Version-1 (MAY-JUN-2017)
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Abstract: In recent years, ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been widely used as a technical means to understand the characteristics of subsurface geological deposition. However, there has not been any ground penetrating radar to recognize the internal configuration of the dam. The aim of this study is to form a composite dam with a point bar stack. Firstly, the highest resolution frequency of GPR is selected, and then the data are taken in the study area. And eliminate the influence of various factors on data volume. On the basis of the previous work, the location, the formation mechanism and the spatial distribution of the composite dam are determined by measuring the location of the point dam overlap and the dip angle, inclination and thickness of the lateral accretion.
Keywords: Ground penetrating radar; Field trench; the meandering river point bar; Point dam configuration.
[1]. Chenglong Zhao. Case Study of Ground Penetrating Radar for Geological Prediction in Qiyueshan Tunnel[A]. Science and Engineering Research Center.Proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering (GMEE2015)[C].Science and Engineering Research Center:,2015:4.
[2]. Baojin GE,Lianjun WANG,Yi LI,Danfeng LI School of Civil Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044. APPLICATION OF GROUND PENETRATING RADAR IN SUBGRADE DEFECT DETECTION ON DA-QIN HEAVY HAUL RAILWAY[A]. Beijing Jiaotong University,China、Beijing Key Laboratory of Track Engineering.New Technologies of Railway Engineering[C].Beijing Jiaotong University,China、Beijing Key Laboratory of Track Engineering:,2012:4.
[3]. Jidong L Shijiazhuang University of Economics,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050031,China. Urban underground drainage network investigation of ground penetrating radar[A]. Chinese Geophysical Society、National Natural Science Foundation of China、China University of Geosciences(CUG)、Chengdu University of Technology(CDUT).Near-Surface Geophysics and Geohazards--Proceedings of the 4~(th) International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics(Volume 2)[C].Chinese Geophysical Society、National Natural Science Foundation of China、China University of Geosciences(CUG)、Chengdu University of Technology(CDUT):,2010:5.
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Abstract: Miospore biozonation carried out on ditch cutting rock samples has been used to delineate the Upper Miocene/Pliocene sediments in well X, deep offshore, Niger delta. The rock succession is characterised by the alternation of sand and shale of variable thicknesses with lateral gradation in grain size. The base of the studied interval is made of Black shales intercalating with medium to coarse grained, sub rounded to rounded sandstone and siltstone at intervals representing the paralic Agbada formation while the top is made of Sub angular - sub rounded quartz pebble conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, medium - coarse grained, sub- rounded to well-rounded sandstone, intercalating with very thin lenses of grey shales typically...............
Keywords: Age, Biozonation, Formation, Miospore, Miocene, Pliocene
[1]. Reyment, R. A., 1965: Aspects of the Geology of Nigeria.Univ. Ibadan Press, Nigeria. 145pp.
[2]. Germeraad, J. B., Bopping, C. A..andMulIer, J., 1968. Palynology of Tertiary Sediments from Tropical areas. Rev. Paleobotan. Palynol., V. 6, P. 189 - 348.
[3]. Jan du Chene, R. E. Onyike, M. S. and Sowunmi, M. A., 1978C. Some new Eocene Pollen of the OgwashiAsaba Formation, Southern Nigeria. Revista Espanola De Micropaleontologia, V. X (2), P.285 – 322.
[4]. A Oloto, I. N., 1994. Nigerian Maastrichtian to Miocene dinoflagellate and MiosporeBiozonation - A summary. Journal of Mining and Geosciences.Society. (NMGS) V. 30(4), P. 61 - 73.
[5]. Evamy, B.D., Haremboure. J., Kamerling, P., Knaap, W.A., Molloy, F .A., and Rowlands, P .B., 1978. Hydrocarbon habitat of Tertiary Niger Delta.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. v. 62, p.
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Abstract: Palynological investigation of the ditch cutting rock samples from well Z, offshore Niger Delta has been carried out. The rock succession is characterised by the alternation of fossilferous grey sandy shale with shells and shell fragments intercalating with medium - coarse grained, sub rounded to rounded sandstone with scattered mica flakes with appreciable thickness at the base and more paralic at the top, characteristically of the paralic Agbada Formation . palynological analysis yielded a well preserved and well distributed biostratigraphic relevant Miospores among which fifty...............
Keywords: Agbada, Age, Miocene, Miospore, Oligocene, Zones.
[1]. Germeraad, J. B., Bopping, C. A..andMulIer, J., 1968. Palynology of Tertiary Sediments from Tropical areas. Rev. Paleobotan. Palynol., V. 6, P. 189 - 348.
[2]. Jan du Chene, R. E. Onyike, M. S. and Sowunmi, M. A., 1978C. Some new Eocene Pollen of the OgwashiAsaba Formation, Southern Nigeria. Revista Espanola De Micropaleontologia, V. X (2), P.285 – 322.
[3]. Oloto, I. N., 1994. Nigerian Maastrichtian to Miocene dinoflagellate and MiosporeBiozonation - A summary. Journal of Mining and Geosciences.Society. (NMGS) V. 30(4), P. 61 - 73.
