Series-2 (Nov-Dec-2018)
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Abstract: Fenchuganj gas field is located at Surma Basin and 40 km south of Sylhet town. This field is operated by Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (BAPEX). Gas properties analysis is essential for gas production designing, gas processing, gas transportation and gas handling systems. This study covers the mathematical and graphical calculation to analyze several properties of gas such as molecular weight, gas gravity, gas compressibility factor, gas formation volume factor, gas expansion factor, gas density and gas viscosity of Fenchuganj gas well,......
Keywords : Specific Gravity, Compressibility, Formation volume factor, Viscosity, Sweet gas Reservoir
[1]. Miah, M.I., Howlader, M.F., "Natural Gas Properties Analysis of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Titas Gas Field", SUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No.2, 2012; P:26-31.
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[3]. Islam, SM,A., Islam, Md.S., Hossain, M.M., Islam, M.A., "Reservoir Characterization by Investigating the Reservoir Fluid Properties and their Effect on Seismic Response of Fenchuganj Gas Field, Bangladesh", J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl 4: 144. doi: 10.4172/20904541.1000144 (2014).
[4]. Deb, P.K., Howlader, M.F., Miah, M.I., Faruque, M.O., Islam, Md.S., Mia, Md.B., Quamaruzzaman, C., "Structural Interpretation of Fenchuganj Gas Field", Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, JEGH 2014, 2(3):29-36, DOI: 10.12966/jegh.08.01.2014.
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Abstract: Twenty (20) Vertical electric soundings (VES) were acquired in Obigbo main dumpsite Portharcourt to delineate the subsurface geology of the area for groundwater development, and thereafter the geoelectric data was converted into relevant hydrologic properties of aquifer (transverse resistance and longitudinal conductance) for aquifer characterization. Interpretation of the twenty (20) VES profiles showed three (3) lithologies which are topsoil, clay and sand, with sand acting as the main aquifer unit. 1D geologic sections computed from the resistivity interpretation showed that the aquifer system in the area consists of unconfined and confined aquifer units within the second,......
Keywords : Resistivity inversion, Groundwater, Vertical electrical sounding(VES), Aquifer characterization and Geo-electric section.
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[5]. Illoeje N.P., (1972) A new Geography of Nigeria, Longman Group,NewMetricated Edition Nigeria. Page, pg25..
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Abstract: The failure rate recorded in most groundwater projects has informed the general acceptance of geophysical survey as a prerequisite to any successful water well project. The Vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique is extensively gaining wider applications in environmental, groundwater and engineering geophysical investigations. Geological studies of the Masuri area and its environs indicated biotite granite, granite-gneiss and rocks of the Keri-Keri Formation as the major rock types. A total number of 14 VES locations designated for the hydrogeological studies have indicated the predominance of consolidated formations with primary porosity but lacking......
Keywords : Geology, Keri-Keri Formation, Masuri, Vertical Electrical Sounding, Iso-resistivity
[1]. Adegoke, O.S.; Agumanu, A.E.; Benkhelil, M.J. and Ajayi, P.O. (1986). New Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic and Structural Data on the Kerri-Kerri Formation, Bauchi and Borno States, Nigeria. In the Journal of African Earth Sciences, 5(3): pp.249-277
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Abstract: In present, the engineering structures such as buildings, tunnel walls, bridges, railroad tracks are monitored for ensuring early warning of structural failure. The displacements of the structures are measured currently by using accelerometers, GNSS and geodetic total stations. In this paper, the monitoring and analysis results of displacement, which are created by the underground parking construction locates in Kağıthane-Yeşilce District (Istanbul, Turkey), on the surrounding buildings by using total station are presented. Total station is a measurement device which defines the coordinate of a point indirectly from measured angles and distances. Total station measures the distance by using the travel time of a light wave for reaching a point (monitoring prism) and reflecting back. In this study, 20 monitoring prisms were mounted to four surrounding buildings of the exaction area. The buildings were monitored for 13 days (from 06.07.2017 to 29.07.2017) and the interval of the measurements was 20 hours. Finally, the displacements of the buildings are found generally at north directional and 2D and 3D displacements are monitored in the buildings.
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[2]. Yu, J., Zhu, P., Xu, B., & Meng, X. (2017). Experimental assessment of high sampling-rate robotic total station for monitoring bridge dynamic responses. Measurement, 104, 60-69.
[3]. Lutes, James, A (2002). Automated Dam Displacement Monitoring Using A Robotic Total Station. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Technical Report No. 214, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 138 pp.
