.
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Abstract: We conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blind, prospective study to evaluate the effect of intraoperative bupivacaine injection in tonsillar fossa to control the postoperative pain following dissection method tonsillectomy in 40 patients. 20 patients were injected with bupivacaine 10ml of 0.25% and 20 patients were injected with normal saline. Following the surgery we completed the questionnaire to evaluate their pain, oral intake and pain on full jaw opening. After completion of the study we found no statistically significant difference in pain level, oral intake and full jaw opening between the two groups. So this study tells that for pain control bupivacaine as well as placebo had similar effect.
Key words: Pain, bupivacaine, tonsillectomy
Key words: Pain, bupivacaine, tonsillectomy
[1]. Bolliston TA, and Upton J.J.M: Infiltration with lignocaine and adrenaline in adult tonsillectomy. J. Laryngol Otolaryngol, 94:1257-1259, 1980.
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[9]. Nunez DA, Provan J, Crawford M. Postoperative tonsillectomy pain in pediatric patients: electrocautery (hot) vs cold dissection and snare tonsillectomy—a randomized trial. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000;126:837-841.
[10]. Atallah N, Kumar M, Hilali A, Hickey S. Postoperative pain in tonsillectomy: bipolar electrodissection technique vs dissection ligation technique: a doubleblind randomized prospective trial. J Laryngol Otol. 2000;114:667-670.
[2]. Ginstrom R, Silvola J, Saarnivaara L. Local bupivacaine-epinephrine infiltration combined with general anesthesia for adult tonsillectomy. Acta Otolaryngol 2005; 125(9):972-5.
[3]. Naja MZ, El Rajab M, Kabalan W, et al. Pre-incisional infiltration for paediatric tonsillectomy. A randomized double-blind clinical trial. Int Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2005;69(10):1333-41.
[4]. Lister MT, Cunningham MJ, Benjamine B et al. Microdebrider tonsillotomy vs electrosurgical tonsillectomy : A randomized, double blind, paired control study of postoperative pain. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2006;132(6): 599-604.
[5]. Sobol SE, Wetmore RF, Marsh RR, et al. postoperative recovery after microdebrider intracapsular or monopolar electrocautery tonsillectomy: A prospective, randomized, single-blinded study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2006;132(3):270-4.
[6]. Yusuf Unal, Kutluk Pampal,Sibel Korkmaz, Mustafa Arslan Comparison of bupivacaine and ropivacaine on postoperative pain after tonsillectomy in paediatric patients, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Volume 71, Issue 1 , Pages 83-87, January 2007.
[7]. Jebeles JA, Reilly JS, Gutierrez JF, Bradley EL Jr, Kissin I. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy pain reduction by local bupivacaine infiltration in children. Int J Pediatr Otolaryngol. 1993;25:149-154.
[8]. Schoem SR, Watkins GL, Kuhn JJ, Alburger JF, Zim KZ, Thompson DH. Control of early postoperative pain with bupivacaine in adult local tonsillectomy. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1993;119:292-293.
[9]. Nunez DA, Provan J, Crawford M. Postoperative tonsillectomy pain in pediatric patients: electrocautery (hot) vs cold dissection and snare tonsillectomy—a randomized trial. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000;126:837-841.
[10]. Atallah N, Kumar M, Hilali A, Hickey S. Postoperative pain in tonsillectomy: bipolar electrodissection technique vs dissection ligation technique: a doubleblind randomized prospective trial. J Laryngol Otol. 2000;114:667-670.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Idiosyncratic Effect of Multi Antineoplastic Drug in Mammary Tumour of a Bitch: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rekha Pathak |
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: | 10.9790/3008-0162627 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study is a case report regarding mammary tumour in a German shepherd bitch where the tumour was attempted with antineoplastic drugs combination with Inj. Vincristine sulphate @ 0.0125mg/kg body wt. intravenously at weekly interval, Tab. Methotrexoate 2.5 mg once in a week. Tab Cyclophosphamide 50 mg once in a week. There was a gap of at least 2-3 days between each above anticancerous drug. Unfortunately, the drugs had adverse affect on the hepato-renal status of the bitch however, it showed slight improvement in the size of the mammary tumour. The animal was immediately attended with symptomatic therapy and the side effects were soon controlled. The tumour was surgically removed; removal was easy as the size was shrinked. The results suggest that the therapeutic treatment of mammary tumour can be attempted with the same above drugs combination by probably reducing the dosages of individual drugs.
