Volume-3 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: The study focused on Interaction Pattern of Economics Teachers in Cross River State Secondary Schools. A sample size of 400 (consisting 350 students and 50 teachers) was used for the study. Stratified random sampling was adopted as a sampling technique. Two hypotheses were tested in the study using One-sample T-test. It was found that: Students of Economics in Cross River State secondary schools do not consider the interactive pattern of their teachers as adequate and helping them better achieve academically, and that students of Economics in Cross River State secondary schools do not consider the student-student interactive pattern as adequate and helping them better achieve academically. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.
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Abstract: This paper focused on improving educational inequalities in the education sector in Nigeria. The paper examined some inequalities existing in the education sector and equally outlined some factors responsible for the inequalities. It also highlighted the dangers of inequalities and further discussed various perspectives towards improvement. Some recommendations were proffered as way forward towards improving the inequalities. Among such recommendations are: adequate resourcing, financing and increased budgetary allocations at all levels of education sector; implementation of effective policies and curriculum that will improve all education sector and proper harmonization of activities at all levels of education sector.
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Abstract: The study analyzed some reported cases of measles in the Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi, from 1996-2005. The data were collected from the Clinical Report Unit. The method of least squares and moving average were used in the trend estimation and seasonal variation of data and projecting trend. The findings revealed that the study area has high record cases of measles as from November to March. This period of the year is usually characterized with severe heat. In a nutshell, measles occur most during hot seasons. Keywords: Time Series, Measles, Analysis, Clinical, Seasonal, Estimation
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Abstract: This research aims to (a) identify the current competencies of graduate SMK BM (Vocational High School majority in Business and Management) (b) identify the competencies of manpower (SMK graduates) required DUDI (workplace) (c) recognize the constraints that occur in order to link and match between Vocational School and DUDI (d) to recommend strategies to increase the competence of graduates based DUDI needed.
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Abstract: This paper sought to appraise education policy implementation and challenges of leadership. The problems associated with the implementation of educational policy are highlighted in this paper. The paper observed that the success of any educational policy is dependent on leadership delivery of services. To achieve the purpose of this study, three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted using stratified random sampling technique for the study. A sample of 500 academic staff was used out of a population of 10,000 academic staff
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Pod Casts and Social Media in Elt |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Avinash.M |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0363638 ![]() |
Abstract: The rapid growth of the Software companies and the high standard of living enjoyed by the Software professionals has undeniably sprouted up the quest for learning English. Most students rush to private institutes to gain proficiency in English Language. Hence there is a dire need for the teachers to modernize their teaching techniques. Text books, black board teaching, passive listening should be ceased and there should be technological teaching tool in every English teaching classroom. This paper aims to introduce the modern teaching tools used in many countries to our Indian teachers.
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Abstract: The present study examined the academic relevance, possible effects on social behaviour and academic progress of social media on post graduate students. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection involving questionnaire administration and oral interview. Eighteen questions with Likert model responses in a questionnaire were physically administered to 120 randomly selected post graduate students who have social media accounts while six other students were interviewed differently face to face and their responses recorded. The obtained data were analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that many students use social media especially Facebook and that they spend increasing amount of quality time on these networks.
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Abstract: The present study examined attitude to and extent of usage of social media by post graduate students at Salford University during Academic Lectures and Library Session. Data collection involved both qualitative and quantitative methodology involving oral interview and questionnaire administration. Likert model was employed in response to eighteen –item questionnaire which were physically administered to 120 randomly selected post graduate students who have social media accounts. Another six students were interviewed face to face differently and their responses were recorded. The data obtained was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).
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Abstract: Notre recherche exploratoire s'intéresse à l'étude des révélations des élèves filles dans l'enseignement- apprentissage d'un sport à connotation masculine. Nous mettons l'accent sur les perceptions évoquées par les filles lors des interactions didactiques effectives avec l'enseignant. À l'aide de la technique des incidents critiques, (86 filles) de 7ème, 8ème et 9ème année de base ont été sollicitées à l'aide d'un questionnaire pour citer des situations injustes vécues lors d'un cycle de football avec leur enseignant. Les situations d'injustices citées par les filles (N=312) ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu à modèle ouvert (L'Écuyer, 1988).
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