[4]. Izvoltova, J., Villim, A., & Kozak, P. (2014). Determination of geometrical track position by Robotic Total Station. Procedia Engineering, 91, 322-327.
[5]. Julian, K., Ganapathi Subramanian, A., Lee, J., & Faghihi, V. (2012). Robotic total station and BIM for quality control. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building and Construction Industry, 717-722.
[6]. Oniga, E., Chirila, C., & Şutu, M. (2012). Terrestrial Laser Scanner Surveying Versus Total Station Surveying for 3D Building Model Generation. Mathematical Modeling in Civil Engineering, (4). 168-177..
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Abstract: The interpretation of 12 Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding (VES) data was carried out to investigate the electrical properties of soil and how it can contribute to gully formation. Terrameter Signal Averaging System (SAS) model 300 was used in the absence of any signal enhancer as the expected targeted depth to be investigated is within the range of penetration of the instrument. During this data acquisition, readings were taken using maximum electrode separation of 400m, with layer resistivity values at 65.168Ωm and 44800Ωm for both minimum and maximum values respectively. The depth and thickness values of layers under investigation were also taken and have.......
Keywords : Gully formation, Layer resistivity, Orlu, Vertical electrical sounding
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Abstract: In this study, support vector machine (SVM) as a more accurate method was used to classify remote sensing images and analyze the dynamics and spatiotemporal process of regions. The study area is Yanji City. Taking five years as a time span, remote sensing images from 2007 to 2017 are downloaded. Geometric registration, clipping and other processing are performed in ArcGIS for the raw data. The color feature and texture feature of the processed remote sensing image data are extracted and the training set is established. According to the concrete analysis, kernel function is needed to establish the training model based on the training set data. There are four kinds of kernel functions in common use, and the radial basis kernel function is determined by comparing the classification accuracy......
Keywords : SVM; Yanji City; Kernel function; Urbanization
[1]. Chunjiao Dong, Chunfu Shao, Zhihua Xiong. State discrimination of traffic flow in urban expressway network based on SVM [J]. Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 2011,35 (6) : 13-22.
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[5]. Yubin Lei, Shankuan Zhu, Yunkai Guo. The inversion of vegetation leaf area index in road area under the assistance of extreme learning machine [J]. Bulletin of surveying and mapping, 2018(9) : 82-86. mineralization.
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Abstract: The Beni Suef Basin is a petroliferous rift basin straddling the River Nile including a thick Mesozoic–Paleogene succession. It is bisected by the major course of the River Nile Valley into two provinces; West of Nile province (WON) and East of Nile province (EON). The Cretaceous succession in Beni Suef Basin can be subdivided into two main megasequences; Lower Cretaceous Megasequence and Upper Cretaceous Megasequence. Seismically, the Lower Cretaceous Megasequence comprises two seismic facies and displays a general sheet-like to wedge-shaped geometry. It includes seismic facies displaying chaotic to parallel reflector configuration with variable continuities and amplitudes......
Keywords : Beni Suef Basin, Cretaceous seismic facies analysis, depositional sequences
[1]. Sangree JB, Widmier, JM. Interpretation of depositional facies from seismic data. Geophysics. 1979;44(2):131–160
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | National Movement and the RSS |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gopal Parshad |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0990-0606027080 ![]() |
Abstract: The role of RSS in the national movement against the British rule was not an issue in the first five decades of the independence of India. This issue became hot for the critics of the RSS when Atal Bihari Vajpayee issued a postage stamp commemorating Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, the founder of the RSS, as a great freedom fighter, on 18th March 1999. Some writers like Shamsul Islam argue that RSS never took part in the anti-imperialist struggle. A prominent Communist Party of India (Marxist) leader Sita Ram Yechuri in his write-up "What is Hindu Rashtra?‟ said that "it virtually boycotted and at times opposed the freedom struggle.‟ Almost similar claims were also made by Sumit Sarkar (Marxist historian) and many other Communist leaders and some Congress leaders of India. It is believed that these leaders and historians have manipulated the truth, distorted facts and misinterpreted historical events....
[1]. Bipan Chandra, Communalism in Modern India, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, p. 332.
[2]. See Rakesh Sinah, Understanding RSS, Har-anand Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2019.
[3]. Bipan Chandra, History of Modern India, Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi, 2019, Reprint, pp. 245-48.
[4]. Bipan Chandra, Amales Tripathi and Barun De, Freedom Struggle, New Delhi, 2005, Reprint, pp. 79-80.
[5]. Ibid..