Series-2 (Mar – Apr 2020)Mar. – Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Construction activities close to cultural heritage sites are increasing in Egypt. Urban sprawl coupled with rising groundwater levels have a direct impact on cultural materials. Engineering and construction activity can be detrimental to the integrity of any site, particularly if ancient objects or structures are encountered. Damage to ancient subsurface materials is a potential possibility. On the other hand, contractors may also suffer from archaeological material encounters causing schedule delays or lower production, resulting in cost inefficiencies. During the design phase and preconstruction planning of any engineering project, site subsurface analysis must be included. A planning.....
Keywords: Egypt, Construction, Archaeology, Preconstruction, Geophysical, Planning, Risk, FMEA.
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Abstract: Um Bogma Formation is the most suitable lithological facies for uranium trapping adsorption, fixation, substitution and capturing as a result of the presence of clay and iron minerals in addition to the presence ofthe organic matter. TheLower Carboniferous Middle member of Um Bogma Formation at Wadi El Kharig composed mainly of marl and interbedded dolostone with pockets of gibbsite and marly gibbsite. The organic carbon (related to the presence of organic matter) reaches 2.31%, 6.39% and 1.36% in the marly gibbsite, black gibbsite and marl, respectively. The black gibbsite and marly gibbsite have high concentrations of some metals such as Zn, Cu, Ba and Ni than that in the marl.New detection of high radioactive anomalies were recorded at Wadi El Kharig in the marly gibbsite, black gibbsite and marl of the Middle member of Um Bogma Formation with an average.....
Keywords: Um Bogma, Carbonaceous material, organic matter
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Abstract: Electrical resistivity imaging was conducted in Lokoro, Northeast Nigeria, using dipole-dipole electrode configuration to image subsurface resistivity for coal identification in the study area (Lokoro). Measurements were carried out successfully across four profiles. Res2DInv software was used in data processing. Interpretations were taken from the measured resistivity variations processed using the Res2DInv software and the results of this research revealed that in profile one, coal resistivity variation is about 90-150 Ωm. In profile two and three, the coal resistivity variation is about 60-100 Ωm and 60-200 Ωm respectively. In the last profile, profile four, the coal resistivity variation is about 100-300 Ωm. By these resistivity variation of coal from this research, which is in agreement with many previous research on coal resistivity variation of about 100-400 Ωm, it is concluded that coal deposit in Lokoro, Northeast Nigeria is potential for mining, though further research on the size of the coal deposit using more sophisticated geophysical materials and methods is recommended.
Keywords: Coal; Lokoro; Dipole-dipole;Guyuk; Northeast Nigeria; Resistivity imaging; Resistivity variation
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Abstract: The Compressional, P- and shear, S-wave velocity ratios (Vp/Vs),have been computed from five local
earthquakes located in Nigeria from 2009 to 2018. Using the multicomponent seismic data from the Nigerian
National Network of Seismographic Stations (NNNSS), the waveform data obtained from Toro, Ife, Nsukka,
Abakaliki and Kaduna seismic stations, were processed and resulting earthquakes were located in Southwestern,
North-Western and North-central of Nigeria respectively. The times for the first arrivals of P-wave and
S-wave phases were obtained and the time difference (i.e. S-P) between them was equally determined. The
Wadati analysis program in the Seisan 9.1 software was used to plot the graphs of S-P time difference against
the P-time in seconds which calculated the Vp/Vs value for each event. The result shows that the Vp/Vs ratio for
one of the five earthquakes was 1.75; while that of the others were determined to be 1.76, with 1.758 (~ 1.76) as
the computed overall average velocity ratio for the area covered. The values obtained show that the epicenters
of the earthquakes have almost similar lithology. The parameters computed for this study are very important for
estimating Vp and Vs of crustal and upper mantle and the epicenters of local earthquake in Nigeria for future
seismic hazard studies.
Keywords: P-Wave, S-Wave, Vp/Vs ratio, Local earthquake, Nigeria Seismic Stations
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on the Location Development of the Tumen River Estuary |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Xiaoqiong Wang |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0990-0802023841 ![]() |
Abstract: Fangchuan Village, Jingxin Town, about 70 kilometers south of Hunchun City, Jilin Province, is only 15 kilometers away from the Tumen River estuary and faces the Sea of Japan across the sea. This is a special delta of Russia, North Korea and China, which has important strategic significance. As the only channel for China to enter and leave the Sea of Japan, the restoration of its right to sea has important strategic significance for the economic and political development of the surrounding areas. This article analyzes the location advantages of the Tumen River estuary in detail from both the subjective and objective perspectives, studies its driving effect on neighboring countries, and combines the relevant conditions of neighboring countries to further clarify its importance and necessity for regional development. Provide references for economic construction and planning
Keywords: Tumen River; Geographical advantage; Estuary; Regional development
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Abstract: Deep geometry and structuring of several areas of the Arabian Shield remain quite speculative since the scarcity of geophysical studies. N-trending structures that characterize the Asir terrane show a potential mineralization related to its tectonic setting and kinematic evolution. The Umm Farwah fault system and neighboring zones reveal many occurrences.
Based on the integration of the aeromagnetic data, remote sensing, and geological data on the Biljurshi region, this work contributes to the understanding the geometrical relation of the Baish, Bahah and Jiddah syn-amalgamation sedimentary and volcanic structures, and of the Ablah post-amalgamation sedimentary and volcanic basin. It highlights the structural framework of the Umm Farwahshear zoneand its relationship with sedimentary, volcanic and metamorphic......
Keywords: Biljurshi; Magnetic filtering; Satellite image; Lineaments; Mineral potential
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Abstract: The effect of crude oil and gas on soil resistivity was evaluated in order to characterize and determine the level of hydrocarbon contamination in the soil and the depth of groundwater contamination. Twelve vertical electrical soundings (VES) was carried out in the area using ABEM SAS 1000 TERRAMETER with electrode spacing (AB/2) ratio of 60m at intervals thus probing to a depth of about 20m. The data was interpreted with WINGLINK computer software. The result showed that there are four layers in the area with thickness varying between 0.11m and 5.12m. The apparent resistivity values of the contaminated soil at Alesa ranged from 93.37Ωm to 5336.63Ωm while that of the uncontaminated soil at Okirika ranged from 0.57Ωm to 113.60Ωm. The soil at Alesa.....
Keywords: Aquifer, inhomogeneity, Hydrocarbon, Soil Resistivity, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES).
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