Version-1 (Sep. – Oct. 2017)
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Abstract: This study is confined to the analysis of environmental parameters of waste water generated after dyeing of cotton single jersey fabric with three different synthesized reactive dyes, including mono functional, homo bi-functional and hetero bi-functional dyes under four dye concentrations. Textile effluents were collected from reactive dyeing on two stages, including dyeing without and with additional fixing treatment. In this work, comparatively least pH values are recorded for the effluents collected from the second stage whereas mostDO, BOD and COD values are obtained inthe textile effluents taken from the first stage. In addition to this, the effluents containing mono functional and homo................
Keywords: Reactive dye, Textile effluent, Dissolve Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
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Abstract: Textile processing is a growing industry that traditionally has used a lot of water, energy and harsh chemicals. Bio-polishing is a developing and promising method for lowering the consumption of chemicals specially in wet finishing where plenty of these compounds are used. The singeing process replaced with environment-friendly approach using enzymes. Enzymes are specific and fast in action and small amounts of enzyme often save large amounts of energy and costing. In this study, we had done bio-polishing treatment in samples of Cotton Woven fabrics by enzyme. For this experiment I have performed the combined scouring & bleaching to remove sizing material from woven fabric................ .
Keywords: Bio-polishing, Cotton woven fabric, Singeing, Eco-friendly, Cost saving.
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Abstract: There has been ever-increasing efforts to somehow arrange manufacturing processes in such a way that they cause minimal damage to the environment.Waste minimization is the application of a systematic approach to reducing the generation of waste at source. In other words, waste minimization prevents the waste from occurring in the first place, rather than treating it once it has been produced by end-of-pipe treatment methods.Here the main focus point is the general waste minimization suggestions for reducing water, chemical and energy consumption; reducing solid waste; and minimizing the emission of toxic substances.
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Abstract: Biodegradable starch based hydrogels have been attracting much attention of the researchers owing to concerns related to environmental pollution by the synthetic polymers. In this article green hydrogel is prepared by the free radical polymerization of acrylamide on the starch backbone. The amide groups of the starch-g-PAAm hydrogel were saponified and its swelling behavior was compared with unsaponified starch-g-PAAm and crossliked polyacrylamide. The pH responsive swelling behaviors of the hydrogels were also investigated. The swelling percentage of saponified starch-g-PAAm was found higher than that of unsaponified hydrogel. Swelling percentage of crosslinked PAAm and starch-g-PAAm hydrogels normally increase with the pH value. But in case of extremely basic medium the swelling percentages were found to be lowered. The structures of the hydrogels were confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy.
Keywords: Hydrogel, Swelling percentage, pH responsive, Starch, Saponification.
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Abstract: This paper describes the analysis of the parqetic mosaics process to determine process variation and process capability to achieve the specified specifications. The analysis is done for only three stages in Multy Rip and Sanding Pcs process. This is because very small errors or non-conformities to specifications occur in other processes and can be fixed at a later stage. Analysis based on samples taken for 30 days. Results of the control chart analysis for the three stages of the process, only one control chart that should be revised is the control chart on the Multy Rip process for working on the slat width. Process capability analysis for three stages of the process, generally three stages of the process has been able to meet the specified specifications. However, if analyzed based on the upper and lower............
Keywords: Quality control, control chart, process capability, mosaic parquet.
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Abstract: In this work we look for the possibilities of using sea water for cotton fabric dyeing. It is focused on the shade differences, reflectance%, color strength (K/S value), wash, rubbing and perspiration fastness following cotton fabric is dyed with both ground water and sea water. The fabric samples are 100% cotton single jersey. The quality parameters such as shade differences, reflectance %, color strength, wash, rubbing and perspiration fastness of the both dyed samples have been compared and it has been found that the sea water dyed fabric samples are lighter in shade and the results of quality parameters are satisfactory.
Keywords: Ground water, sea water, color fastness, color strength, reflectance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing Feminine Look Through Optical Illusion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.D.Kumanayake || C.P.Vithanage |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/019X-04053643 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of wearing shape wear is to illustrate the perfect body shape to outside world. Body shaping technology has been derived from ancient times and the techniques have evolved with time based on the different body shapes desired by women. Nevertheless, most of the shape wear techniques are identified as harmful to the human body in consistent usage as it compresses the natural muscles in gaining the required body shape. Through this research, it was experimented to find out an effective solution for the issues of shape wear in creating a perfect appearance of the figure of the wearer. In order to achieve the objective of this research, a combination of optical illusion and silicon printing techniques have been used in developing outfits. A selected optical illusion theories have been............
Keywords: Body shaping, Shapewear, optical illusion, silicone printing.
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Abstract: The authors proposed research of manned spacecraft by laser thruster [1, 2]. In this paper, we introduce a small-sized laser thruster for satellite attitude control and trajectory control. The target thrust is 1N laser thruster. The laser thruster uses the reaction thrust of the steam or water explosion generated by laser light irradiation. Since the laser power and propellant flow rate can be set independently and the propellant injection speed can be controlled over a wide range, both high specific impulse-low thrust mode and high thrust-low specific impulse mode can be selected by controlling the laser output with vapor or water as a propellant.............
Keywords: laser propulsion; vapor; water ablation; high-power Laser Diode (LD); fiber laser; fuel cell; satellite; attitude control; trajectory control; laser thruster
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