[4]. Evamy, B.D., Haremboure. J., Kamerling, P., Knaap, W.A., Molloy, F .A., and Rowlands, P .B., 1978. Hydrocarbon habitat of Tertiary Niger Delta.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. v. 62, p.
[5]. Ajaegwu, N.E., Odoh, B.I., Akpunonu, E.O., Obiadi I.I. and Anakwuba, E.K., 2012.Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Palynostratigraphy and Palaeoenvironments of ANE-1 Well, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology Vol. 48(1) 2012, pp. 31–43.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Weathering and its Potential Effect on Mine Slope Factor of Safety |
Country | : | Zambia |
Authors | : | Chakufola S || P R K Chileshe || E B Samuel |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0503012133 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Weathering is the transformation of lithological, chemical and physical character of a rock or soil in a mined slope, after excavation when it is exposed to atmospheric agents and derivatives. The changes caused degenerate the mechanical and physical strength of a rock or soil, which compromises the stability of mined and backfilled slopes during mine operations.
Problem: Some slopes at a Zambian Copperbelt open pit mine site, have been observed to experience various degrees of weathering which has contributed to a number of slope failures...............
Keywords: factor of safety, Fellenius, mined slopes, slope failure, slough, weathering, Zambia
[1]. Silwamba, C. and Chileshe, P.R.K. 2015a. Open pit water control safety: A Case of Nchanga Open Pit Mine, Zambia. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research Volume 4, Issue 08, August 2015, pp 105. ISSN 2277-8616.
[2]. Silwamba, C. and Chileshe, P.R.K. 2015b. Risk evaluation and mitigation measures for slope management at Chingola Open Pit D&F, Zambia. Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Proceedings of Copper - Cobalt Africa 2015 in association with the 8th Southern Africa Base Metals Conference, Livingstone – Zambia, pp 26-31.
[3]. Borelli, L., Greco, R. and Gulla, G. 2007. Weathering grade of rock masses as a predisposing factor to slope instabilities: Reconnaissance and control procedures. Geomorphology 87 pp 157 – 175. Published by Elsevier ScienceDirect.
[4]. Nelson, S. A. 2015. Physical Geology. Weathering and Soils. EENS 1110. Updated 10 September 2015. Tulane University. (Accessed 24th November 2016)
[5]. Chernicoff, S. and Venkatakrishnan, R. 1995. Weathering: The breakdown of rocks. In: Geology, Chapter 5, pp. 126 – 149, published by Worth Publishers Inc, New York, New York. ISBN 0-87901 – 451 – 2.
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Abstract: Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) application was carried out in the Geological Mapping and Mineral prospecting of Toro and Environs, Bauchi State.Tectonic mapping showed that structures generally trend NE-SW and NW-SE in line with the principal fracture direction on the Basement Complex. The rivers and vegetation of Toro and Environs are generally structurally controlled.The results revealed the importance of image processing which was carried out in the following order; Image Enhancement, Clustering/Classification, Supervised classification, Image ratio, Tectonic mapping approach, Vegetation (Geobotanical) and Digital Terrain Modeling. Economic mineral potential zone of the Toro and Environs include DogoDaji, Duste Moro, Panshanu others are Juga, Buri, Leru and JarawanKogi. Economic minerals found within Toro and Environs are Cassiterite, Topaz, Aqua marine, Zircon, Columbite.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigating the Corrosivity of KCl/Polymer Drilling Mud on Downhole material |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Hamza Maina Sadiq |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0503014449 ![]() |
Abstract: The corrosive effect of drilling fluids was analysed by testing the corrosivity of a KCl/Polymer formulation, with temperature and salt concentration as the measurement variables. This was carried out using the weight loss technique in order to measure the effect of KCl/polymer muds on carbon steel, testing the mud behaviour for three different temperatures and the salt concentrations these helps in knowing the behaviour of the mud on downhole materials. From the Experiment it was confirmed that drilling fluids are corrosive and with the presence of salt and temperature, the corrosivity increases but decreases with increase in salt concentration. The rise in corrositivity continues with increasing temperature, but with the retardation in oxygen solubility the rise ceases................
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[5] Baker Hughes . (2006). Drilling Fluids Reference Manual.
[6] Borgmann, C. W. (1937). Initial corrosion rates of mild steel. the influence of cation.
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Abstract: Seismic diffractions are often considered as noise and have been suppressed during processing intentionally or implicitly. Diffraction hyperbola actually have the information of discontinuity such as fault, fracture, Karst and edge of salt flanks, which always contain valuable information for geological interpretation and reservoir modeling. These diffractions play an important role to illuminate the small scale events which are crucial for structural traps such as fractured reservoir. Another important part of diffraction is to improve the amplitude recovery at the certain point through diffraction summation. These diffracted waves have been recognized as physically reliable carriers of high and even super-resolution structural informations................
Key Words: Seismic Imaging, Diffractions amplitude, Frequency, Aperture, Velocity
[1] Bashir, Y., D. Ghosh, and C. W. Sum. "Detection of Fault and Fracture using Seismic Diffraction and Behavior of Diffraction Hyperbola with Velocity and Time." Seismic Driven Reservoir Characterization and Production Management. 2015.
