Series-1 (Mar. – Apr. 2023)Mar. – Apr. 2023 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The present study deals with the Regression Analysis of multivariate fluid geochemical data to substantiate the findings of earlier Exploratory Factor Analysis in distinguishing two distinct systems of geotherms operative in Extra-Peninsular Himalayan mountain chains and relatively stable landmass or shield of Peninsular India. The regression analysis establishes. relationship between one Dependent Variable (DV) and one or more Independent Variables (IV). Factor analysis aids in the selection of significant fewer independent variables from many insignificant ones. Two different sets of Multivariate geochemical data – one from the tectonically active Extra-Peninsular Himalayan....
[1]. Amitabha Roy, 2023.Comparative Statistical Study of Geochemistry of Geothermal Fields of Peninsular and Extra-Peninsular India. J. Appl. Geol. &Geophys.(ISOR-JAGG), v.17,Issue 1,Ser. II, pp. 32-44.
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[5]. MiroslawGrzesik, 2022. Table containing the values measured and calculated from the regression equation as well as the statistical tests on the regression equation and its coefficients.Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academi of Sciences.
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Abstract: Two sets of spatially dependent multivariate geothermal data representing two spatially distinctive regions of diverse geologic-tectonic settings – one from 2400 km long arcuate belt of tectonically active Extra-Peninsular Himalayan region and the other from Late-Precambrian or Proterozoic mobile belts in the Central Highland in otherwise a stable landmass or shield of Penininsular India, were subjected to robust statistical techniques of Exploratory Factor Analysis followed by multiple regression analyses to find out the genesis of geothermal hot springs spread over these areas conspicuously associating with the respective tectonic zones of different degrees of severity. The objective......
Keywords: Geostatistics, Geothermal, Geochemical, Factor Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression, Geologic-tectonic, Peninsular-Extra Peninsular India, Himalayan mountains, Proterozoic mobile belt, spatial dependency.
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[3]. Amitabha Roy, 2023. Comparative Statistical Study of Geochemistry of GeothermalFfields of Peninsular and Extra Peninsular India. J. Appl. Geol. & Geophys (ISOR-JAGG), V. 11, Issue I, Ser. II, pp. 32-44
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[5]. Miroslaw Grzesik, 2022. Table containing the values measured and calculated from the regression equation as well as the statistical tests on the regression equation and its coefficients, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academi of Sciences
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Abstract: The pollution in the groundwater system has been a typical issue in the contemporary world. An evaluation and mitigation inspirations are requisites to take control over the pollution issues. The pollutants in the groundwater are clearly persistent and pose a serious hazard for considerable length to the depending biota in broad term and to the human beings in precise. The examinations of the contaminated groundwater systems or vulnerable ones are the act of must. The most crucial phase among it is the source approximation with the latent strength of closing remarks of the study. The complications in the hydro-geochemistry and manifold operating dynamics in the groundwater system, forces the utilization of an effectual approach to plot the sources of contaminations on the ground. The principal component analysis is the widely assured technique for the hunting down the sources of evaluated variables......
Keywords - Principal Component Analysis, Groundwater Contamination, Source Approximation, Interpolation, ArcGIS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Did Snowball Earth Exist? |
Country | : | Israel |
Authors | : | Yeshayahu Greitzer |
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: | 10.9790/0990-1102012931 ![]() |
Abstract: Sediments of glaciers that were generally depositedin the poles were found in the area of the equator in various periods,which led to theories of a snowball earth. This isprobably becausethe axis of the earth's rotation,following its rotation on the mantle, was located at the equator at those times.The changed location of the equator resulted from the centrifugal force of the rotational movement of the earth following the change in location of its axis, whichwas themainforcecausing the movement of the continents and especially the direction they moved in, as well asthe upper part of the magma in the mantle.
Key Words: Snowball;supercontinents;centrifugal force; earth's rotation;location of equator;plate tectonics.
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Abstract: Search for engineering and other challenges associated with bridge construction require tactfulness and sensitivity to assure overall technical and financial success for the project. This paper focuses on the investigation of the geophysical properties of the soil and the underlying basement rock of the proposed site of a bridge at Umuohi section of Ozubulu-Okija road in Okija, Anambra State. The geophysical investigation involved geological hydrogeological survey of the study area followed by Geo-electrical investigation. Two Coordinates were taken at two stations using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) done using Campus Ohmega Resistivity meter model 143 instrument, Point 1 (VES1) and Point 2 (VES 2) to determine the geophysical parameters that can be.......
Key word: Foundation, Geophysical, Lithology, Sounding, Subsurface Instability
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Abstract: The limestone of the Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation from the Gongola Basin within the Upper Cretaceous Series form part of the limestone deposit of Ashaka Quarry which is characterized by occurrence of several sedimentary successions. The study is based on the geochemical composition of 8 samples obtained from the mining site. Geochemical analysis shows that calcium oxide (CaO) has the highest concentration with an average value of 78.67%, followed by silica which has10.40%, the least is Na2O which relatively has 0.0%. MgO has low values indicating that the calcite is principally the dominant carbonate. Limestone Saturation Factor (L.S.F), Alumina Ratio (A.R), and.......
Keywords: Geochemical Quality, Limestone, Kanawa Member, Ashaka Quarry and Gongola Basin
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Abstract: 1- Moses G. Nazario, 2- Zacharia N. Kuria , 3- Charles M. Gichaba Background: This research project was carried out in Kapuri area of Lury County, Jubek state South Sudan; an area that is geologically underlain by crystalline basement rocks. Groundwater investigations in the crystalline rocks is quite challenging because the overall permeability of these rocks is usually very low. The groundwater is typically confined within the fractured and weathered zones. Therefore, the yields from wells tapping these formations may not, in most cases, be sufficient for exploitation. The study area is further compounded by additional problems in that no borehole has been drilled in this area, the previous groundwater studies are scanty, and they experiences high water.......
Keywords: Groundwater Potential Assessment, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System, Electrical Resistivity Methods, Crystalline Terrain
[1]. Abdullahi.,N.K Udensi., E. E. Iheakanwa., A. and. Eletta., B. E (2018). Geo-electrical Method Applied to Evaluation of Groundwater Potential and Geo-electrical Method Applied to Evaluation of Groundwater Potential and Aquifer Protective Capacity of Overburden Units. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 4(14):pp 2024–2037.
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Abstract: 3-D seismic attributes analysis for enhanced prospect definition of the onshore Fuba Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria using Well-log and 3D Seismic data are here presented. Well-to-Seismic ties, faults and horizon mapping, time-surface generation and seismic attributes generation were carried out using Petrel software. The structural interpretation of seismic data reveal highly synthetic and antithetic faults which are in line with faults trends identified in the Niger Delta. Of the 36 interpreted faults, only synthetic and antithetic faults are regional, running from the top to bottom......
Keywords: Seismic attributes · Root mean square amplitude, Hydrocarbon prospects, Niger Delta, Nigeria
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