Volume-1 ~ Issue-1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Face Recognition and Retrieval Using LLBP and URFB |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Komala Yadav, M.Venkata Ramana |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-0110122 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Face recognition is one of the major issues in biometric technology. It identifies and/or verifies a
person by using a 2D/3D physical characteristics of the face images. Several techniques have been proposed for
solving a major problem in face recognition such as fisher face, elastic bunch graph matching and support
vector machine. However there are still many challenge problems in face recognition system such as facial
expressions, pose variations occlusion and illumination change. Those variations dramatically degrade the
performance of face recognition system. It is essential to build an efficient system for face recognition. We
introduce a novel face representation method for face recognition integrated with URFB called Local Line
Binary Pattern (LLBP) summarizes the local spatial structure of an image by thresholding the local window
with binary weight and introduce the decimal number as a texture presentation .Moreover it consumes less
computational cost. The basic idea of LLBP is to first obtain the binary code both along the horizontal and
vertical directions separately and its magnitude, which characterizes the change in image intensity such as
edges and corners, is then computed along with the unified relevance feedback(URFB) shows the advantage
over traditional retrieval mechanisms. To seamlessly combine texture feature based retrieval system, a query<
concept-dependent fusion strategy is automatically learned.
Experimental results on ORL data base consisting of 400 images show that the proposed framework is widely
scalable, and effective for recognition, classification and retrieval.
Keywords: Binary Code, LLBP, ORL database, Texture , URFB
Keywords: Binary Code, LLBP, ORL database, Texture , URFB
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In Biometrics Symposium 2007 at The Biometrics Consortium Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, pages 1–7, USA, September 2007.
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. [19] Google Image Search, [Online]. Available: http://images.google.com
[9] Yahoo Image Search, [Online]. Available: http://images.search.yahoo. com/
[10] Altavisa Image Search, [Online]. Available: http://www.altavista.com/image/
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ABSTRACT:Crosstalk creates signal integrity issues due to capacitive coupling between adjacent interconnect
wires and it is a matter of concern in high frequency interconnects. The reported work on crosstalk induced
signal integrity issues in CNT interconnects till date were assuming the value of coupling capacitance as
equivalent to the coupling effect between metal interconnects of same dimensions. This work tries to fill that
gap; by analyzing crosstalk in bundled SWCNTs with a better model for extracting inter bundle real life
coupling capacitances. This work also proposes a novel idea of reducing crosstalk effects by using low-k
dielectric materials as isolation between adjacent nets. It is found that compact bundles separated by low-k
dielectric can reduce crosstalk effect considerably.
Keywords - Crosstalk, signal integrity, SWCNT, MWCNT, Mixed CNT
Keywords - Crosstalk, signal integrity, SWCNT, MWCNT, Mixed CNT
[1] Banerjee, K. and Srivastava, N., Performance Analysis of Carbon Nanotube interconnects for VLSI Applications, IEEE
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[2] Rossi, D. , Cazeaux, J. M. , Metra, C. and Lombardi, Modeling crosstalk effects in CNT bus architectures, IEEE Trans.
Nanotechnology , 6(2), 2005, 133–145
[3] Shao-Ning Pu, Wen-Yan Yin, Jun-Fa Mao, and Qing H. Liu, Crosstalk Prediction of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon-
Nanotube (SWCNT/DWCNT) Bundle Interconnects, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,56 (4), 2009, 560-568
[4] Marcello D‟Amore, Maria Sabrina Sarto, and Alessio Tamburrano, Fast Transient Analysis of Next-Generation Interconnects
Based on Carbon Nanotubes, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,52(2), 2010, 496- 503
[5] Debaprasad Das, Hafzur Rahaman, Analysis of crosstalk in single and multiwall carbon Nanotube interconnects and its impact
on gate oxide reliability‟, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology,10(6), 2011, 1362-1370
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Int.Computer Aided Design Conf., San Jose, CA, 2005, 383-390
[2] Rossi, D. , Cazeaux, J. M. , Metra, C. and Lombardi, Modeling crosstalk effects in CNT bus architectures, IEEE Trans.