Key words: Mammary Tumour, Antineoplastic Drug, Vincrystine Sulfate, Methotrexoate, Cyclophosphamide
Key words: Mammary Tumour, Antineoplastic Drug, Vincrystine Sulfate, Methotrexoate, Cyclophosphamide
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[7]. Sorenmo, K.U., Jeglum, K.A., Helfand, S.C., Chemotherpy of canine hemangiosarcoma with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. J Vet Intern Med, 7(6): 370-376, 1993.
[2]. Booth, N.H. and McDonald, L.E. (1982), Jones Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Fifth Edn. Kalyani publishers Ludhiana , New Delhi.
[3]. Brodey, R.S., Goldschmidt, M.A., Roszel, J.R., Canine mammary gland neoplasm. Journal of American Animal Hospital Association, 19: 61-90,1983.
[4]. Hammer, A.S., Couto, C.G., Filppi, J., Getzy, D., Shank, K., Efficasy and toxicity of VAC chemotherapy (Vincristine, Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide) in dogs with hemangiosarcoma. J Vet Intern Med, May – Jun, 5 (3): 160-6, 1991.
[5]. Moulton, J. E., (1999) Tumors in Domestic Animals, 3rd edition. Berkley, University of Califormia Press, pp. 518-543.
[6]. Sivakumar (2000) Clinicotherapeutic aspects of tumours in animals. (2000). MVSc. Thesis submitted to IVRI, Izatnagar.
[7]. Sorenmo, K.U., Jeglum, K.A., Helfand, S.C., Chemotherpy of canine hemangiosarcoma with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. J Vet Intern Med, 7(6): 370-376, 1993.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Population Difference in foraging behaviour of Nandus nandus (Hum-Buch) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sheenaja. K. K |
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: | 10.9790/3008-0162830 ![]() |
Abstract: Nandus nandus collected from regions of high and low predation and its foraging behaviour was investigated. A strong correlation in the foraging assay with that of sites from fish emerged. These habitats differ in physical structure and resident prey communities so related difference in searching behaviours for effective foraging. Laboratory feeding trials were conducted in aquaria containing T maze is used by Nandus nandus to study their habitat specific foraging rates. Leaf fish from high-predation areas were faster in seeking food than those fish from low predation. These results suggest personality traits are influenced by population specific ecological variables and may have future fitness consequences in wild population. Foraging skill plays a major behaviour that influences the fish in wild. These differences in searching tactics translate into differences in habitat-specific foraging efficiency. So here this behavioural measure is studied in detail before planning post larval release technology in this LnRT fish. Hence this work will be in sight to conservation of this fish from LnRt category.
Key words: Nandus nandus ; predator; foraging,conservation
Key words: Nandus nandus ; predator; foraging,conservation
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[2] Pandey, A.K. and Das, P. (2002). Ichtyo biodiversity conservation of sustainable production, Fishing chimes., 22, (5) 14-24.
[3] Snyder, N. F. R., Derrickson, S. R., Beissinger, S. R., Wiley, J. R., Smith, T. B., Toone, W.D. and Miller, B. (1996). Limitations of captive breeding in endangered species recovery. Conservation Biology .,10, 338-348.
[4] Brown, C. and Laland, K. (2001). Social learning and life skills training for hatchery reared fish. Journal of Fish Biology., 59, 471-493.
[5] Keeley, E. R. (2001). Demographic responses to food and space competition by juvenile steelhead trout. Ecology .,82, 1247–1259.
[6] Martin, S. W., Viola, A. E. and M. L. Schuck. (1993). In Investigations of the interactions among hatchery reared summer steelhead, rainbow trout, and wild spring Chinook salmon in southeast Washington, Washington Department of Wildlife, Report # 93-4.
[7] Hughes, R.N. and Blight, C.M. (1999). Algorithmic behaviour and spatial memory are used by two intertidal fish species to solve the radial maze. Anim Behav., 58(3):601–613.
