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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Demarcation of Faults and Fracture Zones from Very Low Frequency-EM Studies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Preeti || G. Ramadass |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0605010104 ![]() |
Abstract: The Very Low Frequency-EM method is helpful to identify the different geological formations, faults and fractures depending upon their variable conductive properties. The study area Putluru and Yellanur mandals in Ananthapur district, AP mainly covered with Tadipatri shales and few sills and dyke intrusions are present in these shales. Real and Imaginary component plots and Real component pseudo sections up to depth of 60m clearly demarcated the tectonically disturbed zones from the undisturbed areas. Several faults and fractures are identified from these VLF studies which are highly conductive. The evidence of sill intrusions are inferred from high resistive zones in the medium resistive zones of Tadipatri shales.
Keywords- Tadipatri shales, Conductive zones, Sill intrusions, faults and fractures.
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Abstract: Seismic characteristics in the Middle Benue Trough were investigated at 39 acquisition stations Seismic refraction method. Two overlapping reversed profiles were shot into 12 stations of geophones at each station. Each shot hole was 1.5m deep primed with 0.20kg dynamite as source. The acquisition equipment was McSeis-160MXTM. Analysis of the results revealed 2-layers cases. The velocity of the Low-Velocity Layer, Vo, varies between 399 and 944ms-1 with average of 659.13 ms-1. The underlying Consolidated Layer has velocity, V1, which varies between 1210 and 4240ms-1 with an average of 2214.00ms-1. Velocity appears greater when shooting up-dip, while velocity is reduced when shooting down-dip which could be attributed to either dipping layers or/and subsurface sediment heterogeneity. Depth of refractor, Z, varies between 2.80 and 6.5m with average of 4.38m. Elevation varies between 63 and 228m with average of 148.51m. Weathered thickness and elevation were highly variable resulting from both surface- and surface-topographic.........
Keywords- Seismic refraction, velocity, weathered and consolidated layers, bedrock, Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria.
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Abstract: With the advent of remote sensing techniques, there are a large number of tools that can contribute directly to the analysis of the modified urban environment, since the expansion of a certain occupied area as well as its occupation can be easily detected through images of satellite. The objective of this research is to evaluate the changes occurred in Planning Area 4 - in Rio de Janeiro, using TM / LANDSAT Image Detection techniques to detect soil cover changes occurring in the period from 2000 to 2015. The images were submitted to specific curves with the spectral response of the targets to verify the adjustment of the images. Finally, the GEOBIA model was generated for the identification of urban areas, using the descriptors NDBI, NDWI and NDVI. After the modeling of the descriptors and the mapping of urban areas in the PA 4 it was possible to identify changes and social characteristics of the results.
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[4]. Oliveira, A.P.; VIEGAS, V.S.; ALMEIDA, P.M.; SOUZA, E.M.F.R; GEOBIA Change Detection and modeling for identification of anthropico areas in the city of Rio de Janeiro between 2000 and 2015. Proceedings of the XVII Braziliam Symposium on Remote Sensing. SBSR ISBN: 978 -85-17-00088-1
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Abstract: U-mineralisation around Kasturigattu, near the SE margin of Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah Basin (CB), occurs in a shear zone within a crystalline complex. This complex comprises Paleoproterzoic basement deformed granitoids and their metasomatised variants namely chlorite-biotite-bearing quartzofeldspathic schists, and basic intrusives of the Kandra volcanic suite of the Nellore Schist Belt. All along the eastern margin of CB, the crystalline rocks thrust over the sediments of the Nallamalai Group of the Cuddapah Supergroup. Two types of U-mineralisation were recorded in the Kasturigattur area in a quartzofeldspathic biotite schist: (i) older, high-temperature, syn-magmatic type, manifested as inclusions of uraninite within the major gangue minerals of the schist and (ii) younger, low-temperature, hydro (epi)-thermal type, in the form of pitchblende (vein-lets) and coffinite, with (ii) dominant over (i). Preliminary laboratory-scale mineral processing of the U-ore that assayed 0.19% U3O8 with little ThO2 resulted in 90% U-leachability with 36 kg/tonne H2SO4 and 5 kg/tonne MnO2 (as oxidant) at 1.8 pH, and.........
Keywords- U-mineralization, U-ore processing, Kasturigattu, Cuddapah basin, India
[1]. Dhana Raju, R. (2009a) Cuddapah basin: India‟s emerging Uranium-Hub. J. Ind. Assoc. Sedimentologists
[2]. 28 (2), pp. 15-24.
[3]. Dhana Raju, R (2009b) Handbook of Mineral Exploration and Ore Petrology: Techniques and Applications. Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, India, 494 p.
[4]. Dhana Raju, R. (2009c) Handbook of Geochemistry: Techniques and Applications in Mineral Exploration. Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, India, 520 p.
[5]. Dhana Raju, R., Lakshminarayana, Y. and Sudhakar, Ch. (2018) Uranium minerlisation from Gudarukoppu, SE-margin of the Cuddapah basin, A.P., India and Laboratory-scale mineral processing of its Uranium Ore. Intl. Jour. Dev. Res. (IJDR, online journal), v. 8 (8) (In Press).
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Abstract: Detailed chemical examinations were conducted for 55 water samples, collected from 29 sampling profile along the northern part of Damietta Branch, River Nile, Egypt to assess the nature of water quality. The assessment of the water quality made herein indicates that most of the running-water of the examined river branch (31%) fall in the category of excellent water quality distributed along the 29profiles. On the other hand, about 24% of the examined water profiles are of good water quality, 20% represents fair water quality, 17% represents marginal water quality and 6 % represents poor water quality which is not suitable for drinking purposes.
