Abstract: In this work, we used merchant phosphate from Tahoua. It is a powder obtained by grinding and physical treatment of rock phosphate nodules and is used as a crop fertilizer. However, it has a low reactivity. This does not favour its direct application to the soil to correct soil phosphorus deficiency in order to increase agricultural productivity. The present work aims to improve the solubility of this product by heat treatment to increase its agronomic efficiency. Tahoua merchant phosphate was calcined at 850°C in an adjustable kiln for two hours. The chemical composition, specific surface area and pore volume of the merchant and calcined products were determined respectively by XRF chemical analysis and BET method. A solubility test of the product was carried out in sulphuric (1M) and citric....
Keywords: Tahoua merchant phosphate; calcination; solubility; citric acid; sulphuric acid
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