Series-1 (Nov. - Dec. 2021)Nov. - Dec. 2021 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HUB Floating-point Addition Using Unbiased Rounding |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akbar Shaik || Dr.SK.Fairooz |
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: | 10.9790/4200-11060106 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Half-unit-biased (HUB) is a new design that is based on the displacement of the digits represented by half the unit last performed. This arrangement makes the two's complement and round operations closest by avoiding any carry propagation. This saves energy, time and area consumption. Given that the IEEE floating point standard uses unbiased rounding as the default mode, this feature is also desirable for HUB approaches. In this article, we study unbiased rounding for HUB floating point addition both within independent operation and within FMA. We show two different options to eliminate bias by eliminating the sum results either partially or completely. Implementation results of the proposed architecture to help designers decide what their best option.
Keywords: HUB format, unbiased rounding, Floating point , IEEE.
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ABSTRACT: This paper proposes efficient constant multiplier architecture based on vertical-horizontal binary common sub-expression elimination (VHBCSE) algorithm based on carry select adder using common Boolean logic and modified full adder for planning a reconfigurable finite impulse response(FIR) channel whose coefficients can progressively change continuously. To plan a proficient reconfigurable FIR channel, as indicated by the proposed modified VHBCSE calculation, 2-bit paired regular sub-articulation end (BCSE) calculation has been connected vertically crosswise over contiguous coefficients on the 2-D space of the coefficient lattice at first, taken after by applying variable-piece BCSE calculation evenly inside every coefficient. This method.....
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ABSTRACT: Detection of stress using real time capture analysis is performed in this paper. ECG is captured using AD8232 ECG module. This paper is inspired by the work of various other Convolutional Neural Network for emotional recognition and takes an inference for stress from detected emotions. This paper gives a unique implementation for detection of P wave, which uses a single moving average filter instead of two moving average filters. Detection of QRS Complex, ST Segment slope and P wave segment were done for ECG Signal processing and analysis. By combining the results of facial recognition and ECG analysis prediction of stress is shown. For the results, subjects are chosen from the random group of students and the results were obtained which gives the overall accuracy of 96%.
Keywords: Stress; Facial features; Emotions; ECG; QRS Complex; ST Segment slope; P Segment; Pan Tompkins Algorithm; AD 8232 ECG Module; NodeMCU.
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