Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
Title |
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Radiological Impact of a Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsite on Soil
and Groundwater Using 2-D Resistivity Tomography and
Gamma Ray Spectroscopy |
Country |
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Nigeria |
Authors |
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C.N. Ehirim and G.O. Itota |
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10.9790/2402-0253542  |
Abstract: The radiological impact of a municipal solid waste dumpsite on soil and groundwater in Port
Harcourt municipality was investigated by integrating 2-D resistivity imaging and gamma-ray spectroscopy.
The objectives of the study were to determine the lateral and vertical limits of leachate contamination and to
evaluate the radioactivity concentrations in soil and groundwater. Results show that the soil and ground water
have been contaminated by dumpsite emissions and radioactive materials throughout the dumpsite area. The
distribution of the contaminations is uneven and spotty, both horizontally and vertically, and has penetrated to
depths exceeding 31m into the ground water aquifer. The primary contaminants found in the site were leachate,
waste gases, and the radionuclides of 40K, 226Ra, and 228Ra. The mean absorbed dose rates of 31.98nGy/hr,
10.51nGy/hr and 6.98nGy/hr, and mean dose rate equivalents of 0.28mSv/yr, 0.09mSv/yr and 0.06mSv/yr were
obtained for the soil, leachate and groundwater samples, respectively. The mean absorbed and equivalent dose
rates in the soil and water samples were greater than their controls, suggesting that the dumpsite area is
contaminated. These results are comparable to those reported for other waste sites in the area and lower than
the maximum permitted limits for the general public of 1mSv/yr and 0.1mSv/yr for soil and water, respectively.
These therefore, have no immediate radiological health burden on the inhabitants who depends on the soil and
groundwater for their crops and potable water supply. However, with continuous consumption of crop products
and intake of groundwater, increase in the activity concentration and dose rates of these radionuclides may
occur over time, which will have adverse effects on humans.
Keywords: Resistivity Imaging, Leachate, Gamma-Ray Spectrometry, Radionuclides, Absorb Dose Rate and
Equivalent Dose Rate.
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