Series-1 (Jul. - Aug. 2023)Jul. - Aug. 2023 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: This paper aimed at a comparative study of the performance of the Least Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithms of the adaptive beam forming antenna on the CDMA based network. The smart antenna test-bed used include a single input multiple output system which consists of one transmitter and six receivers. During experimentation, the interference and noise reduction capabilities of the adaptive antenna were investigated using the LMS and RLS algorithms. Also, the two adaptive algorithms were simulated and evaluated for a 6 uniform linear array elements with inter-element spacing of 0.5λ on the CDMA based network using MATLAB version 7.5. In the simulation, the angle of arrival of the desired signal and the interfering signal were at 30˚ and 60˚ respectively......
Keywords: Smart antenna, adaptive beamforming, RLS algorithm, LMS algorithm , adaptive antenna, antenna
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of different algorithms to improve the quality of Image |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Mayur M. Sonavane || Dr. S. S. Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/4200-13040713 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Super-resolution (SR) become the most important task in image processing because of requirement of high quality of images. It becomes popular in technology like computer vision and pattern recognition. In Single Image Super-resolution (SR) uses the sequences of single low resolution (LR) images from high resolution (HR) to improve the quality of image. The SR is an image processing problem which aims to generate a high resolution (HR) image from low resolution input image. The SR is difficult because of the missing information in the given LR image. Thus in SR it is very important to boost the reconstruction performance so that, there is need of effective prior knowledge.......
Keywords: Accuracy, bi-linear SR, Directional group sparsity, PSNR, Super-Resolution
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ABSTRACT: The need for high capacity long haul telecommunication system to carry huge traffic demands in recent times has lead to the use of optic fiber communication system because of its high capacity carrying advantage over wireless systems. But optic fiber signals suffer some signal impairment issues such as nonlinearity which tends to degrade its transmission performance. This paper proposed the use of adaptive optical equalizer to mitigate such impairments. To achieve that, a simulink model of the system was first developed for simulation experiments. Then the.....
Keywords: Nonlinear optic fiber, self-phase modulation, Kerr effect, refractive index, nonlinearity mitigation
[1]. Paul E. and Green, Jr, 2003 " Fiber Optic Networks", Prince Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
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ABSTRACT: The Key Objective is HDL RTL Design Architecture of Ultra high multi Clock Frequency Speed Rate ( MHz, GHz, THz, PHz, EHz, ZHz, etc) Bits Per Second Baud Rate ) P.R.B.S(Pseudo Random Binary Sequence) Transceiver Soft A.S.I.C IP Core product for identification of the property of Different Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Patterns (Seed Words) of 2e7-1, 2e10-1, 2e15-1, 2e23-1, 2e31-1 tapped elements as per C.C.I.T.T-I.T.U Standards and IEEE-754 Single and Double Data Rate Data Precision Standards (32 bit & 64 Bit Data Width ) suited for Very Advanced Futuristic Hi-tech Smart High Speed Long Distance Wireless Digital Communication A.S.I.C Products / Applications like Space/Satellite, Aerospace and Large Data Processing and computing like High....
Keywords: P.R.B.S- Pseudo Random Binary Sequence, Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidelity, F.P.G.A – Field Programmable Gate Array, IDE – Integrated Development Environment. C.C.I.T.T- Consulting Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone, I.T.U- International Telecommunication Union, A.S.I.C- Application Specific Integrated Circuit, E.D.A- Electronic Design Automation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ternary Based System for Convolutional Encoder |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mayuri Chetan Rathi || Dr C. N. Deshmukh |
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: | 10.9790/4200-13043641 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Convolution coding has been used in communication systems including deep space communication and wireless communication. With demand for higher data rates beyond 10Gbps as per the recommendations of 60GHz communication standards processing speed of hardware and software modules need to further enhance to meet the requirements. VLSI circuits are designed with transistors sizing in nanometer range so as to operate at higher frequencies. With advances in semiconductor technology, transmitter and receiver circuits that meet the next generation wireless standards can be implemented on hardware that can operate at GHz frequency meeting the data rate greater than 10Gbps. Ternary computing uses trits to enable denser numerical encodings, support a fuzzy state, and give the cryptographer the opportunity to introduce new ciphering methods based on hardware primitives that.....
Index Terms – Ternary computing, Ternary convolutional encoder , Higher frequency
[1]. Fazal Noorbasha, G.Jhansi , K.Deepthi , K Hari Kishore, "ASIC Implementation of Convolution Encoder and Viterbi Decoder Based Cryptography System" (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-6S, April 2019.
[2]. Zhang Taotao, Zhang JingKe, Zhou Zhiwen, Yang Zhifei, Liu Wanhong, "FPGA-Based Large Constraint Length Convolution Code Encoder Verification, ICSP 2019
[3]. Dr. S Aruna, Mr. A.V. Adiseshu, Dr.K.Srinivasa Naik , "Design of Viterbi Decoder for Speech to Text Conversion Application using ACS Architecture,IOSR journal of VLSI and signal processing Jan 21, 2019
[4]. Gabriele Meoni, "Design Optimization for High Throughput Recursive Systematic Convolutional Encoders" ICSTCC 2018
[5]. Prof. Vijaya Bharathi M, Sneha.H., Mahesh.M., Shwetha.N., Sowmya.S, "Forward Error Correcting Implementation Using Convolutional Encoders and Viterbi decoding" International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS) Volume -6, Issue-3, 2018