Series-1 (Sep. – Oct. 2022)Sep. – Oct. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Differentiation between source and reservoir rocks requires the presence of many geological, petrophysical, and geochemical data. The scope of this research is to evaluate a new approach to distinct source rocks from reservoir rocks by calculating the heat that results from the decaying of radioactive minerals in the rocks. Radiogenic heat production (RHP) values were calculated in ten wells penetrating the studied Bahariya formation in Tut oil field, Northwestern Desert, Egypt. The mean value of (RHP) is calculated as 0.88 μW/ m3, while the standard deviation value is 0.32 μW/m3.The zones with average values of more than (0.88) are referred to be the ones that have higher amounts of total organic carbon materials (TOC) . The RHP value ranging from an average value from (0.88 μW/ m3) to the sum of this value plus one standard deviation (1.21) is recorded in low shale content zones which are considered reservoir rocks. The RHP values of more than 1.21 were recorded related to the zones of a moderate and high volume of shale content, which can be considered source rocks.
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Abstract: The sandstone reservoir quality and productivity of Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in Kelasu structural belt of Kuqa Depression in Tarim Basin are obviously controlled by stress. Through the multi-scale characterization of field outcrops, logging, cores and microcosms, it is clear that the Cretaceous reservoir was controlled by the regional and local stress fields caused by the uplift in the south Tianshan mountain. Combined with numerical simulation, the influence of tectonic stress field on reservoir is discussed. The results show that there are three main effects of canopy, stress meso and strike slip in the process of dual tectonic stress field. The canopy effect and stress surface effect have constructive effects on the reservoir, forming favorable combination of reservoir and cap, slowing down vertical.....
Key Word: Cretaceous; Bashijqike Formation; Kelasu structural belt; Reservoir quality; Characteristic of stress field..
[1]. Zhou Peng, Tang Yangang, Ma Yujie, et al. Application of elastic displacement theory for effective fracture prediction in ultra-deep reservoir:Taking Keshen 2 and 8 Blocks as examples[J]. Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field, 2016,23(1):25-29.
[2]. Zhang Ronghu, Zhang Huiliang, Shou Jianfeng, et al. Geological analysis on reservoir mechanism of the Lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in Dabei area of the Kuqa Depression[J]. Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica) ,2008,43(3):507-517.
[3]. Chen Ge, Huang Zhibin, Zhang Huiliang, et al.Provenance Analysis of Clastic Rocks in the Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation at Kuqa Depression[J]. Natural Gas Geoscience, 2012,23(6):1025-1033.
[4]. Wang Zhaoming. Discussion of Ceiling Effect in Foreland Thrust Belt of Kuqa Depression[J]. Natural Gas Geoscience, 2013,24(4):671-676.
[5]. Zhuo Qingong, Li Yong, Song Yan, et al. Evolution of Paleogene saline deposits and effectiveness of traps in Kelasu tectonic zone,Kuqa Depression,Tarim Basin[J]. Petroleum Geology & Experiment, 2013,35(1):42-47.
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Abstract: Uttarakhand is the state that has experienced the largest increase in total forest fire incidents in India from 2016 to 2022. This study uses remote sensing-based time series analysis to examine the causes and determine the impetus for the drastic rise in the number of wildfire events in the state and analyze further implications of this predicament. Satellites operated by NASA: MODIS(instrument on the EOS AM-1 and EOS PM-1 satellites) and SNPP-VIIRS(375-m resolution) were used for the purpose of this investigation. In addition to the typical causes such as rising temperatures and lack of atmospheric moisture, the anthropogenic and other miscellaneous factors are expounded in context to specific causes of the reported incidents in 2021 and 2022. The research provides crucial spatial.....
Keywords: Forest fires, MODIS, SNPP, anthropogenic causes for forest fires, Wildlife, Flora, Fauna.