Nanotechnology , 6(2), 2005, 133–145
[3] Shao-Ning Pu, Wen-Yan Yin, Jun-Fa Mao, and Qing H. Liu, Crosstalk Prediction of Single- and Double-Walled Carbon-
Nanotube (SWCNT/DWCNT) Bundle Interconnects, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,56 (4), 2009, 560-568
[4] Marcello D‟Amore, Maria Sabrina Sarto, and Alessio Tamburrano, Fast Transient Analysis of Next-Generation Interconnects
Based on Carbon Nanotubes, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,52(2), 2010, 496- 503
[5] Debaprasad Das, Hafzur Rahaman, Analysis of crosstalk in single and multiwall carbon Nanotube interconnects and its impact
on gate oxide reliability‟, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology,10(6), 2011, 1362-1370
[6] Kailiang Zhang , Bo Tian , Xiaosong Zhu , Fang Wang and Jun Wei, Crosstalk analysis of carbon nanotube bundl Interconnects‟,
Nanoscale Research Letters , 2012, 7:138.
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- Abstract
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ABSTRACT: Job satisfaction is a sense of fulfilment that an employee derives from his job. This study investigated
core self evaluations and emotional intelligence as correlates of job satisfaction among selected senior
secondary school teachers in Oyo and Ogun States of Nigeria with the aim of enhancing job satisfaction in the
profession. The sample consisted of three hundred participants drawn with simple random sampling technique
from twelve selected schools. Six valid and reliable instruments were used for data collection; Self Esteem Scale
(r = 0.86), Generalised Self Efficacy Scale (r= 0.75); Neuroticism Scale (r= 0.86); Emotional Intelligence Scale
(r = 0.84); Work Locus of Control scale (r= 0.76) and Job Satisfaction Scale (r = 0.82). The administration
lasted four weeks. Using correlations and multiple regression analysis, the results show that core self
Evaluations and Emotional Intelligence jointly and relatively contributed to job satisfaction among secondary
school teachers. On the strength of the findings, the need to foster the Core Self Evaluations and Emotional
Intelligence to enhance job satisfaction was stressed and advocated.
Keywords: Core Self Evaluations, Emotional intelligence, Job Satisfaction.
Keywords: Core Self Evaluations, Emotional intelligence, Job Satisfaction.
[1] Adeyemo, D.A (2000) Job involvement; Career Commitment, Organisational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of the Nigerian
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[3] Adokiye A.O. (2005) Teacher Education in the Year 2000 plus: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. Knowledge Review Volume
II No 2 November 2005.
[4] Agho, A.O. Mueller, C.W. and Price, J.L.(1993)."Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Test of a Causal
Model‟, Human Relations, 46:1007-1027.
[5] Alliance for Excellent Education (2005) Teacher Attrition. A Costly loss to the Nation and to the States retrieved June 24, 2011
from http://www.all4ed.org/publications/ issuebriefs.html.
[6] Awosanya, O.O. (2010) The Roles of Core Self – Evaluations and Emotional Intelligence in the Job Satisfactory of Public Sector
Employees in Oyo State. An Unpublished Masters Dissertation. University of Ibadan.
[7] Bar-on, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I): A Test of Emotional Intelligence. Toronto, Canada: Multi – Health
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Police. A multiple regression analysis. Journal of Advance Studies in Educational Management.
[2] Adeyemo, D.A. (2007). Emotional intelligence and the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment
of Employee in Public Parastatals in Oyo State. Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences 4(2) 324-330.
[3] Adokiye A.O. (2005) Teacher Education in the Year 2000 plus: Issues, Challenges and Prospects. Knowledge Review Volume
II No 2 November 2005.
[4] Agho, A.O. Mueller, C.W. and Price, J.L.(1993)."Determinants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Test of a Causal
Model‟, Human Relations, 46:1007-1027.
[5] Alliance for Excellent Education (2005) Teacher Attrition. A Costly loss to the Nation and to the States retrieved June 24, 2011
from http://www.all4ed.org/publications/ issuebriefs.html.
[6] Awosanya, O.O. (2010) The Roles of Core Self – Evaluations and Emotional Intelligence in the Job Satisfactory of Public Sector
Employees in Oyo State. An Unpublished Masters Dissertation. University of Ibadan.
[7] Bar-on, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I): A Test of Emotional Intelligence. Toronto, Canada: Multi – Health
System. Inc,.
[8] Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does High Self Esteem Cause Better Performance,
Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Life Styles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4, 1-44.
[9] Billingsley, B.S. (2004) Special Education Teacher Retention and Attrition. A Critical Analysis of the Research Literature. The
Journal of Special Education, 38, 39 – 55.
[10] Boudreau, Boswell, Judge and Bretz, (2001). Personality and Cognitive Ability as Predictors of Job Search among Employed
Managers. Personnel Psychology, 54(1),25-26.