[8] Lamanna, J.R. and Eason, P.K. (2003). Effects of landmarks on territorial establishment. Anim Behav., 65:471-478. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2095
[9] Markel, R.W. (1994). An adaptive value of spatial learning and memory in the blackeye goby, Coryphopterus nicholsi. Anim Behav., 47:1462-1464. doi:10.1006/anbe.1994.1194.
[10] Healy, S.D., De Kort, S.R. and Clayton, N.S. (2005). The hippocampus, spatial memory and food hoarding: a puzzle revisited. Trends Ecol Evol., 20:17-22. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2004.10.006.
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Abstract: A simple, specific, accurate, precise and stability-indicating reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method is developed for estimation of montelukast in tablet dosage form. The HPLC method, C-8 Column consisting of (25mm x 4.6mm x 5um – BDS) i.d in isocratic mode, with mobile phase containing 0.01M Potassium di-hydrogen orthophosphate buffer and acetonitrile in the ratio of 35:65 v/v was used. The flow rate was 1mL min-1 and effluent was monitored at 222 nm. Retention time was found to be 3.08min, respectively. The method was validated in terms of Linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) etc. in accordance with ICH guidelines. Linear regression analysis data for the calibration plot showed that there was good linear relationship between response and concentration in the range of 10 - 100 μg/ml respectively. The LOD and LOQ values for HPLC method were found to be 0.03 and 0.09 μg/ml respectively. No chromatographic interference from tablet excipients was found. The proposed method was successfully used for estimation of montelukast in tablet dosage form.
Keywords: Hplc method, Montelukast, Stability studies
Keywords: Hplc method, Montelukast, Stability studies
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[2]. A. W. Alberts, J. Chen, G. Kuron, V. Hunt, J. Huff, C. Hoffman, J. Rothrock, M. Lopez, H. Joshua, E. Harris, A. Patchett, R. Monaghan, S. Currie, E. Stapley, G. Albers- Schonberg, O. Hensens, J. Hirshfield, K. Hoogsteen, J. Liesch, and J. Springer. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA. 77, 3957 (1980)
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[6]. Melani L, Mills R and Hassman D, Eur Heart J., 2003, 24, 717.
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Abstract : Cordyceps fungi have attracted many mycologists since their discovery because of their peculiar characteristics of fruiting on their host invertebrate animals. Cordyceps fungi, which parasitize insects and change into fruiting bodies, are rich sources of biologically active compounds that are implicated for improvement in health and for prevention and treatment of various diseases. They are considered to be some of the more promising medicinal mushrooms. Cordyceps sinensis has been noted for its potential for medicinal use and hence extensive pharmaceutical studies have been made. In this review I compile available data on the characteristics of Cordyceps sinensis that appear to be effective as a natural source of bioactive compounds.
Keywords - bioactive compounds, Cordyceps sinensis, caterpillar fungus, medicinal mushrooms.
Keywords - bioactive compounds, Cordyceps sinensis, caterpillar fungus, medicinal mushrooms.
[1] Wasser SP. "Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulating polysaccharides". Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 2002;60: 258–74.
[2] Pegler DN, Yao Y-J, Li Y. "The Chinese "caterpillar fungus‟". Mycologist 1994;8:3–5.
[3] Buenz EJ, Bauer BA, Osmundson TW, Motley TJ. "The traditional Chinese medicine Cordyceps sinensis and its effects on apoptotic homeostasis". J Ethnopharmacol 2005;96:19–29.
[4] Mizuno T. "Medicinal effects and utilization of Cordyceps (Fr.) Link (ascomycetes) and Isaria Fr. (mitosporic fungi) Chinese caterpillar fungi", "Tochukaso" (review). Int J Med Mushr 1999;1:251–61.
[5] Ng TB, Wang HX. "Pharmacological actions of Cordyceps, a prized folk medicine". J Pharm Pharmacol 2005;57:1509–19.
[6] Cunningham KG, Hutchinson SA, Manson W, Spring FS. "Cordycepin, ametabolic product from cultures of Cordyceps militaris" (Linn) Link. Part I. Isolation and characterization. J Chem Soc 1951:2299–300.