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Abstract: Olkaria Domes Geothermal field is one of the sectors, within the Olkaria Geothermal field and is a high temperature geothermal system. Kenya Electricity Generation Company Limited (KenGen) and the privately owned Orpower Geothermal limited have an obligation to explore and exploit the Geothermal Energy in the field. This is in line with the Government of Kenya Big 4 Agenda which aims to increase the output of renewable energy to 5000 MWe by the year 2030. This has resulted to exploration activities being carried out in that area and several hundredsgeothermal wells have been drilled and some have experienced large amounts of cement slurry losses to permeable zones due to the nature of their geological formations. During drilling the geothermal well has to be well cemented to prevents cold fluids from getting into the wells. Cementing also prevent the well from collapsing and hence led to difficulties in drilling or unproductive well which make drilling quite expensive.....
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Abstract: The process of sedimentation andsediment transportin estuaries consists of the processes ofsettling, wearing away of the estuary riverbed, andcarrying away sediment.Hydrophysical studies of the processes ofsedimentation and bed erosion for the Kuala Jengki Manado river estuarymay be based on the distribution of position andtime of the flow velocity variable. Analysis of the variable andits change along the river estuary can indicate the process of erosion or sedimentation that occurs at the estuary. The relationship between thetwo hydrophysical.....
Keywords: Critical Value, Potential, Erosion, Sedimentation, Estuary
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Abstract: Vertical electrical sounding and 2-D electrical resistivity tomography was applied to investigate the availability of sand and estimate the volume of exploitable sand deposit in a municipality in the Western Niger Delta. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) and 2-D resistivity tomography was investigated using the Petrozenith PZ-03 terrameter with the Schlumberger and Wenner arrays respectively. The VES and 2-D resistivity survey results were respectively interpreted with IPI2WIN and DIPROWIN softwares. Resistivity results delineated 3 layers of lateritic topsoil, sandy.....
Keywords: 2-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Sand, Vertical Electrical Sounding, Volume of Exploitable Sand
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Did Snowball Earth Exist? |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yeshayahu Greitzer |
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: | 10.9790/0990-1005014953 ![]() |
Abstract: Sediments of glaciers that were generally depositedin the poles were found in the area of the equator in various periods,which led to theories of a snowball earth. This isprobably becausethe axis of the earth's rotation,following its rotation on the mantle, was located at the equator at those times.The changed location of the equator resulted from the centrifugal force of the rotational movement of the earth following the change in location of its axis, whichwas themainforcecausing the movement of the continents and especially the direction they moved in, as well asthe upper part of the magma in the mantle.
Key Words Snowball;supercontinents;centrifugal force; earth's rotation;location of equator;plate tectonics.
[1]. Bradley D. C. (2011). Secular Trends in the Geologic Record and Supercontinents Cycle. Earth–Science Reviews, 108, 16– 33.
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[4]. Damian R, Nance and J. Brendan Murphy, (July 2013).Origins of the Supercontinents Cycle.Geoscience Frontiers 4(4) 439 – 448 DOI: 10.1016/i.gsf 2012.12.07 License. CC-NC-ND 3.0.
[5]. Greitzer, Y., (Jun.,2020). The Centrifugal Force behind the Movement of Continents, Change in the Axis of the Rotating Earth. Journal of Science and Technology. ISSN: 2456-5660Vol 05. Issue 04, July-August 2020, pp69-80. DOI:
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Abstract: Rivers are essential natural resources and have historically served as the foundation for the development of civilizations. Ayodhya, located on the banks of the Saryu River, is a case study of the intricate connection between a river and its cultural significance to local communities. This paper investigates the deeply embedded cultural ties between the Saryu River and the people of Ayodhya, highlighting how cultural tourism shapes the social and economic dynamics of the region. While this form of tourism enhances infrastructure development and economic growth, offering diverse employment opportunities, it also brings challenges such as environmental deterioration and social tensions. Examining the dual impact of cultural tourism on Saryu Ghat underscores the necessity for sustainable practices to protect the river's sanctity while fostering economic advancement, ensuring the enduring legacy of Ayodhya's cultural heritage.
Key Words Saryu River, Saryu Ghat, Cultural Heritage, Ayodhya, Cultural Tourism, Economic Growth, Infrastructure Development.
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