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ABSTRACT:This paper proposes an oversampled filter bank, which gives the resultant near perfect
reconstruction of input image. An oversampled filter bank structure that can be implemented using popular and
efficient fast filter banks to allow subband processing of an input signal with substantially reduced aliasing
between subbands. For filters design direct form-II structure FIR filters are used and transformed into two
dimensional forms using frequency transformation techniques. Investigation of oversampled filter bank using
different oversampled factors and different filter orders for different images are carried out. The analysis of
outputs of filter banks images are carried out by using peak signal to noise ratio [PSNR] of compressed images.
By using local thresholding segmentation where major components of images are exposed and analysis of filter
bank output images are carried out which is helpful to find the difference between images.
[1] R. Brennan and T. Schneider, "A flexible filterbank structure for extensive signal manipulations in digital hearing aids," in Proc.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 1998, vol. 6, pp. 569–572.
[2] I. Daubechies, "Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets," Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 41,
pp. 909–996, 1988.
[3] S. G. Mallat, "Multifrequency channel decompositions of images and wavelet models," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics,Speech,
and Signal Processing, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2091– 2110,1989.
[4] Hindawi Publishing CorporationEURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Volume 2006, Article ID 42672,Pages 1–16DOI
10.1155/ASP/2006/42672"2D Four-ChannelPerfect Reconstruction Filter Bank"Realized with the 2D Lattice Filter Structure
[5] Moritz Harteneck, Robert W. Stewart and J.M. Paez-Borrallo., A filterbank design for oversampled filter banks without aliasing in
the subbands http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/31230.html
[6] Moritz Harteneck,Stephan Weiss, and Robert W. Stewart ,An oversampled filter bank withdifferent analysis and synthesis filters
for the use with adaptive filters http://citeseer.ist.psu.ed
[7] P.P.Vaidyanathan "Multirate systems and filter banks"(.Pearson Education 1993).
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 1998, vol. 6, pp. 569–572.
[2] I. Daubechies, "Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets," Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 41,
pp. 909–996, 1988.
[3] S. G. Mallat, "Multifrequency channel decompositions of images and wavelet models," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics,Speech,
and Signal Processing, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 2091– 2110,1989.
[4] Hindawi Publishing CorporationEURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Volume 2006, Article ID 42672,Pages 1–16DOI
10.1155/ASP/2006/42672"2D Four-ChannelPerfect Reconstruction Filter Bank"Realized with the 2D Lattice Filter Structure
[5] Moritz Harteneck, Robert W. Stewart and J.M. Paez-Borrallo., A filterbank design for oversampled filter banks without aliasing in
the subbands http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/31230.html
[6] Moritz Harteneck,Stephan Weiss, and Robert W. Stewart ,An oversampled filter bank withdifferent analysis and synthesis filters
for the use with adaptive filters http://citeseer.ist.psu.ed
[7] P.P.Vaidyanathan "Multirate systems and filter banks"(.Pearson Education 1993).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Speech Recognition Using Matrix Comparison |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishnupriya Gupta |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-0114345 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Speech recognition is a fascinating application of digital signal processing (DSP) that has many
real-world applications. Speech recognition can be used to automate many tasks that previously required
hands-on human interaction, such as recognizing simple spoken commands to perform something like turning
on lights or shutting a door. To increase recognition rate, techniques such as neural networks, dynamic time
warping, and hidden Markov models have been used. Recent technological advances have made recognition of
more complex speech patterns possible.[1] Speech /voice recognition is a very difficult task to be performed by
a computer system. Many speech /voice processing tasks, like speech and word recognition ,reached
satisfactory performance levels on specific applications, and although a variety of commercial products were
launched in the last decade, many problems remain an open research area, and absolute solutions have not
been found out yet[1].
Keywords: speech, fourier transform, matrix
Keywords: speech, fourier transform, matrix
[1] Vimal Krishnan V.R, Athulya Jayakumar, Babu Anto.P, "Speech Recognition of Isolated Malayalam Words Using Wavelet
Features and Artificial Neural Network", 4th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test & Applications
[2] Lawrance Rabiner, Bing-Hwang Juang, "Fundamentals Speech Recognition", Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice hall, 1993.
[3] Mallat Stephen, "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing", San Dieago: Academic Press, 1999, ISBN 012466606.
[4] Mallat SA, "Theory for MuItiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis Machine Intelligence. Vol. 31, pp 674-693, 1989.
[5] K.P. Soman, K.I. Ramachandran, "Insight into Wavelets from Theory to Practice", Second Edition, PHI, 2005.
[6] Kadambe S., Srinivasan P. "Application of Adaptive Wavelets for Speech ", Optical Engineering 33(7), pp. 2204-2211, July 1994.
