Version-1 (May – June 2017)
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Abstract: In this study, a group of polyester multi-filament yarns were fed to the ring frame at the backside of the front roller. A particular width was set for the filament group at backside of the front roller and the left out filament was twisted by ring-spindle. The height of the spinning triangle was measured for various parameters, such as the width of the filament strand spread, the number of filaments in the group, and the twist inserted by the traveller in the yarn. A CCD image camera was used to take the image of the spinning triangle and its height was measured from the image. The spinning triangle height was also predicted with the help of regression equation and artificial neural networks (ANN) and the values were compared with the experimental values. This study clearly.................
Keywords: Artificial neural network, Filament convergence angle, Spinning triangle, Number of filaments, Regression equation (RE)
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Abstract: Sustainable polylactic acid (PLA) antimicrobial-based plastics were engineered with a cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) filler. The small weight fractions (< 10 % w/w in total of CNC) and antibacterial agents were added in the different systems. Silver (Ag) nanomaterial was used as a positive control. A peptide sequence known to exhibit antimicrobial activity was integrated into the PLA based systems. The plastics were previously characterized in an earlier publication from our group. That publication focused on estimating the thermal and mechanical stability of the plastics, the oxygen and water vapour permeability, and the morphological arrangement of the components within the plastics. Hence, in this study, our team completed antimicrobial testing against four strains of organisms commonly encountered in the food industry...........
Keywords: Cellulose nanocrystals, poly (lactic) acid, antibacterial properties, thermal and mechanical properties
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Abstract: Polylactic Acid, a sugar based biodegradable polymer possesses attractive properties that makes it a candidate for sustainable applications. However, other properties limiting an application like low thermal stability, reduced mechanical performance and moisture sensitivity compared to polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene. In the current study, properties of PLA were improved by compounding and hot pressing it..........
Keywords: Polylactic Acid, cellulose, composites.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Novel Packaging Paper Made From Blend Fillers of Chitosan and Rice Starch |
Country | : | Slovenia. |
Authors | : | U. Vrabič Brodnjak || D. Todorova |
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: | 10.9790/019X-04033343 ![]() |
Abstract: In our research, paper sheets with a blend fillers of chitosan and rice starch have been made. The novelty of this paper is the use of blend mixture, different concentrations of chitosan and rice starch in paper production. This led to positive effect on the barrier, mechanical and printing properties. The goal of our research was to improve paper properties and to make a paper sheets, which will be suitable as packaging paper. To evaluate the effect of the bio based fillers, the smoothness, air permeability, grease resistance, moisture, water absorptiveness, tensile properties..........
Keywords: chitosan, rice starch, pulp, paper additives, bio polymers, modified paper
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Abstract: Thermochromic based pigment considered as one of the most functional dyes that used to give new functions to the fabrics which have been printed by them. The aim of this research is to approve the benefits of applying of the thermochromic based pigment on the knitted interlock fabrics for detection of skin temperature indication of physical exhaustion of the human body, the samples made of cotton, wool and polyester fabrics have been printed by using screen printing technology..........
Keywords: Thermochromic, bursting strength, knitted fabrics, heat transfers, degree of staining
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