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Abstract: The chemical composition of surface and groundwater is controlled by many factors that include composition of precipitation, mineralogy of the watershed and aquifers, climate, and topography. These factors combine to create diverse water types that change spatially and temporally. In our study area which lies within the Cross River Basin, there is a wide variety of climatic conditions, hydrologic regimes (alluvial basin-fill aquifers, fractured rock aquifers, etc) and geologic environments (igneous rocks, volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary deposits, evaporites, and mineralized zones). Thus, the samples from the area could potentially represent a variety of water types providing an opportunity to test the performance of many of the available graphical and statistical methodologies used to classify water samples. Generally, the approach is to divide the samples into hydrogeochemical........
Keywords- Hydrogeochemical facies, water chemistry, graphical methods, Cross river basin, aquifer heterogeneity
[1]. Amajor LC. Aquifers in the Benin Formation (Miocene Recent), Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria:Lithostratigraphy, Hydraulics, and Water Quality. Environ Geol Water Sci. 1991;17(2):85-101.
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Abstract: Kaffin-koro lies within the Kushaka schist Formation of the north-western block of Nigeria basement complex and Nigeria metallogeny province. The formation has been intruded by large volumes of granitic rocks that led to extensive migmatization of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks carrying substantial gold values, and it is suggested that the migmatization and metamorphic deformation of the metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks gave rise to dispersion of gold in quartz veins and alluvial lateritic cover. Ground geophysical survey involving Magnetic, IP and Resistivity surveys was carried out in the study area. Profile interpretation of the residual intensity magnetic data of the area shows a complete wavelength of magnetic anomaly. Total magnetic intensity map exhibits.......
Keywords- Geophysical evaluation, Kafin –Koro, Gold potential, Basement complex
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Abstract: Electrical resistivity and self-potential profilingwere conducted at the location of a landslide in Oke-Igbo, southwestern Nigeria. The event occurred when the slope became unstable and failed after a heavy rainfall on 3rd November, 2013. The aim was to investigate the possible causes of the landslide. The surveys were conducted along four (4) traverses 30 m apart across the landslide axis and one (1)traverse along it. Station spacing and electrode spacing were 10 m while the expansion factor for the resistivity profiling was 5 m. The 2D resistivity models show relativelylow resistivity zones indicating weak zones suspected to be loose/water-saturated soils and discontinuities.....
Keywords- Slope stability, Groundwater flow, Low resistivity zones, Negative SP anomalies.
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Abstract: Leco C230 was used to determine the total organic carbon in dried and acidified subsurface tertiary shale samples in part of selected wells of offshore Niger delta. The samples is combusted at high temperature in an Oxygen rich atmosphere and converted all the carbon into carbon dioxide .The infrared detector was used to measure the mass of the carbon dioxide present and the mass is converted to percentage. The weight percentage of the carbon and sulphur in the samples were obtained. For carbon, the inorganic and organic carbon in weight percentage was summed up to give the total carbon content present in each sample. The ratio of sulphur to carbon content in each sample........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of Online Databases in the University Libraries: a study |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Asifa Jan |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0605018285 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims to provide an analysis o the trends and standards in e-Resources management .the e-resources and their increased use have changed the library scenario from physical to virtual libraries. In the present scenario users have little attraction towards physical libraries? Even after two decades of digital presence in libraries and proliferation of e-resources in terms of production, acquisition and usage the management e-resources remains the cumbersome process.The life cycle of e-resources in academic libraries begins with the discovery and identification of the resources and moves on the trial of access. The selection of specific resources from the gamut of other.......
Keywords- Electronic Resources management, Online Database, Life cycle of E-Resources, University Library
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Abstract: Uranium mineralisation around Mulapalle (SW of Lakkireddipalle in the Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, India), occurs within the Archaean - Palaeoproterozoic structurally complex granitic terrain, present in the southern environs of the Mesoproterozoic Cuddapah Basin. The host rocks for the mineralisation are deformed, metamorphic and K-Fe-Mg-Ti metasomatic variants of the Closepet-equivalent granitoid (~ 2.5 Ga), occupying fracture zones, in the form of cataclasite, mylonite and phyllonite. Two types of U-mineralisation with poly-modal U-phases were recorded in this area: (i) minor, older, high-temperature, syn-magmatic type, manifested as euhedral - subhedral inclusions of uraninite and brannerite, present within the gangue minerals; and (ii) more dominant, younger, low........
Keywords- Uranium mineralisation, U-ore processing, Mulapalle, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
[1]. Bidwai, R. and Madhusudan Rao, R. (1988) Radiometric survey in the basement granitoids along the SW margin of the basin. Annual Rep. for the field season, 1987-88, Southern Region, AMD, Bangalore (Unpublished).
[2]. Dhana Raju, R (2009a) Cuddapah basin: India‟s emerging Uranium-Hub. Jour. Ind. Assoc. Sedimentologists 28 (2), pp. 15-24.
[3]. Dhana Raju, R (2009b) Handbook of Mineral Exploration and Ore Petrology: Techniques and Applications. Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, India, 494 p.
[4]. Dhana Raju, R. (2009c) Handbook of Geochemistry: Techniques and Applications in Mineral Exploration. Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, India, 520 p.
[5]. Dhana Raju, R., Lakshminarayana, Y. and Sudhakar, Ch. (2018) Uranium mineralisation from Gudarukoppu, SE-margin of the Cuddapah basin, A.P., India and Laboratory-scale mineral processing of its Uranium Ore. Intl. Jour. Dev. Res. (IJDR, online journal), 8 (8), pp. 22507-22514..