[7] Fujita T, Inoue K, Yamamoto S, Ikumoto T, Sasaki S, Toyama R, et al." Fungal metabolites II, Apotent immunosuppressive activity found in Isaria sinclairii metabolite". J Antibiot 1994;47:208–15.
[8] Chen, S. J., D. H. Yin, L. Li, X. Zha, J. H. Shuen, and C. Zhama. 2000. "Resources and Distribution of Cordyceps sinensis in Naqu Tibet". Zhong Yaocai 2311:673–675, (Chinese,English abstract).
[9] Wu, N. 1997. "Rangeland Resources and Conditions in Western Sichuan". Pages 23–40 in: D. J.
[10] Zang, M. and N. Kinjo. 1998. "Notes on the Alpine Cordyceps of China and Nearby Nations". Mycotaxon 66:215–229.
[2] Pegler DN, Yao Y-J, Li Y. "The Chinese "caterpillar fungus‟". Mycologist 1994;8:3–5.
[3] Buenz EJ, Bauer BA, Osmundson TW, Motley TJ. "The traditional Chinese medicine Cordyceps sinensis and its effects on apoptotic homeostasis". J Ethnopharmacol 2005;96:19–29.
[4] Mizuno T. "Medicinal effects and utilization of Cordyceps (Fr.) Link (ascomycetes) and Isaria Fr. (mitosporic fungi) Chinese caterpillar fungi", "Tochukaso" (review). Int J Med Mushr 1999;1:251–61.
[5] Ng TB, Wang HX. "Pharmacological actions of Cordyceps, a prized folk medicine". J Pharm Pharmacol 2005;57:1509–19.
[6] Cunningham KG, Hutchinson SA, Manson W, Spring FS. "Cordycepin, ametabolic product from cultures of Cordyceps militaris" (Linn) Link. Part I. Isolation and characterization. J Chem Soc 1951:2299–300.
[7] Fujita T, Inoue K, Yamamoto S, Ikumoto T, Sasaki S, Toyama R, et al." Fungal metabolites II, Apotent immunosuppressive activity found in Isaria sinclairii metabolite". J Antibiot 1994;47:208–15.
[8] Chen, S. J., D. H. Yin, L. Li, X. Zha, J. H. Shuen, and C. Zhama. 2000. "Resources and Distribution of Cordyceps sinensis in Naqu Tibet". Zhong Yaocai 2311:673–675, (Chinese,English abstract).
[9] Wu, N. 1997. "Rangeland Resources and Conditions in Western Sichuan". Pages 23–40 in: D. J.
[10] Zang, M. and N. Kinjo. 1998. "Notes on the Alpine Cordyceps of China and Nearby Nations". Mycotaxon 66:215–229.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Caterpillar Fungus Cordyceps Sinensis as a Natural Source of Bioactive Compounds |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Mouhanad AL ALI |
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: | 10.9790/3008-0164143 ![]() |
Abstract: Nandus nandus collected from regions of high and low predation and its foraging behaviour was investigated. A strong correlation in the foraging assay with that of sites from fish emerged. These habitats differ in physical structure and resident prey communities so related difference in searching behaviours for effective foraging. Laboratory feeding trials were conducted in aquaria containing T maze is used by Nandus nandus to study their habitat specific foraging rates. Leaf fish from high-predation areas were faster in seeking food than those fish from low predation. These results suggest personality traits are influenced by population specific ecological variables and may have future fitness consequences in wild population. Foraging skill plays a major behaviour that influences the fish in wild. These differences in searching tactics translate into differences in habitat-specific foraging efficiency. So here this behavioural measure is studied in detail before planning post larval release technology in this LnRT fish. Hence this work will be in sight to conservation of this fish from LnRt category.
Key words: Nandus nandus ; predator; foraging,conservation
Key words: Nandus nandus ; predator; foraging,conservation
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[4] Brown, C. and Laland, K. (2001). Social learning and life skills training for hatchery reared fish. Journal of Fish Biology., 59, 471-493.
[5] Keeley, E. R. (2001). Demographic responses to food and space competition by juvenile steelhead trout. Ecology .,82, 1247–1259.
