Version-1 (March 2014)
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Abstract: This article reviews and analyses the critical factors that have contributed to the trivialisation and the consequent non teaching of Physical Education in Zimbabwean primary and secondary schools. The paper analyses and reviews relevant Zimbabwean studies and literature in order to come up with a pattern that explains the major reasons for the non teaching of this significant, but often neglected subject. The paper also projects forward by presenting practical suggestions for improvement of the status quo.
Keywords: Physical education delivery, impeding factors, primary and secondary schools, Zimbabwe
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Abstract: To see the effect of three month yogic exercise in state level football players 50 state level football players were selected as a subject. The pre-test, mid test and post test had been taken by using Dynamic flexibility test, side split flexibility test and shoulder and wrist elevation flexibility test tools. To determine the difference between the 3 groups (initial, mid and post test) of state level football players F test was employed at 0.05 significance level. And to determine the training effect the t test for comparison mean was employed for two tails at the confidence level 0.05 level of significant. The comparative between the initial and post test of dynamic flexibility test, side split flexibility test and shoulder and wrist elevation flexibility test for the state level football players were found to be statistically significant at .05 confidence level as the values 10.676, 10.003 and 10.102 respectively were found greater than the tabulation value (1.98).
Key wards: Dynamic flexibility, Side sliding flexibility, shoulder and wrist elevation, F test, comparativet test.
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Abstract: This research is to examine whether the psychological variable on women have any impact on women's sports participation between Anna and Pondicherry Universities at different levels. The subject were (was) randomly selected from Anna University in Tamil Nadu State (300 Players) and Pondicherry University (Central University) in Puducherry State (300 Players), India. The selected subjects were with a brief questionnaire, to find out their level of sports participation, anxiety, aggression and stress. Data obtained were subjected to find out statistical significance among the means using 3 (levels – Zonal, Inter – Zonal and University participations) X 2 (University – Anna and Pondicherry) Factorial analysis. The result proved that there were significant differences in selected psychological factors of the different level of women sports players. There was no significant difference in stress at different levels. There was no significant difference between the Anna and Pondicherry in anxiety, aggression and stress of the women sports players. It was concluded that anxiety, aggression, and stress play a vital role in the participation level of women players.
Key Worlds: Different Level of Players, Women Sports Participation, University, Anxiety, Aggression and Stress.
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Key Words: Self-Confidence, Football, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rehabilitation Process and Persons with Physical Dysfunctions |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nanjwan, Josephine Dasel; Plang, Janet Punyit |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0131923 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to determine rehabilitation process and persons with physical dysfunctions. To achieve the purpose of this study, three hypotheses were formulated. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. A sample of one hundred persons with disabilities was randomly selected for the study. The selection was done through the simple random sampling technique. This was to give equal and independent opportunity to all the respondents to be selected for the study. The questionnaire was the major instrument used for data collection. The instrument was subjected to both face and content validation by expert in measurement and evaluation. The reliability estimate of the instrument was established through the test-retest reliability method Pearson product correlation analysis and independent t-test were employed were adopted to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis reveals that rehabilitation significantly relates with persons with orthopedic and neurological impairments. The result also revealed that there is a significant difference between male and female disabled persons in their perception of rehabilitation of persons with other health impairments.
Keywords: Rehabilitation process, persons, physical, dysfunctions.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Weight Training on Self-Concept of College girls |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Darshana Dahiya |
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: | 10.9790/6737-0133334 ![]() |
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