[7] Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach", New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
[8] S.N. Srinivasan, S. Sumathi, S.N. Deepa, "Introduction to Neural Networks using Matlab 6.0," New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill,
[9] James A Freeman, David M Skapura, "Neural Networks Algorithm". Application and Programming Techniques, Pearson
Education, 2006.
[10] E. Avci, and Z.H. Akpolat, Speech recognition using a wavelet packet adaptive network based fuzzy inference system, SinceDirect,
vol.31, no. 3, 2006, pp 495- 503.
Features and Artificial Neural Network", 4th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test & Applications
[2] Lawrance Rabiner, Bing-Hwang Juang, "Fundamentals Speech Recognition", Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice hall, 1993.
[3] Mallat Stephen, "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing", San Dieago: Academic Press, 1999, ISBN 012466606.
[4] Mallat SA, "Theory for MuItiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis Machine Intelligence. Vol. 31, pp 674-693, 1989.
[5] K.P. Soman, K.I. Ramachandran, "Insight into Wavelets from Theory to Practice", Second Edition, PHI, 2005.
[6] Kadambe S., Srinivasan P. "Application of Adaptive Wavelets for Speech ", Optical Engineering 33(7), pp. 2204-2211, July 1994.
[7] Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach", New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
[8] S.N. Srinivasan, S. Sumathi, S.N. Deepa, "Introduction to Neural Networks using Matlab 6.0," New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill,
[9] James A Freeman, David M Skapura, "Neural Networks Algorithm". Application and Programming Techniques, Pearson
Education, 2006.
[10] E. Avci, and Z.H. Akpolat, Speech recognition using a wavelet packet adaptive network based fuzzy inference system, SinceDirect,
vol.31, no. 3, 2006, pp 495- 503.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CMOS Body Driven Quaternary Logic Generator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umesh Kumar, Rajiv Kapoor |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-0114650 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:This paper is about the design, simulation and study of a CMOS quaternary logic generator having a
single stage CMOS body driven design. The interest of design is that the circuit consists of only one CMOS
circuit, reducing the chip area and also only two supply rails is required to drive the complete circuitry. The
multi-valued logic generator, designed here is also demonstrated with and without enable circuitry too. The
design has been implemented with 1.8micrometer CMOS technology on Cadence virtuoso schematic Editor.
Keywords –– CMOS, body effect, decoder, multi-valued logic.
Keywords –– CMOS, body effect, decoder, multi-valued logic.
[1] Burgess, R.R. and Daniels, R.G., Silicon gate CMOS integrated circuits, Electronic devices meeting, 1970 international : 16
,Publication Year: 1970 , Page(s): 112.
[2] Pelgrom, Duinmaijer and welbers, Matcing properties of MOS transistors, IEEE Journal of solid-state Circuits,1989; Pages: 1433-
[3] Conti M., Crippa P., Orcioni S. and Turchetti C., Layout-based statistical modeling for the prediction of the matching properties of
the MOS transistors, Circuit and systems I: Fundamental theory and Application, IEEE Transaction 2002, Pages: 680-685,
[4] Meijer M., de Gyvez J.P., Body-Bias-Driven Strategy for Area- and performance- Efficient CMOS circuit, IEEE Transaction on
VLSI System: 2012, Pages: 42-51.
[5] Meijer M., de Gyvez J.P., Body bias driven design synthesis for optimum performance per area, 11th International symposium on
Quality Electronic Design (ISQED): 2010, Pages: 472-477
[6] Hurley, Patrick. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 9th edition. (2006)
[7] Nidine M.H. and Files C.M., A mature methodology for implementing multi valued logic in silicon, symposium on multivalued
logic: 2008, Pages:2-7.
[8] Ravariu C., Zoltan F. and Dobrescu L., The three valued logic implementation on a hybrid SOI Structure, International
Semiconductor Confrence, 2006, Pages:425-428.
[9] Trzesicki. K. Many valued tense logic and the problem of determination, symposium on multi-valued logic:1990,IEEE Conference
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[10] Vasundra Patel, K. S. gurumurthy, Arithmetic Operations in Multi-Valued logic, International journal of VLSI desighn and
Communication Systems (VLSICS)2010 Vol.1 NO. 1.
,Publication Year: 1970 , Page(s): 112.
[2] Pelgrom, Duinmaijer and welbers, Matcing properties of MOS transistors, IEEE Journal of solid-state Circuits,1989; Pages: 1433-
[3] Conti M., Crippa P., Orcioni S. and Turchetti C., Layout-based statistical modeling for the prediction of the matching properties of
the MOS transistors, Circuit and systems I: Fundamental theory and Application, IEEE Transaction 2002, Pages: 680-685,
[4] Meijer M., de Gyvez J.P., Body-Bias-Driven Strategy for Area- and performance- Efficient CMOS circuit, IEEE Transaction on
VLSI System: 2012, Pages: 42-51.