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Abstract: An evaluation of the implication of seasonal variation on Groundwater quality in Yenagoa was successfully carried out. 30 (thirty) groundwater samples from 15 (fifteen) boreholes, 2 (two) representative samples from each borehole where collected at the peak of dry and wet seasons with 3km sample spacing across towns in Yenagoa. Physico-chemical analysis was carried out on samples for pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids, Nitrates, Chloride, Sulphate, Bicarbonate, Total alkalinity, Total hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Iron. Results showed there was a decrease in the concentration of all parameters from dry to wet season..............
Key Words: Seasonal Variation, Groundwater, Chemistry, Yenagoa.
[1] Edet, E. A. 1993. Groundwater Quality Assessment in parts of Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Geology. Vol. 22(1): 41 – 46.
[2] Etu-Efeotor, J. O and Akpokodje, E. G. 1990. Aquifer systems of the Niger Delta. Journal of Mining and Geology. Vol. 26(2): 279 – 345.
[3] Etu-Efeotor, J. O. 1981. Preliminary Hydrogeochemical investigations of subsurface waters in parts of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology. Vol. 26(2): 279 – 285.
[4] Nwankwoala, H. O., Amadi, A. N., Oborie, E and Ushie, F. A. 2014. Hydrochemical factors and Correlation Analysis in Groundwater Quality in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. Journal of Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 2(4): 100 – 105.
[5] Oborie, E and Nwankwoala, H. O. 2014. Analysis of Major Ion Constituents in Groundwater of Amssoma and Environs, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 2(5): 1 – 13.
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Abstract: Aeromagnetic data of sheet 288 and 289 (Igumale and Ejekwe sheet) have been evaluated in order to delineate the magnetic sources and estimate the depths to basement (sedimentary thickness) in the area. SPI technique and analytical signal were used to estimate the magnetic source locations. Visual study of the analytical map shows the presence of igneous intrusions in some part of the area. The output from SPI method and analytical signal are images from which the depths were determined. Maps of the upward continuation emphasized long wavelength basement anomalies. Analytical signal filter revealed near- surface anomalies whose magnitudes range between 0.00009m and 3.72295m. While result from Source parameter Imaging show deep source anomalies of 52.58m minimum depth and a maximum depth of 11848.84m.
Key Words: Analytical signal, Spectral parameter Imaging, Depth to the basement, Magnetic anomalies and upward continuation.
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Abstract: Reservoir sedimentation studies provide a useful tool for the determination of the actual sedimentation rate and the computation of the real useful life of the reservoir. This task is often carried out with a full hydrographic survey of the reservoir, which feeds data to a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the reservoir's invert. In other regions of the world, this task is alternatively accomplished with the range lines surveying technique, which is less accurate but is less expensive and copious and therefore suitable for developing countries and large scale reservoir systems. This paper examines these two different approaches of the volumetric computation of the sediment deposits at Kremasta reservoir, Western Greece. The volume of the deposited sediment for the Agrafiotis segment of the reservoir.............
Key Words: reservoir sedimentation, hydrographic survey, Digital Terrain Model, range line, Stage-Width modification method, Kremasta reservoir.
[1] Sloff, C.G., Reservoir sedimentation: A literature survey, Communications on hydraulic and geotechnical engineering, Delft University of Technology, 1991, 126.
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Abstract: The available geological and structural data from Chaman fault and Indus-Tsangpo regions does not support the new global tectonic concept and the presence of suture zone between Indian and the northern landmass. Instead, it is suggested that the Indus-Tsangpo is a rift valley that appeared in the Triassic and became dormant in the Cretaceous, after a spurt of volcanic activity long before the supposed suturing in the Eocene. The paleontological evidences based on plants, marine and fresh-water invertebrates, insects and vertebrates indicate that Gondwanaland was never a separate entity. Paleoclimatic continuity was maintained over this landmass of India and Tibet from the Paleozoic through Cenozoic eras up to the Pleistocene Epoch. Similarly, the widespread glacial deposits of northern Tibet bespeak of a continental landmass extending from Peninsular India up to northern Tibet, and may be beyond...........
Key Words: Indus Tsangpo Suture, Himalaya, Great Gondwanaland, Pangaea, Plate Tectonics
[1] Acharyya, S.K., 1990, Pan-Indian Gondwana plate breakup and evolution of the Indian Plate: Jour. Himalayan Geol., 1, 75-92.
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Abstract: This study present detailed chemical compositional characteristic of coal deposits for quality assessment. The study area falls within the Gongola basin, North-eastern Nigeria. Seven core coal samples were collected from three boreholes of approximately 25 meters depth each in Molko area around Mallam Sidi in Gombe state, North-eastern Nigeria. Assessment of coal quality based on proximate (volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash, moisture), ultimate (H, N, O, S) analyses of the Molko coals was carried out. International Standard Organisation (ISO) standards were followed for proximate and ultimate analyses. X-Ray fluorescence were used for the major and minor............
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