Version-1 (Mar-Apr-2018)
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Abstract: Geoelectric sounding technique and laboratory analytical methods were used to investigate the effect of certain physicochemical parameters deemed to influence soil corrosivity within some pipeline host communities in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Eight vertical electrical soundings (VES) were systematically conducted using the Wenner four pin configuration method while soil samples were collected at a depth of 1.5m from twenty four boreholes drilled in the vicinity of the soundings and analyzed for pH, moisture content, chloride, sulphate, carbonate, oxidation-reduction potential and resistivity using standard methods. The overall analytical results show that the soils fall into the mildly corrosive to moderately corrosive categories as regards their effect on buried metallic installations. The designated corrosivity status of each soil sample was determined based on the aggregate concentration of the various analyzed physicochemical...........
[1] Bradford, S.A. (2000). Practical handbook of corrosion control in soils; Pieplines, tanks, casings, cables. Casti Publishing Ltd, Edmonton, Canada.
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Abstract: Aeromagnetic data of Mambila plateau have been interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively using two methods: standard Euler deconvolution and forward and inverse modeling methods. The area is marked by both high and low magnetic signatures (which range from -129.9nT to 186.6nT) which could be associated to several factors like difference in magnetic susceptibility, variation etc. 3D Euler deconvolution depth estimation for structural index (SI = 0.3 and 0.5) ranges from -213.9 m to -2112.0 m and -239.9 m to -2374.9 m, respectively. Depth estimate of forward and inverse modeling for profiles P1, P2, P3, and P4 are 2372m, 2537m, 1621m, and 1586m, with susceptibility values of 0.0754, 0.0251, 0.0028, and 0.001 respectively. This suggests that the bodies causing the anomaly are typical of igneous rocks; basalt and olivine, intermediate igneous rock; granites, and rocks mineral (qaurtz).
Keywords: Mambila plateau, Aeromagnetic interpretation, forward and inverse modeling, 3D Euler deconvolution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geological Study of Rajmahal Trap Area and Its Resource Base: A Regional Perspective |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Probodh Kr. Mondal |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0602012327 ![]() |
Abstract: In Recent, The Geological Study Of Any Spatial Unit Is More Techno-Centric As Well As Simplified Due To Rapid Technological Growth. Most Perhaps No Body Can Ignore This Realization. As So Far The Study On Geology Of Rajmahal Trap Here Is Completely Based On Literature Study Which May Claim Maximum Efforts As True Documentation Behind This Endless Investigation. The First Way Of Explanation Of The Study Is Formation Of Rajmahal Trap And Next Point Should Be Entertained On Spatial Efficiency, Has To Be Measure By The Study Of Resource Base Within Locality. Therefore, Whole Enquiry Is To Be Set As Regional Approach Rather Than Systematic Method..
Keywords: Geology, Rajmahal Trap, Resource Base, Regional Approach, Systematic Method
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Abstract: In this research, the pore anisotropy of porous media have been estimated. The methodology is based on the pore size distribution and the surface area distribution, both calculated from nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms. However, the original testing method by Pomonis and Armatas erred and left out some fundamental assumptions and parameters, nevertheless, the resultant analysis was satisfactory for the materials tested. The original pore anisotropy methodology has been modified and tested on porous alumina and silica materials. The materials studied are chemically pure mesoporous silica and alumina catalyst support pellets with simplified pore sizes, pore size distribution, and surface chemistry. A measure of the pore length (α) was derived from the method. Therefore, pore anisotropy estimation method has severe limitations due to the inability to measure pore length of the samples. Nevertheless, samples with very positive slope (α) would have long pores depending on the size of the constant in the power law correlation. These values are in the range of - 5.055 ± 0.520 to 1.514 ± 0.140, respectively.
Keywords: Porous Media,Gas adsorption, Porosimetry, Pore anisotropy.
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Abstract: A study was conducted to estimate source-rock organic richness from well logs. Source-rocks are measured by the amount of organic matter (TOC) present in sediments. The laboratory methods are limited by sample collections and movements from the field to the laboratory. As a result of difficulties in core and side wall sampling, many of the boreholes are without TOC data. Crossplots of TOC against GR leads to a relationship that enables TOC to be calculated from GR data. The GR log obtained from Shell Petroleum and Development Company (SPDC) in parts of western Niger Delta is in-situ and continuous along the borehole. Five wells available for the analysis are Pologbene-001, Okwefe-001, Abraka-001, Umutu-002 and Ameshi-001. The wells intervals chosen were controlled by the availability of rock-eval TOC results for the ages. The rock-eval data was first crossplotted against GR. The second..............
Keywords: Estimation, Wells, Sources, Log Analysis
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Abstract: Geological information obtained from well log is one dimensional data. 2-D seismic data provides an alternative to the well log as data can be correlated between wells. The two dimensions of the seismic are the distances (shot/receivers) on ground-horizontal axis and time-vertical axis. Interpretation was done manually by picking reflections and faults on the seismic lines. Three reflection patterns were identified as Zones 1, 2 and 3 marked by boundaries 1 and 2. The colouration of red and black of the lines is as a result of polarity used for the Niger Delta during data processing. Sands correspond to red colour while shales correspond to black..
Keywords: 3-Seismic, Reflection, bounadries, Interpretation.
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Abstract: Field geological, petrographic and geochemical characteristics of a lamprophyre intrusion, presumably of pug-type, at Sivarampet (SPL), occurring within the Wajrakarur kimberlite field (WKF) to the west of Cuddapah basin, are presented and discussed. The lamprophyre intrusion occurs as brecciated outcrop with angular country rock granitoid clasts and also it forms stringers/veinlets within the granitic country rock. The melanocratic rock displays panidiomorphic/porphyritic texture, typical of lamprophyres, comprising clinopyroxene, biotite, phlogopite set in a groundmass of feldspar, magnetite and spinel. Plagioclase is dominant feldspar. The K2O/Na2O ratio ranges from 1.55 to 1.89 wt %, making it distinctly potassic and brings out its shonshonitic behaviour. The fractionated chondrite normalised patterns of REE (with average (La/Yb)N= 21.01 ppm) implies involvement of an.........
Keywords: Petrography, Geochemistry, Petrogenesis, Plug-type intrusion, Sivarampet lamprophyre, Shonshonite, Dharwar craton, southern India.
[1]. Ayer, J.A., Conceicao, R.V., Ketchum, J.W.F., Sage, R.P., Semenyna, L., Wyman, D.A., The timing and petrogenesis of diamondiferous lamprophyres in the Michipicoten and Abitibi Greenstone belts. In: Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2003. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6120, 10-1- 10-9.
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Abstract: Well logs have been calibrated for the determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC wt%), amount of hydrocarbon yield through thermal cracking (mg/g) S2 and Hydrogen Index (HI) for analysis of source rock in pologbene 002 well in western Niger Delta Nigeria. The EXXON method was used to determine the Total Organic Carbon Content of the source using well log data such as gamma-ray (GR), density (RHOB), sonic (DT), resistivity (LLD), and neutron (NPHI), which are the commonly used wireline logs to identify and quantify source rock. The geologic window for organic rich shales in the well was defined using a combination of GR, density-porosity/resistivity overlay and within 7840-8000ft. Results of TOC estimated from well logs show that at 7840ft, TOC is about 6.6433wt%, and this value keeps increasing with level of organic maturity (LOM), and vitrinite reflectance (Ro). TOC.........
Keywords: Source Rock, Total Organic Carbon, Level of organic Maturity, Hydrogen index, Well-Logs. India.
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