[5] Meijer M., de Gyvez J.P., Body bias driven design synthesis for optimum performance per area, 11th International symposium on
Quality Electronic Design (ISQED): 2010, Pages: 472-477
[6] Hurley, Patrick. A Concise Introduction to Logic, 9th edition. (2006)
[7] Nidine M.H. and Files C.M., A mature methodology for implementing multi valued logic in silicon, symposium on multivalued
logic: 2008, Pages:2-7.
[8] Ravariu C., Zoltan F. and Dobrescu L., The three valued logic implementation on a hybrid SOI Structure, International
Semiconductor Confrence, 2006, Pages:425-428.
[9] Trzesicki. K. Many valued tense logic and the problem of determination, symposium on multi-valued logic:1990,IEEE Conference
publication, Pages:228-236.
[10] Vasundra Patel, K. S. gurumurthy, Arithmetic Operations in Multi-Valued logic, International journal of VLSI desighn and
Communication Systems (VLSICS)2010 Vol.1 NO. 1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Prefix Adders uing FPGAs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Babulu, Y.Gowthami |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-0115157 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Parallel Prefix Adders have been established as the most efficient circuits for binary addition.
The binary adder is the critical element in most digital circuit designs including digital signal processors and
microprocessor data path units. The final carry is generated ahead to the generation of the sum which leads
extensive research focused on reduction in circuit complexity and power consumption of the adder. In VLSI
implementation, parallel-prefix adders are known to have the best performance. This paper investigates four
types of carry-tree adders (the Kogge-Stone, sparse Kogge-Stone, spanning tree, Brent kung Adder) and
compare them to the simple Ripple Carry Adder and Carry Skip Adder. These designs of varied bit-widths are
simulated using model-sim simulator of 6.4 version and implemented on a Xilinx 10.1 version Spartan 3E
FPGA. These fast carry-chain carry-tree adders support the bit width up to 256. We report on the area
requirements and reduction in circuit complexity for a variety of classical parallel prefix adder structures.
Keywords-FPGA, Prefix Adder, ALU, Xilinx, VLSI, CLA, Simulation, Synthesis
Keywords-FPGA, Prefix Adder, ALU, Xilinx, VLSI, CLA, Simulation, Synthesis
1] Andrew Beaumont-Smith and Cheng-Chew Lim,Parallel Prefix Adder Design, 0-769s-I 150-3/01 $10.00 0 2001 IEEE
[2] Dinesh Patil, Omid Azizi, Mark Horowitz, Ron Ho, Rajesh Ananthraman, Robust Energy-Efficient Adder Topologies
[3] Abhijith Kini G, Asynchronous Hybrid Kogge-Stone Structure Carry Select Adder Based IEEE-754 Double-Precision Floating-
Point Adder, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-
[4] Sabyasachi Das and Sunil P. Khatri, A Novel Hybrid Parallel-Prefix Adder Architecture With Efficient Timing-Area Characteristic,
[5] Hoang Q. Dao and Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Performance Comparison of VLSI Adders Using Logical Effort
[6] Radu Zlatanovici, Borivoje Nikolic, Power – Performance Optimal 64-Bit Carry-Lookahead Adders.
[7] Cory Merkel, David Brenner, 8-bit Parallel Prefix Adders Using Brent Kung Tree with BIST.
[8] R.W.Doran,Variants of an Improved Carry Look-Ahead Adder,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol.37,No9,September 1988.
[2] Dinesh Patil, Omid Azizi, Mark Horowitz, Ron Ho, Rajesh Ananthraman, Robust Energy-Efficient Adder Topologies
[3] Abhijith Kini G, Asynchronous Hybrid Kogge-Stone Structure Carry Select Adder Based IEEE-754 Double-Precision Floating-
Point Adder, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-
[4] Sabyasachi Das and Sunil P. Khatri, A Novel Hybrid Parallel-Prefix Adder Architecture With Efficient Timing-Area Characteristic,
[5] Hoang Q. Dao and Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Performance Comparison of VLSI Adders Using Logical Effort
[6] Radu Zlatanovici, Borivoje Nikolic, Power – Performance Optimal 64-Bit Carry-Lookahead Adders.
[7] Cory Merkel, David Brenner, 8-bit Parallel Prefix Adders Using Brent Kung Tree with BIST.
[8] R.W.Doran,Variants of an Improved Carry Look-Ahead Adder,IEEE Transactions on Computers,Vol.37,No9,September 1988.