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ABSTRACT: As more people use cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) systems, they make healthcare better, but they also make it easier for cybercriminals to attack. This article describes a system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to intelligently watch cloud-hosted EHR environments for bad behaviour, find cyberattacks, and automatically take the right steps to stop them. Using supervised machine learning models that have been trained on known threat indicators, the suggested framework constantly looks at log and system data. As soon as an attack is found, established containment and mitigation steps are carried out naturally to lower the harm. The test results show that...
Keywords: Cloud-Hosted Electronic Health Records, Machine Learning, Threat Detection, Cyberattacks, Healthcare Security, Intrusion Detection Systems, Incident Response Automation, Behavior-Based Detection
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of different algorithms to improve the quality of Image |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Mayur M. Sonavane || Dr. S. S. Agrawal |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-14041117 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Super-resolution (SR) become the most important task in image processing because of requirement of high quality of images. It becomes popular in technology like computer vision and pattern recognition. In Single Image Super-resolution (SR) uses the sequences of single low resolution (LR) images from high resolution (HR) to improve the quality of image. The SR is an image processing problem which aims to generate a high resolution (HR) image from low resolution input image. The SR is difficult because of the missing information in the given LR image......
Keywords: Accuracy, bi-linear SR, Directional group sparsity, PSNR, Super-Resolution
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ABSTRACT: The Key Objective is HDL RTL Design Architecture of Ultra high multi Clock Frequency Speed Rate ( MHz, GHz, THz, PHz, EHz, ZHz, etc) Bits Per Second Baud Rate ) P.R.B.S(Pseudo Random Binary Sequence) Transceiver Soft A.S.I.C IP Core product for identification of the property of Different Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Patterns (Seed Words) of 2e7-1, 2e10-1, 2e15-1, 2e23-1, 2e31-1 tapped elements as per C.C.I.T.T-I.T.U Standards and IEEE-754 Single and Double Data Rate Data Precision Standards (32 bit & 64 Bit Data Width ) suited for Very....
Keywords. P.R.B.S- Pseudo Random Binary Sequence, Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidelity, F.P.G.A – Field Programmable Gate Array, IDE – Integrated Development Environment. C.C.I.T.T- Consulting Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone, I.T.U- International Telecommunication Union, A.S.I.C- Application Specific Integrated Circuit, E.D.A- Electronic Design Automation
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ABSTRACT: The RAW (Restricted Access Window) component of the IoT network is deployed to reduce traffic and channel contention in dense and heterogeneous sensor network environment. It divides sensor nodes into groups and slots, allowing channel access only to one RAW slot at a time. Several algorithms and improved channel utilization optimization models have been proposed to optimize the RAW parameters, to ensure a contention free network....
KEYWORDS: Resource allocation, station, network, nodes, simulation
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ABSTRACT: Electronic circuits are exposed to very high energy radiation in the harsh conditions of outer space. This leads to soft errors such as single-event upsets (SEU), double-event upsets (DEU) and single-event transients (SET). The memory circuits are the most susceptible to these soft errors resulting in severe data loss. This paper proposes the design for an SRAM cell that is radiation hardened by design (RHBD). A comparative study of the standard SRAM cell and the RHBD SRAM cell indicates that the proposed design is resilient to SEUs and DEUs......
Key Word: DEU; Radiation Hardening; RHBD; SET; SEU; DEU; SRAM.
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