[6] Martin, S. W., Viola, A. E. and M. L. Schuck. (1993). In Investigations of the interactions among hatchery reared summer steelhead, rainbow trout, and wild spring Chinook salmon in southeast Washington, Washington Department of Wildlife, Report # 93-4.
[7] Hughes, R.N. and Blight, C.M. (1999). Algorithmic behaviour and spatial memory are used by two intertidal fish species to solve the radial maze. Anim Behav., 58(3):601–613.
[8] Lamanna, J.R. and Eason, P.K. (2003). Effects of landmarks on territorial establishment. Anim Behav., 65:471-478. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2095
[9] Markel, R.W. (1994). An adaptive value of spatial learning and memory in the blackeye goby, Coryphopterus nicholsi. Anim Behav., 47:1462-1464. doi:10.1006/anbe.1994.1194.
[10] Healy, S.D., De Kort, S.R. and Clayton, N.S. (2005). The hippocampus, spatial memory and food hoarding: a puzzle revisited. Trends Ecol Evol., 20:17-22. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2004.10.006.
[2] Pandey, A.K. and Das, P. (2002). Ichtyo biodiversity conservation of sustainable production, Fishing chimes., 22, (5) 14-24.
[3] Snyder, N. F. R., Derrickson, S. R., Beissinger, S. R., Wiley, J. R., Smith, T. B., Toone, W.D. and Miller, B. (1996). Limitations of captive breeding in endangered species recovery. Conservation Biology .,10, 338-348.
[4] Brown, C. and Laland, K. (2001). Social learning and life skills training for hatchery reared fish. Journal of Fish Biology., 59, 471-493.
[5] Keeley, E. R. (2001). Demographic responses to food and space competition by juvenile steelhead trout. Ecology .,82, 1247–1259.
[6] Martin, S. W., Viola, A. E. and M. L. Schuck. (1993). In Investigations of the interactions among hatchery reared summer steelhead, rainbow trout, and wild spring Chinook salmon in southeast Washington, Washington Department of Wildlife, Report # 93-4.
[7] Hughes, R.N. and Blight, C.M. (1999). Algorithmic behaviour and spatial memory are used by two intertidal fish species to solve the radial maze. Anim Behav., 58(3):601–613.
[8] Lamanna, J.R. and Eason, P.K. (2003). Effects of landmarks on territorial establishment. Anim Behav., 65:471-478. doi:10.1006/anbe.2003.2095
[9] Markel, R.W. (1994). An adaptive value of spatial learning and memory in the blackeye goby, Coryphopterus nicholsi. Anim Behav., 47:1462-1464. doi:10.1006/anbe.1994.1194.
[10] Healy, S.D., De Kort, S.R. and Clayton, N.S. (2005). The hippocampus, spatial memory and food hoarding: a puzzle revisited. Trends Ecol Evol., 20:17-22. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2004.10.006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urinary Tract Infections in a Sabah General Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Murtaza Mustafa || JaistinTamin || Joseph Balingi |
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: | 10.9790/3008-0164448 ![]() |
Abstract: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are most common bacterial infection in women, girls and men .UTI are also prevalent in Sabah, Malaysia, and there is little information about the size of the problem amongst the local population. The aim of this study is to determine the magnitude of the problem in the hospitalized patients and community acquired infection. Over the last three years there have been 4,458 reported UTI cases. About 1,597 (35.8 %) were Kadazans, 1,158 (26.0 % ) Chinese, 319 ( 7.2 % ) Bajau, 220 (5.0 % ) Malay/Brunei, 148 (3.3 % ) Murut, 104 (2.3% ) Bisaya, and 819 (18.4 % ) were Indonesians, Filipinos and other racial ethnic groups. There was a preponderance of disease among females (female: male ratio 2.5:1 ) and those aged 60 years.The majority of the urinary pathogens were Escherichia coli,(38.2%),Klebsiella,(15.0%),and other organisms commonly isolated.The isolates were sensitive to 3rd generation cephalosporins ,amoxicillin clavulanate,and co-trimoxazole.Management of UTI requires prompt diagnosis treatment and preservation of kidney function.
Key words:.Urinary tract infection,Escherichiacoli.Klebsiella,cephalosporins,
Key words:.Urinary tract infection,Escherichiacoli.Klebsiella,cephalosporins,
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